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AP Psychology Syllabus

Mrs. Cook

Room: H7

Email: rcookpsych@gmail.com

Weebly: http://nmhspsych.weebly.com

Helpful websites: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/courses/teachers_corner/2265.html (AP Info)

PsychPortal: http://courses.bfwpub.com/myersap1e access code (same for everyone): 4ki-gjw-ctwinhc3


Respect: Your teacher & your classmates (not just in this classroom, but at this school as a whole), the administrators, the classroom materials, and yourself.

Be prepared: Come to class ready to listen & learn. Be in your seat when the bell rings, get the necessary materials on your desk and check the board for the assignment/instructions.

Keep it clean: Meaning your mouth, your behavior, and picking up after yourself in the room.

Listen: When I am talking and when others are talking; this includes other students, announcements and any other guests in our classroom.

Communicate: This means many things. If you want to share a thought/question, RAISE YOUR HAND. Do not stop me from teaching and others from learning. If you do not understand a concept, instructions, or question, please ask, but do not use this as a reason to not pay attention this first time it is said. PLEASE use my email to communicate issues, questions, etc.


All school policies and procedures are expected to be followed as well. Please take time to read these as well. A full list of the school rules can be found in the CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT handbook which can be

found on the CMS website: www.cms.k12.nc.us.


Your cellular device must be SILENCED and out of sight unless you are given permission to use it. On occasions

I will give you permission to use your smart phones for projects and/or listen to music while working.

HOWEVER, if the use of cell phones becomes an issue, a strict policy will be put into place!


3-ring Binder (2” at least)




Loose leaf paper (college rule)

Ink pens (blue or black)

*additional supplies may be needed for projects as they are assigned throughout the year

Overview of the Class:

Throughout this course we will cover many topics of psychology including History and Approaches, Research

Methods, Biological Bases of Behavior, Sensation and Perception, States of Consciousness, Learning,

Cognition, Motivation and Emotion, Developmental Psychology, Personality, Testing and Individual

Differences, Abnormal Behavior and Treatment, and Social Psychology.

Tests & Quizzes:

Students will take tests and quizzes that cover the material discussed in class, as well as out of class reading and/or assignments. Students must take ownership of their learning and keep up with all assignments and readings! Quizzes and tests will be announced.

In addition to my tests and quizzes the students will take the AP Psychology Exam in May which will consist of 100 multiple choice questions (70 minutes) & 2 Free Response Questions (50 minutes.)

*The NC General Assembly will pay for exam fees!

 Those that take the exam will not take a final (final grade will be semester 1 (50%) + Semester 2 (50%) = Final Grade. However, those that choose to not take it will take a teacher made final which will count as 25% of the final course grade.


Students will be assigned one major project each quarter along with the daily in class and out of class assignments.

Grading Policy:

Informal Assessments: Class work, homework, class participation: 30%

Formal Assessments: Tests, Quizzes, and Projects: 70%

Re-Test: According to CMS, the highest grade you can receive on re-tests is 79%. With the uniqueness of AP assessments, only certain parts of assessments will be allowed to re-test.

Late Work Policy:

The assignments are due on the date specified! If you are absent, IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SEE ME AND

GET THE WORK YOU MISSED! I will give you the allotted time by CMS to make up any work due to excused absences. COMMUICATION is KEY! If you are absent the day a previously distributed assignment is due, you are responsible for turning that assignment in upon the date you return to school. If the assignment is late

(you were present but did not turn in assignment), it will be worth 50% of points earned after it has been graded.

Extra Credit/Bonus Points:

You may be asking yourself “What’s the difference between extra-credit and bonus points?” I will try to clarify for you: Extra credit is more work for me because you chose not to do your part the first time. Bonus points are built in: I may ask an additional question on a quiz or test that can only help you, not count against you. Or we may do in class activities that allow you or your group to receive some bonus points. The reasoning for my policy is that it is the student’s responsibility to keep up with their work and knowledge throughout the course and not rely on “extra –credit” to help them make it through. My job as an IB teacher is to prepare you for college and real world experiences and most likely you will not encounter extra-credit after high school.

Additional Comments:

Tutoring is included during the school day during enrichment period. If you are unsure about the material or concepts we go over in class or need to make-up work for being absent please use this time wisely. If for some reason you need additional help, please communicate with me and we will work something out.

“Man is capable of changing the world for the better if possible, and of changing himself for the better if necessary.”

― Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning
