
Gender-Based Violence Sub Cluster / Саб-кластер з питань подолання ґендерно-обумовленого насильства
+GBV Working Group
Meeting Minutes
11 September 2015, 14:00 – 16:00
UN House, Aleksanyan conference room (1, Klovsky Uzviz)
1. Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO)/ Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)
2. Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS)
3. Medical services for survivors of GBV: update from the regions
4. Field update.
5. AoB.
Preparation for Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO)/ Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)
– Presentation on HNO/HRP 2016 delivered by OCHA stressed importance of the overall process,
identification of needs and challenges while taking into account the lessons learned from previous
year experience. HRP for 2016 will be project based unlike HRP for 2015 that was activity based.
– Humanitarian Needs Overview by all clusters to be finalized by October 9th. The 2016
Humanitarian Response Plan for Ukraine to be drafted by the end of October and endorsed by HCT
before November 17th. In mid-December this will be followed by the Global Launch with all
countries having humanitarian response presenting their HRPs for 2016.
– A variety of practical hints, samples and best practices of HRP have been collected to assist
clusters in preparing their inputs. All materials are stored in a separated Dropbox accessible for any
cluster member or partner.
Action Points:
 Link to the HNO/HRP Dropbox to be shared with all GBV Sub-Cluster partners;
 Secondary data based draft HNO will be developed by the Sub-cluster secretariat and
shared for comments/amendments with the Sub-cluster.
The Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS)
– Presentation of the UN GBV IMS informed the partners on the basics of the system used in
humanitarian situations for collecting, registration and analyzing data by GBV service provider
organizations/services and to ensure safe and ethical sharing of reported incident data. It was
highlighted that the GBV IMS is not a prevalence and case management tool, it cannot be used
as a data collection outside of the scope of service provision, i.e. by researchers, human rights
monitors, surveyors
– Proposal to organize a working group of experts assessing the current data collection practices
and the need to introduce the IMS was tabled.
Gender-Based Violence Sub Cluster / Саб-кластер з питань подолання ґендерно-обумовленого насильства
Action Points:
 Designated working group (led by Ukrainian Foundation for Public Health) to be set up to
assess the need for IMS and the possible adaptation of UN tools to Ukrainian context.
Medical services for survivors of GBV: update from the regions
– The UNFPA 2-month Surge mission deployed in Ukraine to support the UNFPA Country
Office and its national partners in scaling up and improving coordination of humanitarian
assistance in the areas of addressing reproductive health needs and combating gender-based
violence. According to standardized population based estimates, out of 1,129,324 IDPs in the
five most affected regions 282,331 are women of reproductive age.
– A field visit to Kharkiv by RH Surge specialist, Ms. Sonja Tanevska, included meetings with
RH partners and local government officials to assess legislation, practices and capacity of
service providers to implement RH kits for STIs and post rape treatment.
– The mission identified that RH services in Kharkiv oblast are easily accessible, but not always
affordable and acceptable. A workshop/training/on-job consultation on implementation of RH
kits for STIs and post rape kits needs to be conducted.
– The Regional AIDS Center, Regional Family Planning center and Regional STI center to be
included in the referral card for Kharkiv under the medical component.
– To ensure effective capacity building and prevent overlapping of activities all past, ongoing and
upcoming trainings for medical service providers should be well coordinated with other
agencies and organizations.
Field update
– Preparations for the establishment of GBV sub-clusters in the conflict affected regions are
underway. UNFPA field staff is holding consultative meetings with international and national
organizations to set the dates/membership of the future forums.
– Referral cards for GBV survivors outlining basic services (medical, legal, psychosocial,
hotlines) in Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk oblast have been printed and delivered to the regions
for distribution among IDPs. The initial drafts for Kramatorsk and Severodonetsk, as well as
the 2nd updated edition for Kharkiv oblast have been developed and are ready for printing.
Action Points:
 Referral cards will continuously be updated through the GBV Sub-clusters in the field.
The GBV Study aimed to generate quality data on GBV prevalence in conflict affected regions
of Ukraine and determine gaps in service provision for survivors of violence has been
elaborated in compliance with international methodology: IASC Guidelines for GBV
Gender-Based Violence Sub Cluster / Саб-кластер з питань подолання ґендерно-обумовленого насильства
Interventions in Humanitarian Settings and WHO Ethical and Safety Recommendations for
Researching, Documenting and Monitoring Sexual Violence in Emergencies.
Final recommendations related to the questionnaire, sample size and methodology of the
assessment have been agreed in consultations with IPs, the GBV sub-cluster and Ministry of
Social Policy.
35 interviewers from the conflict affected regions have been sensitized on gender and GBV
during the five day training conducted by UNFPA IP Ukrainian Centre for Social Reforms.
Quality assurance is provided through engagement of international expert, Jeanne Ward, who is
looking through the survey methodology and tools.
Action Points:
 Sub-cluster members to submit the monthly updates of their activities for 3W before
September 12th COB.
 Next GBV Sub-Cluster meeting fixed for October 2nd. Venue – UN House.
Meeting participants
1. Mr. Pavlo Zamostian, UNFPA, Assistant Representative.
2. Ms. Ekaterina Kristesashvili, UNFPA, GBV Sub-Cluster Coordinator.
3. Ms. Olena Kochemyrovska, UNFPA, Senior GBV Field Coordinator.
4. Ms. Sonja Tanevska, UNFPA, RH Surge.
5. Ms. Olga Osaulenko, UNFPA, Programme Officer.
6. Ms. Anastasiia Dykovytska, UNFPA, GBV Project Assistant.
7. Mr. Oleksandr Yaroshenko, UNFPA, GBV Information Management& Coordination Assistant.
8. Mr. Bohdan Pidverbetskyy, UNFPA, RH Project Officer.
9. Ms. Svitlana Pavlysh, UNFPA, Senior National GBV Advisor.
10. Ms. Claire Whelan, OHCHR, Protection Cluster Coordinator.
11. Ms. April Pham, IASC/UNHCR, Interagency Senior Gender Capacity Advisor.
12. Ms. Lidiya Kozub, Center for Democracy Development, Director for GBV and Human Trafficking
Prevention Programs.
13. Mr. Oleksij Ustinov, Center for Democracy Development, Executive Director.
14. Ms. Alona Zubchenko, La Strada-Ukraine, Director of Communication Department.
15. Ms. Natalia Bilyk, UNHCR, Protection Associate.
16. Ms. Valeria Gemello, Medecins du Monde, General Coordinator.
17. Ms. Natalia Kravchenko, IMC, GBV Officer.
18. Ms. Annette Lyth, UNICEF, Child Protection Sub-Cluster Coordinator.
Gender-Based Violence Sub Cluster / Саб-кластер з питань подолання ґендерно-обумовленого насильства
19. Ms. Oksana Olifirovych, UNICEF, Child Protection Officer (Emergency).
20. Ms. Svitlana Pkhidenko, WHO, National Programme Officer, Emergency Response Coordinator.
21. Ms. Olena Peicheva, National Programme Officer, Emergency Response.
22. Ms. Halyna Skipalska, Ukrainian Foundation for Public Health, Director.
23. Ms. Nataliia Tsvietkova, Ukrainian Foundation for Public Health, Project Coordinator.
24. Ms. Iryna Semenko, Ukrainian Foundation for Public Health, Project Coordinator.
25. Ms. Maryna Grudiy, Ukrainian Foundation for Public Health, Communication Manager.
26. Ms. Eugenia Lutsenko, Centre for Social and Gender Studies, Director.