Course Title: Career Pathways and Workforce Readiness Department: Electives Grade Levels: Suggested for 11 and 12 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to prepare students for college, careers, and the workforce. It includes an in-depth overview of the five-year projected job market workforce needs, as they apply to students’ individual career interests and goals. Emphasis is placed on the study of the current employment trends and the need for students to become productive, responsible, and contributing citizens. Students develop an understanding of their personality, learning styles, and skill sets. They match these with careers that are best suited for them individually. Students also research, assess, and identify their career options, as well as the Career Pathways and/or course clusters available to them while in high school. Using 21st Century Skills, including Collaboration, Communication, Technology, Problem-Solving, Inquiry, and Independent Learning, students refine their ability to pursue and obtain jobs, internships, Career Technical Education, and college degrees that will serve to springboard them to their place in the overall global economy. Length: One year Prerequisite for Enrollment: 11th or 12th grade Type of Course: Elective COURSE OUTLINE I. The New Economy A. Change in workforce needs - Students utilize on-line resources and current news media to track the changes in workforce needs. (For example, close attention is paid to how technology and outsourcing have eliminated certain traditional jobs, while new jobs that don't exist yet will rise to the forefront, such as the "Social Media" major being added to university course offerings to fill the huge need for this type of work.) B. Job outlook - Students measure labor statistics both nationally and globally to determine projections for five or more years out. Labor Bureau statistics, job outlook function, and other on-line resources are utilized to stay informed about which industries are growing and how job outlook varies from state to state in the U.S. C. College preparation and workforce readiness – When designing their own career paths (in diagram form and written story form, including reflection and revision), students include high school course work, internships, networking, selection of college majors, and the development of transferable skills as part of the overall plan. Changes along the way are expected and accepted. (Common Core W-3b, c, d, e; 5; L-1, 2) D. The difference between school and career - The class is run like a business or workplace. Punctuality, teamwork, and responsibility to the whole are part of the class culture. No assignment is "busy work," and homework is not given unless it is necessary to meet project deadlines or to be prepared for the next "work day.” The purpose is to give students the "feel" of a real job and to help them see the connection between what they are learning in other classes and how those skills are applied to a job or career. II. Identifying Personal and Professional Goals A. Career Interest and Personality Surveys - B. Career Pathways and high school Course Clusters - Transcript review along goal setting help students develop and career path maps that include appropriate course clusters for the desired outcome. (Example: Related science courses, fine and performing arts, bio-medical, or engineering pathways are utilized, as well as four-year plans that include other CTE course clusters.) C. Connecting core class assignments to real world situations - Going beyond traditional essays and class presentation, students produce technical documents, such as business letters, emails, reference manuals, and opinion pieces/editorials based on current events. Oral and written communication skills are refined. III. Refining Personal and Workplace Skills A. Time Management - Using the Blueprint for Workplace Success curriculum, students identify their Time Wasters, track their use of time using Daily Logs, set goals for themselves to improve in specific time management areas, and are held accountable for making positive changes. B. Decision-making - When group assignments are given, often students are presented the task in a problem-based format. Using a team-building approach, students collaborate, brainstorm, plan, and make decisions that will benefit the whole. C. Confidence - Students are challenged to overcome shortcomings and fears, such as speaking in public. Seeking and taking new opportunities is encouraged and celebrated. Students also learn to articulate their strengths through employment preparation curricula and mock interviews. Youth job fairs, job shadowing, and other confidence-building field trips are part of the curriculum. Producing school wide assemblies and/or planning school wide career fairs will also be a function of this class. D. Integrity - As part of what employers are looking for, honesty, loyalty, and character is emphasized. Resources such as Investor’s Business Daily that highlight the need for honesty and responsibility are incorporated. E. Communication – Students study the benefits of effective communication, including “knowing your audience,” how non-verbal communication speaks louder than one’s words, and how the perception of others (even in a telephone conversation) makes a lasting impression. Students are also required to contribute daily to classroom discussions, prepare presentations that are given without the use of notes, as well as use inquiry and back up their opinions with facts during Socratic Seminars. (Common Core SL-1a, b, 4, 5) F. Working successfully with diverse groups – After identifying their learning styles and career goals, students create placards that have career on one side and learning style on the other. They constantly see each these labels and are encouraged to utilize each other’s strengths to accomplish team goals. They are given various projects and group assignments in which they are divided by career interest, learning style, or sometimes a combination. Throughout the year, the students are taught the meaning of the statement, “Your team is only as strong as your weakest player.” Through this lesson, students are constantly required to work in groups with students who are “different” from themselves. Typical “Honors” type students and natural leaders are not allowed to dominate the group but must exemplify strength in diversity, as they will inevitably encounter diversity in the workplace. G. Problem-solving – The tendency to spell out every task or give precise instructions on how to accomplish projects is minimal to none. Students are required to figure things out using on- and off-line resources, collaboration, and creativity. Fear of failure that keeps some from even trying is decreased or eliminated through a supportive environment. H. Inquiry and reflection – Weekly guest speakers from a variety of career fields allow students to ask pertinent questions regarding their successful career paths. This includes the changes that may take place while one embarks on a desired career path. Students take notes and later write highlights in an E-Portfolio in the form of a reflection that can be looked back upon in the future. I. Knowing your audience – Students are required to prepare and deliver information to specific target audiences. When writing editorials, they are first required to select a target to persuade. Then they develop a written piece. Mock interviews and role-playing skits from the Blueprint for Workplace Success are also utilized. (Common Core SL-4) J. Technical reading and writing – Professional journals, university research, newspapers, magazines, and on-line resources are read, discussed, analyzed, and used as springboards for further writing. (Common Core RI-1, 5, 7) K. Use of technology – The classroom is equipped with computers (approximately a 1:2 ratio). Students must be able to use Microsoft Word, Power Point, and Excel, plus know the safeguards of Internet use, including what is and is not acceptable in the traditional workplace. Mobile devices, computer projectors, printers, and other technology are utilized. Virtual meetings and shared Google docs and email are woven into the curriculum. In addition, each student designs his/her own Electronic Portfolio to create a compilation of workplace worthy work as well as a professional web presence. (Common Core W-6, 8) L. Identifying credible resources – Students are given guidance on how to test the credibility of resources via on-line assignments and various challenges to determine fact vs. opinion. (Common Core RI-1) IV. Making Connections (Networking) A. Guest speakers – Weekly guest speakers share their personal stories and school/career paths. Frankness about the challenges of attaining goals is encouraged, as well as stories about the importance of being open to new opportunities. Students ask questions and make highlighted notes to be used in personal reflections that will ultimately be added to their E-Portfolios. Students create their own professional business cards and LinkedIn accounts for exchanging with the professionals that they meet during the presentations. (Common Core SL-3) B. Contacting employers and business/industry personnel – Students learn the challenges and benefits of making “cold calls” to obtain information, inviting a guest speaker, arranging a Career Day presenter, etc. When seeking employment, students learn how to call a company regarding a job listing and follow up after an interview (Blueprint for Workplace Success). C. Field trips and job shadowing (as funding and opportunities allow) – Various field trip to business partners such as Boeing, Northrop Grumman, SpaceX, Radisson Hotels, Los Angeles World Airports, Grammy Museum, Republic Services, as well as local youth job fairs give students the opportunity to see the workplace skills they are learning in action. (The list of business partners is based on student interest and job outlook.) V. Exploring Options A. Experience - Students are required to explore and/or participate in at least one of the following during either semester: an internship, paid work, CTE course through the Southern California Regional Occupation Center (SoCal ROC), or community service/volunteer work. B. Post-secondary options – Students explore and select the program that is best for them, including the military, technical schools, community college, public/private universities, entry level positions. Entrepreneurship is also studied through and various excerpts from biographies. C. Higher education – Students are exposed to college majors and the best schools for those majors (both in California and across the U.S. using D. The application process – Students gain experience completing both college and employment applications – on-line and in hard copy form. E. Post-high school costs and funding resources - In order to curb automatic student loan debt, students are encouraged to explore scholarship opportunities and other resources. Those who are working are encouraged to develop a plan for saving and to gain experience and/or certifications that will allow them to work while in college earning more than minimum wage to help pay for tuition, books, and other living expenses. VI. Job Seeking and Preparation A. Navigating employment opportunity web sites - (Example:,,, etc.) B. Applications and cover letters – Blueprint for Workplace Success (Common Core L 1, 2) C. Interviewing skills – Blueprint for Workplace Success D. Resumes and References - Blueprint for Workplace Success (Common Core L- 1, 2) E. Electronic portfolios – Each student is required to create his/her own web site that contains the following folders: Communication/Collaboration, Global Awareness, Financial Literacy, Media Literacy, Career Exploration/Job-seeking Skills, Networking, Health Literacy, Reflection. Items placed electronically in the portfolio tell the student’s career path story with examples of competencies. This helps create a professional “web presence” that can be updated and used in the future. (Common Core W-6) F. Internships – Students are encouraged to participate in internships. The curriculum of the class explores the benefits of internships in this day and age when experience is key to landing a position of employment. G. Social and Professional Networks – Students learn the harsh realities of the permanence of social media and are encouraged to use caution when posting things on-line that may negatively affect them in the future. Emphasis is placed on creating a more professional web presence through resources like LinkedIn. Students also create their own professional business cards for distribution to guest speakers, employees at job shadows, field trips, and career fairs. The concept of “It’s who you know” is demonstrated through various guest speakers’ stories as well as extensive information directly from leaders of Human Resources departments regarding their hiring practices. VII. Finding and Utilizing Career Resources Students have direct access to the following on-campus resources: A. Career Center B. Job Board C. Career Fair INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS 1. Direct instruction 2. Guided practice 3. 4. 5. 6. Collaboration Multimedia resources Oral and written instruction Internships, work experience, job-shadowing, and related training EVALUATION/GRADING OF STUDENT WORK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Attendance Participation Projects Written and Oral Assignments Portfolios Homework and Fieldwork INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 1. Computers and electronic information devices 2. On-line resources 3. Required reading 4. The Internet 5. Multimedia resources 6. Career-based software and workbooks 7. Guest Speakers 8. Field Trips (as funding allows) 9. Job boards 10. Newspapers, magazines, and professional journals