Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet HIS STYLE, HIS STRATEGIES, AND WHATEVER ELSE MAKES IT INTO THIS SLIDESHOW Metaphor The comparison of two unlike objects without using like or as. Used in order to get an idea across, something one cannot usually fit into words themselves. But soft! What light from yonder window break? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun! Oxymoron Using two contradictory (or, opposite) terms to describe something Usually to describe something abstract or ambiguous, in between two ideas O brawling love! O loving hate!...Sad happiness! Serious foolishness! Beautiful things muddled together into an ugly mess! Couplet A two line poem that rhymes Usually used at the end of a scene to signify an exit or a resolution The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. Speaking of the prologue… Iambic Pentameter Sometimes described as the “sound” or “feel” of Shakespeare, it was the way he would form his texts. Iambic means the stress of the syllable lands on the second part Think of the difference between OB-ject and ob-JECT Pentameter means there are ten syllables per line The Prologue Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, And the continuance of their parents' rage, Which, but their children's end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. Write like the ‘Speare Using the four elements we just learned about (metaphor, oxymoron, couplet, and iambic pentameter), as well as lessons in spitting game from Romeo, write a six line Shakespearean pick-up to…whomever. Your significant other, a celebrity, someone else in the classroom that doesn’t know your name—it doesn’t matter. You must incorporate all the elements from above and describe someone specific. Label each part of your elements, and describe how it fits. O! That thine shining eyes might turn towards mine! O! That thine blood red mouth might meet mine! O! That thine talent will transform our love O! To that of a hateful song of love If thy heart will accept my love as gift, Then do not turn thee away, Taylor Swift. Soliloquy, Aside, and Monologues OR, WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP TALKING TO THEMSELVES? The Private Thoughts of Characters It is difficult to show an audience what a character is feeling in a performance Usually shown thorough their actions or their acting However! For those in Elizabethan theatre, this would have been too difficult—thus, the self speaking The Fourth Wall A stage is made up of four walls: the back and two sides are literal, they’re actually there. However, those in theatre call the front end “the fourth wall”…it is the invisible wall that the audience looks through to see the action Characters are in this box and usually do not break out of it, but will sometimes to direct thoughts to audience. Back Audience Soliloquy A soliloquy is when a character is delivering their thoughts Not usually to anyone in particular, almost them thinking aloud Usually done when they are alone onstage and considering what had just happened. Asides The inner thoughts of a character within a specific moment Spoken aloud with other actors on the stage, but directed straight at audience—others cannot hear what they are saying A breaking of the fourth wall to hear their inner thoughts Monologue When a character speaks for an elongated period of time to other characters Usually done in a fit of emotion, and are rarely interrupted by others The “big speech” that rallies the team, the confession that stuns everyone, the reveal of the master plan 42s Act III Working with your row, your group will look through a scene and prepare a presentation for the class based on it. You will become experts and then teach us about it. Each person will have a specific role that they may choose. The rolls are… Annotator: Will choose and identify a soliloquy, aside, or monologue and annotate it using SWIFFT. It must be at least six lines and there must be at least ten annotations. Summarizer: Will summarize the scene as well as choose three essential lines and explain them Writer: Will write a SPES paragraph answering the question: “Why is this scene important or needed in Act III?” Discussion Director: Will write three discussion questions (heavy questions) as well as answer with their own opinion. Be prepared to present! Each group will be teaching the class what they have learned from that scene. Take notes! There will be a quiz on it the next day. Write your name and role on the sheet of paper. You will be graded individually on this.