Chapter 12 Case – Part 2 - Q1 The Cost of Equity The Cost of Equity (CAPM): E(rS) = rf + bs [E(rm) - rf] Equity Beta: bS = sSm / sm2 Example: The following are U-Air stocks and TSE300 index returns for the 1994-1997 period: YearU-Air 1994 1995 1996 1997 4.00% 30.00 42.00 34.00 TSE300 -0.18% 14.53 28.35 14.98 Jacoby, Stangeland and Wajeeh, 2000 1 Calculating the Equity Beta Calculating average returns: rU Air ( S ) 0.040.340.420.34 27.5% rTSE300 0.0018 0.145340.2835 0.1498 14.42% Calculating the covariance: sˆU Air ( S ), TSE300 0.04 0.275 0.0018 0.1442 0.30.275 0.14530.1442410.42 0.275 0.2835 0.1442 0.34 0.275 0.1498 0.1442 0.0183 Calculating the market variance: 2 sˆ TSE 300 0.0018 0.1442 2 0.1453 0.1442 2 0.2835 0.1442 2 0.1498 0.1442 2 4 1 0.0136 Calculating beta: bˆU Air ( S ) sˆU Air ( S ), TSE 300 2 sˆTSE 300 2 Case – Part 2 – Q2 Calculating the Cost of Equity U-Air’s Cost of Equity (CAPM): Given a 5.09% average T-bill rate, the average historical market risk-premium for the 1994-1997 period is rTSE300 r f 14.42% - 5.09% 9.33% By the CAPM, if the current T-bill rate is 4%, then the cost of U-Air’s equity is given by: E(rs) = rf + bs [E(rm) - rf] = = 3 An alternative Method for Calculating the Cost of Equity For U-Air it is given that: Year Dividend 0 $0.39 -1 $0.37 -2 $0.36 -3 $0.34 -4 $0.33 (1+g)4 D-4 = D0 (1+g)4 0.33 = 0.39 => g = Also: D1 = Do(1+g) = 0.39%1.0427 = 0.41 Since P0 = $3.65, by the dividend growth model: rs = (D1/P0) + g = For the remainder of the case, we will assume that the Cost of Equity is that obtained by the CAPM, i.e. 16.6% Jacoby, Stangeland and Wajeeh, 2000 4 Case – Part 2 – Q2 The Investment Decision Suppose that U-Air is an all equity firm. Recall that the new Bahamas project generates the following CFs ($Ks): YearCF 0 (41,600) 1 4,740 IRR = 10.95% 2 11,180 NPV 41600 4,740 11,1802 15,1853 25,954.375 1.166 1.166 1.166 1.166 4 3 15,185 $5,690.98 K 0 reject 4 25,954.375 Assume: U-Air is an all equity firm The Bahamas project beta is the same as U-Air’s beta (1.35) Decision: NPV = -$5,690.98 < 0 => reject the project. Or: Since by the CAPM (SML) the required return for beta of 1.35 is 16.6%, and IRR=10.95%<16.6% => reject the Bahamas project 5 The SML and the Investment Decision Expected Return (%) SML * 16.6 U-Air * IRR = 10.95 Bahamas Project 4 1.35 Jacoby, Stangeland and Wajeeh, 2000 Beta 6 Determinants of Beta Factors affecting Equity Beta: Business Risk Cyclicity of Revenues Operating Leverage Financial Risk Financial Leverage Jacoby, Stangeland and Wajeeh, 2000 7 Financial Leverage When the firm is not “All Equity” Recall: the beta of a portfolio (p) with N assets is given by: N b p X1b1 X 2 b 2 X N b N X i b i i 1 The Firm’s Assets are financed by Equity and Debt Assets Equity (S) Debt (B) Firm’s Assets = Portfolio with Equity and Debt: bASSETS = bEQUITY [S/(S+B)] + bDEBT [B/(S+B)] Jacoby, Stangeland and Wajeeh, 2000 8 The Cost of Capital of a Levered Firm Recall: the return of a portfolio (p) with N assets is given by: N rp X 1r1 X 2 r2 X N rN X i ri i 1 The Weighted Average Cost of Capital(WACC): WACC = rASSETS = rS [S/(S+B)] + rB (1 – Tc) [B/(S+B)] after-tax cost of debt Jacoby, Stangeland and Wajeeh, 2000 9 Case – Part 2 – Q3 Assuming that a project has the same beta and financial leverage as the whole firm: calculate the NPV of the project based on the firm’s WACC compare the IRR of the project to its WACC It is given that: Equity/Assets = 0.53, and Debt/Assets = 0.47 Recall: by the CAPM: rS = 16.6% U-Air’s Long-Term bonds are traded with YTM = 6.04% Recall that Tc = 0.4 Then, U-Air’s Weighted Average Cost of Capital(WACC) is: WACC = rS [S/(S+B)] + rB (1 – Tc) [B/(S+B)] = 10 Case – Part 2 – Q4 WACC of the Bahamas Project If the Bahamas project has the same beta and financial leverage, then NPV 41600 4 , 740 1.105 $508 .88 K 0 11,1802 15,1853 25,954.375 4 1.105 1.105 1.105 accept Also: IRR=10.95%>10.5% => accept the Bahamas project Jacoby, Stangeland and Wajeeh, 2000 11 Case – Part 2 – Q5 & Q6 When the Firm’s beta Differs from the Project’s Beta The project and the firm may have different betas when the project and the firm are not from the same line of business - use industry beta (not always available, e.g. when the project’s risk is inherently different (even if same industry) Suppose that the beta of the Bahamas line is 1.8 (higher than U-Air). By the CAPM: rBAHAMAS = rf + bs [E(rm) - rf] = Then, the WACC of the Bahamas project is: WACCBAHAMAS = rBAHAMAS [S/(S+B)] + rB (1 – Tc) [B/(S+B)] = , 740 11,1802 15,1853 25,954.375 $1,916 .11K reject NPV 41600 1.41272 1.1272 1.1272 1.1272 4 Or: IRR=10.95%<12.72% => reject the Bahamas project 12