The Stranger Part 1: Discussion Questions

The Stranger (PART 1) Discussion Questions
1. Discuss how Meursault responds to his surroundings,
especially light and heat.
2. How do M.’s reactions to death and the grief of others
differ from what society generally considers
appropriate behavior?
Ch. 2
1. Describe the way M. spends his Sunday. Why does he
seem so content doing almost nothing?
Ch. 3
1. How does M. feel when he sees Salamano beating his
dog? How does he feel when Raymond tells him he beat
up his girlfriend? Discuss M.’s attitude in relation
to these two events.
2. Discuss M.’s relationship with Raymond. How does he
feel about being Raymond’s “pal,” and why would he
agree to write such a deceitful letter for him?
Ch. 4
1. How does Meursault react when Marie asks him if he
loves her? Why would she continue to have romantic
interest in him?
2. Compare Meursault’s reaction to Thomas Perez’s grief
over M.’s mother’s death, and his reaction to
Salamano’s despair over his lost dog.
3. Since he treats his dog so harshly, why do you think
Salamano is so upset when the dog runs away?
Ch. 5
1. Discuss Meursault’s feelings for Marie. He says he
doesn’t love her, yet he wants to make her happy. Why
would Meursault agree to marry her?
2. Discuss Mersault’s fascination with the “little robot”
woman and her odd, mechanical actions.
Ch. 6
1. How does the sunlight affect M.’s moods and actions?
2. Why does M. talk Raymond out of shooting the Arab?
3. When M. tells us, “I knew I’d shattered the balance of
the day…” what does he mean?