The Stranger Study Guide Part I

The Stranger Study Guide
Part I
Chapter One
1. What is your impression of Meursault after reading the first paragraph?
2. After Meursault arranged for his mother to live in a nursing home, why did he visit her so infrequently?
What do we learn about him through this admittance?
3. Why was it odd that Madam Merusault desired a religious burial?
4. Does Meursault give an explanation for wanting/not wanting to see the open casket? Why would
someone respond in this way? In your opinion, is this normal behavior?
5. Where is the caretaker from? What is his age? How does he contrast with his surroundings? What are
your impressions of him?
6. Describe Meursault’s dream-like experience beginning on page 9. What is happening?
7. What is the purpose of holding a vigil? How long does it last?
8. What is Thomas Perez’s relationship with Maman?
9. How do they reach the church? How long does it take? How is the casket transported?
10. What are three of Meursault’s last thoughts of the burial?
11. What do we learn about Meursault in this first chapter? Make inferences based on what you have read
and really dig deep into his character.
12. What do we learn about Algerian culture in this first chapter? Make inferences based on what you have
Chapter Two
1. What do we learn about Meursault as a character in the first paragraph of the chapter?
2. Describe Meursault’s encounter with Marie at the beginning of the chapter. What do you find notable
about their interaction?
3. What does Meursault choose to do on a Sunday? What does this demonstrate about his character?
4. Describe the significance of Meursault’s statement: “It occurred to me…really, nothing had changed.”
Chapter Three
1. What is your opinion on Meursault’s thoughts about washing his hands?
2. In your opinion, offer an explanation for why Meursault takes a “flying leap” onto a truck with Emmanuel.
3. Who is Salamano? Describe his relationship with his pet. What is your impression of this relationship?
4. Who is Raymond Sintes? What is the “word around the neighborhood” regarding Raymond?
5. What prompted Raymond’s fight with “the man”?
6. What prompted Raymond to beat his girlfriend “’till she bled”?
7. What does Meursault do for Raymond to have Ray say, “Now you’re a pal, Meursault”?
Chapter Four
1. What do Meursault and Marie hear coming from Raymond’s room? What is happening? How do they
react? In your opinion, what is a normal reaction? What does this scene reveal about the culture of
2. How do you know if Meursault is upset or calm about what just happened?
3. What happens to Salamano’s dog? How does he react? What is the significance of this scene?
Chapter Five
1. Where/who does Ray invite to spend Sunday together?
2. Why do you think Ray wants to hang out with Meursault? Why do you think Meursault wants to hang out
with Ray?
3. What opportunity does Meursault’s boss offer?
4. What offer does Marie propose?
5. In your opinion, is Meursault’s behavior normal regarding his job and his girlfriend? Why or why not?
6. What explanation can you offer as to why Meursault follows the woman from Celeste’s?
7. During a brief discussion between Salamano and Meursault, what new information does Salamano convey
about Meursault’s Maman?
8. How has Salamano’s loss brought out his humanitarianism? Give one example.
9. Compare and contrast Meursault and Salamano.
Chapter Six
1. When leaving for the beach, whom do Ray, Meursault and Marie see across the street? What literary
device is utilized here?
2. Who is Masson?
3. Describe Meursault’s experiences on pages 50-52. What is the mood of this scene? What other scenes
from earlier in the novel does this one recall? How?
4. Who do the three men meet on the beach?
5. How does the mood shift in the following two scenes with the Arabs (p. 52-56)? List some key images that
signal this mood shift.
6. What is the significance of Meursault’s statement, “It was then that I realized that you could either shoot
or not shoot”?
7. On page 57, Meursault returns to the beach by himself. Camus uses symbolism when he states, “There
was the same dazzling red glare,” and “With every blade of light…” What inference is being created by
such symbolism?
8. What causes Meursault to fire the initial gunshot? Describe his state of being leading up to this shot.
9. What occurs to “shatter the harmony” of Meursault’s day?
10. Why do you believe Meursault fires the initial gunshot? Why do you believe he fires the concluding four?
11. What is the significance of the concluding statement of this chapter/part?