Wilson-Bennett Technology Inc. 6/30/2013 Fourth Edition DIRECTOR SPOTLIGHT MELISA HUDDY Executive Director Off-Site Call Center June’s director spotlight brings us to our Off-Site call center in Arkansas. Melisa has run over 23 campaigns for WBT and has raised a whopping 1.2 Million Dollars. As the Executive Director of the Off-Site Call Center, Melisa runs the day to day operations of many different campaigns. He best success story was when the call center called for a Vet Hospital and raised money for animal care, including raising money for deceased pets as well. The campaign was very successful and it was a very enjoyable challenge. MELISA HAS RUN OVER 23 Melisa doesn’t have much spare time, but when she CAMPAIGNS AND HAS RAISED does have a little time, she loves cheering on her kids. She has two children that are very active in sports. A WHOPPING 1.2 MILLION Her son Mikey 12, plays travel baseball, does DOLLARS! competitive cheer and plays basketball and football for his school. Melisa’s daughter Marisa 8, is also involved in competitive cheer. She would support them in any event that they love doing and that they truly enjoy. Melisa’s favorite food type is Italian. She loves pasta! Her favorite movie is Ms. Congeniality starring Sandra Bullock. When I asked “If you could trade places with any other person for a week, famous or not famous, living, dead, real or fictional. With whom would it be?,” she answered emphatically with Donald Trump! I am guessing it is due to the entrepreneurial spirit and net worth rather than the hair. If Melisa could be any type of animal it would be a red chested robin, so she could travel the world and be free! That sounds like a great choice to me. On behalf of WBT and all of our staff, I would like to thank Melisa for all of her hard work, dedication and enthusiasm. Thanks Melisa! FOLLOW WBT ON TWITTER - @WBTECHINC “LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK