Rita Fernandez MKT 3350 - 002 Quiz Chapter 11 1. A new product does all of the following except: A. Sustain growth B. Increase revenue and profits C. Decrease competition D. Replace obsolete items 2. In both Korea and the U.S. the shampoo bottle appearance on Head & Shoulders is kept the same in both countries. What is this an example of? A. Product Adaptability B. Pop-up stores C. Product Placement D. Product Design 3. Which product category allows a firm to enter an established market? A. Product Line Additions B. New-to-the-World C. Repositioned Products D. New Product Lines 4. Which actions do companies have to take in order to succeed in the new product development process? A. Make a long term commitment B. Company Specific Approach C. Capitalize on experience D. All of the Above 5. A plan that links the new-product development process with the objectives of the marketing department, the business unit, and the corporation is known as A. Product Development B. New Product Strategy C. Brainstorming D. Screening 6. Customers, employees, distributors, & outside organizations can be sources to __________? A. New product ideas B. Work drama C. Product Confusion D. Miscommunication 7. What two approaches are considered most useful when generating useful new product ideas? A. Surveying and Focus Groups B. Surveying and Brainstorming C. Brainstorming and Focus Groups D. Focus Groups and Testing 8. What is the first filter in the product development process that eliminates ideas that are inconsistent with the new product strategy? A. Screening B. A concept test C. Brainstorming D. Surveying 9. All are considerations in the business analysis stage expect: A. Demand B. Cost C. Sales D. Competition 10. All are alternatives to test marketing except: A. Single-source research using supermarket scanner data B. Surveying C. Stimulated market testing D. Online test marketing 11. The process by which the adoption of an innovation spreads is A. Innovation B. Diffusion C. Relative Advantage D. Product Life Cycle 12. All of the following are factors to new product success EXCEPT A. Strong Leadership B. Listening to customers C. Getting every aspect right D. Producing a mediocre product 13. The process where a new product passes through a first filter in the product development process is A. A concept test B. Brainstorming C. Screening D. Test Marketing 14. In the development process, when all departments work together instead of subquentially is A. Simultaneous Product Development B. Test Marketing C. Diffusion D. Product Life Cycle 15. Commercialization is A. The decision to market a product B. The decision of how to package a product C. The process to figure out how to market a product D. None of the above 16. Marketing costs in the introductory stages are normally high because A. High dealer costs B. High production costs C. High advertising expenses D. All of the above 17. A long drop in sales starts the beginning of the A. Laggard Stage B. Maturity Stage C. Decline Stage D. Growth Stage 18. What is a type of communication aid the process? A. Word of Mouth B. Direct Marketer C. Internet Marketing D. Both A & B 19. What is a characteristics of a laggard? A. Final 20% to adopt new product B. Their independence relies on ties to tradition C. Rely on group norms D. Motivated by advertising and personal selling 20. The second stage of the screening process where figures for demand, cost, sales, and profitability are calculated through A. Development B. Business analysis C. Simultaneous business product D. Test marketing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. C A D D B A C A D B B D C A A D C D B B