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Name: ___________________________
Week of _____________ to __________
Weekly Summary of Lessons
Directions: Each day at the close of class, complete a summary of the lesson for
that day. Be neat and use complete sentences. Summaries are due every Friday at
the beginning of class. Students must check class average on portal and record the
percentage. GPA below 60% must have a parent signature.
Monday Objective: _______________________________________________
Summary of concepts taught: ________________________________________
What concept(s) did you NOT understood: _______________________________
Tuesday Objective: _______________________________________________
Summary of concepts taught: ________________________________________
What concept(s) did you NOT understood: _______________________________
Wednesday Objective: _____________________________________________
Summary of concepts taught: ________________________________________
What concept(s) did you NOT understood: _______________________________
Thursday Objective: ______________________________________________
Summary of concepts taught: ________________________________________
What concept(s) did you NOT understood: _______________________________
Grade % for class: ______
Parent signature if under 60%: ____________________________________