7 th Grade Life Science EOC Review

7th Grade Life Science EOC Review
1. A hypothesis is (choose all that apply):
a. a possible explanation about an observation
b. explanation of events based on knowledge gained from many observations and
c. testable
d. a pattern or event in nature that is always true
e. a possible explanation that is always true
What skill is a scientist using when she listens to the sounds that whales makes.
drawing conclusions
interpreting data
making observations
making a hypothesis
3. Alex has just arrived to school and is walking to the courtyard with John and Mike.
John asks, “Why is the grass wet?” Alex says, “The sprinklers must have been on last
night” and Mike states, “I think it rained.” The answers Alex and Mike provided are an
example of:
Scientific law
4. An experiment that tests only one factor at a time by using a comparison of a control
group and an experimental group is?
A) a dependent variable
B) an independent variable
C) a theory
D) a controlled experiment
5. Which of the following is not needed for photosynthesis to take place?
A. light energy
B. water
C. carbon dioxide
D. soil
5. If a scientist’s hypothesis predicts a certain outcome of a test and that outcome does
not occur, what should the scientist do? (choose all that apply)
a. Revise the hypothesis
b. Repeat the scientific inquiry process
c. Create a new observation
d. Change the independent variable
e. Change the dependent variable
6. Which of the following hypotheses is written correctly?
A) Frozen tennis balls will not bounce as high.
B) If a tennis ball is frozen, it won't bounce as high as one that is not frozen.
C) If I heat up a tennis ball it will bounce high.
D) If I freeze a tennis ball, then it will not bounce as high.
7. When you decide whether or not the data supports the original hypothesis, you are
A) making observations
B) asking questions
C) drawing conclusions
D) forming a hypothesis
8. Choose the answer which has the steps of the Scientific Method placed in the correct
a. predict, hypothesize, test hypothesis, analyze results, draw conclusions, communicate
b. hypothesize, test hypothesis, make an observation, analyze results, draw conclusion,
communicate results
c. make an observation, predict, hypothesize, test hypothesis, analyze results, draw
conclusions, communicate results
d. make an observation, hypothesize, predict, test hypothesis, analyze results, draw
conclusions, communicate results
Use the scenario below to answer questions 5, 6 and 7.
Larry was told that a certain muscle cream was the newest best thing on the market and claims to
double a person’s muscle power when used as part of a muscle-building workout. Interested in
the product, he buys the special muscle cream and recruits Patrick and SpongeBob to help him
with an experiment. Larry develops a special marshmallow weight-lifting program for Patrick
and SpongeBob. He meets with them once every day for a period of 2 weeks and keeps track of
how many marshmallows each can lift. Before Patrick and SpongeBob lift marshmallows,
Patrick’s arms and back are covered in the muscle cream, while SpongeBob’s arms and back do
not receive the muscle cream.
What is the independent variable?
the amount of marshmallows lifted
the muscle cream
2 weeks
10. What is the dependent variable?
a. SpongeBob
b. the amount of marshmallows lifted
c. Patrick
d. the muscle cream
e. 2 weeks
11. Based on the results of the experiment listed in the table below, which conclusion
would be correct?
Initial Amount
After 1 week
After 2 weeks
a. The muscle cream claims are false because if the claims were true, we would have
seen the amount of marshmallows Patrick could lift double.
b. The muscle cream claims are false because if the claims were true, we would have
seen the amount of marshmallows SpongeBob could lift double.
c. The muscle cream works because Patrick and SpongeBob both increased the amount
of marshmallows they could lift.
d. The muscle cream works because the amount of marshmallows Patrick could lift is
higher than amount SpongeBob could lift.
12. After completing finals, you and your friends head to Daytona Beach to enjoy the sun
and sand. In your hurry, you forgot the sunscreen and received a sunburn. The
reddening of your skin (sunburn) is an example of what characteristic that all living
things share? (Think characteristics of life)
a. Energy-the body and all living things require the Sun’s energy in order to survive
b. Homeostasis-the sunburn is the body’s response to keep the internal environment
working normally.
c. Response to stimuli (internal)-the reddening of the skin is an internal response to the
sun’s rays
d. Organized-the cell is the smallest unit of life
e. Response to stimuli (external)-the reddening of the skin is the skin’s response to the
change in the environment or lengthy exposure to the sun without protection.
13. Growth and development, a characteristic of life, can be defined as (choose all that
Multicellular organisms grow as cells increase in number within the organism.
Unicellular organisms grow only in size.
Growth is considered the changes that occur in an organism during its lifetime
A tadpole changing into a frog is an example of growth.
Development is considered the changes that occur in an organism during its lifetime.
14. A series of steps followed to solve problems is
A) experimental guidelines
B) the scientific method
C) standard procedures
D) investigations
15. The naming system that gives each organism a two-word scientific name such as
Ursus arctos for brown bear, is called:
a. Domain Eukarya
b. Dichotomous Key
c. Kingdom Animalia
d. Binomial Nomenclature
e. Carolus Linneaus
16. Oxygen is required by organisms because it reacts with
A. carbon dioxide to release energy.
B. carbon dioxide to store energy.
C. glucose to store energy.
D. glucose to release energy.
17. Which of the following has been shown to upset homeostasis in the human body?
A. perspiration
B. respiration
C. circulation
D. stress
18. Which of the following is a distinguishing characteristic of prokaryotes?
A. no nucleus
B. no cell wall
C. cell organelles
D. mitochondria
16. Cell Theory states (choose all that apply):
a. New cells come from preexisting cells
b. All living things are made up of one or more cells
c. The organism is the smallest unit of life
d. Plant cells reproduce through photosynthesis
e. Many cells grouped together are called Celtics
17. Select all the answers that accurately describe lipids (macromolecule) and/or their
function in the cell:
a. Transports large molecules across cell membrane
b. Contains genetic information
c. Serves as protective barrier
d. Assists in breaking down food
e. Does not dissolve in water
18. The DNA of eukaryotes can be found in the
A. nucleus.
B. ribosomes.
C. lysosomes.
D. cytoplasm.
19. A muscle cell contains a large number of which organelles?
A. lysosomes
B. endoplasmic reticula
C. nuclei
D. mitochondria
20. The plant cell wall (choose all answers that apply):
a. Receives it structural support from the carbohydrate cellulose
b. Is between the cell membrane and nucleus
c. Protects the cell from harmful attacks (i.e. viruses or other harmful organisms)
d. Made of mostly water and nucleotides
e. Is not as strong as the cell wall of an animal cell
21. Viceroy, king, and monarch butterflies have similar appearances. Although only the
monarch is poisonous, most birds avoid all three species. Which type of adaptation is
exemplified by the butterflies in this situation?
A. mimicry
B. camouflage
C. competition
D. avoidance
19. Based on the following Punnett square, what percentage of offspring would be expected
to have a heterozygous genotype?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100%
20. Sickle-cell disease is a recessive genetic condition. Which genotype indicates that an
individual has this disorder?
B. Aa
D. aa
21. The difference(s) between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells is/are (choose all that apply):
The nucleus in a Eukaryotic cell is never surrounded by a membrane
Almost every Eukaryotic cell has structures with specialized functions
Most Prokaryotic cells are unicellular
Most Prokaryotic cells are multicellular
22. Which cell organelle is responsible for the transport of proteins?
A. mitochondria
B. endoplasmic reticula
C. centriole
D. lysosome
22. Passive transport is the movement of substances through a cell membrane without using
the cell’s energy. Select all the answers that are passive transport.
a. Osmosis
b. Facilitated Diffusion
c. Exocytosis
d. Endocytosis
e. Diffusion
23. Moving materials across a cell’s membrane from an area of lower concentration to higher
concentration is called:
a. Facilitated diffusion
b. Active transport
c. Osmosis
d. Diffusion
24. RNA is produced from DNA in the process of
A. transcription.
B. translation.
C. replication.
D. synthesis.
25. Which sequence of events precedes protein synthesis?
A. DNA replicates RNA, which goes to the lysosomes.
B. RNA translates DNA, which goes to the lysosomes.
C. DNA transcribes RNA, which goes to the ribosomes.
D. RNA synthesizes DNA, which goes to the ribosomes.
26. Select all the answers that accurately describe osmosis:
The diffusion of water across a membrane
Moves from areas of low concentration to high concentration
When equilibrium is achieved osmosis stops
Requires the use of the cells energy
Requires channel proteins
27. The Galapagos Islands provided Charles Darwin with the opportunity to observe various
environments within close proximity. He noticed that the tortoises on each island varied in
neck length and shell type. Hood Island, where the vegetation is sparse, had tortoises with
long necks and shells that were curved around the legs and neck, allowing for greater
mobility. On Isabela Island, where the vegetation is abundant and closer to the ground, the
tortoises had shorter necks and dome-shaped shells. Evolution by natural selection in this
scenario has occurred because of
A. inheritance of acquired traits.
B. geographic isolation.
C. geological change.
D. climate stability.
28. Choose all the answers that accurate describe the function of the mitochondria:
a. Directs cell activities
b. Site of protein production
c. Powerhouse of the cell
d. Stores food, water and waste
e. Location where the second step of cellular respiration occurs
29. The substance that goes through a process of translation within cells in order for
proteins to be synthesized is
B. mRNA.
C. chlorophyll.
D. cytoplasm.
29. Why is the result of the cell cycle important?
a. Enables cells to replace old or harmful cells
b. DNA is cleaned
c. Cell cycle is beneficial to nonliving things
d. Enables cells to produce new cells
e. Enables organisms to grow and develop
30. How do multicellular and unicellular organisms differ? (choose all that apply)
a. The organelles inside multicellular organisms have specific functions
b. Prokaryotic unicellular organisms have a nucleus contained within a membrane
c. Multicellular organisms are usually made up of many cells
d. Unicellular organisms always divide by meiosis
31. A company that wanted to determine the effectiveness of its antiseptic gargle had
100 people examined by a doctor. Then, for one year, each person was checked once a
month for an inflamed throat. At the end of the year, the total number of inflamed throats
was tallied. For the next year, the same 100 people gargled each day with the company's
antiseptic gargle. Each was checked monthly. The total number of inflamed throats at the
end of the second year was 21% fewer than the number at the end of the first year. What
is the major flaw in the design of this study?
A. The sample size was too large
B. There was no control group.
C. The two-year time period of the study was too short.
D. There should have been additional brands of gargle included.
32. What are the phases of the cell cycle? (choose all that apply)
a. Interphase
b. Mitotic phase
c. Metaphase
d. Intraphase
e. Intraphase II
33. Although scientific knowledge is durable and robust, it is also
A. highly subjective.
B. recognized as static.
C. open to change.
D. associated with philosophy.
34. Which kingdom of scientific classification does the duck-billed platypus belong?
A. vertebrata
B. chordata
C. animalia
D. mammalia
35. Which of the following organelles is present in plant cells but not in animal cells?
A. ribosome
B. Golgi apparatus
C. chloroplast
D. endoplasmic reticulum
36. What are the results of cell division?
a. Reproduction and growth
b. Repair and replacement
c. Homologous chromosomes
d. Sister chromatids
e. Tissues and organ systems
37. As a result of homeostasis, a marathon runner experiences which of the following
physical effects as the body works to regulate its temperature?
A. increasing blood pressure and motor reflexes
B. increasing perspiration and breathing rates
C. decreasing blood pressure and motor reflexes
D. decreasing perspiration and breathing rates
37. All of the following are membrane bound organelles except:
a. Nucleoli
b. Chromoplasts
c. Mitochondria
d. Endoplasmic Reticulum
38. Vascular tissue in plants performs a function similar to which organ systems in the
human body?
a. Excretory system
b. Circulatory system
c. Reproductive system
d. Skeletal system
e. Muscle system
39. All living things have:
a. Cell walls
b. Organelles
c. Tissues
d. Cells
40. The DNA of prokaryotes can be found in the
A. flagellum.
B. ribosomes.
C. lysosomes.
D. cytoplasm.
41. What advantages do multicellular organisms have over unicellular organisms? (choose all
that apply)
Unicellular organisms have better developed immune systems
There are no advantages
If a unicellular organism loses a function, it usually cannot survive
In multicellular organisms, if a cell stops functioning, the organism can still survive
Unicellular organisms have greater genetic diversity
42. A scientific investigation is set up to compare the cleaning ability of three different
laundry detergents. Each of three identical pans containing 1 L of water at 75 °C has
100g of a different laundry detergent dissolved in it. Three 5 cm x 5 cm squares, one of
white cotton cloth, one of white wool, and one of white nylon, are each stained with 5 g
of mustard. Each of these clothes is then soaked in a different pan for 1 hour, then
allowed to dry. The results are recorded. What is the major flaw in this experiment?
A. There is more than one independent variable.
B. The variables are not correctly identified.
C. All variables are held constant throughout the experiment.
D. There is no dependent variable.
42. How do mutations potentially cause harm?
a. Mutations break down chromosomes
b. Mutations damage ribosomes
c. Mutations can cause a gene to code for a different protein than normal
d. Mutations prevent the formation of RNA, so translation does not take place
43. Distinguish between heterozygous genotype and homozygous genotype (choose all that
a. Homozygous has two different alleles for a trait
b. Homozygous has the same two alleles for a trait
c. Heterozygous has two different alleles for a trait
d. Heterozygous has the same alleles for a trait
44. Tissue culture is an example of which type of reproduction?
a. Budding
b. Cloning
c. Fission
d. Regeneration
e. Vegetative reproduction
45. In the design of a scientific experiment, the investigator considers all factors that may
influence the results and then plans ways to keep all but one of these factors constant. In
so doing, the investigator is engaging in the scientific process of
A. collecting data.
B. organizing data.
C. forming hypotheses.
D. controlling variables.
46. Which describes cells that contain only one copy or half the amount of chromosomes?
a. Diploid
b. Haploid
c. Homologous
d. Zygote
e. Twins
47. Asexual reproduction results in:
a. Human twins
b. Offspring that are genetically different from their parent
c. Offspring that are genetically identical to their parent
d. Meiosis
41. Which cell organelle aids in cell division?
A. golgi apparatus
B. centriole
C. vacuole
D. lysosome
48. What happens in meiosis I?
a. Haploid cells are created
b. Two division of the nucleus
c. Sister chromatids separate
d. Homologous chromosomes separate
49. What occurs during meiosis II?
a. Two haploid cells form
b. Two diploid cells form
c. Four haploid cells form
d. Two haploid cells form
50. If a dog has 1260 chromosomes, how many homologous pairs will it have?
a. 2520
b. 1260
c. 0
d. 630
51. What are the advantages of sexual reproduction?
a. Organisms have to grow and develop before being able to produce sex cells
b. Genetic variation and selective reproduction
c. It is limited by some factors
d. Finding a mate
52. A heterozygous orange-flowered plant is crossed with a homozygous purple-flowered
plant. If orange is a dominant allele and purple is recessive, what color ratio will the
flowers of the offspring plants have?
1 purple, 3 orange
4 purple, 0 orange
2 purple, 2 orange
0 purple, 4 orange
53. Which order of scientific classification does the animal Canis familiaris belong to?
A. carnivora
B. chordata
C. animalia
D. mammalia
53. A man and a woman want to have a child but the man is heterozygous (Cc) for a
recessive trait that causes a fatal illness. What is the probability of a child inheriting the
fatal illness if the mother is homozygous (CC) and without the recessive trait?
54. Mendel concluded that _______factors control each inherited trait.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
55. Kari has two pet rats with black fur. When her rats mated, one of their four offspring had
white fur, and the other three had black fur. Which is most likely true for Kari’s rats?
a. Both parents are homozygous for the white-fur trait, which is recessive
b. Both parents are heterozygous for the white-fur trait, which is dominant
c. Both parents are heterozygous for the white-fur trait, which is recessive
d. Both parents are heterozygous for the white-fur trait, which is sex linked
56. Of the following, which represents a homozygous recessive genotype?
a. TT
b. Tt
c. tT
d. tt
e. TTt
57. What type of inheritance might determine or play a major role in height?
a. Complete dominance
b. Incomplete dominance
c. Polygenic inheritance
d. Multiple alleles
58. In the trashcan in Isaac’s room, there were many wrappers from snacks. At the bottom of
the trash can there was a candy wrapper. In the middle, there was a piece of plastic from a
slice of cheese. On the top of the rest of the trash is a granola wrapper. Assuming the
trash has never been mixed up, which snack did Isaac eat the longest ago? Which type of
dating did you use to answer?
a. The granola bar; absolute age dating
b. The granola bar; relative age dating
c. The candy bar; absolute age dating
d. The candy bar; relative age dating
59. What is suggested by the figure below?
a. Horses appeared no more than a million years ago and had no ancestors before
that time
b. There were no animals that would be considered to be related to the horses 55-50
million years ago
c. The modern horse is related to other extinct species
d. The hyracotherium is the same species as the modern horse
60. _________ are remains of life from an earlier time.
a. Sedimentary rocks
b. Fossils
c. Variations
d. Limestones
61. Which animal would you expect a dog’s genes and proteins to be more like?
a. Wolf
b. Bear
c. Alligator
d. Lion
62. Although Darwin did not know about genes, he could see that animals of the same
species who had slight variations that helped them to survive longer could produce more
offspring than animals who were not as well equipped. Which of the following could be
an example of a variation that would help a group of animals survive?
a. Black bears in a region that is always covered with snow
b. Tortoises with long necks on an island where the food source was elevated
c. Choosing a cat to take home form the animal shelter
d. Planting a certain kind of flower to attract butterflies
63. Scientists can tell whether organisms are closely related by comparing their _____.
a. Hair color
b. Teeth
c. DNA
d. Scientific names
64. Different forms of a gene are called:
a. Alleles
b. Traits
c. Phenotype
d. Genotype
65. __________ are inherited traits that increases an organism’s chance of surviving and
reproducing in its environment.
a. Variations
b. Survival of the fittest
c. Adaptations
d. Halitosis
e. Epistaxis
66. Selective breeding is:
a. The breeding of organisms for desired characteristics
b. Nature selecting variations in breeds of organisms
c. A person who studies plants and animals
d. A process that includes nonliving objects
67. When two of the same alleles are seen in the offspring’s genotype, those alleles can be
(choose all that apply):
a. Homozygous
b. Recessive
c. Dominant
d. Heterozygous
68. Biological evolution is (choose all that apply)
a. Occurs in populations of related organisms
b. A change over time
c. Climate
d. Extinction
69. You are studying two animal species. You hypothesize that they are very distantly related
to each other. What would be the most useful for testing your hypothesis?
a. Comparing their skulls
b. Analyzing their DNA
c. Comparing their embryos
d. Looking up the answer on the Web
70. On her porch, Anna finds a bug that looks like a twig with legs. She realizes that if this
bug was on a tree, she may never have seen it. This bug uses the structural adaptation
a. Mimicry
b. Camouflage
c. Hidden
d. Plain sight
71. The butterflies illustrate the principle of:
Ww and Ww
WW and ww
Ww and ww
ww and ww
Read the article below and answer the four questions (53-56) that follow.
The Four Branches of Science
Science is the careful study of information to create an understanding of the natural world, which
includes many components that have changed greatly over the course of time. The study of the natural
world is organized into four large, interrelated areas or branches: physical, life, Earth and space
sciences. Each of the science areas connects to one or more of ¬the others areas of science.
The Scientific Method
All four branches of science benefit from the use of the scientific method: an organized way of
seeking answers to targeted questions. The scientific method—in use for over three hundred
years—is an important tool used by scientists to explore and understand our natural world.
Physical Science
Physical science is the study of the tiny particles and invisible forces that make up the universe. The
process of ice melting from a cube into a tiny puddle of water is an example of a physical science.
But many physical sciences cannot be observed without the assistance of special equipment. For
example, a variety of tiny particles, such as molecules and atoms, are undetectable to the naked
eye without the use of specialized tools. Forces such as gravity and electricity are helpful in holding
these particles together. Another important area of study in the physical sciences is energy, for
example heat. Chemistry and physics are the names of two different types of physical sciences.
Life Science
Life science, also known as biology, is the study of living structures. Biologists examine how plants
and animals grow and adapt to their environment, individually as well within populations. One
interesting example of life science is the study of genetics—the area of science that explains why
parents and children often resemble one another. Life science studies sometimes cross over into
the physical sciences. For instance, biochemistry is a life science that studies molecules and brings
together the study of biology and chemistry.
Earth Science
The study of Earth science shows that Earth has several different systems, including the oceans
and the atmosphere, which cycle air and water around Earth. As an example, the surface features
of Earth are formed and changed by lava from underneath the ground breaking through Earth's
crust. Learning about volcanoes is an exciting part of the Earth sciences. Another important area of
study for Earth scientists is the way human actions change the climate and atmosphere.
Space Science
Space science asks questions to provide information about the universe. Questions abound about
the universe, its stars and planets, and the life that it might support. Although these questions are
part of space science, they also relate to many other sciences. For example, the study of the
makeup of the universe often includes chemistry, a physical science.
73. What is the scientific method?
a. A 300-year-old course of study that one follows in order to become a scientist
b. An important set of regulations and safety procedures that scientists must memorize
c. A specialized tool that measures particles which are undetectable to the naked eye
d. An organized system of inquiry that scientists use to investigate the natural world
74. Which two branches of science are represented by this image?
DNA transfers genes from one generation to another
Earth and Space sciences
Space and Life sciences
Physical and Life sciences
Physical and Earth sciences
75. Which of these statements is not true about the four branches of science?
The chemical makeup of tiny particles is of no concern to life scientists.
The development of habitat biodiversity is of concern to Earth scientists.
Space scientists use the physical sciences to explore the makeup of the universe.
Life scientists can be interested in discussion of life on other planets.
76. The best title of this article would be:
Mother Earth’s cycle
Human Beings Place in the Universe
Investigating the Natural World
Exploring the Final Frontier: Space
Essay Rubric for the essay on the next page
Rubric Language:
Response is…..
Complete explanation
Correct explanation/answer
Clear explanations
Specific explanations
Interpretations and opinions of the text
based on effective comprehension
Effective inference, analysis, evaluation
and/or comparison
Supported with details from passage
Provides partially complete and correct
explanation of, or answer to the item
Unclear or unsubstantiated explanations
or interpretations and opinions of the text
May show limitation in comprehension
May show limitation in inference,
analysis, evaluation and/or comparison
Response is supported with limited
details (quantity ) from the passage
Response is supported with limited
details (quality) from the passage
Response is incorrect/irrelevant/not
Read the following article and complete the essay prompt at the end.
Were You Born To Be A Sports Star?
CHICAGO, Illinois (Achieve3000, April 27, 2011). Were you born to be an elite athlete?
Makers of a genetic test claim that for less than $200, they can answer that question. But could
such an analysis adversely affect the ambitions of aspiring sports superstars?
In recent years, scientists have identified several genes—in particular one called ACTN3—that
may play a role in determining strength, speed, and other aspects of athletic performance. A
variant form of ACTN3 triggers the production of a protein that affects fast-twitch muscle
activity and has been linked with quick bursts of strength. These qualities are important for
activities such as sprinting.
A handful of companies advertise mail-order test kits for determining whether children possess
this variant form of ACTN3. The test kit sold online by Atlas Sports Genetics (ASG) costs $169.
It consists of two swabs, which customers use to scrape cells from the inside of the cheek.
Customers mail back the used swabs and receive the results several days later. Nat Carruthers is
ASG's operations president. According to Carruthers, the company has sold several hundred test
kits since it began advertising them in 2008.
ASG customer Bradley Marston of Bountiful, Utah, purchased the test for his 10-year-old
daughter Elizabeth. Elizabeth has had a passion for soccer since age 4 and has demonstrated
exceptional on-field skills. Marston was curious to learn whether his daughter possessed the
variant form of ACTN3. However, Marston was concerned that a negative test result might cause
his talented daughter to give up her dream of someday becoming an Olympic athlete.
"She told me, 'Well, Daddy, I'd just have to try harder,'" Marston said, and so he went ahead with
the test.
Marston was cautious in his approach to the test. He carefully prepared his daughter for whatever
the results might reveal. But is such an analysis a good idea for everyone?
Advocates of the test, including advertisers of the product and many parents, say the answer is
yes. They claim that the test can help parents steer their children toward sports that require the
quick bursts of strength triggered by ACTN3.
"Our goal is to help people become the athlete they were born to be," said ASG's Carruthers.
But skeptics disagree. They argue that the test raises ethical questions. The results could
potentially rob perfectly capable youngsters of a chance to enjoy activities of their choice, be
they non-athletic activities or sports that do not require those quick bursts of strength.
"This is recreational genetics with a real serious potential for harm," said pediatrician Dr. Lainie
Friedman Ross. "People are going to think, 'If my kid has this, I'm going to have to push real
hard. If my kid doesn't have it, I'm going to give up before I start,'" Ross said. Instead, she said,
parents should "let kids follow their dreams."
Skeptics also argue that the science of how genes influence athletic ability is in its infancy and
that advertisers' claims are based on gross assumptions. University of Maryland researcher
Stephen Roth specializes in genetics. Roth has studied ACTN3 and found that roughly 80
percent of people worldwide possess the variant form of the gene that affects muscle activity.
However, a tiny percentage of these people become elite athletes. This fact underscores that it
takes more than genes to make a sports star. In addition, some of the people who lack the gene
variant do excel in sports, Roth said, citing a Spanish long jumper who made it to the Olympics
despite not having the variation of the gene.
As for Elizabeth Marston, her test showed that she does in fact possess the quick-strength variant
of ACTN3. The young soccer player is happy with the results, but she knows it will take more
than genes to attain her goal of competing in the Olympics.
Summarize the opposing opinions about testing children for the ACTN3 gene. Present the
reasoning for both sides of the argument. Explain which side of reasoning you consider to be
stronger and explain why.