Apple Inc. - honorsushistory

What is Apple Inc.?
 Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation
 Design electronics and computer software
 As of January of 2010, the company operates 283 retail stores
 9 of which are out of the country
 As of 2010, company is one of the largest technological corporations in
the world
History of Apple Inc.
 Founded in April 1st 1976
 Cupertino, California
 Steve Jobs
 Steve Wozniak
 Ronald Wayne
 Company was made to make..
 Computer Software and Hardware
 Consumer electronics
 Digital distribution
Apples first logo
features Issac
Newton under a
fabled Apple
Apples Logo
It was then replaced
with the rainbow
bitten apple in 1976
and lasted until 1998
The most recent logo
which replaced the
rainbow apple is a
monochromic same
bitten apple
Early Years With Apple
 Apples first product was the Apple I
 Hand built
 Went on sale in July of 1976
 Market priced $666.66
 Product was made by Jobs, Wozniak and Wayne
 Apple was the incorporated in Jan. of 1977
 Wayne sold his share of his company to jobs and Wozniak
for $800
Early Years Cont’d
 On April 161977 the Apple II was introduced
 It was unique and different from its major rivals at the time
(TRS-80 and Commodore PCT)
 Colored graphics
 open artitecture
 By the end of the 1970’s, Apple had a staff of computer
designers and a production line
Early Years Cont’d
 In May 1980, the Apple III was
introduced in attempt to compete with
Microsoft and IBM
 In December of 1980, Apple launched the
public offering of its stock
 When it went public, it created more
millionaires than any company in history
Apple Lisa
 Personal computer sold in early 1980’s
 First personal computer sold to public
with a GUI
 Extreme failure due to limited
software titles and high price tag
 In 1982- Due to fighting Steve jobs was
kicked off the Apple Lisa project and
went on to the low cost computer
project of the Macintosh!
 Designed in 1984
 Sold very strong in the beginning but
because of its high price, total
consumption was low
1986-1993: Rise
 After the Macintosh Portable’s low success rate, Apple
learned serveral lessons on what to do differently
 In 1991, Apple introduced the PowerBook
 During this time, Apple expiremented with many other
 Cameras, portable CD speakers, TV and video consels
 All of these products were “too little too late” for Apple
due to their market share and stock price slide
 In 1990, the Macintosh LC was released
PowerBook & Macintosh LC
 PowerBook
 7lbs with 3 hour battery
 The success of the power book led to a
dramatically increasing revenue
 Macintosh LC
 First affordable, color-capable Macintosh
 Made fairly basic to keep the prices down
 Throughout these years, Apple continued to reinvent
new softwares that could be installed and used on the
Macintosh computers
 In 1997, Steve Jobs announced Apple would join
Microsoft to released new versions of Microsoft office
 November 10th 1997, Apple introduced the Apple Store
where consumers could browse and purchase Apples
newest products.
 August 15th 1998 Apple introduced the new all in one
computer reminsict of the iMac
 May 2001, Apple opened more Apple retail stores,
including in Virginia and California
 That same year, Apples iPod was designed which
came to be a huge success
iMac and iPod
 iMac
 desktop featured modern technology and unique design
with more software including iMovie and final cut pro
 Newer improved version of the Macintosh LC
 iPod
 Very successful
 Portable digital audio player
 Over 100 million units were sold in the first six years
Apple iTunes Store
•In 2003, Apple iTunes store was opened
 Offered online
 Service quickly became
marketleader un online
music services
 By June 2008, there
were over 5 billion
 Each song for $0.99
2005-2007:Intel Transition
 January 2006- Macbook Pro and iMac became the first
Apple products sold with Intel’s Core Duo
 Same year, the PowerMac, iBook and PowerBook were
retired and replaced with Mac Pro, MacBook, MacBook
 During this time, Apples success was soaring and its
market cap surpassed that of Dell’s
2007- Present
 Period of time known as the Mobile Consumer
Electronics Era
 January 2007, Jobs annocuced that Apple’s logo name
would be changed from Apple Computers to Apple Inc.,
due to the that fact they no longer only produced
 After this, the iPhone and Apple TV were created in
July of 2007, Apple introduced the App. World
 to iTunes, to sell applications to the iPhone and iTouch
 Throughout these years, new and improved versions
and different sizes of the iPod were introduced
 Includes iPod nano, Shuffle, classic, touch and video
 After hearing many rumors of the new creation, on April
3rd 2010, Apples newest product the iPad was launched
in the U.S.
 Sold 300,000 units that day
 500,000 that same week