The Stranger -


The Stranger by Albert Camus


English 10

Essential Questions

1. What is existentialism? Absurdism? Nihilism?

2. Is there meaning in life?

3. What do you see that others do not and vice versa?

4. Do individuals possess a sense of responsibility for others and what happens when they do not? Can you blame the world around you

5. Does the lack of socially accepted values destroy human nature?

6. What makes a character “human”?




 The Narrator’s Boss

Marie Cardona

Raymond Si ntès


 Masson’s Wife



Thomas Perez

The Caretaker

The Director

The Chaplain

The Magistrate

The Prosecutor

Absurdism -- philosophy based on the belief that man exists in an irrational and meaningless universe and in which man’s life has no meaning outside his own existence. (absurd = ridiculously unreasonable, irrational, meaningless)

Narrative voice, tone, and diction:

• First-person, Meursault, the protagonist, as narrator. (As such, no other character’s thoughts are known except from what can be interpreted by what the character says and does.)

Supplemental Essays: All supplemental essays (by Albert Camus) will be read at home (twice) and then you will create 3 critical thinking questions to be asked in class during our PANEL DISCUSSIONS.

Focus Questions

All questions must be answered in complete sentences without an excessive use of pronouns. Use the name of the characters. Points will be taken off for use of phrases such as “like”, “I think”, or any use of words that indicate you are unsure

of your answer. Be specific and detailed.


Chapter 1

1. The first line of the book is one of the most famous lines in literature.

Explain why.

2. Describe the heat in detail in one complete paragraph.

3. Summarize Meursault in 1 word.

Chapter 2:


What does Meursault choose to do on Sunday? What does this demonstrate about his character?


What does Meursault mean when he says, “It occurred to me....really, nothing had changed.”?


Assignment: Find a window in your home. Sit for 10 to 30 minutes and write down everything that you see. Use descriptive adjectives to describe what you see, what you hear, what is happening and what you think about your view of the world .

Chapter 3:

1. Who is Salamano? Explain his relationship with his pet.

2. Use three words that describe Raymond.

3. Why does Meursault have a friendship with Raymond?

Assignment: Would you have a friendship with Raymond? Why or why not?

Explain in detail. One full page.

Chapter 4:

1. Describe what happens to Raymond’s “girlfriend”?

2. Why does Meursault do nothing?

Assignment: What do you think was in the letter from Meursault? In a

BUSINESS LETTER FORMAT, write the letter from Meursault.

Chapter 5:

1. In your opinion, is Meursault’s behavior normal regarding his job and his girlfriend? Why or why not?

2. What explanation can you offer as to why Meursault follows the woman from Celeste’s?

3. Assignment: Compare the relationship between Salamano and his dog to Meursault and his mother.

Chapter 6:

1. The day begins with Meursault feeling sick. What does this foreshadow?

2. Describe the heat, the sun and the glare from both. How does this affect Meursault and his decisions?


What is meant by “it was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness.” Explain briefly.

4. In your opinion, are the event of the day his fault? Why or why not?

5. Assignment: Of all of the characters in Part One, who do you relate to and why?


Chapter 1:

1. What has happened to Meursault?

2. Is he taking his circumstances seriously? Give an example.

3. What question does the attorney feel compelled to ask?

4. What explanation does Meursault give regarding his “nature”?

Chapter 2:

1. Briefly describe Meursault’s prison cell. Is this what he had expected?

2. In a sense, what item was more difficult for Meursault to lose than his freedom?

3. In your opinion, does Meursault have a conscience? Why or why not?

4. Assignment: If you had your freedom taken away, what is the one thing you would miss the most? Why?

Chapter 3:

1. A previous incident occurred between the caretaker and Meursault, which is briefly discussed during the trial. This leads to Camus’ title of the novel. What is the incident?

2. How does the prosecutor attempt to prove that Meursault has no conscience?

3. What is the prosecutor implying when he questions Raymond? (refers to “chance” numerous times.) 


Explain what Meursault means when he says, “it was back to my cell...sleep of the innocent.

Chapter 4:

1. Does Meursault feel like he has anything to say to defend himself?

2. In your opinion, does Meursault believe that his crime was premeditated?

3. In this chapter Meursault reveals the key to his character/personality.

What is this?

Chapter 5:

1. When Meursault’s situation finally “sinks in”, what are the two things he always thinks about?

2. What does the priest mean when he says, “your heart is blind.”?

3. In the last few paragraphs, how does Meursault finally relate to


4. Why does Meursault wish that a large crowd of spectators greet him with cries of hate at his execution?

Post Reading Assignment: A chapter of the book has been chosen for

you. Create a film to express the nuances, ambiguities, ironic viewpoints, or description of foreshadowing of that chapter. YOU MAY NOT USE


Objective: A chapter of the book has been chosen for you. Create a film to express the nuances, ambiguities, ironic viewpoints, or description of foreshadowing of that chapter. YOU MAY NOT USE REAL PEOPLE IN






Images create a distinct atmosphere or tone that matches different parts of the chapter. The images may communicate symbolism and/or metaphors.


Images create an atmosphere or tone that matches some parts of the chapter.

The images may communicate symbolism and/or metaphors.

2 1

An attempt was made Little or no attempt to to use images to create an use images to create an appropriate atmosphere/tone but it atmosphere/tone. needed more work.

Image choice is logical.

Point of View -



Establishes a Establishes a purpose early on and purpose early on and lapses in focus, but maintains a clear maintains focus for the purpose is fairly focus throughout. most of the presentation.

There are a few clear.

The story is told with exactly the right amount of detail throughout. It does not seem too short nor does it seem too long.

The story composition is typically good, though it seems to drag somewhat OR need slightly more detail in one or two sections.

The story seems to need more editing. It is noticeably too long or too short in more than one section.

It is difficult to figure out the purpose of the presentation.

The story needs extensive editing. It is too long or too short to be interesting.

Time Management

Explanation of


Worked as part of a team, did not annoy anyone and worked hard and was focused on the project.

Worked most of the time as part of a team, did not annoy anyone and worked and was pretty focused on the project.

Worked some of the time as part of a team, a team and didn\'t did not annoy anyone contribute very much and worked and was some what focused on the project.

The ambiguities, foreshadowing,

The ambiguities, foreshadowing,

The ambiguities, foreshadowing, nuances or moments nuances or moments nuances or moments of irony were represented. The film of irony were represented most of of irony were represented for some

Didn\'t work as part of to the project.

The ambiguities, foreshadowing, nuances or moments of irony were not represented. The film

made sense and there was no confusion. the film. The film made sense and of the film. The film didn\'t really make there was barely any confusion. sense and there was some confusion. did not make sense and there was confusion.

The Stranger

By Albert Camus

Study Guide

10 English

