Ch. 7 Jeopardy Bone Structure 100- This is the name of the shaft

Ch. 7 Jeopardy
Bone Structure
100- This is the name of the shaft portion of a long bone
200- This is the name for the tough, vascular covering on the bone
300- The sternum is an example of a(n) _______ shaped bone
400- The ____________ are horizontal passageways which connect one central canal to another.
Perforating of Volkmanns canal
500- This is name given to the plates of bone that make up the spongy bone
100- This is the name for the type of cells which breaks down bone during resportion.
200- What type of bones form during intramembranous ossification?
300- All bone starts as this type of cell
400- The primary ossification center is found in this part of the bone
500- Give a brief explanation of what is occurring at the epiphyseal plate
The resting zone holds the plate in place, the growth zone has chondrocytes which are
replicating at a fast rate, the third zone the chondrocytes are expanding and accumulating Ca and the
fourth zone the chondrocytes die and osteoblast begin to form bone.
100- This is the name for an incomplete fracture on the lateral surface of a bone
200- This is the name for a complete fracture if a bone at an angle other than a right angle
300- Rickets will form in children that are lacking in this nutrient
Vitamin D
400- In adults gigantism is known as this?
500- Briefly describe the 4 stages of fracture repair
Hematoma forms at fracture site, blood vessels repair and fibrocartilagenous callus forms,
cartilage dies off and osteoblasts begin forming new bone, osteoclasts remodel bone to get it back to the
original shape
Vertebral Column
100- How many vertebrae are there in an adult human?
200- What is the name of the first vertebrae that articulates with the skull?
300- How many thoracic vertebrae are there?
400- What are two unique characteristics about the cervical vertebrae?
Small body, transverse foramina, bifid spinous process
500- What is the name of the opening that the spinal cord passes through?
Vertebral Foramen
Grab Bag
100- This is the inorganic salt which gives bone its rigidity.
Calcium, phosphorous
200- This disorder can occur if a child is not producing enough growth hormone during development.
Pituitary dwarfism
300- This is the type of bone where red marrow is most commonly found.
Spongy or flat bone
400- This is the name for a flat surface where 2 bones articulate.
500- Fragile bones which break easily can occur when which vitamin is not present?
Vitamin C