Marketing 325 Exam #2 Study Guide

Marketing 325 – Exam #2 Study Guide
The in-class exam will be worth 100 points total. It will be 50 multiple choice questions covering Chapters
7, 8, 9 and 11 in your text, as well as notes from lectures.
The exam begins at 10:30 sharp on Monday, January 14, 2012. Preceding the exam at 9:00 a.m. – 10:15
a.m. will be an optional Q & A study session. Attendance is recommended but not required.
Although it is your responsibility to read and understand all the text content assigned to you, the following
list provides you with topical areas of suggested extra focus.
Key Terms – bolded and listed in the outside margins of pages within each chapter. Please note: it
is recommended that you understand these terms well enough to be able to provide your own
definition and to be able to apply the concept. Please do not simply memorize.
Concepts Questions at the end of each chapter. Even though you will not have short answer
questions on the exam, you will have multiple choice questions where you are asked to apply your
knowledge. Being able to answer these questions is always a plus.
Chapter 7: (in addition to above):
Steps in segmentation process
Various types of market segmentation
Types of targeting strategies
Understand the concept of perceptual mapping
What constitutes customer relationship management (CMR)
Chapter 8:
Layers of the product concept (core, actual, augmented)
Durable and non-durable goods
Continuous, dynamically continuous, and discontinuous innovations
Consumer product classifications (convenience, shopping, etc.) and examples of each
Steps in new product development
The 5 categories of innovators (chart on page 236 and info on 236-237)
Factors that affect the rate of adoption
Chapter 9:
Product lines and product mixes
What is TQM?
The product life cycle -- know characteristics of each stage (Figure 9.5 – page 253)
Branding: names, brand marks, trademarks, service marks (notes), brand equity
Types of branding strategies
Types of brand management positions
Chapter 11:
Steps included in price planning
Elastic vs. inelastic demand
Variable vs. fixed costs and their role in pricing
What is a break-even analysis and the break-even point
Aspects of the pricing environment as it affects pricing management
Different types of pricing strategies and tactics
What is freenomics and why is it used?
Psychological pricing strategies