Legal basis of bank lending

Bank credit is a form of movement of loan
capital. Bank lending rises economic
(monetary) relationship, during which
temporarily free funds of the state, businesses
and individuals, accumulated credit institutions
providing business entities (and citizens), the
terms of repayment.
 Bank
lending creates the conditions
under which it is possible to make
up for the expense of others their
own lack of funds for the various
needs that require additional
capital investments.
 Emerging
bank lending social
relations are governed by the norms
of the various branches of Tajik law,
especially rules of administrative,
financial and civil rights.
The financial, credit control and state banks
are in the jurisdiction of the Tajikistan.
 Legal regulation of banking activities carried
out by the State Law "On the National Bank
of Tajikistan", the State Law "On Banks and
Banking Activity", other laws and regulations
of the Bank of Tajikistan. Significant position
also owns the business usages and customs
of the bank.
The most important principles of bank
lending are: repayment, maturity, payment,
security, purpose.
 The content of the principle of repayment of
bank credit is that the funds received in the
form of loans to the borrower are only a
temporary source of funds and should be
returned to the bank or other lending
From the principle of repayment of bank loan
follows the principle of urgency. Loans shall
be returned in a timely manner, the violation
of which entails the application of
established sanctions.
 Implementation of the principle of payment
for bank lending is based on the gratuitous
nature of the services provided by banks
when granting loans. For the provision of a
bank loan is charged as a percentage.
The legislation provides for the possibility of
the loan without the proper software (blank
credit). Unsecured loans are generally
granted to customers who have close ties
with the bank, perform all of their banking
transactions through the bank.
 Bank credit is given strictly for a specific
purpose. The use of funds is not the
intended purpose violates the principle focus
of bank credit and involves the application of
appropriate sanctions.
Depending on the period for which the loan is issued, and
the lending bank credit facility is divided into:
- Short-term;
- Long-term.
Short-term loan issued for a period less than a year when
an entity with a temporary need for cash. The objects are
the needs of the current lending activities of the entity
defined by aggregated indicators. Bank credit is issued
for the collection of inventory and production costs.
Long-term credit is issued for one year and longer. The
objects of long-term loans are the costs of building new
plants, modernization and reconstruction of existing
enterprises, new products , etc.