The Science of Soccer

The Science of Soccer
By: Ms. Sowin
Perseverance Science
Introduction to the Science of
I chose to do my Science
Sports project on soccer
because I enjoyed playing
it for 15 years. In
addition, soccer is a game
that requires skills,
strength, and intelligence.
Potential Energy
Potential energy is stored
energy. An example of
potential energy in soccer
would be the goalie
standing still waiting to
save a shot. The goalie is
not yet moving, but is
getting ready to.
Kinetic Energy
Kinetic energy is energy
in motion. There are
many examples of kinetic
energy in soccer, such as
the players running,
dribbling, and kicking.
Also, when the goalie
jumps to save a shot, this
goalie in in motion and
therefore illustrating
kinetic energy.
Digestive System
The digestive system
mechanically and
chemically digests food to
give our body energy.
First, our body needs to
use energy to chew the
food and then enzymes,
the stomach, liver,
pancreas and intestines
work together to give our
body nutrients. The
digestive system helps
soccer athletes get the
energy they need to play
Respiratory System
The respiratory system
cleans incoming air, gets
oxygen into our body,
and removes carbon
dioxide from our body.
The body uses oxygen to
release the energy stored
in food and gets rid of
carbon dioxide that can
be dangerous. Soccer
players need healthy
lungs so they can breathe
easily even when they are
playing hard.
Circulatory System
The circulatory system
consists of the heart,
blood, and blood vessels.
It needs energy to pump
the blood throughout the
body. Soccer players
need a strong heart so
they can exercise hard
and often. The circulatory
system makes sure all of
the athletes’ cells are are
getting enough oxygen.
Excretory System
The excretory system
releases water and salt
from the body as well as
releasing excess heat.
Energy is needed to keep
this system working.
Soccer players need the
excretory system to sweat
and cool off their bodies.
Muscular System
The muscular system
produces force to move
body parts. It uses
mechanical energy
contract our muscles that
make our body move.
Soccer players need
strong muscles to move
their legs to run fast and
kick the ball hard.
Electric Energy
Electric energy is the flow
of of electrons around a
circuit. A circuit transfers
electric energy from a
power source to a defice
that converts electric
energy into another form
of energy such as light,
heat, and sound. Electric
energy has made it
possible for millions of
people to watch
professional soccer on TV
and even play it on the
Energy Transformation
There are many kinds of
energy transformations
that are related to soccer.
For example, a soccer
player can transform the
chemical energy in a
banana into the
mechanical energy
needed for running.
Running then can
produce heat energy
causing the soccer player
to get hotter.
Conserving Energy
Conserving energy can
help athletes in two major
ways. On a personal
level, soccer players can
rest up before a game
starts so they have more
energy for later. On an
environmental level,
conserving energy lowers
pollution. Less pollution
allows athletes to breathe
in healthier air allowing
them to run faster.
Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
Newton’s 1st Law says that an
object in motion will want to stay in
motion and object at rest will want
to stay at rest unless acted upon
an outside force. Soccer players
and the ball are constantly moving
and they will continue to move
unless an outside force stops it.
For example, one soccer player
may run into another and therefore
stop. Also, the friction that the
grass makes is what slows down
the soccer ball.
Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
Newton’s 2nd Law says
that the greater the force
acting on an object, the
greater the acceleration,
or change in the object’s
motion. Therefore, the
greater force behind a
player the faster he or she
will run. Also, the greater
force behind a kick, the
faster the ball will go.
Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
Newton’s 3rd Law says
that “For every action
there is an equal and
opposite reaction.” For
example, a soccer player
heading the ball up will
make the ball come down
the same amount. Also,
the ground is pushing up
the same amount the
player is pushing down
allowing athletes to stand
on the field.
Machines help our soccer players
exercise to increase their
muscular endurance. For
example,one complex machine
soccer players use is the bicycle.
When they push down on the
pedals--a wheel and axle- the
bike moves forward. The chain
connecting the back wheel and
pedals changes the direction of
the force. The different gears on
a bike will make it easier to pedal
faster. To stop, the athletes
squeeze the hand brakes, which
are levers. Soccer players also
use pulleys when they pull down
Soccer would not exist without
science. Our body needs energy
to play and move. The ball moves
and stops a certain way due to
Newton’s Laws of Motion. The
greater the force, the more the
ball will move. Electrical energy
has allowed us to watch soccer
on television and play it on the
computer. Machines have helped
athletes continue to work-out. We
need to take care of our bodies
and our environment to make
sure fun sports can continue to
be played!