MT. SAN JACINTO COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BUDGET DEVELOPMENT FISCAL 2014-2015 ADMINISTRATOR USE: Resource Allocation Proposal Rosaleen Gibbons, Michael Plotkin Originator: Chemistry Program or Department Name: Area Dean: ___________________ Carlos Tovares Campus: SJC Area Vice President: Account Code: Total Amount Requested: One Time Funding _X___ $100000 On Going Funding___ Safety _____ Personnel____ What are you requesting? Why is the request being made? Where was the need identified? Instructions: Explain what you are requesting (equipment, software, conference attendance, budget augmentation, faculty training, etc), why the request is timely and important and where the need was identified (analysis of assessment data, necessary equipment has failed, department meeting discussion, etc.) We are requesting an Agilent Technologies Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS). This new, innovative piece of equipment would provide a high impact experience for all of our STEM majors level classes, would promote collaboration among physical, life, environmental and computer sciences, as well as engineering, and improve the image of the college and its involvement in the greater community. In discussions of the future direction of the chemistry program and STEM, we identified high quality lab experiences as vital for improving persistence, retention and success rates, and providing increased awareness of chemistry related career options of students in the chemistry department. In addition, this apparatus would allow our college to participate in State and National collaborative projects. This equipment could be used in a variety of classes beyond chemistry as well. Section I Explain how your request is supported by your Program Review (2011) or Annual Program Assessment (2012-13, 2013-14): Instructions: To receive points (6) for this section, you must connect this RAP to your 2011 program review or 2012-13 or 2013-14 annual program assessment. If applicable, cut and paste from your program review or annual program assessment. Cite the document (either program review or annual program assessment, and the year if the language utilized is from an annual program assessment) and the page number. NOTE: From this point on, no partial credit will be awarded for your responses so make all ties to this RAP from your program review documents, learning outcomes and institutional plans, priorities and goals as clear and strong as possible! Page 7 of 2013 APA: In line with implementation of an EPA approved Water Monitoring Project which would allow our STEM students to participate in local, State and National collaborative events, our program requires more sophisticated laboratory equipment. Specifically, GC/MS, durable field monitors, and UV-VIS instrumentation is needed. Techniques associated with the equipment requested in this RAP are EPA approved. 1 Describe how your request is supported by your Unit Plan (provide link to 2013-14 Unit Plan) Instructions: To receive points (5) for this section, you must join this RAP to the current unit plan created by your dean. If applicable, cut and paste from the unit plan, citing the page number. Section I On page 4 of the Unit Plan, science course funding is identified as needing increases, and further identified as a growth area at the college. On page 3 greater-use of our labs is also suggested. This RAP request would address these issues by using our budget allocations for high impact career and educational experiences, putting our labs to better use, and accelerating the growth in STEM by bringing innovative technology to our campus. Explain how your request is supported by your CLO/PL0/AUO/SLO: Instructions: To receive points (9) for this section, you must tie this RAP to your current learning outcomes. List the learning outcomes that link to this RAP and explain how these learning outcomes support this RAP. Section I Our CLOs for Chem 112 identify spectral analysis as a method to analyze chemical functional groups and molecular size. The equipment we are requesting would further that objective. Chem 113 CLOs require students to conduct syntheses and this equipment would allow students to verify their products. Chem 101 and 102 CLOs identify molecular geometry and equilibrium ratios as important student outcomes, and this equipment would allow hands on opportunities to satisfy these CLOs. Describe how your request is aligned with one or more of the following Institutional Priorities: (link to strategic plan) Student Success Instructions: To receive points (10) for this section, you must join this RAP to an increase in student success. How would funding this RAP improve student learning? Describe specifically how students would benefit. This new piece of equipment would increase the sophistication of our students’ lab experience by orders of magnitude. The high quality, high impact learning experience provided by this equipment would significantly improve engagement and the success of STEM students in our chemistry classes by affording our STEM students the opportunity for hands-on experience with innovative equipment currently used in a vast number of technical, academic, research, and industrial careers. In addition, this equipment may be used for honors projects, special projects, and collaborations that will all further student success. Section II Fiscally Sound Position: Instructions: To receive points (8 for this section, you must connect this RAP to a more fiscally sound position for the district.. For example, how would funding this RAP increase district revenues or decrease district expenditures? This equipment would be funded through our current STEM grant, which has money earmarked for improving our equipment. Ongoing operating costs would actually be reduced as this new apparatus would replace older equipment that is much less efficient and more costly to operate. Systematic Planning and Assessment: Instructions: To receive points (2) for this section, you must fasten this RAP to an enhancement in the district's institutional effectiveness effort. For example, how would funding this RAP improve assessment, the program review process or the use of data for decision-making and/or institutional improvements? This equipment would be useful for assessment on lab practical exams, honors projects, special projects, and to assess a number of CLOs across disciplines in a variety of courses. Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture: Instructions: To receive points (3) for this section, you must join this RAP to an increase in institutional pride or improvement of our district's organizational culture. For example, how would funding this RAP increase student and/or staff investment and pride in the institution? Neither UC-Riverside nor any of the region’s other community colleges provide this piece of equipment for student use. When we advertise our excellent STEM program we emphasize the up to date nature of our lab equipment and the fact that students in our program can get experience with a variety of sophisticated chemistry tools they will encounter later in their education and in their careers in science. Additionally, this equipment would expand collaborations between physical, life, environmental science, computer science, and engineering; not to mention enhance our excellent honors program by allowing potential individual research projects. Section II Community Partnerships and Service Instructions: To receive points (2) for this section, you must connect this RAP to an improvement in community partnerships and/or service. For example, how would funding this RAP make our local communities view our district in a more favorable light? This apparatus would make possible participation in State and National ongoing scientific research involving college students. In particular, Dr. Gibbons has initiated a Water Quality Monitoring Project under EPA guidlines for which this equipment would be essential. This project (among others) would allow a high impact experience of real world science for our STEM students in chemistry as well as in biology, environmental sciences and other STEM disciplines. Student engagement in poster sessions and other presentations in which they would define and discuss accumulated data and results associated with collaborative efforts to monitor local watersheds could be presented at regularly hosted campus and community events. The instrumentation would also be useful for special projects in the STEM summer bridge program and other events involving the community. Describe how your request will support one or more of the 12 Institutional Goals in the Strategic Plan (link to Strategic Plan) Instructions: Return to the strategic plan and study the 12 institutional goals. Connect this RAP to as many of these goals as possible. To ensure the points (10) for this box are awarded, list those goals that link to this RAP. Fully explain how these goals tie to this RAP. Acquisition of this devise supports 11/12 (#2 is not applicable) of the Institutional Goals as follows: 1.Improve course completion rates. The high quality, high impact learning experience provided by this equipment would significantly improve success and completion rates of STEM students in our chemistry classes by affording our STEM students the opportunity for hands-on experience with innovative equipment currently used in a vast number of technical, academic, research, and industrial careers. 3.Integrate learning, engagement, access, and teaching initiatives that support student academics and personal growth. Accessibility to this sophisticated equipment is rare for undergraduates, and students with access will achieve unique levels of academic and personal growth. This innovative equipment would improve the learning curve by significantly increasing engagement as skills are quickly developed. 4.Intensify the pursuit of grants, contracts, and other income streams. Implementation of an academic project utilizing this equipment is open to the pursuit of extramural funds considering this instrumentation will allow for student contributions to EPA-accepted State and National databases. 5.Become a greener campus at all four learning sites. This devise will be central to an environmentally green project. In particular, Dr. Gibbons has initiated an EPA approved Water Quality Monitoring Project of Inland Empire watersheds for which this equipment would be essential, expanding collaborations with physical, life, environmental science, computer science and also engineering across all four learning sites. Section III 6.Emphasize College-wide data-driven assessment and decision-making utilizing internal and external data. This equipment would be useful for assessment on lab practical exams, honors projects, special projects, and to assess a number of CLOs in a variety of courses. Our CLOs for Chem 112 identify spectral analysis as a method to analyze chemical functional groups and molecular size. The equipment we are requesting would further that objective. Chem 113 CLOs require students to conduct syntheses and this equipment would allow students to verify their products. Chem 101 and 102 CLOs identify molecular geometry and equilibrium ratios as important student outcomes, and this equipment would allow hands on opportunities to satisfy these CLOs. 7.Promote quality institutional communication as a key priority and practice. Projects related to this multiuse instrumentation would promote STEM collaboration among physical, life, environmental science, computer science, as well as engineering. The instrumentation would also be useful for special projects in the STEM summer bridge program and other events involving the college community. In discussions of the future direction of the chemistry program and STEM, we identified high quality lab experiences as vital for improving persistence, retention and success rates, and providing increased awareness of chemistry related career options of students in the chemistry department. 8.Advance and celebrate student learning, sense of community, safe and positive environment, diversity, and employee and student pride. Students and the college can take pride in the sophistication of our lab equipment and collaborative programs that support student leaning and expand across disciplines to engage diverse groups of learners. Neither UC-Riverside nor any of the region’s other community colleges provide this piece of equipment for student use. When we advertise our excellent STEM program, we emphasize the up to date nature of our lab equipment and the fact that students in our program gain hands-on experience and currency with high impact chemistry tools they will encounter later in their education and in their careers in science. 9.Promote more student engagement in campus life. This updated equipment would allow scheduling changes in both the chemistry and biology departments that are cohesive with accessibility to college hour. Additionally, students would form collaborations and benefit from interactive inquiry and teamwork, while exploring concepts and engaging one another with intellectual challenges. Interdisciplinary collaborative data acquisition could be presented at regularly hosted campus events. 10.Increase the College’s visibility, value, and recognition in our service area. This high impact instrumentation would make possible participation in State and National ongoing scientific research involving our STEM students. Interdisciplinary collaborative methods and data acquisition could be presented at scholarly local, State and National events. The community would gain confidence in the quality of the campus contributions to preserving the integrity of local water testing based on this ‘state of the art’ equipment. 11.Intensify our reputation as a leader and important partner in all communities that we serve. This high quality, innovative instrumentation would make possible participation in ongoing scientific research involving a project for college students that seeks to increase monitoring of local water quality under EPA guidelines. This project (among others) would allow a high impact experience of real world science for our STEM students in chemistry as well as in biology, environmental sciences and other STEM disciplines. Students could present accumulated data and results associated with collaborative use of this equipment at regularly hosted campus and community events. In addition, this apparatus would allow our college to participate in State and National collaborative projects. This equipment could be used in a variety of classes beyond chemistry as well. 12.Enhance our interaction between MSJC faculty and staff and the faculty and staff from area middle schools, high schools, colleges and universities. Faculty and staff of life, physical, environmental science, computer science, and engineering will work closely in maintenance and operation of this new equipment. Students will have a distinct advantage in terms of desirable qualifications for university internships and transfer as a result of experience with currency in procedures and methods associated with GC/MS instrumentation. Additionally, Dr. Gibbons seeks to form collaborations with four year institutions as the water monitoring project will be guided by peer review. Explain how your project goals are supported by any of the following plans (2009-16 Educational Master Plan (2 points), Distance Education Plan (1 point), Technology Plan(1 point) and/or the Facilities Master Plan (1 point)): Instructions: Review the plans above. Join this RAP to each applicable plan. To ensure the points for this section are maximized, list the plans that tie to this RAP and explain fully how each links to this RAP. Cut and paste plan verbiage where appropriate. Cite page numbers for each plan that is referenced. Section III We seek to acquire sophisticated, high quality, robust GC/MS equipment with associated computer software for student use in our program that will meet the technology requirements of the College community as reflected by the Educational Master plan, and the Technology Master Plan. Inherent in obtaining this instrumentation is the ongoing need to maintain it. In line with the Facilities Master Plan, this equipment strongly supports student learning and promotes increased student-faculty interactions and interdisciplinary collaborations as faculty and students collect environmental samples and analyze data supported by safe and healthy operations. A built in sustainability for this project exists in terms of local, statewide and national human resources, industrial and agricultural resources, financial resources, and data-base continuity. Describe your goal(s) for this proposal? How will this improve student learning or enhance institutional services? (link to goals and objectives PowerPoint by our own assessment coordinator extraordinaire, Brandon Moore!!!) Instructions: Follow the link above to review the structure of a "goal" and then share all goals for the project contained in this RAP. To ensure the points (10) for this section are earned, explain fully how each project goal connects to this RAP. Section III We identified high quality lab experiences as vital for improving persistence, retention and success rates. The equipment we are requesting in this RAP will provide creative and diverse students the opportunity to practice problem solving, communication, and collaboration; not to mention, innovative experiences in which students can contribute to high profile State and National research projects not only to improve success rates for college coursework but also to prepare students for the workplace. In addition, this apparatus could be used in a variety of classes beyond chemistry as well. Section IV What are the measureable outcomes for this RAP that will assess progress toward meeting your goal(s) (5 points)? Explain how your outcomes are tied to your CLO/PLO/AUO/SLO (10 points) (link to learning outcome resources and reference materials, as created and compiled by... yes, you guessed it... our own assessment coordinator extraordinaire, Brandon Moore!!! C'mon, put your hands together, PEOPLE!!) Instructions: Follow the link above to review the structure of a "measurable outcome" and then create measurable outcomes for this RAP. To ensure the points earned for this section are maximized, explain fully 1.) how each outcome will assess the effectiveness of the (funded) RAP over its project's lifetime and 2.) join these RAP measurable outcomes to all applicable course, program, administrative or other student learning outcomes. Corresponding to ILOs and DLOs, the equipment requested in this RAP can be used to assess student comprehension and critical thinking as applicable to the scientific method for basic scientific inquiry and laboratory methodology relative to chemical reactions of matter. Students can be assessed via lab practical exams, honors projects, special projects, and by CLOs for Chem 101, 102, 112, and 113. Our CLOs for Chem 112 identify spectral analysis as a method to analyze chemical functional groups and molecular size. The equipment we are requesting would further that objective. Chem 113 CLOs require students to conduct syntheses and this equipment would allow students to verify their products. Chem 101 and 102 CLOs identify molecular geometry and equilibrium ratios as important student outcomes, and this equipment would allow hands on opportunities to satisfy these CLOs. What are the steps that you will take or need to be taken to implement this proposal? Demonstrate the folllowing : • (a) Who is in charge of implementing the project (3 points)? • (b) What are the projected start and end dates (3 points)? • (c) What other departments will need to assist with the acquisition/ implementation of the project (3 points)? • (d) When will the outcomes be measured (3 points)? • (e) How will you measure the desired outcomes (3 points)? Section V Instructions: O.K., you're almost done, so don't lose points now! To ensure all points (15 possible) are awarded, list who is in charge of implementing this RAP project, the start and end dates, all departments involved, when the RAP project measurable outcomes will be measured and how you will measure them. Once you've done this....Congratulations!!! You're DONE!! (a) Rosaleen Gibbons (b) Projected start date is 08/19/2014; this equipment will be used continuously as part of a participation in collaboration with local, State and National research. (c) Assistance from physical, life, environmental science, computer science, and engineering will be welcomed. (d) Outcomes will be measured on an ongoing basis. (e) Students can be accessed via lab practical exams, honors projects, special projects, and by CLOs for Chem 101, 102, 112, and 113. Projected Expense Profile New Personnel Request--This does not include Full Time Academic Faculty Positions. For personnel requests please attach the job description, job classification and label "Exhibit I." Position Title:______________________________________ 1XXX Academic Salaries (Certificated) 3XXX Benefits Estimated Cost Position Title:______________________________________ 1XXX Academic Salaries (Certificated) 3XXX Benefits Estimated Cost Position Title:__________________________________________________ 2XXX Classified/Non Academic Salaries 3XXX Benefits 10, 11 or 12 Months Hours per Week_____ Position Title:____________________________________________________ 10, 11 or 12 Months 2XXX Classified/Non Academic Salaries 3XXX Benefits Hours per Week_____ Sub Total: Non Personnel Requests: Object Code Title Amount Requested 4XXX Supplies and Materials 5XXX Services 6XXX New Equipment or Building/Site Improvements 100000 Sub Total: Total Budget Proposal: Secondary Effects (if this proposal is approved) For Personnel Requests: What additional space, if any, is needed to accommodate this position? If so, where is the proposed location? For Equipment and Technology Request Will additional space be needed to accommodate requested equipment? If so where is the proposed location? No. 100000- 100000 Will requested equipment require maintenance agreements and or support personnel? If so what are the projected costs? No. Please list future year anticipated needs and estimated financial needs. NOTE: This section refers to any anticipated funding not addressed by this RAP, but required in the future. This will not be automatically funded. A new RAP must be completed in future years. Fiscal Year Dean Approval Anticipated Need Date Estimated Amount Vice President Approval Date