Alternate workout schedule

Alternate workout schedule
(To be used if you have NO access to a weight room)
Day 1:
- Strength Circuit: # of repetitions & crunches for each exercise x 3 reps
- Upper Body Lower Body Abdominal
- Push-ups 15-20 reps Squat Thrust 20 reps Bent knee crunch 30
- Pull-ups 3-8 reps Body Weight Squats 20 reps reverse Crunch 30
- Wall Push-ups 30 sec Lunges 20 reps V- Sits 30
- Triangle Push Ups 30 sec Diagonal Lunges 20 reps Right & Left Obliques 30
- Bench Dips 10-20 reps Mtn. Climbers 20 reps 2 Count Crunch 30
Day 2:
Abdominal: 35 seconds for each exercise w/ no rest (x2)
1. Reverse Crunch
2. Bent- Knee crunch
3. Twist
4. 2- Count Crunch
5. V- Sits
6. Hip/ Leg Lifts
7. Side Lifts (15 sec right, 15 sec left)
8. Diagonals: Sit- ups (right/ left)
“You can become a winner only if you are willing to walk over
the edge.”
-Damon Runyon
Day 3:
Strength Circuit: # of repetitions & crunches for each exercise x 3 reps
Upper Body Lower Body Abdominal
Push-ups 15-20 reps Squat Thrust 20 reps Bent knee crunch 30
Pull ups 3-8 reps Body Weight Squats 20 reps Reverse Crunch 30
Wall Push-ups 30 sec Lunges 20 reps V- Sits 30
Triangle Push Ups 30 sec Diagonal Lunges 20 reps Right & Left Obliques
- Bench Dips 10-20 reps Mtn. Climbers 20 reps 2 Count Crunch 30
Day 4:
Abdominal: 35 seconds for each exercise w/ no rest (x2)
1. Reverse Crunch
2. Bent- Knee crunch
3. Twist
4. 2- Count Crunch
5. V- Sits
6. Hip/ Leg Lifts
7. Side Lifts (15 sec right, 15 sec left)
8. Diagonals: Sit- ups (right/ left)
"There are two ways to live your life. One
is as though nothing is a miracle. The
other is as though everything is a
Stick Skills Program
This should be done 3-4 times a week, for 20-30 minutes. Start approximately 1.52yds from the wall and move back as you feel comfortable. The passes should be
hard, direct and accurate (no loopy passes). To be the best, you must always work
on the basics! 30-40 Reps, Dominant and Non- Dominant Hand
** Always work on triple threat positioning. Keeping your elbow away from your body and your
stick almost parallel with the ground. As you throw be sure to point the butt end of your stick
towards your target and then follow through with a push, pull, and snap motion. **
1. Catch and throw with cradle
2. Catch and throw switching hands
3. Quicksitcks
4. Exaggerated face dodges, Catch and throw
5. Exaggerated face dodge, Catch and throw, switch
6. Pass weak, catch strong
7. Pass strong, catch weak
8. Side arm passing passing/ shooting
9. Behind the back passing/ shooting
10. Around the world
11. One- handed catching and throwing
12. Extension grab
13. Ground Balls
14. Leading Passes
15. Partner Racquetball (if there is a partner available.)
“Five Step Stick Work”:
1. On right side, let front of stick swipe face and do only ½ way cradle.
2. Full circle with back of stick scraping face
3. ½ way cradle around with back of stick scraping face
4. Combo of 1 and 2
5. 2 both to the left and then to the right
Cradle into a sitting position and then into laying down.
Cradle overhead
Switching hands
Working levels
Stationary and mobile cradling