BIOL 191 1004 - Great Basin College

Great Basin College, Pahrump Valley Campus, 551 East Calvada Blvd, Pahrump,
Nevada – 89048- Phone:(775) 727-2000 -Fax:(775) 727-2014
Course Syllabus for BIOL 191 – Introduction to Organismal Biology- Spring 2014
Instructor: Dr. Rita Bagwe
Office: 101B
Phone: 775-727-2005
Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.; Friday – 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon or
by appointment.
Teaching Assistants:
Ms. Holly Brice - : Mon & Tue: 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Ms. Jani Johnston – ; Wed & Thur: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Teaching assistants will meet strictly by scheduled appointment only. Sign-up sheet for
scheduling appointments is kept in the Academic Success Center.
Course title: Introduction to Organismal Biology
Course number/ section numbers:BIO 191 /1004 lab/ 1005 lecture
Number of credits:4 Credit
Meeting dates / time/ place: Tuesdays & Thursdays 4.00 p.m. – 5.15 p.m. and lab will be held
on Thursday 1:00 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. / Room number 116
Dates when classes will not be held:Classes will not be held on holidays listed in the school
academic calendar.
Prerequisite:Must have completedBIO 190.
Corequisite:Concurrent enrollment in a corresponding lab section is required for this course.
Course description:The study of the evolution, ecology, and diversity of life, both past and present.
Required for biology majors, but will partially satisfy the science requirement for all associate’s degrees.
Concurrent enrollment in a corresponding lab section is required for this course.
Texts:Lecture - Required text –Biological Science,
Publishers- Pearson, Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company,
Authors – Scott Freeman, Kin Quillin and Lizabeth Allison;
5th edition (required); Published – 2013;
ISBN 13: 978-0-321-74367-1
Lab:lab manual is needed for this course.
Title - Laboratory manual for non – majors in biology,
Authors - James. W. Perry, David Morton, Joy. B. Perry,
Publishers - Brooks/Cole – Cengage learning,
6th Edition, Publishing year - 2013
ISBN-13; 978-0-8400-5380-0
Learning outcomes and Measurements
Expected Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course the
student will be able to:
Outcome Measurements
The expected outcomes will be
measured by:
1. Communication Skills
Students will have several opportunities to
exercise written and oral communication
skills throughout this course. They will
complete laboratory reports and written
assignments accessing scientific
information as well as written exams. Oral
communication skills will also be utilized
during discussions involved in completing
laboratory assignments.
Lecture Exams: Students will be able to
read and answer exam questions in written
Lab Practical Exams: Students will read
and answer exam questions in written form.
Written Lab Report: Students will clearly
communicate scientific information in
written form. (See “lab reports” below for
grading rubric)
Class Discussions: Students will be able to
communicate scientific ideas orally.
2. Critical Thinking
Quantitative Ability: Students will use
mathematical principles and quantitative
methods to complete the laboratory
assignments. They will also learn how to
quantitatively measure molecular-biological
and cellular characteristics.
Reasoning and Individual Thought:
Students will use reasoning and independent
thought to complete laboratory experiments
and answer exam questions.
Scientific Understanding- Students will
comprehend molecular-biological and
cellular systems and the process by which
the scientific knowledge is discovered. They
will develop the ability to understand
molecular-biological and cellular
information and how it relates to them.
Lab Exams (written and practical)
Lab Notebook
Lecture Exams
3. Personal and Cultural
Sense of the Individual in SocietyStudents will gain an understanding of
molecular and cellular biology and how this
affects them and the population.
Sense of the Past- Students will gain an
understanding of how biological knowledge
was discovered and how this knowledge has
changed society and their lives.
Sense of Accountability- Students will
comprehend the consequences of human
discoveries in molecular and cellular
biology and their implications.
Appreciation of Fine Arts- Students will
develop an understanding of the value of
biological diversity and individual curiosity
and creative thought.
4. Personal Wellness
Students will develop skills in determining
the consequences of their actions in relation
to the environment and their personal
health. They will gain knowledge needed to
make important decisions involving
personal health.
Students will gain knowledge of how
advancing technology in the field of biology
will affect their lives and their personal
5. Technological
Lecture Exams: Students will be able to
answer exam questions on the importance
and place of cell and molecular biology in
society, on the history of biological research,
and how their actions affect them and their
Lab Practical Exams: Students will be able
to answer lab practical exam questions on
the importance and place of cell and
molecular biology in society, on the history
of biological research, and how their actions
affect them and their environment.
Class Discussions: Students will be able to
discuss the importance and place of cell and
molecular biology in society and how their
actions affect them and their environmentungraded.
Written Lab Report: Students will
calculate and present quantitative results
clearly in the lab reports.
Lecture Exams and Lab Practical Exams:
Students will be able to answer exam
questions on the molecular basis of human
Class Discussions: Students will discuss the
molecular basis of human health, ungraded.
Lecture Exams: Students will be able to
answer exam questions on technology in cell
and molecular biology, and human health.
Lab Practical Exams: Students will
demonstrate the ability to use technological
lab equipment used in biology and relate the
use of this equipment to cell and molecular
biology and human health.
Written Lab Report: Students will present,
in written form, the use of technology to
discover knowledge in the area of cell and
molecular biology – the “procedures” section
of their lab reports.
Summary of the Assessment of Objectives:Learning and general education objectives will be
assessed with three distinct tools. Lecture exams will consist of multiple choice questions, True
or false statements, Fill in the blanksand short essay type questions that will test three types of
knowledge: recall of factual information; definitions of terminology; and conceptual and
integrative thinking. Laboratory practical will emphasize recall of the various manipulative and
study objects used in the exercises, as well as testing that the students understand the concepts
and principles that were generated with these devices. The written laboratory report will assess
their written communication skills, as well as their conceptual understanding of a critical lab
experiment. The experiments have been chosen for its mix of conceptual, numeric, and technical
Method of instruction:Each week there will be two lecture classes and one laboratory class.
Homework assignments will be assigned every week. It is your responsibility to read the chapter
before the class.
Goals of this course:Students taking this course will have an understanding of cells,
biomolecules, composition and physiology of cellular organelles, cell metabolism, reproduction,
motility, and gene function in both plants and animals. The GBC General Education Objectives
are addressed at the end of this syllabus.
Use of computers in this course:WebCampus: This course will make use of WebCampus. To
log in, go to Your WebCampus ID is your Great Basin College email
address ID. If you don't have a GBC email address or don't remember your address go to or the Technology Help Desk, or 775-7532167. Passwords will be sent by mail to students who register for their course(s) 5 days before
the semester begins. If you register after this time or did not receive a letter by mail, contact the
Help Desk as soon as possible.
Grading system:The grade for this course will be based on two components: performance in
lecture and laboratory. The total score for the course is 700.
400 Points- Lecture Grade based on 4 one hour exams (100 points each)
100 Points- 10 Lecture or Lab quizzes (10 points each)
50 Points- 10 Homework assignments (5 points each)
50 Points- 2 Lab reports (25 points each)
100 Points- 2 Lab Practical Exams (50 points each)
Lab Reports: The use of color pencils is mandatory for all students. All the experiments should
have an aim, materials used, procedure, principal, results, conclusion and graphs, figures, tables,
flow charts wherever necessary. The report must be typed, single spaced, 12 point font, times
new roman. It is due by the next lab class period (1 week) after being assigned. The report
should follow the following outline:
Aim: Title of the experiment
Introduction: Give the background to the topic. Why is it important? Briefly tell what you are
going to do in the experiment.
Procedures: Explain what organisms, materials and methods were used in the experiments.
How did you do it?
Results: Present the results. Point out key or unexpected results.
Conclusion: What was the significance of your results? Explain the importance of the
experiment, and whether or not your outcome was consistent or inconsistent with what was
Reference: Citing material used in writing of lab report
Diagram / Figure/ Tables/ Calculations/ Graphs: Wherever necessary. Clear, legible and
Grading criteria for the report are identical to those used by the English department:
1. Focuses and develops ideas effectively, showing creativity and insight.
2. Organizes ideas in a purposeful and logical manner, moving the reader (listener)
smoothly through the text (subject).
3. Uses sentence structure and word choice effectively with a sense of control.
4. Commits few, if any, errors in grammar/usage and mechanics.
Lab Notebook:A lab notebook has to been maintained by everyone and it will be graded during
lab exams. The use of color pencils is mandatory. A plain notebook should be used as lab
notebook and should include certificate page and index page. All lab exercise questions should
be answered and written legibly. The use of neat, well labeled graphs/diagrams should be
included when necessary. Attendance in lab is mandatory, there will be no make-up labs.
Technical Evaluation:Each student will be graded on my technical evaluation of your
proficiency in the laboratory. Use and care of equipment(s), station cleanliness, and overall
participation in labs are some of the factors that will be judged. Excessive tardiness/absences
and careless behavior will also be factored into the technical evaluation.
Homework Assignments:Will be posted on the web campus. Homework assignments will be
given by Friday evening and must be turned in by the following Thursday evening by 5:15 p.m.
The grading scale is as follows: Homework must be handwritten on a plain piece of paper and
submitted without any reminders on the due date. Late homework assignments will not be
accepted at all.
Score Letter Grade
97 – 100
94- 96.99
Your “up to the minute” grade for the lecture portion of the course will be posted on
WebCampus in an anonymous spreadsheet. Log on to the WebCampus course and follow the
instructions (filed permanently in the announcement area) to view your grade.
Instructions for dropping the course:If you do not complete the course and do not formally
withdraw by the drop deadline, your instructor will automatically assign you a grade of "F".And,
of course, it would be lovely for you to include the drop deadline for each of your courses.For
the Spring 2014 semester the drop deadline is Monday, March 24, 2014. Support staff and
Admissions & Records staff can give you the specific drop date for any of your courses; just ask.
Congruent with this policy, "Incompletes" assigned for Fall 2013 courses and beyond, will no
longer automatically become W's when the March 15, deadline hits. Instead, if you have not
submitted an alternate grade before March 15 (or Oct 15 for spring courses), the "I" will become
and "F".
Attendance policy:Attendance in lecture is mandatory. Attendance will be taken in lecture and
Labs. Students remaining absent for more than three lecture or lab classes will be given a letter
grade down. Even if you come to class late or leave early it will count as half attendance. That
means if you do it twice it will be counted as one complete absence. Regular attendance is the
single most important thing you can do to get and maintain a good grade. Do not forget to sign
attendance sheet for every class and lab separately.Six unexcused absence will automatically
result in being expelled from the class.
Student support information:The Student Support and Retention office provides individualized
coaching to students who are struggling in college, either academically or personally. The office
houses both professional staff and peer mentors to help students navigate obstacles in their
college experience and reach their academic goals. For more information visit or call the Retention Coordinator at 775-753-2255.
Lecture exam makeup policy:All the students have to take at the exams at a given time
schedule. I am not going to give the exam at any other time other according to your convenience.
Make sure that you do not schedule anything during the lecture and lab time for the semester. In
order to be fair to students taking the exams on the assigned days I am extremely restrictive with
makeups. You will only be allowed to take a makeup if you present a written approved excuse
before the next time the class meets. You must take the makeup exam before the exam is passed
back to the rest of the class, which is usually the next class meeting. These options are only
available for approved written excuses at my discretion. If you have missed an exam or know
that you are going to miss one see me ASAP.
Lab practical exam makeup policy:Since the lab practical are very difficult to set up, makeups
will only be given in exceptional circumstances with an approved written excuse.
Lab quizzes: There will be few Lab quizzes to be given at the beginning of each lab period
when there is not a lab practical exam. You will be informed a week in advance of impending
lab quiz. They will be based on the previous lab’s material with a few questions from the lab that
will be done on the current day. These quizzes cannot be made up.
Schedule:This is a preliminary schedule. I reserve the right to change any part of it. Exam
dates will likely not change. But if they do, I will attempt to announce the change one week
ahead of time in class.
Mendel and Gene
DNA and the Gene
How Genes work
Transcription, RNA Processing and Translation
Control of gene expression in Eukaryotes
34 & 35
52- 56
Principles of Development
An Introduction to Animal Development
Exam - 1– (100 points)
An Introduction to Plant Development
Evolution by natural selection
Evolutionary processes
Phylogenies and the History of life
Exam - 2– (100 points)
Bacteria and Archaea
Green Algae and Land Plants
An Introduction to Animals
Protosome and Deutrosome Animals
Plant form and Function
Water and Sugar Transport in Plants
Exam - 3– (100 points)
Plant Nutrition
Plant sensory system, signals and responses
Plant reproduction
Animal Form and Function
Water and Electrolyte Balance in Animals
Animal Nutrition
Gas Exchange and Circulation
Animal Nervous system
Animal sensory system
Animal Reproduction
Introduction to Ecology
Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
Exam - 4– (100 points)
Laboratory schedule
Nucleic Acid :Blueprints for life
Animal Development
Plant & Animal Development slides
Taxonomy: Classifying and Naming Organisms
Bacteria and Protists I
Protists II
24, 25
26 - 28
29 - 31
Lab Exam 1 – (50 Points)
Bryophytes – Liverworts and Mosses
Seedless vascular plants: Club Mosses and Fungi
Seed Plants I: Gymnosperms
Seed Plants II :Angiosperms, Fungi
Sponges, Cnidarians, Flatworms, Rotifers
Segmented worms, Mollusks, Roundworms, Arthropods, Echinoderms,
Evolutionary Agents
Evidences of Evolution
Dissection of fetal pigs
Lab Exam 2 – (50 Points)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement:Great Basin College is committed to
providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance
with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current
verification of disability. The Director of Services for Students with Disabilities (Julie G.
Byrnes) will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable
accommodations, auxiliary aids and services. For more information or further assistance, please
call 775-753-2271.
Student Conduct Statements:Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and may result in a
failing grade and/or reporting to GBC Administration. The students conduct policy in the current
GBC catalog will be enforced. This syllabus is not a contract and is subject to change, without
warning or notification, at any time.
Cell Phone Policies:Cell phones must be switched OFF during lecture and lab classes and left
off for the duration of the class. Neither phoning nor texting is permitted at any time. Anyone
found using it will lead to confiscation of their mobile. No electronic gadgets are allowed in the
class during exams.
This syllabus does not in any way represent a contract. It is a reflection of the intent of the
instructor, but do recognize that it is an organic construct that may change as the semester
progresses. Any changes will be announced in class.