OPERATIONS PROTOCOL FOR THE INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS (IDPs) PROTECTION CLUSTER 1.0 Rationale On 08 November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Typhoon “Yolanda”) struck the Philippines. Known as one of the strongest storms to make landfall, it affected several regions, with VI, VII, and VIII being among the hardest hit, and killed over 6,000 people while displacing millions of others. It also caused massive damages to public and private infrastructures and properties. Given the colossal destruction, the Philippine Government called for international assistance for immediate recovery of the families and communities affected by the disaster. In response to this call, the United Nations Humanitarian Country Team in the Philippines was activated. Followed by these series of events, the GOP and UN decided to apply the Cluster Approach in the country by virtue of the NDCC Circular No. 5, series of 2007 issued on 10 May 2007. This circular formally adopted and institutionalized the Cluster Approach in the Philippine Disaster Management System and designated government lead among clusters at the national, regional and provincial levels. Thus, on the initiative of the Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) requested the High Commissioner for Refugees that this Office assumes the leadership of the Protection Cluster to respond to this emergency. The UNHCR readily accepted the responsibility and work in close coordination with the Department of Social Welfare and Development as the government Cluster Lead for IDP Protection. In the Philippines, the Protection Cluster has two Areas of Responsibilities (AoRs). The Child Protection Working Group (CPWG) aims to bring together in one forum child protection actors and partners operational in areas affected by both natural and human induced disasters and to facilitate the development and coordination of child protection strategies and responses, including advocacy with authorities and humanitarian actors as necessary. The GBVSC (Gender-Based Violence Sub-Cluster) aims to coordinate and support relevant stakeholders to put in place mechanisms to prevent gender-based violence and provide survivor-centered and appropriate services to GBV survivors during natural and human induced disasters. 2.0 Objective Generally, the IDP PROTECTION CLUSTER aims to support and enhance the Government’s capacity firstly to ensure that protection issues do not arise in emergency situations and secondly, to respond and mitigate the effect of any protection issues that do arise. 1 Specific: 1. To ensure timely, appropriate, & quality provision of multi-sectoral and survivorcentered child protection and gender based violence services in accordance with local, national and international guidelines/standards on child protection and gender-based violence; 2. To strengthen partnerships for complementation and coordinated child protection and gender-based violence response through the national, regional and Local Inter-Agency Committees on Anti-Trafficking and Violence against Women and their Children (LCAT-VAWC) and the Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC); 3. To advocate with all humanitarian clusters, protection, child protection and gender based violence duty bearers, private sector, and civil society organization to mainstream child protection and gender based violence prevention and response in DRRM programs, policies, and plans; 4. To enhance capacities of LCAT-VAWCs, LCPCs and other humanitarian actors to prevent and respond to cases of abuse, exploitation, violence and neglect of boys, girls, men and women affected by disasters; and 5. To establish common information, monitoring & reporting systems on child protection and gender-based violence, linked to the IDP Protection Cluster (IDPPC). 3.0 Concept of Operations/Coordination Mechanism The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) as Vice-Chair for Disaster Response will take the lead in the Internally Displaced Persons Protection Cluster (IDPPC) at the National to the Regional Level. IDPPC operations will be conducted through coordination with the two areas of responsibilities: 1) GBV Sub-Cluster wherein DSWD is designated as the government Sub-Cluster Lead, co-led by the UNFPA 2) Child Protection Working Group chaired by the Council for the Welfare of Children, an attached agency of the DSWD and co-led by the UNICEF. At the Local government level, protection issues/cases are coordinated through the LCAT-VAWC and the (LCPC), as illustrated in Protection reporting and referral flowchart below. The IDPPC will undertake all necessary measures, including confidentiality of information, to ensure that humanitarian efforts does not lead to or perpetuate discrimination, abuse, violence, neglect or exploitation. LGU Referral systems are 2 established for the sake of the efficiency of protection action. No individual cases are to be mentioned or discussed by the IDPPC to ensure maximum confidentiality. GBV Reporting and Referral Flowchart Department of Social Welfare & Development (DSWD) Regional Office Provincial Social Welfare & Development Office (PSWDO) GBV Sub-Cluster Municipal Social Welfare & Development Office (MSWDO) Police Concerned Barangay Official Health Service Provider Independent Service Provider HW shall file an incident report if survivor gives consent HW shall refer the case Humanitarian Worker (HW) learns of GBV incident in IDP site If survivor does not want an incident report filed 4.0 Roles and Responsibilities of IDP Protection Cluster 1. Establish and maintain appropriate coordination mechanism among all humanitarian actors, including coordination of protection inputs, reports, and humanitarian plan, and generation of resources; 2. Ensure that the protection response adequately takes into account the primary responsibility of the government to ensure protection of affected persons, by among others establishing adequate response mechanism and coordination with the national and local authorities; 3. Facilitate appropriate links, exchange of information and coordination mechanism with relevant actors; 4. Establish an adequate and coordinated understanding and analysis of the main protection problems of the affected population, and make concerted efforts to ensure that protection gaps are adequately covered; 5. Obtain and systematize information on current plans and actions to respond to commonly identified protection problems; 3 6. Develop and update agreed strategies and action plans to respond to commonly identified protection problems/ issues; 7. Provide necessary protection standard and guidelines to humanitarian actors and local institutions working in the protection sphere; 6.0 Membership: The Protection Cluster will be composed of the main national and local agencies, humanitarian, human rights and development actors working in the protection sector. It will engage with the higher level Protection Cluster and coordinate within their level to meeting the protection concerns of the internally displaced persons (IDPs). Supporting the DSWD in the cluster is the National IACAT and IAC-VAWC members. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)-Lead Agency 1. Undertake a mapping of CP and GBV actors and their programmatic and geographic reach, and identifying gaps in coverage and quality; 2. Analyze trends and the principal risks faced by children and women in the context of the emergency, both in evacuation centers and in affected communities; 3. Provide guidance in the adaptation of the existing Guidelines in the Establishment and Management of a Referral System in humanitarian settings in order to provide timely life-saving interventions to GBV survivors; 4. Adhering to the WHO Ethical and Safety Recommendations for Researching, Documenting and Monitoring Sexual Violence in Emergencies promote a safe and ethical standardized system for collection, analysis, sharing and management of GBV and CP related data; 5. Set-up information systems for measuring emergency CP and GBV needs and responses; 6. Coordinate relevant inputs to the Humanitarian Action Plan and the mobilization of resources through humanitarian funding mechanisms such as Flash Appeals, Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP), Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), etc. 7. Identify CP and GBV issues that can be advocated or acted upon by LCATVAWCs and LCPC members, and support the development of advocacy strategies and tools; 8. Provide guidance on standards and tools for CP and GBV responses in emergencies; 4 9. Provide capacity-building on CP and GBV in Emergencies, including coordination; and 10. Developing appropriate programme strategies, as necessary, to address protection and psychosocial needs of affected children and women. Cluster Member Agency a) National Inter-agency Council on Anti-Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Children (IACAT and IAC-VAWC Members) Serve as the IDP Protection Cluster Members at the National and Regional levels and be functional during emergencies b) Office of the Civil Defense (OCD) Assist in the coordination and monitoring of LGUs with identified CP and GBV cases. c) Philippine Red Cross (PRC) Assist in the provision and coordination of health services. d) Other NGOs working for the Protection of Women and Children Participate in IDPPC meetings, assessments, and provision of services to ensure protection of IDPs. VOLTAIRE T. GAZMIN Secretary, DND and Chairperson NDRRMC 5