Compliance Check Guidelines for Youth Thank you for volunteering to be a decoy in our compliance check operations! You will play a vital role in helping to ensure alcohol is not sold to underage youth in the county. Below are some basic guidelines you need to follow during these checks. Before the Checks Don’t do anything to alter your appearance- no need to grow facial hair, put on loads of make-up, or wear different clothing. We aren’t trying to trick the cashiers, just make sure they are following the rules. Make sure your parents are aware that you are doing this project! Have them sign the bottom of the permission form and bring it with you to the compliance checks. During the Checks You will be given cash to make a purchase. Pick out something that people your age would drink, and make sure you pick the same product at each store. Pick something simple, that you won’t have to look too hard for: a 12 pack of Bud Light or a six-pack of Smirnoff Ice. Don’t spend a lot of time in the store. Head straight to the beer cooler, pick out your purchase and take it to the counter. If you are asked to provide your ID, you must do it! Remember, we WANT cashiers to be checking IDs! But just because they check your ID, doesn’t mean the sale is over. It’s only over if the cashier a) sells you the alcohol, even after checking your ID or b) says something like “I’m sorry, you’re not old enough to purchase this.” Don’t lie! It’s important not to mislead the cashiers, because that could be called “entrapment”. If they ask “Are you sure you’re old enough to buy this?” you can respond with “would you like to see my ID?” Don’t coerce (or beg). If the cashier won’t sell, don’t say “Please?? Come on…” Just respond with “Ok, thanks anyway.” And head out of the store. If you are able to purchase alcohol, carry it out of the store and hand it over to the officer, who will write the ticket for the cashier and the store. Make sure you keep a receipt! After the Check If you are able to purchase, write down what happened when it’s fresh in your mind. You can even do it before you make the next check. As part of this process, you may be required to attend a hearing with the Alcohol and Beverage Division, should the retailer fight the tickets. You should be prepared to answer questions related to the sale and how it was conducted. No reason to stress, just tell the truth and everything will go fine! We will mail you a check for the $100 we promised, along with mileage (.39/mile) so please keep track of how far you drove and fill it in on the permission form. Compliance Check Permission Form Please read and sign the following statements agreeing to participate in the Benton County Compliance Check process. 1. I, the undersigned, hereby agree to volunteer and assist the Benton County Sheriff’s Department in the investigation and sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under the legal age. It is understood that I am not an employee of the department, nor related to an alcoholic beverage licensee and that my participation is as the need arises, based on my availability. 2. I hereby release and acquit the department, its agents and its employees from any injury or liability that I may suffer or sustain as a result of my participation in this program. 3. This agreement is entered into on my own free will and not as a result of threats, intimidation or coercion. 4. I agree to show real identification and respond truthfully as to my legal age if asked by the licensee or employee during the compliance check process. I also agree that my dress and appearance will be such that it will not make me look of legal age. If I am male, I agree to be clean shaven. 5. It is understood that I am not a law officer and will not represent myself in that manner at any time, and I am not entitled to wear a badge or carry a firearm. 6. It is understood that my participation in this program does not extend any special privileges to me and that any violation of law, except at the discretion of the officer, failure to abide by the terms of this agreement, failure to follow instructions or procedures will be grounds for termination. 7. It is understood that I may not sample alcoholic beverages that are purchased on behalf of the department, and shall promptly turn over any such purchases to the officers of the department as evidence. 8. It is understood that I may be required to testify in criminal or administrative hearings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__________________________________________ Student Signature Date __________________________________________ Parent Signature (if under 18) Date ______________ X .39/mile =___________________ + $100 will be sent (in the form of a check from the Area Substance Abuse Council) to the following person and address: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________