File stockdale lesson plan week one november

Stockdale Lesson Plan Psychology November
Monday November 02, 2015
Topic: Dreams
Standard: Discuss the theories of dreaming
Warm Up: Do you dream and if so about what kinds of things?
 Go over theories of dreaming information
 Discuss dream article and questions
Wrap Up: Have students look up information about their dreams using
Tuesday November 03, 2015
Topic: Hypnosis
Standard: Describe the historic and contemporary uses of hypnosis and explain hypnotic phenomena
 Go over hypnosis article
 Student groups conduct research and answer the question is hypnosis real?
Wrap Up: What do you think about hypnosis?
Wednesday November 04, 2015
Topic Drugs
Standard: Identify the major psychoactive categories and classify specific drugs including their
psychological and physiological effects
 Student notes on drug categories
 Create an antiadvertisement poster for any psychoactive drug that we have discussed in class
Wrap Up: Mouse Party Drug Worksheet
Thursday November 05, 2015
Topic: Drugs
Warm Up: Cartoon Activity
 Name that drug activity
 Recognizing the risk
 Consequences of addiction
 Near Death Experiences
Wrap Up: Review information for test
Friday November 06, 2015
FRQ Test
Stockdale Week Two November
Monday November 09, 2015
Second Half of Consciousness Test
Assign Vocabulary Learning Chapter due Tuesday
Tuesday November 10, 2015
Topic: Classical Conditioning
Standard: Describe basic classical conditioning phenomena
Essential Question: How do the principles of classical conditioning work to create learning?
Warm Up: Go over learning examples and ask students if learning has taken place
 Notes
 Think Pair Share and write out the steps of classical conditioning with questions they have
 Small group create their own example of classical conditioning
Wrap Up: Students share their example of classical conditioning with the class
Wednesday November 10, 2015
Topic: Classical Conditioning
Standard: Describe basic classical conditioning phenomena including acquisition, extinction,
spontaneous recovery, generalization, discrimination, and higher-order learning
Essential Question: In what ways does classical conditioning work in human contexts?
Warm Up: Are you loyal to a favorite brand of product? Might your loyalty be due to classical
conditioning? If so how is this possible?
 Notes
 Water Gun Conditioning Activity
Wrap Up: Racism and Classical Conditioning Activity
Thursday November 12, 2015
Topic: Operant Conditioning
Standard: Predict the effects of operant conditioning
Essential Question: How do the principles of operant conditioning work to create learning?
Warm Up: Discuss Thorndike and instrumental learning and Skinner and operant conditoning
 Classical Conditioning Quiz
 Notes
 Classical Condition students activity
 Four Square poster with pos and neg reinforcement and punishment
Wrap Up: Complete Positive/Negative Reinforcement Worksheet
Friday November 13, 2015
Student Vocabulary Quiz Learning
Students present articles related to psychological concepts we have studies
Preview Operant Conditioning
Monday November 16, 2015
Topic Operant Conditioning
Standard: Predict the effects of operant conditioning
Essential Question: In what ways does operant conditioning work in human context?
Warm Up: Racism example
 Finish poster activity
 Notes
 Using Operant Conditioning Principles Activity
Wrap Up: Apply all four principles to an eating habit of your choice
Tuesday November 17, 2015
Topic: Schedules of Reinforcement
Standard: Predict how practice, schedules of reinforcement, and motivation influence quality of learning
Essential Question: In what ways does operant conditioning work in human context?
Warm Up: Reinforcement and punishment worksheet
 Notes over schedules of reinforcement
 Partner poster project
Wrap Up: Worksheet on schedules
Wednesday November 18, 2015
Topic: Other Concepts associated with learning
Standard: Provide examples of how biological constraints create learning predispositions Famous names
in learning: Pavlov, Watson, Thorndike, Skinner, Tolman, Seligman,
Essential Question: How are various principles similar and different?
Warm Up: Go over worksheet
 Group topics: taste aversion Garcia, learned helplessness Seligman, latent learning Tolman,
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, application of operant conditioning, compare and contrast cc
and oc , observational learning Bandura,
Wrap Up: Worksheet that compares theories of learning
Thursday November 19, 2015
Free Response Questions
Friday November 20, 2015
Multiple Choice Test
Homework: Complete Psychology Fair paper due on Monday November 30, 2015
Monday-Friday 11-23 to 11-27 Thanksgiving Holiday