Who You Are - Creative Mystic

Sales Training
Victoria Buckmann
Mod 4 Wk 21 Vid 1
© Victoria Buckmann
Here is what I found –
sales is about being in Service, creating
Connections and establishing Relationships.
It involves being in your heart,
truly wanting to help the person in front of you
and being totally authentic.
Showing up as a resource.
© Victoria Buckmann
I am going to share with you how you can
completely change the number of clients that
want to work with you - by making simple shifts in
how you show up with potential clients.
© Victoria Buckmann
In this program you are going to learn
everything you need to know
about making sales fun and easy.
From the initial meeting with someone
to creating your ideal business vision along with
your ideal client profile.
You’ll learn what energy to show up with,
what to say in a variety of ways,
and where to go to find clients.
© Victoria Buckmann
I’ll walk you thru creating your “what do I do
statement,” how to set up a client consultation
and how to overcome objections.
You’ll learn the formula for success thru
visualization, tracking the important numbers for
your business and most important discovering
your “why” – meaning what is the driving force
that motivates you to create
this ideal lifestyle and business.
© Victoria Buckmann
The first question that I get asked often is:
“When I am meeting someone for the first time,
or when I am at a networking event,
what do I say to start a conversation?”
© Victoria Buckmann
Did you know that people automatically make
11 assumptions about you in the first 7 seconds
when meeting you for the first time?
This includes whether or not you are
trustworthy, successful and honest!
Did you also know that these assumptions
are based 93% on how you show up
and only 7% on what you say?
© Victoria Buckmann
The energy that you show up with in the first
7 seconds communicates a message that lets that
person know what goals you have in mind,
whether you are coming from your heart and
whether you are there to help them –
or just sell them something.
This is why it is imperative
that you make it all about the person you’re
meeting in those first seconds.
© Victoria Buckmann
It’s all about engaging questions.
You want to get your potential client engaged
by having a natural conversation with them.
It’s really no different than when you meet
someone for the first time,
you just want to get to know them.
© Victoria Buckmann
The definition of engage is to involve.
You want to ask questions about them so that they
do become involved in the conversation.
Start by asking questions about them rather than
telling them who you are and what you do.
© Victoria Buckmann
Come from a naturally curious place
and ask simple questions like:
What do you do?
What is your business about?
What made you get into this business?
What do you love about your business?
© Victoria Buckmann
Depending on the situation and the person you
might ask some deeper questions:
What are some of the challenges
that you run into in your business?
What keeps you up at night?
What are your goals for this year?
© Victoria Buckmann
Asking about their goals & challenges engages
them in the conversation so that you can get to
know more about this person – which starts to
build some rapport and trust.
In conversation, we hardly ever get asked about
our goals and dreams, so when you ask someone
about what they want – they enjoy talking about
themselves and will engage with you.
© Victoria Buckmann
When you start a conversation talking about
yourself - the other person’s brain begins to think,
“What’s in it for me?”
But when you ask people questions about
themselves right from the start, they love it; they
will start to interact with you.
It gives them a chance to talk about what they do
for a living, what they like and don’t like.
It’s natural - it makes us feel good.
© Victoria Buckmann
So remember, in the first 7 seconds, focus the
conversation on your potential client’s needs so
they engage in conversation with you, and you
discover what they want or need, and how you
might be of service to them.
Here’s a quick tip:
Be sure you are doing more listening
and less talking.
© Victoria Buckmann
Another question that I get asked is:
How do I approach people without experiencing
that panicky feeling, thinking they’re not going to
like me because I am just there
to sell them something?
One of the most common mistakes people make
before talking with a potential client, is coming to
the situation with the wrong energy.
© Victoria Buckmann
Just as that anxious energy doesn’t feel good to
you in your body, the person you’re about to talk
to picks up on that energy and feels it.
Unconsciously they think it’s their own energy
that isn’t feeling good.
© Victoria Buckmann
People make decisions from how they are feeling
without even realizing it.
Decisions are made from an emotional place
- from how something makes you feel
When something feels good, we go with it.
When something feels bad or off,
we say “no” or come up with objections.
© Victoria Buckmann
To establish a connection and be in the right
energy before your consultation or conversation,
try this simple exercise:
Ground yourself in the energy
of wanting to be of service to this person.
Visualize or experience the feeling of how GREAT it will feel
to help the person you’re about to speak with –
to help them overcome their challenges and achieve
their goals and intentions.
Get this feeling in your body by imagining yourself helping
someone & see them thankful and excited in your mind.
© Victoria Buckmann
Before meeting with someone,
remember to take a minute and ground yourself.
Notice and ask yourself what energy
do I come to this meeting with?
You want to think and feel in your heart,
I’m here to be completely at your service
and I want to know how I can help you.
Say to yourself,
I am holding you in your greatness.
© Victoria Buckmann
This is a critical step:
Get into your heart
© Victoria Buckmann
This method was developed
by a company called HeartMath.
They do a lot of great research
on the physical heart
and how if affects all aspects of our life.
© Victoria Buckmann
When you’re stressed, or feeling out of sorts,
the first thing you want to do
Is acknowledge those feelings.
You’ll want to start to become aware
of how you’re feeling so you can catch yourself in
the moment and remember to do the
heart focused breathing.
© Victoria Buckmann
Awareness is the first step.
The next step:
Begin to breathe a little slower than usual.
Pretend you are breathing
through your heart or chest area.
Pull your focus out of your head
and focus on your heart area.
Imagine that your heart is breathing in and out.
Sometimes it helps to put your hand on the center of your chest
to help you to focus there.
Breathe in and out through your heart.
© Victoria Buckmann
As you breathe in, say to yourself, the word
‘calm or ease,’ then, breathe out.
Breathe in ‘ease’ through your heart,
then breathe out from your heart.
During the heart-focused breathing, imagine with
each breath that you are drawing in a feeling of
inner-ease and infusing your body and mind with
calm and relaxation from your heart.
© Victoria Buckmann
When the stressful feelings have calmed, affirm
with a heartfelt commitment that you want to
anchor and maintain this state of ease.
You want to take this calm state into your daily
activities and your meeting with potential clients.
And current clients.
You can put your hand on your heart to anchor this
feeling into your body.
You can find a video of this technique at:
© Victoria Buckmann
The HeartMath.org foundation has scientifically
proven that radiating love and self-care
throughout your body and mind activates
beneficial hormones and boosts your immunity
improving your health.
It slows down the stress response –
helping you to get back to a place
of cooperation and balance between your heart,
mind, emotions and your body.
© Victoria Buckmann
Creating your business
to fit
“Who You Are”
Mod 4 Wk 21 Vid 2
© Victoria Buckmann
Questions to ask yourself about your lifestyle
while owning a business:
Where do you see yourself living?
What do you do for fun?
What do you do to stay healthy?
Who do you spend time with?
How do you pamper yourself?
Where do you vacation?
© Victoria Buckmann
Here are some more good questions to think
about and answer for yourself:
If I had no limitations and money was NOT a
consideration, what would I do,
how would I spend my time?
What do I really want in my life? What is it that I love
to do? What makes me feel fulfilled?
What am I brilliant at?
What do people keep telling me I am so good at
that I should incorporate it into my business?
© Victoria Buckmann
Now let’s focus on some questions to get clarity
about your ideal business:
What does your business look like when it’s thriving?
How many days a week are you working,
how many hours per day?
What is the income that you would like to have?
Do you have a team of people to help you?
(writing down your answers is a very powerful part of the process)
© Victoria Buckmann
Victoria has her clients:
1. Write it out
2. Speak it out loud
(read it every day)
3. Read it into a recorder
and listen to it in their own voice
(that works to program it into the subconscious mind)
Listen to it first thing in the morning – before
you’re really awake, and then again at bedtime.
(your subconscious mind carries out these actions on auto pilot)
© Victoria Buckmann
What you want to do is live your life
from your purpose “your why”
… why you’re building your business.
This is your foundation;
then you move up the pyramid to your goals.
Building your business is one of your goals.
From that goal, you break it down into projects.
© Victoria Buckmann
The project here is getting clarity around what
your ideal business looks like
… how you want to create it.
Then you take that project
and put it into your calendar.
You schedule time to sit down and create
your ideal business plan.
© Victoria Buckmann
This way you are living your life right side up:
scheduling your actions according to
your projects - the projects that came from
breaking down your goals into smaller steps.
And your goals were formed from your purpose what you feel will bring meaning to your life.
© Victoria Buckmann
If you already have your business established,
re-writing your business vision is a good exercise
to do once a year.
Take a look at your business.
Make sure that it’s going in the direction
that you envisioned for yourself.
© Victoria Buckmann
If you’re off course, change things around
to fit the life you want.
As your business grows, it will change.
Be sure it’s still what you want.
Does it fit who you are as a person?
Remember this is YOUR business; it should reflect
who you are and what you want for your life.
© Victoria Buckmann
Start to create your ideal business vision:
You may start with your ideal day
or your ideal week.
Plan out how you would start your day,
all the way through to the end of your day.
Sometimes its easier to know what you don’t want
so that you can flip it to what you do want.
© Victoria Buckmann
Start to create your ideal business vision:
Be very specific.
With a clear business vision
you can create a clear strategy.
Start to create your vision by spending some quiet
time really contemplating these questions.
© Victoria Buckmann
Every successful person has a clear vision and a
compelling “why” and reviews it often. This helps
to keep you focused and on purpose according to
that vision. And it also sends your intention out to
the Universe so it can help you create it.
Give yourself permission to be successful!
© Victoria Buckmann
I encourage you to try on this new belief:
“Everyone around you
is here to enhance
your success and well-being.”
© Victoria Buckmann
Close your eyes and imagine your friends and family helping to
bring you opportunities and referring clients to you. Envision
how much easier it would be to succeed in business and in life if
you were believing that everyone was supporting you.
Bring up a feeling in your body that the world is contributing to
your efforts. Hold that feeling for a minute.
Now imagine planting a seed in a garden, and that seed is the
belief “everyone wants me to succeed. All the people I meet are
eager to help me grow my business.”
Now take out a little watering can and water that seed, and let
it grow into a strong belief. Feel it in your body, and when
you’re ready, open your eyes and come back.
© Victoria Buckmann
Let’s look at your “why.”
Begin by writing down your deep, heart-felt
reasons why you want to grow your business.
What is your compelling “why?”
Your “why” has to be about you and not someone
else. It needs to be for you, and only you.
(it will help sustain your motivation to keep you going when
sometimes you feel like giving up)
© Victoria Buckmann
Here’s some ideas from clients that were most
meaningful to them:
Continuing to grow spiritually,
intellectually and emotionally.
Developing their gifts and talents.
Having a positive impact on the lives of others.
Giving and receiving Love.
(your “why” must motivate you from the inside every day)
© Victoria Buckmann
Here are some examples of “why” statements
from clients that were most meaningful to them:
“I created my business because I feel fantastic when I’m
empowered, and I want to share that feeling
with other women.”
“It makes me feel really good inside when
I’m helping someone else have confidence in themselves.”
“I have healed myself from paralysis and I know in all of myself
that anything is possible. This message can change people’s
lives and I want to share it with as many people as I can.”
© Victoria Buckmann
In order for you to get more sales and have more
clients, you need to know the results that people
get from working with you and who the person is
that’s looking for that result.
Mod 4 Wk 21 Vid 3
© Victoria Buckmann
Start to form a crystal clear idea of the
transformation that occurs when you take clients
through your work.
Think about the results that past clients
have received.
Or if you’re just starting your business, do some
research on what people are needing help with
that coincides with your area of work.
© Victoria Buckmann
Write this down.
Work on the words that express the
transformation that you provide in clear language - for your potential clients.
Think about what problems clients are having and
the results that they want instead.
© Victoria Buckmann
If you’re not clear how to translate the results that
you provide, how will potential clients know if
they want to work with you or not?
You have to be very clear about the
transformation and how it will affect their life.
© Victoria Buckmann
You need to know this for 2 reasons:
#1. You want to easily describe
to potential clients how they will feel,
and how their problems will be solved.
You want to be able to express how their life and
business will be different from working with you.
And, you want to be able to articulate that in your
consultations and your marketing message.
© Victoria Buckmann
Your words need to paint a picture in their mind so
they can see themselves in that picture.
When they can see it in their mind and you make
it so compelling for them, they will want that
transformation so much,
that’s when they say YES to working with you.
© Victoria Buckmann
You need to know this for 2 reasons:
#2. When you know what results you provide,
you’ll be able to describe your ideal client. The
clients you want to attract. This is important.
If you are currently working with clients, ask them
to do a short interview with you so you can get
their exact words on what’s changed in their life.
© Victoria Buckmann
We tend to talk about the process we take clients
through rather than the changes. You want to talk
about how the results will change who they are,
and how their actions will be different.
The really profound changes
that will ripple out and affect all areas of their life
from the work that you do.
When they talk about the results and the benefits
they’ve received, record these interviews.
© Victoria Buckmann
This language will repurpose and used in many
different places. You’re going to keep using
the same language so you can keep
your message consistent.
Here are some examples of results clients want:
More simplicity in their life.
People want to feel good.
They want to be loved and feel more confident.
People want to have more money so they can have more free
time to spend with people they love.
© Victoria Buckmann
Everyone wants to have great health.
People also like to feel they’re making
a difference in the world.
Feeling good is really the bottom line result
that everyone wants, but you want to be specific
according to what your client expresses – the
result that they’re looking for.
Now we’re going to start to create a client profile.
Developing a clear vision of your ideal client.
© Victoria Buckmann
Questions to help declare
who your ideal clients are:
What problems are they having?
What results are they looking for?
What’s important to them?
Where are they in their business currently?
© Victoria Buckmann
Questions to help declare
who your ideal clients are:
Where have they had success
in other areas of their life?
Do they have the personality where they take
action easily or do they tend to procrastinate?
Do they need a little more support and
© Victoria Buckmann
The biggest cause of people saying ‘NO’ to you,
is not being clear on who to attract and talking to
the wrong people.
By going over the questions that we talked about,
you’ll instill in your mind
what to look for in a client.
So take the time to create your client profile.
It’s important!
© Victoria Buckmann
Now, you’re going to use your list in a meditation
or visualization in the morning and night to pull
your ideal clients to you.
You can also read your client profile out loud
everyday, and in your mind, see these clients lining
up at your door to come work with you.
See yourself as a magnet attracting them.
Send a message out to the Universe, and let it
know what type of clients to send you.
© Victoria Buckmann
When you visualize your business up and running
with your ideal clients and a successful lifestyle,
it’s ideal to do this twice a day or more.
When you visualize your goals in your imagination,
it creates a gap in your subconscious mind
between what your reality is and what
you’re visualizing.
© Victoria Buckmann
By visualizing, the subconscious mind works to
close that gap by directing your actions, giving you
ideas, and pointing you in the direction of what
you’ve been visualizing automatically, which then
brings it into physical reality.
© Victoria Buckmann
There are 3 ways that visualization
has been proven to work:
1. It activates the power of your subconscious
2. It alerts and focuses your reticular activating
system (RAS) to notice the things you want,
that were there all along but were being
filtered out.
3. The brain does not know the difference
between doing something in your mind and
actually physically doing it for real.
© Victoria Buckmann
Close your eyes.
I want you to see yourself.
You were at a networking meeting and you’re just now
leaving it. You met 5 people and you’ve had these amazing
conversations with them. Three of them want to have a
consultation with you. As you’re walking to your car, feel the
excitement of getting to know these people better that you just
met, and knowing that you’re going to change their life in some
way. Feel that excitement in your body. Know you’re going to
be of service to them. Allow the feeling of gratitude to come
over your and put a huge smile on your face.
© Victoria Buckmann
Feel it in your face. You have all this gratitude. Notice how
relaxed you were when you were talking with these people,
and how naturally it happened.
You went out and just talked with them. You had all the
questions, and you knew exactly what to say. It feels really
natural and relaxed.
Now, put your hand on your heart and anchor that feeling into
your body. Take a deep breath.
When you’re ready, open your eyes.
© Victoria Buckmann
Set a time to establish a routine
of reading through your vision of your ideal
business and clients.
Read it out loud.
Then do your visualization –
visualize them coming to you.
Looking at yourself in the mirror while you’re
reading your list is also a very effective technique.
© Victoria Buckmann
Repetition is the key to having this work faster.
By doing this at the start of your day and every
night before bed, you will plant these goals in your
subconscious mind.
© Victoria Buckmann
If you meditate, do that first so you’re
in a quiet, deeper state.
This should only take about 10 – 15 minutes daily.
The bigger, bolder, more enthusiastic and even
exaggerated the vision is, the more powerful this
will be and the faster and easier you’ll accomplish
your goals, for yourself and for your business.
Get comfortable with the practice of visualizing
and thinking bigger!
© Victoria Buckmann
Sense it in whatever way works for you.
This is really important, as everyone senses things
differently. Some people are visual, some are
auditory, some are kinesthetic.
Do what works for you.
Research shows that one hour of visualizing equals
seven hours of physical effort.
(5 - 10 minutes a day will work. Start out with 30 seconds)
© Victoria Buckmann
Repetition is the key!
These are really powerful techniques
for growing your business
and creating a fabulous life!
Using these techniques a little bit every day
reminds you where you are now,
and it keeps you focused on where you’re going.
Repetition and practice creates new habits,
and new beliefs, which lead to
new behaviours and new actions.
© Victoria Buckmann
Let’s Review:
The first 7 seconds. How to engage people by
asking the right questions. Make it all about them.
Be aware of the energy you show up with.
Use heart focused breathing to get you into your
heart, so you have that energy of being in service.
Create the vision of your ideal business.
Write it all down.
Know your “why.”
© Victoria Buckmann
Be able to talk about the transformation clients
experience from working with you – the amazing
results you help them have in their life.
Create your ideal client profile.
Get that list going.
Visualize your business up and running.
© Victoria Buckmann
Get a list of scheduled events where your potential
clients might attend - such as networking groups,
chamber meetings, and classes.
Schedule these on your calendar and go to as
many as possible.
You can meet people everywhere you go.
Mod 4 Wk 21 Vid 4
© Victoria Buckmann
I help _______________________ (ideal client)
do/understand __________________ (problem)
so that they can _______________ (results/goal)
Victoria’s business Statement:
I help women business owners overcome the fear around sales,
so they can get comfortable and attract more clients and build
a successful business naturally.
© Victoria Buckmann
When you’re speaking with people at functions,
write details down on their business card so you
have something to refer to when you call them.
Follow-up. Follow-up. Follow-up.
The Fortune is in the Follow-up.
Set up a follow-up routine and stick to it.
Call them within 24 - 48 hours of meeting.
(most people don’t do this piece)
© Victoria Buckmann
Before starting a consultation,
check in with yourself.
Ground yourself. Make sure you’re in a good place.
You can use essential oils to raise your energy.
Get up and dance to your favorite song.
Be creative
Get into your heart by practicing
Heart Focused Breathing.
Mod 4 Wk 21 Vid 5
© Victoria Buckmann
Create a mindset to hold your client
in all of their greatness.
People tend to want to shrink into their smallness.
Don’t let them go there.
Hold your energy to hold them
in their magnificence.
This will help you stay in your own energy
of confidence.
© Victoria Buckmann
Establish rapport.
Be professional - make it all about them.
Let the potential client know what to expect
during a session.
By setting an agenda and asking the client their
permission to go over the agenda, this is how you
get your first “yes” and it allows the client to begin
to relax into the session.
© Victoria Buckmann
When you go over the agenda, it’s important to be
authentic and transparent, letting them know that
you’ll be offering your services at the end
of the consultation.
This way there is no tension
and everyone can relax.
This also ensures that you actually offer your
services at the end because you’ve included it
in your agenda.
© Victoria Buckmann
You might want to start out by asking them why
they decided to do a free consultation with you.
This gives you an idea of what intrigued them
about you and attracted them to you.
Here’s a sample agenda that I use:
“I’d like to explain how I organize these sessions,
is that ok with you?”
© Victoria Buckmann
“The first thing I like to ask is why you decided to
take the time to have this session
with me today?”
“I’ll let you answer that in a minute.”
“Then I’d like you to share what your
greatest vision is for your business.”
“Where do you want it to go?”
© Victoria Buckmann
“After that I’d like you to paint a picture for me
of your current situation.
Where are you now in your business/life?”
“This will give us an idea of the gap between
what you want to create and where you are now.”
“In that gap there are probably some obstacles in
your way of creating that ideal business. We’ll talk
about all the challenges and limiting beliefs that
are slowing you down or sabotaging you.”
© Victoria Buckmann
“And at the end, if we feel there’s a match for your
needs and my services – then we will explore how
I can help you close that gap
and create that ideal business.”
“We’ll create a plan for achieving your goals and
leave you with more motivation and energy
to go out and make this happen.”
“How does that sound?”
By asking this question, you get your second ‘yes’
from your potential client.
© Victoria Buckmann
This last part of the agenda that I am about to go
over reassures the person that you have done this
before and that this format is effective.
This is how I word it:
“I’ve found that this agenda works well to get
clearer on your goals and vision.”
“At the same time, I want you to feel free to take
the conversation in any direction that is
important to you.”
© Victoria Buckmann
You’re going to explore their vision and goals,
along with the problems and challenges. This is
where your consultation will help them to clearly
see the ‘gap’ between where they are now and
where they want to be.
You’ll help them to see they can bridge this gap
with some support.
If they could cross this gap on their own, they
would have done that already.
© Victoria Buckmann
That’s why your services are so valuable.
Now ask them questions about their vision for
their business and the specific results
they would like to achieve.
This is where you really want to listen,
your client will be giving you good information
on how to help them.
© Victoria Buckmann
“If things are going well, what would your
business look like in 6 months to a year?”
“How would that feel?”
“What would your income be in 12 months?”
“How many clients do you see yourself serving
in 6 - 12 months?”
Let them become really specific.
© Victoria Buckmann
When your potential client becomes clear on the
results they want, it makes it easier for you to
offer services that will help them achieve
those desired results.
Most people are in the habit of stating
what they don’t want.
Sometimes by verbalizing what they don’t want
it helps them realize and express
what they do want.
© Victoria Buckmann
Ask, “What’s stopping them from getting them to
where they want to go?”
Get specific about the problems and what’s
frustrating them.
Before you make your offer for the services that
will help, you want to be sure that they’ve
received some value from the session with you.
© Victoria Buckmann
They must really feel the problems and the pain so
they see that they need some help.
Ask questions like:
Can you tell me why this feels so challenging?
What other obstacles are you running into?
How do these challenges and obstacles
make you feel?
What is the impact of these challenges
on your life and your business?
© Victoria Buckmann
Before you make your offer for the services that
will help, you want to be sure that they’ve
received some value from the session with you.
Here is a way to ask this:
“I’d like to ask you, with all that we’ve talked
about so far, what has been the most valuable
part of this session for you?”
Let them answer this. They are going to tell you
what benefits they have already gotten from
talking with you.
Mod 4 Wk 21 Vid 6
© Victoria Buckmann
Listen for the benefits they’re telling you about.
This is what is important to them and what they
will want more of.
Some Clients say getting clearer on their vision
helps the most.
Sometimes seeing the gap makes them realize
that they need some help.
© Victoria Buckmann
Now ask if its ok to explain your program
and how that works.
Explain how you have services that are
designed for them and match the elements
of your services with the specific challenges and
goals that they mentioned.
Talk about some of the results
that other clients have gotten from working with
you if it feels appropriate.
© Victoria Buckmann
Instead of pressuring your potential client
to buy your program,
check in with them by asking this question:
“Now that I’ve explained which program
would be the best fit for you,
what benefits do you see yourself getting from
going through this program?”
© Victoria Buckmann
“What other benefits do you feel you would get?”
How would that impact your business
and your life?”
At this point of the consultation, you’re about to
transition to talk about pricing. Before you
mention anything about pricing, ask them if they
have any questions about the program.
Address all of their questions and ask again,
“Do you have any other questions?”
© Victoria Buckmann
Once they have all the information they need,
the next logical thing for them to ask you is,
“What do you charge?”
When they ask about your pricing,
it feels very different.
It’s more comfortable - it feels less pushy to them
since they’re inquiring.
© Victoria Buckmann
Now you can give them your suggestion for the
service that best fits their needs and the cost.
After giving the pricing, be quiet for a few seconds.
Let it land for them.
Then you can ask,
“Would you like to get started?”
© Victoria Buckmann
Here are some of the most common objections
you might encounter:
“I can’t afford it.”
You respond with:
“If it weren’t for the money, is this something you
would want to move forward with?”
“Would it be okay to brainstorm some possible
ways to come up with the money?”
(what will it cost them to stay on the path they’re on?)
© Victoria Buckmann
“I’m too busy. I don’t have the time right now.”
You respond with:
“If I waved a magic wand and you had plenty of
time in your schedule, is this something you would
want to move forward with?”
“Would it be okay to brainstorm some possible
ways to open up time in your schedule?”
(on a scale of 1 - 10, where are they in really wanting to move
forward with their business and their dreams?)
© Victoria Buckmann
“If you don’t spend time growing your business,
how’s that going to affect you in the future?”
Listen to what they’re really saying.
Sometimes you have to listen to
what they’re not saying.
You need to help them get out of their own way.
© Victoria Buckmann
“I need some time to think about it.”
Some good follow-up questions
for this objection are:
“I understand you need some time. What else do
you need to know to make your decision?”
“I know how important it is for you to start getting
different results. How long do you need to go
before you can make this decision?”
(gently remind them about the impact
of carrying out the same actions they’ve been doing)
© Victoria Buckmann
You want to go over a few steps
to get them started:
Start by scheduling upcoming appointments.
Discuss any other logistics that might be necessary.
Collect their payment information.
And, send a welcome email or some type of
communication to confirm the relationship and
summarize your working arrangements.
© Victoria Buckmann
What is your financial number that you need to
make every month to pay your bills
and make a profit?
This number is your first step.
Write this number down.
© Victoria Buckmann
You also need to know the amount
of activities it will take to achieve your
monthly financial number.
These activities include:
The number of networking events that you’ll
want to attend.
The number of people you must talk to.
The number of consultations you must have to
convert them into paying clients.
© Victoria Buckmann
Here are the most important numbers to track:
1. The number of potential clients that you speak
to in a week.
2. The number of potential clients that turned into
3. The number of consultations that converted
into paying clients. This is your conversion rate.
The importance of knowing your activity numbers
helps you to keep doing the activities that will create
success and bring in new clients.
© Victoria Buckmann