Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura DAY 1 Instructional Focus: Get Ready to Read (BEFORE) GET READY to READ BEFORE reading instructional strategies 45 minutes Purpose: Activate Background Knowledge & Develop Oral Vocabulary Oral Language: Concept Talk: Question of the week: ¿Que aprendemos a medida que crecemos y cambiamos? Think: piensen sobre lo que han aprendido a medida que han crecido y cambiado. Pair: parejas comenten acerca de la pregunta Share: pida algunos niños que comenten sus ideas con el grupo. ¿Qué pueden hacer ahora que no podían hacer cuando eran más pequeños? Anchored Talk: Students go to pages 44-45 in Student Book. ¿Que intenta hacer el bebe con los pantalones azules? (intenta andar). Vamos a anadir Aprendemos cosas nuevas a nuestro mapa. ¿En que orden pondrías estas ilustraciones para mostrar el orden en que los niños apreden cosas? (gatear, andar, dibujar, atarse, los zapatos, leer) Vamos a anadir estas destrezas a nuestro mapa también. Oral Vocabulary: Papa, tres, entre, nada, cuando, dos Big Question Video Concept Talk Video Gallery Walk (Picture Walk) Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura DAY 2 Instructional Focus: Get Ready to Read (BEFORE) GET READY to READ BEFORE reading instructional strategies 45 minutes Purpose: Activate Background Knowledge & Develop Oral Vocabulary Oral Language: Concept Talk Concept Talk: Question of the week: ¿Que aprendemos a medida que crecemos y cambiamos? Partner Talk: Students share with a partner the response to the question. Big Question Video Anchored Talk: Students go to pages 44-45 in Student Book. ¿Que intent hacer el bebe con los pantalones azules? (intenta andar). Vamos a anadir Aprendemos cosas nuevas a nuestro mapa. ¿En que orden pondrías estas ilustraciones para mostrar el orden en que los niños apreden cosas? (gatear, andar, dibujar, atarse, los zapatos, leer) Vamos a anadir estas destrezas a nuestro mapa también. Oral Vocabulary: Papá, tres, entre, nada, cuando, dos Story Words: (pg. 52a) Quinto, momento, plumas, entero, mayor, voló, asomaron Vocabulary Activities and Flash Cards (online) Phonics: (47a-48a, 50d) Student Book 46-47 Teach/Model: Syllables with “y”, conjunction “y” Build Fluency: Syllables with “y”, conjunction “y” Blend and Read: Syllables with “y”, conjunction “y” Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura DAY 3 Instructional Focus: Read and Comprehend (DURING) GET READY to READ BEFORE reading instructional strategies 20 minutes Purpose: Phonics/Word Analysis Oral Vocabulary: Review Story words: Quinto, momento, plumas, entero, mayor, voló, asomaron READ and COMPREHEND DURING reading instructional strategies 25 minutes Purpose: Read and Comprehend Text Read aloud Selection: Teacher (pg. 52) Read aloud Ruby en su momento 2-3 pages at a time, ask question, reread demonstrating fluency. Pg. 54-55 Pg. 56-57 Pg. 58-59 Pg. 60-61 Pg. 62-65 Pg. 66-68 Pg. 69-71 Oral Comprehension: Story Elements (pg. 73b)- Orally identify Characters, Setting, First, Next, Then, Last Maybe Graphic Organizer Day 4 with story elements?? Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura DAY 4 Instructional Focus: Read and Comprehend (DURING) READ and COMPREHEND 45 minutes Purpose: Read and Comprehend Text Phonics: Review Y and Y sound, H sound Writing Dictation: (74f) Choose 6 words and 1 sentences for letter Y out of: Yoyo, yema, payaso, yate, yeso, hora, hojas, hospital, hogar, hilo, papá, tres 1. ¿Cuándo va a volver tu papá? 2. El hospital esta a tres calles de la casa y la escuela. 3. ¿Cuándo vamos a volver a casa? Letter tiles online Read Together: Teacher or CD reads story, students follow along in book. ??Possibly use Graphic Organizer with Story Elements. DURING reading instructional strategies Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura DAY 5 Instructional Focus: Read and Comprehend (DURING) READ and COMPREHEND DURING reading instructional strategies 45 minutes Purpose: Read and Comprehend Text Decodeable Text: Online Review sounds and syllables “y” Review high frequency words: papá, tres, entre, nada, cuándo, dos Choral read Decodeable text 14A (projected on screen) Vocabulary: Pairs find story words in main selection text. Story Words are on page 52a. Quinto, momento, plumas, entero, mayor, voló, asomaron Choral Read Main Selection with Teacher or CD. Vocabulary Strategy: (pg. 52a) Synonyms Sinónimos: madre/mamá, padre/papá, Hermosa/bella, Could make a web with different synonyms. ` DAY 6 Instructional Focus: Read and Comprehend (DURING) READ and COMPREHEND 45 minutes Purpose: Read and Comprehend Text Phonics (pg. 50d) letter/h/ Student Book 46-47 Teach/Model: Syllables with “h” Build Fluency: Syllables with “h” Blend and Read: Syllables with “h” DURING reading instructional strategies Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura Fluency Read decodeables printed off the internet. If decodables are not available, have students read a portion of the reading selectionin pairs—maybe have table groups read a different selection Oral Vocabulary: Conventions -NormasEl fin de los verbos cambian Pg. 76a Retell Picture cards, story strips, story sorts online Story Strips Pg. 74-75 in Teacher Edition and Student Book, Retell DAY 7 Instructional Focus: Language Arts (AFTER) LANGUAGE ARTS Whole group instruction Purpose: Writing and Conventions Phonics Review: Page 50d-51a Syllables con “H”. Review High Frequency Words: papá, tres, entre, nada, cuándo, dos Choral read with projected text: 14B Decodable Text (Projected on screen) Writing Dictation: Choose 6 words and 1 sentences for letter H out of: hora, hojas, hospital, hogar, hilo, papá, tres 1. ¿Cuándo va a volver tu papá? 2. El hospital está a tres calles de la casa y la escuela. 3. ¿Cuándo vamos a volver a casa? Letter Tiles AFTER reading instructional strategies Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura DAY 8 Instructional Focus: Language Arts (AFTER) LANGUAGE ARTS AFTER reading instructional strategies 45 minutes Purpose: Writing and Conventions Writing Observen las illustraciones de Ruby, en su momento. Piensen en log que hace Ruby. Escriban oraciones para decir dos cosas que hace Rubi que les gusten. Make a list of the main actions: Que hace Rubi Sale tarde del cascarón. Al principio no come. Tarda más en nadir que sus hermanos y sus hermanas Se vuelve mayor Vuela más lejos que todos Regresa con su nueva familia Shared Writing with thinking organizar. DAY 9 Instructional Focus: Small Group (DIFFERENTIATION) SMALL Group Instruction AFTER reading instructional strategies 45 minutes Purpose: Differentiated Instruction; formative assessment & connection to Social Studies, Science and Culture Spelling Word- Go Fish Palabra en Silabas: Write words from text, include selected story words and high frequency words, on cards. Students work with a partner and have cards in a pile. Partner 1 takes a card and reads the word (ex. Nada) and then breaks the word up into syllables (na-da). Partner two takes a card and reads the word (ex. Boca) and then breaks the word up into syllables (bo-ca). Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura The reverse of the previous game can be played as well, in a separate center. The syllables are separated for them (ex. Na-da) and they have to say the syllables and then blend the words. Crea una Palabra: Take a list of words from the story, including story words and high frequency words, and write each syllable of each word on a different card. Students would receive an index of the words, and would work with a partner to piece together syllables to make the words on the index. Once a partner combines syllables to make a word on the index, he/she has to state the word, and both students have to write it down, showing the different syllables. Cloze Activity: Use story words and high frequency words to compose sentences, and then remove the words from sentences and replace them with lines or blanks. (or use pg.329 en cuaderno, pg. 49 in student reading book) Give the students a word bank and have them determine which word makes sense in the blank. Work with a partner and reread the sentence with a partner. Thinking Map Compare and Contrast: (Pre-introduce Double Bubble map and discuss the similarities and differences between ducks and chickens. Make a map as a class earlier in the week). Students receive a paper with a Double Bubble map on each side. On one side they review with their partner and compare a duck and a chicken again. On the other side, they think of two different animals and fill in the double bubble to compare and contrast the two animals. Sequence and Summarize: Make black and white copies of Picture Retelling Cards, enough for each partnership in a group to use. (Or copy Pg. 74 in student text). In partners, students sequence the picture cards to retell the story. Each partner takes turn telling what is happening in the picture card, and retelling them in order. Students then write (using a Flow Chart) the events of the story in order. Science Integration: Find a picture of the ocean (oceano), a lake (lago), a river (rio), and a stream (arroyo). Find pictures of shark (Tiburon), duck (pato), trout (trucha), tadpole (renacuajo). And make four sentences: El tiburon vive en el oceano. El pato vive en el lago. La trucha vive en el rio. El renacuajo vive en el arroyo. Students must make a three way match with the place, the animal, and the statement. They can then record their statement and draw a picture of the animal in its environment on a record sheet created by teacher. Teacher Group: Teacher is working on characters and setting and also sequencing (Comprehension) with the students. Can be interactive, identifying character and setting with partner, and/or using a graphic organizer to identify characters, setting, what happens first, next, then and last. Teacher is using Can Do teacher checklist to assess. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Can-Do Statements Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura DAY 10 Instructional Focus: Small Group (DIFFERENTIATION) SMALL Group Instruction AFTER reading instructional strategies 45 minutes Purpose: Differentiated Instruction; formative assessment & connection to Social Studies, Science and Culture Spelling Word- Go Fish Palabra en Silabas: Write words from text, include selected story words and high frequency words, on cards. Students work with a partner and have cards in a pile. Partner 1 takes a card and reads the word (ex. Nada) and then breaks the word up into syllables (na-da). Partner two takes a card and reads the word (ex. Boca) and then breaks the word up into syllables (bo-ca). The reverse of the previous game can be played as well, in a separate center. The syllables are separated for them (ex. Na-da) and they have to say the syllables and then blend the words. Crea una Palabra: Take a list of words from the story, including story words and high frequency words, and write each syllable of each word on a different card. Students would receive an index of the words, and would work with a partner to piece together syllables to make the words on the index. Once a partner combines syllables to make a word on the index, he/she has to state the word, and both students have to write it down, showing the different syllables. Cloze Activity: Use story words and high frequency words to compose sentences, and then remove the words from sentences and replace them with lines or blanks. (or use pg.329 en cuaderno, pg. 49 in student reading book) Give the students a word bank and have them determine which word makes sense in the blank. Work with a partner and reread the sentence with a partner. Thinking Map Compare and Contrast: (Pre-introduce Double Bubble map and discuss the similarities and differences between ducks and chickens. Make a map as a class earlier in the week). Students receive a paper with a Double Bubble map on each side. On one side they review with their partner and compare a duck and a chicken again. On the other side, they think of two different animals and fill in the double bubble to compare and contrast the two animals. Sequence and Summarize: Make black and white copies of Picture Retelling Cards, enough for each partnership in a group to use. (Or copy Pg. 74 in student text). In partners, students sequence the picture cards to retell the story. Each partner takes turn telling what is happening in the picture card, and retelling them in order. Students then write (using a Flow Chart) the events of the story in order. Science Integration: Find a picture of the ocean (oceano), a lake (lago), a river (rio), and a stream (arroyo). Find pictures of shark (Tiburon), duck (pato), trout (trucha), tadpole (renacuajo). And make four sentences: El tiburon vive en el oceano. El pato vive en el lago. La trucha vive en el rio. El renacuajo vive en el arroyo. Students must make a three way match with the place, the animal, and the statement. They can then record their statement and draw a picture of the animal in its environment on a record sheet created by teacher. Daily Planning Template for Calle de la Lectura Teacher Group: Teacher is working on characters and setting and also sequencing (Comprehension) with the students. Can be interactive, identifying character and setting with partner, and/or using a graphic organizer to identify characters, setting, what happens first, next, then and last. Teacher is using Can Do teacher checklist to assess. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Can-Do Statements