Manufacturing Prototype

How do all the aspects of manufacturing come
together to make a final product?
Manufacturing the Big Picture
Essential Question:
What role does each part of manufacturing play in the final
manufacturing process?
Manufacturing Prototype
You have been contracted by your local TSA chapter to
produce a product for this year’s Manufacturing
Prototype event.
Revisit the steps of the manufacturing process to create a
production plan for a product you design.
You should keep notes of each step in your design
notebook. You will transfer your notes to PowerPoint to
communicate your design.
The following is an outline of the process and steps
you should complete.
The Design Process
Define the Problem
Research the Problem
Develop Possible Solutions
Choose the Best Solution
Create a Prototype
Test and Evaluate
Define the Problem
Define the problem and list criteria and constraints
Research the Problem
Conduct research on the problem including:
 What
products currently exist in this area?
 What is the cost of products that currently exist?
 What materials can be used?
 Ergonomic factors?
 Safety factors?
Research your Customer Needs
Sample Questions:
 Who
would purchase the product?
 What is the age range of potential customers?
 Like and dislikes of potential customers?
 What do they want from your product?
 What factors would sway them to or away from your
 What cost would they be willing to pay?
Create a survey or data sheet and record your
results in your design notebook.
Develop Possible Solutions
Create 8 solution concepts – write a detailed
description of each solution
Complete thumbnail sketches of at least 4 designs.
Choose the Best Solution
Using the format to the
right, answer the
following questions:
Does it meet each of your
Construction Method
Health and Safety
Create a Prototype
Create a technical
drawing using CAD
software of your
chosen solution. (use
color to match your
Create a prototype
using the materials
given and any
materials you bring
from home.
Test and Evaluate
Evaluate your solution using the format below:
You should prepare a PowerPoint presentation of
your design process steps and information.
Each team will present their presentation to the
Using information and feedback from the class –
what do you need to redesign?
 Make
any modifications in your design.
 Changes
to technical drawing
 Changes to materials
The following is an outline of the process and steps
you should complete.
The Financial Cost
Using your prototype and the internet, research
your materials and figure the cost to manufacture
your item.
 How
much is one product?
 How much are 30 products?
 Where can you purchase the materials most
economically? (remember shipping costs)
 Prepare
a summary report of your findings to present
to the class. Add this report to your PowerPoint
The following is an outline of the process and steps
you should complete.
Production Planning - Tooling
Create the following chart in your design notebook:
Part of Product– list each part of your game
 Material – what materials is each part made from
 Tool Needed – what tool will you use to create that part
 Tooling Needed – we will be learning about this
Part of Product
Tool Needed
Tooling Needed
Create technical drawing and specifications of any
tooling that needs to be built.
Production Planning – Facility
Create a flow process chart like the one below for
each part.
Production Planning – Facility
1. Cut to width
2. Cut to length
Create an operation
process chart for your
entire production map.
3. Drill holes
4. Round corners
5. Assemble to clip
Production Planning
Add your production planning information to your
PowerPoint Presentation to present to the class.
The following is an outline of the process and steps
you should complete.
Quality Control
Answer the following questions:
 Where
will you use quality control?
 What methods will you use for your quality control?
Add your quality control to your PowerPoint
Presentation to present to the class.
The following is an outline of the process and steps
you should complete.
Logo Design
Basic rules for a successful logo:
 Simple
in design
 Easy to understand, even at a distance
 One or two colors are normally used
 Writing is simple and easy to read
 A simple drawing or symbol is sometimes used.
Simple pictures can be altered easily to make
Create a mockup design of 3 different logo choices
for your product and put them in your design
Add these designs to your PowerPoint presentation.
The following is an outline of the process and steps
you should complete.
Purpose of packaging:
 Protect
a product from damage or contamination by
micro-organisms and air, moisture, and toxins.
 To keep the product together, to contain it.
 To identify the product.
 Protection during transport and ease of transport.
 Stacking and storage.
Packaging Symbols
Polythene Terephthalate
(PET) is used for widely
packaging, especially for
dink containers. It is 90%
recyclable and the symbol
reminds the consumer to
recycle the container.
International recycle
symbol – to remind the
consumer to recycle the
Material is recyclable and
made from aluminum. Look
at drink cans and you may
find this symbol.
Store package upright
Card packaging –
materials used to make
package were harvested in
sustainable forests. Trees
are managed and
replaced when cut down.
Contents are fragile
Professional quality control
and precision is used in
Do not store package in
damp conditions
Store at a particular
Environmental Issues with Packaging
Waste – ensure minimum waste of materials and if
possible no waste.
 Why
 wasted
materials = wasted money
 Helps conserve the environment
 Less energy is needed to run machines
 Recycle
as much waste as possible to save the
environment and money
Manufacturing Packaging
Use a straight edge to
draw the lines of the
Use design software to
design the packaging
appearance and attach it
Use a craft knife and
straight edge to cut each of
the outside pencil lines and
score each of the inside
Use a ruler to help fold the
package into its shape
Example – Self Locking Package
Folds and holds its shape without glue
Example – Hexagonal Packages
The top folds and locks into place. The bottom has a
number of tabs that must be glued.
Example – Box with Handles
Handles are part of the packaging
Example – Gift Box Small Scale
Using the packaging concepts we have discussed.
create your own packaging for your product.
You will need the following:
 Template
for packaging
 Packaging outside – logos and design
Write a rational for why you choose this type of
Include all of these items in your design notebook.
Add these designs to your PowerPoint presentation.
Did you know your problem?
Manufacturing Prototype
You have been contracted by your local TSA chapter to
produce a product for this year’s Manufacturing
Prototype event.
Revisit the steps of the manufacturing process to create a
production plan for a product you design.
You should keep notes of each step in your design
notebook. You will transfer your notes to PowerPoint to
communicate your design.
Grading Rubric