1. To keep the “Balance” a) 1819 b) 11 free and 11 slave states 1

1. To keep the “Balance”
a) 1819
b) 11 free and 11 slave states
1- North had more representatives in House
2- But equal # of Senators – North and South
c) And then Missouri
1- Wanted to become a state
2- But a slave state
3- Would upset the balance
d) Northerners wanted to stop slavery’s expansion
1- But Southerner Planters wanted slaves
2. And then Maine
a) Part of Massachusetts
1- Wanted to enter as separate state
b) A compromise could be created
1 – The Missouri Compromise
2- Maine entered the Union as a free state
3- Missouri entered the Union as a slave state
4- The balance was maintained
5- And in this compromise
a) Any territory north of latitude 36°30′
1. Would be free
b) And any territory south of latitude 36°30′
1. Would be slave
c) Though north of latitude too cold for plantations
3. But it was not that simple
a) When gold was discovered in California
1. California wanted to enter the Union
2. And it wanted to enter as a free state
3. Southerners would lose some power in the Senate
b) Another Compromise
1. The Compromise of 1850
a- California entered as a free state
b- But something for the Southern planters
c- The Fugitive Slave Act
1. If a slave runs north to freedom
2. Must be returned to his Southern master
3. Oh, and rest of land from Mexico
a. No restrictions on slavery