Ernie Denise Resume 1a

41011 Thomas Boat Landing Road,
Umatilla Florida 32784-9710
(352) 455-5305
Harry “Ernie” Denise
Project Manager for large complex IT projects/systems, from Inception to requirements
gathering, development, system integration testing to implementation.
Developed Strategic Business Rules strategy & methodology for defining, documenting,
managing and automating business processes and business rules.
Experience using advanced Business Process Management (BPM) and Business Rules Engine.
Proven ability to architect and engineer complex systems that are flexible, easy to maintain,
reuse code and business rules, and that align to business objectives.
Solid experience leading and carrying out all phases of full SDLC lifecycle enterprise system
development, from architecting, planning, analyzing, designing, building, and testing new
applications and maintaining and modernizing legacy Mainframe applications. Including but
not limited to the following methodologies, Water fall model, Spiral model, RAD model
(Rapid application development), v-model and the Fish model.
Proficient in business integration specializing in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA),
Business Process Management (BPM), Event-Driven Architecture (EDA), Complex Event
Processing (CEP), Meter/Master Data Management (MDM) and Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI).
Big 6-level consulting experience with IBM and Microsoft, Vmware, JD Edwards, SunGard
Deep Utilities domain expertise in business processes and systems integration
Exceptional interpersonal skills with ability to gain the confidence and respect of senior
Proven ability to work with all levels of management, technical and functional SMEs
Proven ability to communicate with and work with staff at every level of the organization.
Experience with Six Sigma, Project Management, and System Development Methodologies.
Bridge Energy Group, Inc., Marlboro, MA
November 2010 – March 2013
Project Manager / Senior Business Systems Analyst/SME
CRM, CIS, AMI, BI, Asset Management, Analytics, Revenue technical and non-technical loss reduction
Project management experience in all aspects of project delivery.
 Responsible and accountable for the coordinated management of multiple related projects
directed toward strategic business and other organizational objectives.
 Maintain continuous alignment of program scope with strategic business objectives
 Coach, mentor and lead personnel within a technical team environment
 Manage all aspects of the following:
Scope and objectives
Project kick off
Milestone approval
On – Off site work plans
Communications Planning
Project Management / Tracking
Financial Management / Tracking
Time Management / Tracking
Resource Management / Tracking
Daily / Weekly – Project Status meetings and
Researched, led client requirement analysis and held joint application developmental workshops.
Led development of the following work products:
 Business Requirement Documents (BRD)
 System Requirement Specification (functional, non-functional requirements) (SRS)
Resume – Ernie Denise
Project Management
 Planning, Scheduling,
Budgeting, Resource
Definition, Tracking
and Control
 Project Governance
and Leadership
 Performance
 Executive Dashboard
Business Systems Analyst
 Analytical Problem
 Decision Maker
 Critical thinker
 Excellent
communication skills
 Experience with Six
Sigma, 5S
 Business to Technology
Subject Matter Expert
 CIS; AMI / AMR; Smart
 BI/Analytics
 Pre-Pay Application
 Systems Integration
 Asset Management
 Outsource Agent
Utilities Smart Grid
Pre-Pay Analysis &
Enterprise / OTS
Enterprise Integration
Cyber Security
Disaster Recovery
System Architecture and Design Specification (SADS)
Business Process Mapping (BPM), Business Process Management
 Effective
Use Cases/User Stories, Requirements Gathering
Utilized UML, VISIO ,Microsoft Office Suite and Microsoft Project
 Critical Thinker
Researched, documented and analyzed the value of syncophasor deployment in the
 Solution Provider
Distribution System. Utilized open source synchrophasor PMUs project (GridTrack , Open
 Team Leadership
 Self-motivated
Researched analyzed developed in-house training and reference material for utility theft
 Winning Attitude
analytics non-technical loss reduction
 Six Sigma
Researched, analyzed developed in-house training and reference material for predictive
 Baldrige / Sterling
analytics and analytic integration
Asset management and use of real-time/predictive analytics
SharePoint conversion from in-house SharePoint server to 360 – Including mass Integration
 SharePoint
of research material and in house library to a 360 Share Point searchable document library
 Windows Server
Researched analyzed reference material Lansa mobile solutions
 Microsoft SQL
Researched analyzed developed in-house training and reference material and documented
Hadoop and NOSQL for use in projects
PM/SME for Cloud Implementation
Vermont Electric Power Company (VELCO)
Developed project plan, developed checklists, communication plan, assigned tasks, developed test
scenarios and scripts. Developed software acquired and specified hardware – developed VMware
plan to acquire and implement cloud hosted service. Integrated hosted solution for Power
Accounting System (PAS) and Disaster Recovery Process. Moved application from an in-house
hosted solution to a cloud hosted service with a disaster recovery options. Provided expertise in
moving to a virtualized processes, provided planning, test scenarios/scripts and quality planning for
move and SLA delivery. Responsible for creating production SLAs for new production environments,
ensuring they meet contractual obligations in place with the client.
System Engineer
ISeries / AS400
WebSphere Suite
Asset Management
Data Mining
Data Management
Web Services
PM/Technical Architect
Caribbean Utility Company Ltd. (CUC)
Planed, tracked, documented, developed test scripts and results, worked with QA to test
Business Intelligence -BIAS
functionality and worked virtually and remotely with other vendor’s and client integrating Meter
 Space Time Insight
Data Management and I Series integration; Analyze business systems needs working with various
 SAS analytics
levels of end-users to create the logical specifications for software/hardware systems that provide
 IBM InfoSphere /
solution(s) for the needs of moderate to complex business problems. Created technical designs using
SOA architecture methodology and logical functionality which will ensure business application
 IBM Web query
systems can be effectively developed and implemented to meet actual enterprise business needs.
 Cognos
Developed Integrated services for integration with Legacy I series applications (SunGard) Customer
 Crystal reports
Information system, Utility Pre Pay processing, Meter Data Management Integration, Work Order /
Job Order Automation for AMI meter integration. Developed e-commerce integration and working in AMI/AMR
conjunction with advisory board (CAB) consisting of executive level, Marketing ,IT, OT, Customer
 Badger
Service (CRM) Managed designers and user interface (UI) developers on and off site. Evaluated new
 Sensus
feature suggestions and identified requirements (Technical and non-Technical) with members of the
 Schlumberger
customer advisory board (CAB). Created Story boards and user interface mockups to facilitate quick
 Datamatic
review and approval of designs for new features. Identified and corrected usability issues during
 Radix
internal reviews and user evaluation. Ensured PCI compliance in Caribbean user space.
Systems Analyst/CIS SME
Orlando Utility Commission (OUC)
Planed, tracked documented developed test scripts, tested, developed implementation
documentation, and worked virtually and remotely with other vendor’s and client implementing a
Meter Data Management and I Series enterprise using SOA foundation developing service bus
Resume – Ernie Denise
Silver Spring
 Aclara
integration; Analyze business systems needs working with various levels of end-users to create the
 eMeter(Siemens)
logical specifications for software/hardware systems that provide solution(s) for the needs of
 Oracle
moderate to complex business problems. Performed research necessary to create technical designs
and logical functionality which will ensure business application systems can be effectively developed
and implemented to meet actual business needs. Developed Integrated services for Mobile Work
Order Force, ESB Integration with Legacy I series Customer Information system, Utility Pre Pay
processing, Meter Data Management Integration, Work Order / Job Order Automation for AMI meter
WEB Sphere
integration. Mass Meter development process for meter inventory assets.
City of Leesburg, Leesburg, Florida
August 2006 – November 2010
Senior Systems Analyst, City of Leesburg
System Engineer, Project Manager, Land DBM, GIS Engineer.
Project level responsibility for planning, SOA Architecture and development, implementation and
maintenance of the Citie’s business applications using the current application programming and
relational database management system tool set. Working independently on development of
 Shell scripting
program specifications, coding of complex program procedures and development and execution of
test plans. Solve a variety of system problems and malfunctions; participate in program and system
 Visual Basic
development reviews. Consult with customers on system requirements, schedules, and
 .NET
implementation strategy; analyze customer requests to determine scope of operational and
 Hadoop
informational needs; familiarize customers with capabilities and limitations of information
technology; maintain a continuing liaison with customers to ensure implementation and
maintenance of systems. Perform feasibility/rate studies and prepare project proposals; prepare
WEB Design / Programming
specifications, cost benefit analyses and schedules. Act as a technical resource to Information
 Dream Weaver
Technology department staff. Create system and end-user documentation of new and changed
applications in accordance with established standards and procedures. Prepare progress reports and
apprise management of problems or unexpected resource requirements. Project team leader
 Visual Basic
assigning, review, and approve the results of tasks completed by others. Focuses in the areas of
 Google AdWords
Administration and Applications / Database / GIS Development depending upon the operational
 Google Analytics
needs of the Information Technology division. Installed, upgraded and trained e-commerce
 Trends
“Click2Gov” COTS application for business licenses, customer service. Working closely with credit
 TO
card merchants to ensure PCI compliance.
SunGard Public Sector, Lake Mary, Florida
August 1998 – August 2006
HP Quality Center
Lead Technical Analyst, IT Specialist
Responsible for supporting, coding and maintaining in a given programming language. Responsible Unix
for the full life cycle of assigned projects. Life cycle of project to include but not limited to:
requirements gathering, project analysis, design, development, documentation, testing, deployment
and support of new program enhancements and/or changes/modifications to existing programs, as
well as preparing operating instructions and other documentation under the direction of the
application development management. Aided with day-to-day support issues. In-depth knowledge of
SunGard SPS applications, DB2 databases, SQL and Business analytics and WebSphere products.
City of Port Orange, Port Orange, Florida
April 1992 – August 1998
Customer Service Manager
Manage the Customer Service operations of the Water Department including water, refuse and
recycling service. Manage computerized customer billing system, including problem solving and
conferring with consultants and data processing staff regarding any changes to the system. Supervise
assigned employees in the operation of the Customer Service Division; including, hiring and training
employees; planning, scheduling and assigning their duties; directing, coordinating and evaluating
their work performance.
Perform public relation meetings to inform public of changes coming events and policy changes.
Design billing procedures, office procedures, customer relation practices, making necessary changes
Resume – Ernie Denise
to provide efficient service to the customers, assuring that the water meter readings are accurate
and reliable. Establish and maintain an effective working relationship with customers, the public, city
staff, community groups and the media to ensure that a positive public image is maintained.
United States Marine Corps,World Wide
August 1983 – March 1992
Quality Assurance Manager
Supervised Quality assurance group for Intermediate level diagnostic and repair of fire control and
avionics systems. Implementation of system wide database for work order management. Automated
reporting for productivity metrics charge backs and billing rate optimization.
Masters in Information Technology Management, Project Management
January 2006 – October 2008, Keller Graduate School of Management, Orlando, Florida
Bachelor of Science, Information Technology
January 2003 – September 2005, University of Phoenix, Orlando, Florida
Currently Studying for PMP exam anticipation to completion November 2013
Resume – Ernie Denise