Manuscript submitted to Neuropsychopharmacology Biezonski et al. Supplemental Information EVIDENCE FOR THALAMOCORTICAL CIRCUIT ABNORMALITIES AND ASSOCIATED COGNITIVE DYSFUNCTIONS IN UNDERWEIGHT INDIVIDUALS WITH ANOREXIA NERVOSA Dominik Biezonski, PhDa, Jiook Cha, PhDa, Joanna Steinglass, MDa, Jonathan Posner, MDa aDepartment of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY 10032, USA Contents: - Supplemental Methods - Supplemental Results - Supplemental Figures - Supplemental Tables - Supplemental References 1 Manuscript submitted to Neuropsychopharmacology Biezonski et al. SUPPLEMENTAL METHODS Cognitive Measures Letter-Number Sequencing (LNS) Task The LNS is a subtest of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III (WAIS-III, Wechsler (1997)) that measures working memory. Participants were orally presented random numbers and letters that they were asked to mentally organize and verbally return in numerical and alphabetical order. The total number of correct responses was scored, with higher scores indicating better performance. Stroop Task The Stroop task was used to assess cognitive control in participants and was performed as described in Golden (1978), with modifications. Briefly, in a color naming task (Task A), participants were asked to quickly name the color (red, green, or blue) of 126 dots, 5.6 mm in diameter, arrayed randomly in 9 columns and 14 rows on an 8.5 x 11-inch sheet of white paper, scanning left to right and then top to bottom. In a word-reading task (Task B), subjects were asked to read out loud an equal number of similarly arrayed words (red, green, or blue) printed in black ink. In a final color-word naming task (Task C), subjects were asked to name a similar array of words written in incongruent colors. Subjects were given 45 s to complete each task, and correct number of responses was recorded. The Stroop interference score was calculated as C − [(A × B)/(A + C)] (Golden, 1978), where higher scores indicate lower interference, and better performance. Trail-Making Test (TMT) 2 Manuscript submitted to Neuropsychopharmacology Biezonski et al. The TMT was used to measure processing speed and visual attention (Bowie and Harvey, 2006). Study participants were asked to draw a continuous line connecting randomly placed numbers (1-25) in numerical order as quickly as possible without making a mistake (“A”). Subjects were then asked to repeat the same task, but connecting 25 letters and numbers in alphabetical and numerical order, respectively, alternating between letters and numbers (i.e., A-1, 1-B, B-2, etc.) (“B”). The time to perform each task was recorded, and the results of A were then divided by B to compute the final score for this measure, with higher scores indicating better performance. Head Motion Parameters: FD and DVARS In order to examine the confounding effects of head motion on our resting-state functional MRI connectivity results, we used two different indices. First, based on each individual’s head alignment parameters derived from the SPM8 realignment procedure, we calculated framewise displacement (FD). We then differentiated the six head realignment parameters across frames, and calculated instantaneous head motion as a scalar in each frame using the following formula: FDi = |Δdix| + |Δdiy| + |Δdiz| + |Δαi| + |Δβi| + |Δγi|, where Δdix = d(i − 1)x − dix; this was similarly performed for the other rigid body parameters [dix diy diz αi βi γi]. Finally, we converted rotational displacements from degrees to millimeters by calculating displacement on the surface of a sphere of radius 50 mm. Second, we computed DVARS (D denoting the temporal derivative of the timeseries, and VARS denoting the root mean square variance over voxels). DVARS represents the rate of change of BOLD signal across the brain at each frame. Initially, we calculated the signal intensity of each individual’s resting-state functional MRI 3 Manuscript submitted to Neuropsychopharmacology Biezonski et al. averaged across the whole brain. We then differentiated the timeseries relative to one past TR and computed RMS signal change, following this equation: , where is the image intensity at locus on frame , and angle brackets denote the spatial average over the whole brain. Since this measure is applied to data that have been resampled in atlas space, it is important that the spatial average include only voxels that, during acquisition, were within the field of view at all times. We therefore entered the four measurements of head motion (i.e., FDPEAK, FDMEAN, DVARSPEAK, and DVARSMEAN) as nuisance variables in all relevant statistical models in our study. No differences in any of these motion parameters were found between patients with AN and HC in either the main group or subgroup (Table S2). Sensitivity Analyses Two sample t-tests were used to assess for differences between AN subtypes in extracted thalamic deformation values, thalamo-frontal connectivity strength values, and task performance. In addition, we used two sample t-tests to analyze group differences in extracted thalamic deformation and thalamo-frontal connectivity strength values between participants with AN who were free of a comorbid diagnosis and healthy controls. We also compared AN patients with and without comorbid diagnoses on these measures. Partial correlations controlling for age, IQ, and head motion parameters were used to compute the association between thalamo-frontal functional connectivity strength, and performance on all three cognitive tasks across participants with AN who were free of a comorbid diagnosis and healthy controls. Bivariate correlations were 4 Manuscript submitted to Neuropsychopharmacology Biezonski et al. used to compute associations between extracted thalamic deformation values, thalamofrontal connectivity strength values, and either current BMI, lowest lifetime BMI or illness duration within the AN group. To examine whether metabolic differences in AN may have influenced the results from our functional connectivity analysis, we used the REST pipeline (Song et al, 2011) to calculate the average BOLD timeseries as a proxy for assessing glucose metabolism (Nugent et al, 2015; Tomasi et al, 2013) within regions of interest in our study for each participant. Specifically, we computed the average low-frequency fluctuations (ALFF) in BOLD signal within user-generated masks (SMP8) encompassing the Thal4, Thal5, DLPFC, and AntPFC, regions where we found altered thalamo-frontal connectivity in the AN group relative to HC (see Results). Two sample t-tests were then used to assess for differences in ALFF in BOLD signal (REST analysis) within these regions of interest between AN and HC. For these sensitivity analyses, a p ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. 5 Manuscript submitted to Neuropsychopharmacology Biezonski et al. SUPPLEMENTAL RESULTS Sensitivity Analyses We found no difference between AN subtypes in the extent of thalamic deformations (p’s > 0.60), the strength of thalamo-frontal connectivity (p’s > 0.26), or performance on our measures of cognitive function (p’s > 0.29). Within the AN group, neither illness duration, current BMI, or lowest lifetime BMI correlated with the extent of thalamic deformation (p’s > 0.10) or Thal4-AntPFC(L) connectivity (p’s > 0.27) (Table S3). Thal5-DLPFC(L) and Thal5-DLPFC(R) connectivity strength was not associated with illness duration or lowest lifetime BMI (p’s > 0.25), but did significantly correlate with current BMI within the AN group (p’s < 0.017) (Table S3). The extent of thalamic deformation and thalamo-frontal connectivity strength between groups remained significant after removal of AN participants with comorbid diagnoses (p’s < 0.05, Table S4). In addition, we found no difference in either of these measures between AN participants with or without comorbid diagnoses (p’s > 0.18, Table S4). Sensitivity analysis revealed that partial correlations controlling for age, IQ, and head motion parameters remained significant for Stroop vs. Thal5-DLPFC(L) (p = 0.01) and LNS vs. Thal4-AntPFC(L) (p = 0.03) after removal of AN participants with comorbid diagnoses (Table S4); the Stroop vs. Thal5-DLPFC(R) no longer reached significance (p = 0.08, Table S4), likely due to lack of statistical power. REST-based analysis of the average low frequency fluctuations (ALFF) in BOLD signal across scan time revealed no differences between patients with AN and HC in Thal4, Thal5, left or right DLPFC, or left AntPFC (p’s > 0.21, Table S5). 6 Manuscript submitted to Neuropsychopharmacology Biezonski et al. SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURES Figure S1. Thalamic subregions 1-7 as defined by the Oxford thalamic connectivity atlas (OTCA). Each of the 7 thalamic subregions is represented by a distinct color, preferentially connecting (>25% of connections) with a cortical lobe of the same color (inset). 7 Manuscript submitted to Neuropsychopharmacology Biezonski et al. SUPPLEMENTAL TABLES Table S1: Main vs. Subgroup Comparisons on Demographics Main Group vs. Subgroup Comparisons AN HC Age Test Statistic (d.f.) p value* Test Statistic (d.f.) p value* t(41)=0.51 0.61 t(36)=0.19 0.85 t(39)=1.10 0.28 t(36)=0.39 0.70 t(41)=0.51 0.61 t(36)=0.54 0.59 t(41)=-0.13 0.90 t(41)=0.94 0.36 t(41)=-0.25 0.80 t(41)=-0.32 0.75 t(36)=0.20 0.84 t(41)=0.46 0.65 t(36)=0.37 0.71 (Years) IQ (Estimated) BMI (kg/m2) Lowest Lifetime BMI (kg/m2) Age of Onset (Years) Illness Duration (Months) EDE (Score) Education (Years) t(38)=1.3 0.19 t(34)=0.3 0.80 SES 2 2 Χ (2)=0.70 0.70 Χ (1)=0.01 0.97 Race 2 Subtype Χ (1)=0.78 0.38 * Two-tailed in case of t-tests. Abbreviations: AN, Anorexia Nervosa; HC, Healthy Control; BMI, Body Mass Index; IQ, Full-scale IQ estimated by the Wechsler Test of Adult Reading (WTAR); EDE, Eating Disorder Examination Interview; SES, Socioeconomic Status# #Household 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 income (dollars) < 10,000 10-19,999 20-34,999 35-49,999 50-99,999 100-199,999 > 200,000 8 Manuscript submitted to Neuropsychopharmacology Biezonski et al. Table S2. Group Comparisons on Head Motion Parameters from Resting-State Functional MRI Thalamic Connectivity (Subgroup) FDPEAK FDMEAN dVARSPEAK dVARSMEAN AN HC Test Statistic (d.f.) p value 0.51 ± 0.21 0.07 ± 0.03 22.37 ± 8.05 7.29 ± 0.43 0.64 ± 0.20 0.08 ± 0.06 25.60 ± 7.72 7.64 ± 0.52 t(29)=0.45 t(29)=0.21 t(29)=0.29 t(29)=0.52 0.66 0.83 0.77 0.61 Table S3. Correlational Comparisons Between Illness Duration, Lowest Lifetime BMI, Current BMI, and Extracted Values from the Structural and Functional Analyses in the AN Group Thalamic Morphology (Main Group) Left Thalamic Deformation Illness Duration (Months) Lifetime Lowest BMI (kg/m2) Current BMI (kg/m2) Right Thalamic Deformation Thalamic Connectivity (Subgroup) ThalDLPFC(L) ThalDLPFC(R) ThalAntPFC(L) r(15)=-0.33 r(15)=-0.24, r(15)=-0.06 r(15)=-0.04 r(15)=0.10 p=0.87 p=0.23 p=0.38 p=0.82 p=0.71 r(15)=0.44 p=0.10 r(15)=0.21 p=0.44 r(15)=-0.29 p=0.30 r(15)=0.27 p=0.33 r(15)=0.17 p=0.55 r(15)=-0.70 r(15)=-0.60 r(15)=0.02 p=0.02 p=0.004 p=0.95 9 r(15)=-0.31 r(15)=0.31 p=0.25 p=0.27 Manuscript submitted to Neuropsychopharmacology Biezonski et al. Table S4. Sensitivity Analyses Comparing Study Findings Before and After Removal of Subjects with Comorbid Diagnoses Thalamic Morphology (Main Group) Thalamic Connectivity (Subgroup) Left Thalamic Deformation Right Thalamic Deformation ThalDLPFC(L) All AN vs. HC t(48)=3.50, p=0.001 t(48)=3.03, p=0.004 NonComorbid AN vs. HC t(40)=0.42, p<0.000 t(40)=3.80, p<0.000 Comorbid AN vs. NonComorbid AN t(26)=0.86, p=0.40 t(26)=1.39, p=0.18 t(29)= -3.94, p<0.000 t(22)= -2.12, p=0.05 t(13)= 2.15, p=0.051 ThalThalDLPFC(R) AntPFC(L) t(29)= -3.85, p=0.001 t(22)= -2.78, p=0.01 t(13)= 1.22, p=0.25 t(29)= 3.78, p=0.001 t(22)= 2.50, p=0.02 t(13)= -1.02, p=0.33 Cognitive Performance vs. Thalamic Connectivity (Partial Correlations Controlling for Age, IQ, and Head Motion Parameters) All AN vs. HC NonComorbid AN vs. HC ThalDLPFC(L) vs. Stroop ThalDLPFC(R) vs. Stroop ThalAntPFC(L) vs. LNS r(21)=-0.45 p=0.02 r(16)=-0.61 p=0.01 r(21)=-0.38 p=0.04 r(16)=-0.42 p=0.08 r(22)=0.58 p=0.002 r(15)=0.54 p=0.025 Table S5. REST-Based Estimation of Average Low Frequency Fluctuations (ALFF) in the BOLD Timeseries Within Thal4, Thal5, AntPFC, and DLPFC. Thal4 HC AN Thal5 DLPFC AntPFC Mean ± SEM Test Statistic (d.f.) Mean ± SEM Test Statistic (d.f.) Mean ± SEM Test Statistic (d.f.) Mean ± SEM Test Statistic (d.f.) 0.47 ± 0.01 0.49 ± 0.01 t(29)= -1.29, p=0.21 0.42 ± 0.01 0.42 ± 0.01 t(29)= -0.80, p=0.43 0.39 ± 0.01 0.41 ± 0.02 t(29)= -0.57, p=0.58 0.57 ± 0.05 0.56 ± 0.03 t(29)=0.38, p=0.82 10 Manuscript submitted to Neuropsychopharmacology Biezonski et al. SUPPLEMENTAL REFERENCES Bowie CR, Harvey PD (2006). Administration and interpretation of the Trail Making Test. Nature protocols 1(5): 2277-2281. Golden C (1978). Stroop color and word test: a manual for clinical and experimental uses Stoelting: Wood Dale, IL. Nugent AC, Martinez A, D'Alfonso A, Zarate CA, Theodore WH (2015). The relationship between glucose metabolism, resting-state fMRI BOLD signal, and GABAA-binding potential: a preliminary study in healthy subjects and those with temporal lobe epilepsy. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 35(4): 583-591. Song XW, Dong ZY, Long XY, Li SF, Zuo XN, Zhu CZ, et al (2011). REST: a toolkit for resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data processing. PloS one 6(9): e25031. Tomasi D, Wang GJ, Volkow ND (2013). Energetic cost of brain functional connectivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110(33): 13642-13647. Wechsler D (1997). WAIS-III administration and scoring manual. The Psychological Corporation: San Antonio, TX. 11