Civil War Terms

Civil War Terms
1. State Rights- The belief that state’s interest should take precedence over
the interests of the national government.
2. Nullification-To declare invalid
3. Missouri Compromise- Legislation passed by congress in 1820 that allowed
Maine to enter the Union as a free state and Missouri entered the Union as
a slave state.
4. Compromise of 1850- Legislation passed by congress by which California
entered the Union as a free state, slave trading was ended in the District of
Columbia, Texas gave up its claims to New Mexico in exchange for money,
residents of the territories of New Mexico, and Utah would be able to
determine whether they wanted slavery, and a stronger Fugitive Slave Act
was enacted
5. Georgia platform- A group of congressman who supported the Compromise
of 1850.
6. Kansas Nebraska Act-Legislation that created the territory of Kansas and
Nebraska and that contained a clause on popular sovereignty that negated
the Compromise of 1850.
7. Dredd Scott Case- A slave that was taken from a slave state, Missouri, by his
owner, and moved to a free state, Illinois, and soon returned to the slave
state where he filed for his freedom, but congress overrides his decision of
being a free man.
8. Election of 1860-The election of Abraham Lincoln during this time shifted
the balance of power for the Union, and eventually the Emancipation
Proclamation was written, the Union (North) when the war, and slavery is
9. Alexander Stephens- From (Ga), elected as Vice President of the
Confederate States of America.
10.Antietam- Major Civil War battle that took place in Maryland.
11.Emancipation Proclamation- A document issued by President Abraham
Lincoln in 1862 that feed the slaves in the Confederacy.
12.Gettysburg- Major Civil War battle that took place in Pennsylvania
13.Chickmauga- Major Civil War battle hat took place in Georgia
14.Union Blockade- Would prevent the South from selling its cotton abroad
and importing needed war equipment and supplies form foreign nations.
15.Shermans March to the sea/Atlanta- War general that marched through
Atlanta burning and destroying everything in his path in route to Savannah.
16.Andersonville- A Confederate Civil War prison, that housed Union soldiers ,
that was located in Georgia , an estimated 15,000 Union Soldiers died from
horrid conditions.