The Parts of a Plant

The Plant Structure
By : Chris Ban
Science Presentation
The Plant
This is a diagram of a
Plants are made up of
roots, the stem, the
leaf, and the flower.
In this presentation I
will explain each part
more thoroughly.
The Root
Roots are actually a lot
stronger than they seem
 They can buckle
 Break apart solid rock.
 They can also grow to be
very long. The longest
grown was 1200m.
(400ft.) by a fig tree in
South Africa.
Xylem, and Phloem
 There are two types of
vascular tissue: Xylem,
and Phloem.
 Xylem- is located at the
center of the root, and
transports water, and
minerals to plant. (bottom)
 Phloem-transports
products of the
photosynthesis, or food to
the plant. It is located
around the Xylem. (top)
The Stem
• Food-Storage tissue is
located inside of the
vascular tissue. It is made
up of loosely packed cells
that store food.
• Growth Tissue- is made
up of the cambium and is
located between the xylem
and phloem. This thin
layer produces new xylem
tissue to the inside and
new phloem tissue to the
• Protective Tissue is
found outside the
storage tissue and
forms the outer
covering of the stem.
• The stem includes the
vascular tissue with
xylem and phloem just
like the root.
Other stems
• The arrangement of the
tissues in the stem
depends on the type of
stem. Dicot and monocot
stems differ in their
arrangement of vascular
tissue. Woody stems and
herbaceous stems, usually
green and flexible, have
vascular tissue arranged in
groups called vascular
(picture of herbaceous stem)
Other Stems
 Woody stems are
harder and more rigid
than herbaceous stems.
In plants that have
woody stems, the
xylem is organized in
a series of annual
rings. The outermost
ring is the bark. The
bark contains cork; the
inner bark contains
both dead and living
phloem cells.
The Leaf
• The leaf includes the vein,
the blade,and the petiole.
• On the lower surface of
most leaves are small
openings called stomata.
• As the cells that make up
the sides of the stomata
take in water, they swell
and fit tightly together
preventing leaks.
• The cells that make up the
sides of the stomata are
called guard cells. Carbondioxide passes into the
leaf. Water vapor and
oxygen pass out through
these small openings.
• Epidermal tissue
protects the inside of
the leaf from injury or
• In some plants there is
extra protection
provided by a waxy
cuticle layer that covers
the epidermis.
Palisade Cells
• Inside the leaf are 2
more layers. The
upper layer is made of
palisade cells, and
Spongy cells.
• Palisade cells-areElongated cells
stacked closely
together. They make the
most food for the plant
and provide support for
the leaf
Spongy Cells
• These cells make it
easy for carbondioxide, and oxygen to
move through the leaf
(Chloroplasts in living
spongy mesophyll cells of
Impatiens.-picture right )
A leaf cell diagram
Palisade Layer
Spongy Mesophyl
Guard Cells
The Flower
Sepals-The outermost part of the
flower. It is collectively known as the
Petals-Inside the calyx. Surrounds
the reproductive parts, attract insects
and other animals for pollination.
Collectively known as the corolla.
Stamens- The male part of the flower
located inside the petals. Made of a
stalk called the filament. Attached to
the top of the filament is the anther, a
sac that holds the pollen, which
contains the sperm cells.
Pistils-The female part of the plant
located in the center of the flower.
Made of a slender tube called the
style;at the top of the style is a sticky
structure called the stigma; at the
base of the style is the ovary, which
contains the ovules, which will
develop into seeds.
Complete and incomplete
 Many flowers have all four flower parts present; some
have one or more missing parts.
 Flowers that have all four parts are called complete
 Flowers that lack one or more parts of the flower are called
incomplete flowers.
 Flowers are either perfect or imperfect.
 Perfect flowers have both stamen or pi and pistils.
 Imperfect flowers are either male or female and lack pistils
or stamens
• The structure
diagrammed on the
right is an ovule and
will develop into a
seed. The integument
will become the seed
• The cotyledon is a
seed leaf. In monocots
only one cotyledon is
present. In dicots two
cotyledons are present.
• The embryo is in plant
seeds, it is the young
• Seeds in a pod (left)
• After fertilization has
occurred, it develops
into a fruit. Fruits may
be fleshy, hard,
multiple or single.
Seeds germinate, and
the embryo grows into
the next generation sporophyte.
• The fruit is a structure that develops from
the ovary after fertilization. It contains the
seeds and protects them from disease and
• The seed coat is the protective coat the
forms the outer covering of the seed and
helps protect inner parts of the seed
• Ritterskamp, Ronald. Explore God’s
Creation. Pacific Press Publishing Assoc.,