The list of deposits excluded from guarantee

Capital social subscris si varsat: 748.648.220 RON
Registrul Institutiilor de Credit: RB-PJR-40-017/18.02.1999
Registrul Comertului: J40/29196/1992,Cod Unic de Inregistrare(CUI): 4829576, atribut fiscal RO
Eurotower Building, str. Dinu Vintila nr. 11, etaj 4-7, sector 2, 021101, Bucuresti, Romania
Nr. de inregistrare operator date personale: 683
Telefon: +40 21 305 9000
Fax: +40 21 305 9191
Depositors information form
Basic information regarding the deposit protection
The deposits set up at Banca Banking Deposits Guarantee Fund (hereinafter named BDGF) established in basis of
Romaneasca S.A. Member of the Government Ordinance no.39/1996 regarding the establishment and functioning of
National Bank of Greece Banking Deposits Guarantee Fund, republished with subsequent amendments. BDGF
Group are protected by:
is a statutory scheme for deposits guarantee, officially recognized in Romania having
as main purpose the guarantee of the deposits, activity carried out according to the
provisions of the Law 311/04.12.2015 regarding the deposits guarantee schemes and
the Banking Deposits Guarantee Fund.
Coverage threshold:
EUR 100,000, RON equiv., per depositor and per credit institution.
The minimum amount from which compensations are paid for deposits, for which no
transaction was concluded during the last 24 months, is established by BDGF.
In case a deposit is unavailable because the Bank is not able to fulfill its payment
obligations according to the contractual and legal provisions, the payment of the
compensations to the depositors will be made by BDGF.
Each compensation has a maximum threshold established in amount of EUR 100,000,
RON equivalent, per credit institution. This means that all the deposits held at the
Bank are aggregated in order to establish if their total value is under the coverage
threshold. E.g. one depositor holds EUR 90,000 in a saving account or a deposit and
EUR 20,000 in a current account, he will receive the RON equivalent of EUR
In certain cases, the guaranteed depositors, individuals, holding deposits classified in
certain categories namely, deposits resulting from real estate transactions of
residential purpose, indemnities received for retirement, dismissals, invalidity or
death of the depositor, insurance indemnities or compensations for damages resulted
from crimes or inappropriate convictions, benefit from a BDGF level of guarantee
over EUR 100,000, for a period of 12 months from the date that the amount was
credited into the account of the credit institution or from the date that the deposits are
able to be legally transferred to another credit institution. Further information are
available on
If you have more deposits at All the deposits hold at the same credit institution are “aggregated” and the total
the same credit institution:
amount is subject to the coverage threshold established to EUR 100,000, RON
If you have joint account with It will be applied the coverage threshold of EUR 100,000, RON equivalent separately
other person (s):
for each depositor. Nevertheless, the deposits from an account whose beneficiaries are
two or more persons having the quality of members of a lucrative association,
association or group of the same nature without legal personality, are aggregated and
treated as being held by a single depositor for determining the limit of EUR 100,000.
The period of providing the 7 working days. The responsible guarantee scheme is BDGF. This will provide you
due compensations in case of the due compensations (up to the EUR 100,000, RON equiv.) within 7 working days
unavailability of the deposits from the day the deposits became unavailable.
held to the credit institution: If the compensations have not been provided within this term, we recommend
contacting BDGF, as the term within you can claim the compensation can be limited.
Further information are available on
The compensation currency: RON
Contact information:
Banking Deposits Guarantee Fund
3, Negru Vodă Street, A3 Building, 2nd floor, Bucharest, cod: 030774
Phone.:0314 232 805 e-mail: /
Capital social subscris si varsat: 748.648.220 RON
Registrul Institutiilor de Credit: RB-PJR-40-017/18.02.1999
Registrul Comertului: J40/29196/1992,Cod Unic de Inregistrare(CUI): 4829576, atribut fiscal RO
Eurotower Building, str. Dinu Vintila nr. 11, etaj 4-7, sector 2, 021101, Bucuresti, Romania
Nr. de inregistrare operator date personale: 683
Telefon: +40 21 305 9000
Fax: +40 21 305 9191
Further information:
Banking Deposits Guarantee Fund website is
Receipt of the depositor:
Customer Name / Company Name:
Other relevant information:
The level of compensation is determined by deducting from the total amount of eligible deposits (deposits which are
not excluded from guarantee), held by the guaranteed depositor to the credit institution on the date the deposits
became unavailable, the total amount of outstanding debts at the same date owed by the depositor to the credit
The RON equivalent of the coverage threshold and the amounts in foreign currency taken into consideration for
determining the compensations is determined by using exchange rates for the respective currencies, communicated
by National Bank of Romania on the date the deposits became unavailable.
In case of the deposits settled in other currencies that the ones for which NBR communicates exchange rates, the
RON equivalent of the amounts in the foreign currency is determined based on the official exchange rate of the
respective currency communicated, on the date the deposits became unavailable, by the issuing central bank of the
respective currency, related to EUR or USD. The compensation is provided to the guaranteed depositor without
requiring an application to the Fund. In case is not certain that a person has the right to receive the compensation or
in case the deposit is object of litigation, the term of 7 days for providing the compensation is prolonged until the
clarification of the situation or, if case, until the solving of litigation.
Within maximum two working days from the date the deposits become unavailable, the Fund ensure the publication
on its official site and the communication for publication to two national press agencies of the information necessary
to the depositors in order to receive the due compensations. The credit institution whose deposits became unavailable
has the obligation to publish the information communicated by the Fund within one working day from the date of
receiving the information, in all its premises.
Based on the information transmitted by the credit institution or, if case, by the legal liquidator, regarding the fact
that a guaranteed depositor is judged for a crime of money laundering or a crime related to money laundering, the
Fund suspends the payment of the compensation until the date it will receive the proof of settlement or ceasing of the
penal trial regarding the cause, definitely decided.
The right of the guaranteed depositors to receive amounts representing due compensations will cease within 5 years
from the date the Fund offers the compensation to the depositors. In case the bankruptcy procedure of the credit
institution lasts over 5 years, the right of the guaranteed depositors to receive amounts representing due
compensations ceases on the date of bankruptcy procedure is finished. The guaranteed depositors having complaints
regarding the compensations may notify the Fund, in written, for the settlement of their situation. The Fund has to
respond to these notifications within 5 working days from the date of receiving them. In case the depositors are not
satisfied with the solution communicated in the response of the Fund, they could address the competent court.
Capital social subscris si varsat: 748.648.220 RON
Registrul Institutiilor de Credit: RB-PJR-40-017/18.02.1999
Registrul Comertului: J40/29196/1992,Cod Unic de Inregistrare(CUI): 4829576, atribut fiscal RO
Eurotower Building, str. Dinu Vintila nr. 11, etaj 4-7, sector 2, 021101, Bucuresti, Romania
Nr. de inregistrare operator date personale: 683
Telefon: +40 21 305 9000
Fax: +40 21 305 9191
The list of deposits excluded from guarantee
1. Deposits of a credit institution settled on its own behalf, according to the provisions of art.64 paragraph (2) of the
Law 311/2015
2. Instruments defined as owned funds, as these are defined at art.4, paragraph (1) point 118 from the E.U. Regulation
3. Deposits resulted from transactions in connection with definitely judge decisions for conviction for crime of
money laundering, according to the legislation in the area of prevention and fighting against money laundering. The
assignment of the deposits in this category it made by the deposits guarantee scheme, based on the information
received from the competent authorities, from the credit institution whose deposits became unavailable or from the
liquidator assigned by the Court, if the case.
4. Deposits of the financial institutions, as these are defined at art.4, paragraph (1) point 26 from the E.U. Regulations
5. Deposits of the investment companies, as these are defined at art.4, paragraph (1) point 26 from the E.U.
Regulations 575/2013
6. Deposits for which the identity of the holder was not verified until the moment they become unavailable, according
to the legislation in the area of prevention and fighting against money laundering.
7. Deposits of the insurers and reinsurers, as these were defined at art.2, letter A, pt.5 and 39 from the Law 32/2000
regarding the activity of insurance and insurance surveillance with the subsequent amendments.
8. Deposits of the collective investments entities are these were defined by the capital market legislation.
9. Deposits of the pensions funds.
10. Deposits of the central, local and regional authorities.
11. Securities as the debt issued by credit institutions and obligations stemming from the own acceptances and
promissory notes.