WE HAVEN’T FAILED. WE KNOW A THOUSAND THINGS THAT WON’T WORK, SO WE’RE THAT MUCH CLOSER TO FINDING WHAT WILL. ~ THOMAS EDISON, AMERICAN INVENTOR 2010 – 2011 BIOLOGY COURSE OUTLINE INSTRUCTOR: MR. DANIAL OFFICE PHONE/EMAIL: (216) 587-3200 X 1223 Martin.danial@mapleschools.com www.maplecityschools.com, online classroom TEXT: Holt Modern Biology CLASSROOM RULES/EXPECTATIONS: 1. This classroom will be treated like an Honor’s Biology classroom. a. Topic Discussion will be encouraged. b. Outside Discussion will NOT BE. 2. Students are to remain seated unless asked to move around or during lab sessions. 3. No cell phones, iPods, mp3 players, DVD players. a. Make it easy, DO NOT LET ME SEE OR HEAR ELECTRONIC DEVICES. 4. No Food! 5. Beverages are ok unless on lab days. 6. Come to class prepared! 7. NO CURSING, YELLING, FIGHTING, HORSEPLAY a. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE and NOT TOLERATED! 8. Be respectful of yourselves, others, and me! a. We are not all going to have good days, however, do not ruin others please. MATERIALS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 3 ½ “ Ring binder. Black, blue, and red pens. Binder Material Organizer Highliter Subject Dividers (4 dividers) Folder with binder holes. Ruler. Everything else will be provided. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Knowledge: 1. Understand the benefits, principles, application, and incorporation of biology-related science 2. Understand field and laboratory-based methods of scientific inquiry. 3. Understand how to modify and apply the biological knowledge gained to human populations and increase out understanding of the world. Skills: 1. Assess biological principles and laboratory-based methods. 2. Collect and analyze data. 3. Technological proficiency. Attitudes and Values: 1. Recognize the importance of biology. 2. Recognize the importance of working with classmates during laboratory activities. COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. ATTNEDANCE/PARTICIPATION/CLASSWORK (30%) Students are responsible for ALL lecture material. Exams and PowerPoint presentations are MANDATORY. No cell phones, iPods, mp3’s, or any other electronic devices are allowed in class (school rule). 2. EXAMS/QUIZZES (30%) All exams will be provided to assess students’ ability to appropriately apply what they have learned. Study guides will be provided. 3. LABORATORY SESSIONS/PROJECTS (40%) Laboratory Sessions will tentatively occur once a week during class with time for demonstration and/or practical application of the knowledge we are learning. Come to class dressed appropriately for labs. 4. EVALUATION Weekly Notebook Checks Assignments/Homework Exams/Quizzes Laboratory Sessions/Projects 5. GRADING SCALE (%): A 90 – 100 B 80 – 89 C 70 – 79 D 60 – 69 F <60 ACADEMIC GAMEPLAN WEEK August 1-2 September/October 2-7 October 7-11 November 11-14 November/December 15-16 TOPIC Unit 1 Class Intro Lab Safety Scientific Method Unit 2 Ecology CHAPTER 1 19-23 Unit 3 Cells 4-8 Unit 4 Genetics 9-13 Unit 5 Evolution & Classification 14-18