Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War “The Road to World War II” Part I: Create a timeline that delineates the events leading up to the U.S. entry into World War II. Your timeline notes** should be simple (in your own words) but detailed. For each event consider: How did this event lead to the outbreak of war? Or how did this event lead to the U.S. decision to enter the war? Make sure to stress the significance of the events as it brought the U.S. into WWII Your timeline must include all events but you only need notes on the starred events** Events: 1933 FDR blocks the London Economic Conference** FDR declares the Good Neighbor Policy toward Latin America** Hitler comes into power in Germany 1934 Reciprocal Trade Agreement 1935 Mussolini invades Ethiopia 1935-37 First, Second and Third Neutrality Acts** 1936 Hitler and Mussolini ally in Rome Berlin Axis 1936-37 Spanish Civil War** 1937 Japan invades China 1938 Hitler seizes Austria Munich Conference** 1939 Hitler seizes Czechoslovakia Hitler’s invasion of Poland [WWII begins in Europe]** U.S. Neutrality Act of 1939** Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact** 1940 France falls to Nazis Hitler invades Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium U.S. invokes the first peacetime draft Re-enforcement of Monroe Doctrine** Battle of Britain** Bases for Destroyers deal with Britain** 1941 Lend-Lease Act** Hitler attacks Soviet Union** Atlantic Charter** Japan attacks Pearl Harbor** U.S. officially enters WWII Part II: Now choose the top five reasons of why the U.S. entered WWII rank them in order of importance (#1 being the most important) and explain WHY you cose that particular event over all others. Part III: Write introductory paragraph and this statement that answers the following question “It was absolutely necessary for the United States to enter World War II.” Assess the validity of this statement.