Chapter 11 and 15- Study Guide Chapter 11 1. What is IQ? 2. How did Binet and Terman differ on their views of IQ? 3. How WAS IQ computed? 4. How do you compute someone’s mental age? 5. Describe the Eugenics movement 6. Describe factor analysis 7. Give an example of factor analysis 8. Describe the G Factor theory of IQ 9. Describe a Savant? Which IQ theory do savants disprove? 10. Describe the multiple intelligences Theory? Who came up with it? 11. List and explain each of the 8 multiple intelligences 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8. 12. Who was Sternberg? Describe his intelligence theory? What does vocational mean? 13. Describe someone who is socially intelligent 14. Describe someone who is emotionally intelligent 15. List 2 ways to neurologically ( studying the brain and its functions) determine IQ? 16. What is the difference between aptitude and achievement tests? 17. Why is the Weschler IQ test so popular? Which 2 sub tests does it include? 18. List 3 ways to check if a test is a “good” test? 19. If a test is standardized, what does that mean? 20. If a test is reliable, what does that mean? 21. If a test is valid, what does that mean? 22. Why do tests have to be standardized often? 23. How can a test be tested for reliability? 24. What is content validity? 25. What is predictive validity? 26. What is a criterion? 27. What is the Flynn Effect and why is it occurring? 28. How is infant IQ tested. (think habituation)? Are infant IQ tests reliable? 29. At what age are IQ tests more reliable? 30. What IQ score must a person receive to be considered mildly mentally retarded? 31. What IQ score must a person receive to be considered severely mentally retarded? 32. Describe someone with Down’s syndrome 33. List some genetic influences on IQ 34. List some environmental influences on IQ 35. Do head start program work? why? How do they help kids? 36. Describe group differences in IQ 37. How do males and females differ on IQ tests 38. Are IQ tests biased? Explain? 39. Describe the stereotype threat? Chapter 15 1. Who was Sigmund Freud? 2. Describe the psychoanalytic perspective 3. List 4 ways Freud tapped into the unconscious 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. Describe Freud’s views on the importance of the unconscious 5. Describe the following parts of personality 1. ID2. Ego3. Superego- 7. What happens if someone gets fixated in the oral stage? 8. What happens if someone gets fixated in the anal stage? 9. What happens during the Phallic stage? 10. Describe the Oedipus Complex 11. Why is the ego typically under a lot of stress? 12. Describe the following defense mechanisms a. Repression b. Regression c. Reaction Formationd. Rationalizatione. Projectionf. Displacement- g. Sublimationh. Denial- i. Undoing- 13. Describe the following psychoanalytic personality tests a. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)- b. Rorschach Inkblot Test14. In general, what is the purpose of projective tests? 15. Who were the Neo- Freudians? What did they disagree with Freud about? 16. Describe the views of Alfred Adler 17. Describe eh views of Carl Jung 18. What are the modern day criticisms of Sigmund Freud 19. Describe the Trait theory of personality 20. Who was Gordon Allport? 21. Describe the Myers Briggs type indicator test 22. Describe someone who is an ENTJ 23. Describe the MMPI? Why is it so widely used? The MMPI is an empirically derived test, what does that mean? 24. Describe the Ensencks personality test? 25. Describe the BIG 5 test 26. What are some criticisms of the Trait perspective 27. Describe the humanistic perspective 28. Who was Abraham Maslow? 29. Who was Carl Rogers? 30. Describe someone who is self actualized 31. What is Unconditional Positive Regard 32. What is YOUR OWN personal self-concept? 33. Describe some criticisms of the humanistic perspective 34 . Describe the social-cognitive approach 34. Who was Albert Bandura? 35. What is reciprocal Determinism? 36. What is Personal Control? a. Internal Locus of Controlb. External Locus of Control- 37. Describe someone who has developed a sense of learned helplessness. What happened in the dog experiment? 38. What are some criticisms of the social cognitive perspective? 39. What is the Spotlight Effect? 40. What is Self Serving Bias? 41. Describe an individualistic society? 42. Describe a collectivist society? Extra Credit- this is NOT optional 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Circadian rhythm Sleep Spindles Alpha Waves Delta Waves REM sleep and paradoxical sleep Sleep Apnea Narcolepsy REM Rebound Hilgard’s hidden observer experiment Heroin Ecstasy Marijuana Classical Conditioning Operant conditioning John Watson Pavlov’s Dog Exp and CR,CS, UCR,UCS Stimulus discrimination Garcia Koeilling taste aversion studies Skinner Box Positive Reinforcement and Negative reinforcement Essay Questions- You will be given one of the following three essay questions on your test Intelligence FRQ Directions: You have 25 minutes to answer the following question. It is not enough to answer the question by merely listing facts. You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of the question posed, using appropriate psychological terminology. 1. Question 1: Psychologists have long been interested in defining intelligence. Definitions of intelligence have had far-reaching implications on how children are educated. Discuss how the following psychologists define and test intelligence. Alfred Binet Lewis Terman David Weschsler Robert Sternburg Howard Gardner 2. Question 2 : Many colleges and universities use standardized tests as part of the admission process for incoming students. The use of these tests is controversial and psychologist research ways in which these test both help and hurt students. Explain the following concepts and provide an argument for or against the use of standardized tests in the admissions process using the following terms: Achievement versus Aptitude tests Reliability of standardized tests Validity of standardized tests Cultural bias Gender differences among test takers. 3. Question 3: Part A-Explain how each of the following perspectives would explain a person’s personality, as well as asses or test a person’s personality. Be sure to use appropriate terminology for each perspective TraitHumanisticPsychoanalyticSocio-culturalPart B: State and explain one criticism of the following perspectives TraitHumanisticPsychoanalyticSocio-cultural-