Communism - SophomoreEnglish

Alex Harvey
 Definition: A doctrine based on revolutionary
Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the
official ideology of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
 A totalitarian system of government in which a single
authoritarian party controls state-owned means of
 According to communist literature socialism has
been established in the former Soviet Union and
other communist countries. Demonstrates that the
system of any of these countries according to
Marxist-Leninist ideology can be classed as state
monopolistic feudalism.
 Communism is pretty much a dictatorship and
everyone does what they are told by their leader.
Paul Sweezy. “The Principles of Communism”.
1914, Eduard Bernstein in the German Social
Democratic Party’s Vorwärts!; Marxists. Andy
Blunden. 2005. April 25, 2013.
How the Communist party came to
 Lenin declared the new communist government on 8 November
1917. The parliament planned by the Constituent Assembly went
ahead as planned, but, when the Bolsheviks only won 175 seats and the
Social revolutionaries won 370, Lenin closed it down and set up instead
what he called the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’. Lenin and his
‘Politburo’ (cabinet) ruled by decree: ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’
was in effect dictatorship by the Bolshevik party.
John Dclare. “How did Lenin impose Communist control on Russia?”. Russia 1917-41. 8 sections. April
29, 2013.
Penalties In Communism
 When someone speaks badly about their leader in a
communistic country they are exiled to death and can not say
what they want about the government.
 Communist areas are very strict on the people and the
government has total control over what everyone says and
 No one dares to speak ill of the government unless they want
to be charged with treason and probably be sentenced to
There are still many countries that are under communist rule, and these
countries still have strict laws on what people can or can not say.
 They also still have the mentality of spreading communism to rule with an
iron fist.
 Communists parties believe that they are the superior political party so
everyone should join them
 Examples of countries with communism: North Korea, Russia, China,
Cuba, and Vietnam are some of the few countries that are under
communistic rule.
Work Cited:
Dclare, John. “How did Lenin impose Communist control on Russia?”. Russia
1917-41. 8 sections. April 29, 2013.
Sweezy, Paul. “The Principles of Communism”. 1914, Eduard Bernstein in the German
Social Democratic Party’s Vorwärts!; Marxists. Andy Blunden. 2005. April 25,