U.S. Government Branches

Government Branches
U.S. Government
A. Article I of the Constitution
1. Legislative Branch referred to
as Congress
a. Congress will consist of a
House of Representatives and a
B. House of Representatives
1. Qualifications
a. at least 25 years old
b. seven years as a citizen of the
c. shall inhabit the state that
he/she is elected in
C. Senate
1. Qualifications
a. 30 years old
b. must be a U.S. Citizen for
nine years
c. must inhabit the state he/she
is elected in
D. Congressional Totals
1. House has 435 representatives
from the 50 states based upon
2. Senate has two representatives
per state totaling 100
3. Total number in congress is
E. Meeting Time
1. At least once a year on the first
Monday in January
F. Articles Five-Seven
1. 5th deals with judgment of
2. 6th deals with compensation
3. 7th deals with revenue raising
bill, stating all must be introduced
through the House of Rep.
G. Article One Section VIII
1. Power to tax and collect duties
2. Borrow money and credit from
the United States
3. Regulate Commerce with
foreign states
4. Rule on Naturalization and
5. To regulate money and weights
and measures
6. Provide punishment for
7. To establish post offices and
post roads
8. To promote progress in science
and the arts
9. To punish piracy and felonies in
the seas
10. To declare war and rules of
captured prisoners
11. To raise and support armies
appropriating money for two years
12. To provide and maintain a
13. To make rules of Government
for military
14. Can call up a militia if
15. Provide military discipline
H. Article II
1. Executive Powers in the United
2. President
a. must be 35
b. must reside in U.S. for 14
years and be a natural born
3. In event of a election tie, the
House of Representatives will
chose the President
4. Four year term starts in
January and may run for reelection once
Article II Section 2
1. Commander and Chief of the
2. Appoint Cabinet members and
federal judges, including Supreme
Section III
1. Required to address joint
session of congress with a “state
of the union” address
Article III Judicial Powers
1. One Supreme Court consisting
of Nine Appointed Members
2. Unlimited term
3. Power extends to laws and
treaties of the United States
4. Handle State to State disputes
5. Handle disputes between
citizens and states
6. Handle disputes with no
7. Handle disputes between
organizations and citizens