Course-Section #:
Meeting Times:
Final Exam:
Contact Information:
Office Hours:
During the course, learners will:
Compose paragraphs representing various modes that employ the writing process and demonstrate the proper use of grammar and vocabulary;
Practice, develop and become proficient with major grammar skills.
Participate, cooperate, and positively contribute to group activities;
Use technology to access information, produce writing assignments, and increase writing skills and abilities;
Critically analyze reading selections (independently and collaboratively) with sensitivity to diverse perspectives;
Write essays that creatively and effectively demonstrate awareness of audience, process, grammar and mechanics, with an emphasis on the argument.
Required Learning Resources: Available for purchase from GTC Bookstore
Text: Anker, Susan. Real Writing with Readings: Paragraphs and Essays for College, Work, and Everyday
Life (5 th ed). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2010.
Reader: [Delete one] Thompson, R., RB Axelrod, & CR Cooper. Sticks and Stones: and Other Student Essays (7 th
ed). Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. OR
Goodenough, E. Secret Spaces of Childhood. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2003.)
Software: Writing Class
(learning software access)
Other: A college-level dictionary, USB drive, a stapler, white-out, college-ruled notebook paper, highlighter(s), and blue or black ink pens.
Blackboard & GTC gmail: Access through GTC4me ( ) . Technical Support at: phone: 250-8226 ( or toll free 866/614-5013) , Online: for help or to reset password.
Writing Class: Access through Blackboard or directly online at: .
Get help and Technical Support at: 1-800-936-6899 or online ( Writing Class User Guide available).
Grading Scheme: This course will have the following types of assignment/assessments and final grades will be weighted as listed. Assignment due and test dates are listed on the course outline/schedule.
Paragraph (s) and Reader Responses
Essays (3 -1st @ 10%; 2 nd
3 rd
@ 12.5% each)
Grammar Practice &Tests
(practice/quizzes, 3 grammar unit tests & final/post-test @ 5% each)
Activities/Daily Grades
Final Exam Essay