Structured titles 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 "20 Fingers" - Reel C2N03 English Subtitles 00:00:52:00:00:00:52:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Mania 00:00:50:02:00:00:05:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Enough playing games. 00:00:03:05:00:00:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 It's cold. 00:00:00:00:00:00:30:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Come in. 00:00:30:00:00:00:33:03:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 You'll catch a cold. 00:00:30:00:00:00:30:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Daddy has peeled an apple for you. 00:00:20:02:00:00:20:02:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 You are a big girl now. 00:05:05:03:00:05:02:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 The games we played! 00:05:00:03:00:05:00:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 They were great: 00:05:00:00:00:05:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 make believe games, doctors: 00:05:00:05:00:05:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 husbands and wives 00:05:50:03:00:05:52:03:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 with my cousins. 00:05:52:02:00:05:50:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 One cousin, Mahmud, was very naughty: 00:05:50:02:00:05:00:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 very handsome, even as a boy. 00:05:05:00:00:05:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 We played doctor & patient: 00:05:00:05:00:05:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 husband & wife: 00:05:00:00:00:05:33:50:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 great fun, amazing feelings. 00:05:32:02:00:05:20:55:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 How old were you then? 00:05:20:53:00:05:20:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 How old? 00:05:20:50:00:05:20:03:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. 00:05:20:00:00:00:02:02:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 I got a Doctor's set from my uncle. 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0055 00 00 00 C2N03 Until... what do you mean? 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 How old were you then? 00:00:00:50:00:00:50:00:00 : 0053 00 00 00 C2N03 He listened to your chest, breast? 00:00:55:00:00:00:50:53:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C2N03 Only until we were 9. 00:00:00:00:00:00:30:05:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 After 9 my family wouldn't let us; 00:00:30:00:00:00:30:03:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C2N03 only teacher games. 00:00:33:02:00:00:25:02:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 We weren't allowed to close the door. 00:00:23:00:00:00:22:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 A few times I closed the door: 00:00:22:02:00:03:02:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 but mum would check on us: 00:03:02:05:00:03:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 and say "DOOR OPEN:" 00:03:00:03:00:03:05:02:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 It was very funny. 00:03:05:00:00:03:03:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Look, a jackal. Dog or a jackal? 00:03:02:00:00:03:02:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Can you see it? 00:03:02:00:00:03:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. 00:03:02:02:00:03:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Dog or a jackal? 00:03:00:00:00:03:50:03:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I guess a dog. 00:03:50:02:00:03:55:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Swear it's a jackal, not a dog. 00:03:55:55:00:03:50:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 More like a fox. 00:03:52:55:00:03:50:53:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 We played "the bottle game." 00:03:00:00:00:03:00:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 Bottle game? 00:03:00:00:00:03:05:00:00 : 0035 00 00 00 C2N03 What kind of a game? 00:03:05:00:00:03:02:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 Spin the bottle: 00:03:02:50:00:03:00:00:00 : 0033 00 00 00 C2N03 whoever it pointed to would choose 00:03:00:50:00:03:30:00:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C2N03 who to kiss. 00:03:30:00:00:03:35:05:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 Oh, my God! 00:03:35:00:00:03:32:02:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C2N03 We played something similar. 00:03:32:00:00:03:32:02:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 It's a jackal! 00:03:32:00:00:03:30:02:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 No, it is a dog! 00:03:30:00:00:03:20:50:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 No, it isn't. 00:03:20:53:00:03:25:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 It's a dog. 00:03:25:00:00:03:25:53:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C2N03 Swear it's not a dog. 00:03:20:00:00:03:23:05:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 It's a dog. 00:03:23:00:00:03:22:05:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C2N03 We played a game like that. 00:03:22:00:00:03:20:05:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 Maybe a jackal. 00:03:20:00:00:03:20:03:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Looks like a jackal. 00:03:20:02:00:02:00:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 "The thief & the vizier." 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:05:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 The boys worried someone would end up 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:55:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 with their girlfriend: 00:02:00:50:00:02:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 the King ordering a kiss: 00:02:00:00:00:02:02:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 really exciting. 00:02:00:00:00:02:50:03:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Where are you going? 00:02:53:00:00:02:52:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 A nice place. 00:02:52:02:00:02:50:53:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 It's getting a little cold. 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:50:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 See how beautiful it is. 00:02:00:50:00:02:02:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Sweet childhood fun. 00:02:02:50:00:02:30:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 The boy, your cousin... 00:02:30:50:00:02:30:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes, he was great! 00:02:33:05:00:02:30:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Married now? 00:02:32:00:00:02:25:50:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes, long time. 00:02:20:00:00:02:20:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Still see him? 00:02:20:03:00:00:00:50:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C2N03 Sure, sometimes. What a question. 00:00:02:02:00:00:00:03:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 When I was a kid... 00:00:00:02:00:00:03:00:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C2N03 upto age 9, we examined each other: 00:00:03:00:00:00:00:53:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 we would use the stethoscope: 00:00:00:00:00:00:50:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 once 9, none of that. 00:00:52:00:00:00:00:02:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 Spin the Bottle- I had a friend, Neda. 00:00:05:00:00:00:02:02:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 I always wanted to kiss her. 00:00:02:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 How old is she now? 00:00:00:00:00:00:30:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 When I see her now. 00:00:30:55:00:00:35:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 You get shy? 00:00:35:03:00:00:30:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 No, not shy, a special feeling. 00:00:32:05:00:00:30:02:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 What kind? 00:00:30:00:00:00:20:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Peculiar sort of feeling. 00:00:20:50:00:00:23:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 So cold. 00:00:23:02:00:00:20:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. 00:00:20:00:00:02:00:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Beautiful here. 00:02:00:02:00:02:05:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes, beautiful. 00:02:00:05:00:02:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Where are we going? 00:02:00:02:00:02:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Let me show you. 00:02:00:05:00:02:02:55:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Little bit to go. 00:02:00:05:00:02:50:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 What do you mean? 00:02:50:02:00:02:52:05:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Right here, see, just a bit more: 00:02:52:00:00:02:50:55:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 quiet, beautiful, just us. 00:02:50:50:00:02:05:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Cloudy sky, no stars. 00:02:02:05:00:02:00:55:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 What are you doing? 00:02:32:00:00:02:30:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 What are you doing? 00:02:30:00:00:02:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Have you gone crazy? 00:00:30:50:00:00:30:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 You crazy fool! 00:00:32:05:00:00:30:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 What do I to tell my mum? 00:00:20:03:00:00:00:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 That you got your period. 00:00:05:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 She knows the time for that. 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Why did you do this? 00:00:00:05:00:00:05:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I had to know. 00:00:00:05:00:00:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Could've got a Doctor's certificate. 00:00:00:00:00:00:50:05:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I had to find out myself. 00:00:00:00:00:00:03:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 What do I tell my mum? 00:00:02:53:00:00:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Tell her it's your period. 00:00:00:00:00:00:35:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 What do I tell your sister? 00:00:30:03:00:00:32:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I had to find out myself. 00:00:30:03:00:00:20:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 You fool! 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 We had a great time, no? 00:00:02:03:00:00:02:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 You didn't have a good time? 00:00:00:00:00:00:53:03:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. But something bothers me. 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 What? 00:00:30:02:00:00:30:02:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Dancing.... You with Nasser. 00:00:30:00:00:00:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I see. 00:00:20:02:00:00:25:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes! 00:00:22:05:00:00:22:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 Bothered you? 00:00:20:50:00:00:00:55:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes and no. 00:00:02:00:00:00:00:50:00 : 0055 00 00 00 C2N03 Part of me likes freedom: 00:00:00:55:00:00:02:02:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 so I can feel free too: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:00 : 0053 00 00 00 C2N03 do what I want 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:50:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C2N03 and be comfortable. 00:00:00:53:00:00:55:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 So many spots. 00:00:52:00:00:00:00:03:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C2N03 Another part of me gets annoyed. 00:00:03:00:00:00:00:03:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 I saw you go to the loo. 00:00:00:00:00:00:30:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 I was sitting alone: 00:00:30:05:00:00:32:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 some people dancing, some talking: 00:00:30:05:00:00:20:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 only 8 people in the party. 00:00:25:00:00:00:20:03:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 You got annoyed? 00:00:20:02:00:00:20:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I got nervous. 00:05:00:50:00:05:05:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Why didn't you say someting? 00:05:05:05:00:05:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Said what? 00:05:00:00:00:05:03:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Why didn't you say something? 00:05:02:00:00:05:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Like: don't dance? 00:05:00:03:00:05:02:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. 00:05:02:53:00:05:00:55:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Why didn't you say it? 00:05:03:02:00:05:50:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 Wanted to give you freedom. 00:05:50:03:00:05:53:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 Which part was dominant? 00:05:53:00:00:05:50:02:00 : 0035 00 00 00 C2N03 I like you to choose what you want. 00:05:50:00:00:05:00:55:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 You danced, I got annoyed: 00:05:03:00:00:05:30:03:00 : 0033 00 00 00 C2N03 but before that no part was dominant. 00:05:33:00:00:05:30:00:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C2N03 It's different with Nasser. 00:05:30:03:00:05:20:02:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 Known him for 8 years; 00:05:20:00:00:05:20:00:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C2N03 a friend for 8 years. 00:05:20:00:00:00:03:02:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 He's been with Pooneh for 10 years. 00:00:03:00:00:00:02:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 Pooneh asked me to dance with him. 00:00:02:50:00:00:00:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 She wouldn't say "don't dance." 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Then what? 00:00:00:50:00:00:00:02:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C2N03 Also number of years is not important. 00:00:00:00:00:00:03:53:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Then what? 00:00:02:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C2N03 You may know a girl for 20 years 00:00:00:02:00:00:00:50:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 but have weird feelings for her. 00:00:00:53:00:00:50:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 -There's a difference. 00:00:50:00:00:00:50:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 -No difference. 00:00:50:00:00:00:50:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 -Yes, there's a difference. 00:00:50:03:00:00:50:03:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Why dance with another man? 00:00:50:50:00:00:02:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 That's not your husband: 00:00:02:00:00:00:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 fiance nor boyfriend. 00:00:30:00:00:00:32:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 I don't know why I danced with him. 00:00:22:53:00:03:05:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Maybe... 00:03:02:02:00:03:02:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes, if... 00:03:00:50:00:03:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Honestly, my feelings last night... 00:03:50:02:00:03:50:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I was all eyes for you... 00:03:00:02:00:03:05:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Dancing and all eyes for me? 00:03:05:50:00:03:00:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes, I saw you go to the loo. 00:03:02:00:00:03:30:02:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Dancing, I positioned myself 00:03:30:00:00:03:30:03:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 to Nasser's side: 00:03:30:02:00:03:32:00:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C2N03 so I could see you: 00:03:32:00:00:03:30:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 sitting on the sofa. 00:03:30:50:00:03:30:00:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C2N03 Why did you do it? 00:03:20:02:00:03:22:02:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 I didn't know it would annoy you. 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 I am happy to hear it upset you. 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:02:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 I guess deep inside, all women: 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:50:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 want to play this game. 00:02:00:53:00:02:02:02:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 A game to upset, cause jealousy? 00:02:00:00:00:02:53:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 She may get some interest: 00:02:53:50:00:02:50:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 attention or love. 00:02:50:02:00:02:00:55:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 You lacked something? 00:02:00:50:00:02:03:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Very much, very much. 00:02:03:00:00:02:00:02:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Dance with a man to get my attention? 00:02:35:50:00:02:33:50:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Know a better way? 00:02:32:00:00:02:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 So, If I lack something from you 00:02:20:00:00:02:20:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I am exaggerating, don't get mad: 00:02:20:02:00:02:20:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 so I have an affair with someone 00:02:20:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 because I lack attention? 00:00:02:02:00:00:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I felt out of place- all couples. 00:00:05:05:00:00:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. But to dance with someone else? 00:00:00:50:00:00:00:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 They were all couples, different to us. 00:00:00:00:00:00:55:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Exactly. So dance with Nasser? 00:00:50:02:00:00:50:55:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 His wife- sitting- there. 00:00:50:50:00:00:50:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Pooneh didn't get upset. 00:00:50:03:00:00:50:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Didn't she!? 00:00:50:02:00:00:00:50:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 She won't say "don't dance with him." 00:00:00:55:00:00:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 It's not so. If she doesn't like it: 00:00:00:50:00:00:30:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Nasser wouldn't have danced. 00:00:30:00:00:00:30:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 She was upset. It showed. 00:00:20:50:00:00:20:02:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 No one likes to see their partner dance. 00:00:20:00:00:00:22:00:00 : 0505 00 00 00 C2N03 Some do. It's possible. 00:00:22:00:00:02:05:03:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 No, they are fooling themselves! 00:02:02:00:00:02:00:03:00 : 0503 00 00 00 C2N03 I can't accept this. 00:02:02:03:00:02:00:00:00 : 0502 00 00 00 C2N03 Why didn't you say so then? 00:02:00:03:00:02:00:02:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 Saying it now, it isn't late. 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:02:00 : 0502 00 00 00 C2N03 Listen when I dance with Nasser: 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:02:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 it's different, like two friends: 00:02:00:00:00:02:55:02:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 like two men, or two women dancing. 00:02:55:00:00:02:52:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 I rather dance with Hamideh than Nasser. 00:02:52:00:00:02:00:53:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 Thank God you like it with Hamideh. 00:02:00:00:00:02:02:00:00 : 0505 00 00 00 C2N03 Why dance with another man? 00:02:02:00:00:02:33:02:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 I told you, a game. 00:02:33:00:00:02:32:00:00 : 0503 00 00 00 C2N03 Suddenly: 00:02:32:05:00:02:20:50:00 : 0502 00 00 00 C2N03 I got stubborn like a kid. 00:02:20:53:00:02:20:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 I felt we lacked the love: 00:02:20:50:00:02:20:50:00 : 0502 00 00 00 C2N03 this hurt. 00:02:20:53:00:00:00:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 So, dance- get my attention. 00:00:00:05:00:00:05:02:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 You like me dancing with women? 00:00:00:00:00:00:03:03:00 : 0550 00 00 00 C2N03 It depends. 00:00:03:02:00:00:50:53:00 : 0550 00 00 00 C2N03 like Nasser, but a woman: 00:00:52:00:00:00:05:00:00 : 0555 00 00 00 C2N03 and I have known her for 10 years 00:00:05:00:00:00:00:55:00 : 0550 00 00 00 C2N03 I start dancing in a flirting way. 00:00:00:00:00:00:30:55:00 : 0553 00 00 00 C2N03 Not sexy, flirting. 00:00:30:50:00:00:35:05:00 : 0552 00 00 00 C2N03 Did I flirt last night? 00:00:35:00:00:00:30:50:00 : 0550 00 00 00 C2N03 Didn't you? 00:00:32:00:00:00:32:03:00 : 0552 00 00 00 C2N03 I flirted with Nasser? 00:00:32:02:00:00:20:02:00 : 0550 00 00 00 C2N03 Did you? 00:00:25:05:00:00:23:00:00 : 0550 00 00 00 C2N03 I danced... 00:00:22:00:00:00:20:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 ... didn't flirt. 00:00:20:00:00:00:00:53:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 You know best. 00:00:03:50:00:00:02:00:00 : 0505 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes, If you dance, with a prettier 00:00:02:05:00:00:00:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 woman than I, it will piss me off . 00:00:00:02:00:00:00:00:00 : 0503 00 00 00 C2N03 If I am as pretty, I'll be ok. 00:00:50:00:00:00:53:00:00 : 0502 00 00 00 C2N03 Some women will piss you off. 00:00:53:50:00:00:52:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 I think so. 00:00:52:00:00:00:00:02:00 : 0502 00 00 00 C2N03 Now if you dance with a man: 00:00:00:50:00:00:03:50:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 and we have a relationship: 00:00:03:55:00:00:00:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 any man, even your cousin: 00:00:00:50:00:00:35:00:00 : 0530 00 00 00 C2N03 it will piss me off. That's one part. 00:00:35:03:00:00:30:03:00 : 0530 00 00 00 C2N03 My other part- choice and space: 00:00:30:02:00:00:30:00:00 : 0535 00 00 00 C2N03 wants to hide my restrictive part. 00:00:30:00:00:00:20:02:00 : 0530 00 00 00 C2N03 To censor it. 00:00:20:00:00:00:25:00:00 : 0533 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes... 00:00:20:03:00:00:22:50:00 : 0532 00 00 00 C2N03 Before my feelings grew: 00:00:22:53:00:00:20:02:00 : 0530 00 00 00 C2N03 If you did such a thing: 00:00:20:00:00:50:05:50:00 : 0532 00 00 00 C2N03 3 months ago, it wouldn't have upset me. 00:50:00:00:00:50:03:50:00 : 0530 00 00 00 C2N03 It wouldn't have upset you? 00:50:03:50:00:50:00:00:00 : 0530 00 00 00 C2N03 Because my feelings were not so deep. 00:50:00:03:00:50:00:00:00 : 0520 00 00 00 C2N03 Now- you dance, it'll piss me off. 00:50:00:05:00:50:50:00:00 : 0520 00 00 00 C2N03 Can't hide it, can't lie. 00:50:50:00:00:50:50:00:00 : 0525 00 00 00 C2N03 If others are liberal, fine. 00:50:50:00:00:50:05:00:00 : 0520 00 00 00 C2N03 I don't believe it doesn't bother them. 00:50:05:02:00:50:00:00:00 : 0523 00 00 00 C2N03 Look, I may dance with Nasser: 00:50:00:05:00:50:30:00:00 : 0522 00 00 00 C2N03 it's different to dancing with you. 00:50:33:00:00:50:32:00:00 : 0520 00 00 00 C2N03 Like dancing with your brother. 00:50:20:03:00:50:20:53:00 : 0522 00 00 00 C2N03 How does Nasser feel? 00:50:22:02:00:50:20:02:00 : 0520 00 00 00 C2N03 Nasser?... 00:50:22:00:00:50:00:00:00 : 0520 00 00 00 C2N03 How does he feel dancing with you? 00:50:03:02:00:50:02:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 I don't know... 00:50:02:02:00:50:00:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 You know how you feel: 00:50:00:05:00:50:05:00:00 : 0505 00 00 00 C2N03 how about his feelings? 00:50:05:05:00:50:00:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 Maybe Nasser feels different? 00:50:02:02:00:50:52:00:00 : 0503 00 00 00 C2N03 Dancing; couples moving: 00:50:50:53:00:50:00:00:00 : 0502 00 00 00 C2N03 take off the clothes- like making love. 00:50:00:00:00:50:00:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 Private, beautiful, not against it. 00:50:00:02:00:50:35:00:00 : 0502 00 00 00 C2N03 But not with someone else. 00:50:25:03:00:50:22:02:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 Got to show the tickets? 00:50:20:00:00:55:00:02:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 This is sweet. 00:55:03:00:00:55:02:00:00 : 0520 00 00 00 C2N03 How are you? 00:55:02:00:00:55:02:00:00 : 0520 00 00 00 C2N03 Thanks. 00:55:02:05:00:55:00:00:00 : 0525 00 00 00 C2N03 Alright? 00:55:00:03:00:55:00:50:00 : 0520 00 00 00 C2N03 You are alright! 00:55:02:00:00:55:02:00:00 : 0523 00 00 00 C2N03 Thanks. 00:55:03:00:00:55:00:00:00 : 0522 00 00 00 C2N03 I have an appointment with 00:55:00:05:00:55:00:00:00 : 0520 00 00 00 C2N03 Dr. Moghadam next week. 00:55:30:50:00:55:30:00:00 : 0522 00 00 00 C2N03 An appointment? 00:55:25:50:00:55:22:55:00 : 0520 00 00 00 C2N03 He said it only takes 10 minutes. 00:50:00:00:00:50:05:00:00 : 0520 00 00 00 C2N03 We have discussed this before. 00:50:00:00:00:50:05:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 You know how I feel: 00:50:55:02:00:50:53:00:00 : 0505 00 00 00 C2N03 we have talked enough. 00:50:53:05:00:50:53:55:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 What? 00:50:53:50:00:50:50:03:00 : 0503 00 00 00 C2N03 So, what about Dr. Moghadam? 00:50:00:02:00:50:00:00:00 : 0502 00 00 00 C2N03 Shouldn't I want it too? 00:50:00:05:00:50:03:55:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. 00:50:02:50:00:50:00:55:00 : 0502 00 00 00 C2N03 Hundred percent. 00:50:00:00:00:50:30:03:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 Sleep on it; we'll talk about it later: 00:50:30:53:00:50:30:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 when you feel better. 00:50:20:00:00:50:23:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 It's not about when I feel better. 00:50:23:03:00:50:20:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 I just can't, it's so hard. 00:53:00:00:00:53:02:55:00 : 0505 00 00 00 C2N03 Give it time, it will pass. 00:53:00:05:00:53:02:50:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 It's very hard. 00:53:02:53:00:53:53:00:00 : 0503 00 00 00 C2N03 I know it's hard. 00:53:52:00:00:53:05:55:00 : 0502 00 00 00 C2N03 It's difficult, I just started classes: 00:53:05:50:00:53:00:02:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 just a little time for me. 00:53:00:00:00:53:32:02:00 : 0502 00 00 00 C2N03 Zahra is at kindergarten now. 00:53:30:05:00:53:30:00:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 Zahra...darling. 00:53:20:05:00:52:00:03:00 : 0500 00 00 00 C2N03 Just recently stopped breast feeding: 00:52:05:03:00:52:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 took a year to lose 10 kilos: 00:52:02:05:00:52:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 it's hard. 00:52:00:00:00:52:00:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 All pressures are on me: 00:52:00:00:00:52:50:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 It's really hard! 00:52:50:03:00:52:50:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Crazy man! Driving like that. 00:52:50:00:00:52:05:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 He doesn't know how to drive! 00:52:00:05:00:52:02:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I know it is hard. 00:52:02:02:00:52:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 It is really hard. 00:52:00:03:00:52:30:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Sure it is, swear to God I know. 00:52:30:00:00:52:33:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 If you knew you wouldn't object. 00:52:33:00:00:52:30:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 The minute I started classes: 00:52:30:00:00:52:20:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 and I have some time for myself- 00:52:20:02:00:52:22:03:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Bang. Another one... 00:52:22:00:00:52:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 It's very hard. 00:52:20:02:00:52:20:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 It has nothing to do with that... 00:52:20:00:00:52:20:02:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 It does! 00:52:20:00:00:50:03:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 It's a good time, we have a daughter: 00:50:03:02:00:50:02:55:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 she needs a play mate. 00:50:02:50:00:50:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Just to have a play mate for Zahra? 00:50:00:50:00:50:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 So much trouble? 00:50:00:00:00:50:00:03:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 Not just a playmate. 00:50:00:02:00:50:00:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 So Zahra's not alone. 00:50:00:03:00:50:50:00:00 : 0055 00 00 00 C2N03 No, I want a son. A perfect pair. 00:50:50:00:00:50:55:50:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 What do you mean? 00:50:55:53:00:50:50:00:00 : 0053 00 00 00 C2N03 We'll get old, they'll visit us. 00:50:50:05:00:50:50:03:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C2N03 We have experienced being parents. 00:50:50:02:00:50:00:53:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 What difference does another one make? 00:50:00:00:00:50:00:00:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C2N03 A lot! 00:50:00:00:00:50:00:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 So what if it is a girl or a boy. 00:50:00:00:00:50:02:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 Big difference, and she is lonely. 00:50:02:02:00:50:30:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 What good have I been to my sister? 00:50:30:00:00:50:35:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 We played at a time and now it is over. 00:50:35:50:00:50:30:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 She will have friends at kindergarten. 00:50:30:02:00:50:32:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 At times a good friend is 00:50:32:02:00:50:30:02:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 better than a sister. 00:50:30:00:00:50:20:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 It is a sin! Sin. 00:50:20:03:00:50:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 What do you mean? 00:50:20:05:00:50:22:05:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 A sin is a sin! 00:50:22:00:00:50:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 A sin not to raise him properly. 00:50:20:02:00:50:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 You are killing someone. 00:50:20:05:00:52:00:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 A sin not to raise him properly. 00:52:00:00:00:52:00:53:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 He is formed. 00:52:05:00:00:52:03:50:00 : 0035 00 00 00 C2N03 A sin not to raise him properly. 00:52:03:53:00:52:00:02:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 He is in your womb. 00:52:00:00:00:52:00:50:00 : 0033 00 00 00 C2N03 It's a drop of blood. 00:52:00:55:00:52:00:00:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C2N03 No. Let it become a baby. 00:52:00:50:00:52:00:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 It won't! 00:52:00:00:00:52:03:02:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C2N03 What do you mean? 00:52:03:00:00:52:02:02:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 It won't become a baby. 00:52:02:00:00:52:00:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 No? So why see Dr. Moghadam? 00:52:00:00:00:52:50:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 If it's not going to be a baby. 00:52:50:03:00:52:50:05:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 I won't let it happen. 00:52:50:00:00:52:55:50:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C2N03 What do you mean- "I won't?" 00:52:55:50:00:52:50:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 A drop of blood and won't be a sin. 00:52:50:02:00:52:00:02:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C2N03 You'll have nightmares all your life... 00:52:00:00:00:52:05:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 Damned for ever. 00:52:05:05:00:52:00:50:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 No way. 00:52:00:53:00:52:03:53:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes... yes. 00:52:02:00:00:52:02:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 No way. 00:52:02:00:00:52:02:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes... yes. 00:52:02:00:00:52:30:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 We will be damned if... 00:52:30:00:00:52:33:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Are you alright Zahra? 00:52:32:05:00:52:32:05:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 We will be damned 00:52:32:00:00:52:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 when we can't raise him properly. 00:52:20:00:00:52:20:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Why can't we raise him properly? 00:52:20:50:00:52:25:50:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 It's very hard. 00:52:25:55:00:52:23:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Sure it's hard. 00:52:23:00:00:52:20:05:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I am working, making a living. 00:52:20:00:00:52:22:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 All the difficulties will be mine. 00:52:22:02:00:50:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I have a bike now, things will improve: 00:50:00:03:00:50:00:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 we'll get a larger flat. 00:50:00:05:00:50:05:02:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 I swear it's so hard. 00:50:05:00:00:50:02:00:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C2N03 I am working day and night too. 00:50:02:00:00:50:02:02:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Stop exaggerating. 00:50:02:00:00:50:00:00:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C2N03 I lost 10 kilos. 00:50:00:02:00:50:00:03:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 Don't shout... 00:50:00:02:00:50:00:05:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 My big belly. 00:50:00:00:00:50:00:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 Not so loudly. 00:50:00:05:00:50:03:03:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 My belly gets so big. 00:50:03:02:00:50:02:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes, 9 months. 00:50:02:03:00:50:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 The stretch marks never go away. 00:50:00:50:00:50:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Just 9 months. 00:50:00:50:00:50:50:02:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Horrible & ugly. 00:50:50:00:00:50:55:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 9 months- then a child for life. 00:50:55:00:00:50:53:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Breast feed for 2 years. 00:50:53:05:00:50:52:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 How can you kill a baby? 00:50:52:03:00:50:52:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 It'll take all my time. 00:50:52:03:00:50:50:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 It is a baby. How can you? 00:50:50:00:00:50:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I know it is a baby. 00:50:00:00:00:50:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 So, what are you saying? 00:50:00:00:00:50:05:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I know it is there. 00:50:05:50:00:50:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 But it's hard. 00:50:00:02:00:50:03:50:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Shut up. 00:50:00:55:00:50:35:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Don't shout. 00:50:35:00:00:50:30:50:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Don't tell me not to shout. 00:50:30:50:00:50:30:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 You stop shouting. 00:50:30:05:00:50:32:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Shut up & don't talk. 00:50:30:00:00:50:30:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 You filthy dog. 00:50:30:03:00:50:20:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 You are a filthy dog. 00:50:20:00:00:50:20:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Shut up! 00:50:20:00:00:50:25:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C2N03 You are a filthy dog! 00:50:25:00:00:50:23:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C2N03 How can you kill my baby? 00:50:23:05:00:50:22:02:00 : 0305 00 00 00 C2N03 You are mad. You don't understand. 00:50:22:00:00:50:00:02:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C2N03 Stop! I want to get off. 00:50:00:00:00:50:03:02:00 : 0303 00 00 00 C2N03 Stop. You stupid miserable man. 00:50:03:00:00:50:00:02:00 : 0302 00 00 00 C2N03 Stop it. I can't and I won't. 00:50:00:00:00:50:00:02:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C2N03 Go...go on...go! 00:50:00:00:00:50:00:00:00 : 0302 00 00 00 C2N03 Go... and where to? 00:50:00:03:00:50:05:05:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C2N03 To hell, to some dump. 00:50:05:00:00:50:00:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C2N03 Go to hell! Selfish bastard! 00:50:55:05:00:50:50:02:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C2N03 Are you alright Zahra? 00:50:53:00:00:50:50:50:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C2N03 Please lower the volume. 00:50:00:00:00:50:05:03:00 : 0305 00 00 00 C2N03 Get off. 00:50:05:02:00:50:00:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C2N03 Go to hell. 00:50:00:00:00:50:02:00:00 : 0303 00 00 00 C2N03 Sleep- Zahra. 00:50:00:53:00:50:35:00:00 : 0302 00 00 00 C2N03 Please lower the volume. 00:50:35:05:00:50:32:03:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C2N03 Where're you going? 00:50:32:02:00:50:32:00:00 : 0302 00 00 00 C2N03 To hell! You understand? 00:50:32:00:00:50:30:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C2N03 Get off. 00:50:30:02:00:50:30:02:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C2N03 Stop the car. 00:50:30:00:00:50:20:00:00 : 0350 00 00 00 C2N03 Stop it. 00:50:25:02:00:50:23:03:00 : 0355 00 00 00 C2N03 Don't stop. 00:50:23:02:00:50:20:50:00 : 0350 00 00 00 C2N03 She's my wife. Stop the car. 00:50:20:53:00:50:20:00:00 : 0353 00 00 00 C2N03 Don't stop. 00:50:20:02:00:00:00:00:00 : 0352 00 00 00 C2N03 You- I said stop the car. 00:00:00:00:00:00:05:03:00 : 0350 00 00 00 C2N03 You are raving mad. 00:00:00:50:00:00:02:50:00 : 0352 00 00 00 C2N03 I said stop the car. 00:00:02:50:00:00:02:05:00 : 0350 00 00 00 C2N03 Shut up. 00:00:02:00:00:00:00:50:00 : 0350 00 00 00 C2N03 I said stop the car man. 00:00:50:02:00:00:00:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 Tell him to stop the car. 00:00:00:00:00:00:05:50:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 Get lost. 00:00:05:55:00:00:00:00:00 : 0305 00 00 00 C1N03 Screw your sister- stop the car. 00:00:00:05:00:00:30:05:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 Stop the car. He is crazy. 00:00:30:00:00:00:30:50:00 : 0303 00 00 00 C1N03 Stop it. 00:00:30:50:00:00:30:00:00 : 0302 00 00 00 C1N03 Stop the car. He is crazy. 00:00:20:00:00:00:20:00:00 : 0302 00 00 00 C1N03 Come on. Get on the bike. 00:00:23:00:00:00:22:02:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 Come here. 00:00:22:50:00:00:20:50:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 Get lost. 00:00:20:53:00:00:20:00:00 : 0330 00 00 00 C1N03 Come here. 00:00:00:02:00:00:03:03:00 : 0330 00 00 00 C1N03 I said come here. 00:00:03:02:00:00:00:00:00 : 0335 00 00 00 C1N03 I won't. 00:00:00:05:00:00:00:50:00 : 0330 00 00 00 C1N03 I won't, you stupid fool! 00:00:00:53:00:00:03:50:00 : 0333 00 00 00 C1N03 Even if I had 10 children... 00:00:03:50:00:00:00:05:00 : 0332 00 00 00 C1N03 Shut up. 00:00:00:00:00:00:50:50:00 : 0330 00 00 00 C1N03 We can't live together you psycho. 00:00:50:50:00:00:53:00:00 : 0332 00 00 00 C1N03 I won't stay, you lunatic. 00:00:53:05:00:00:50:50:00 : 0330 00 00 00 C1N03 Even with 10 children I wouldn't stay. 00:00:50:55:00:00:50:00:00 : 0330 00 00 00 C1N03 Do you understand? 00:00:03:00:00:00:35:50:00 : 0320 00 00 00 C1N03 Leila said Maryam's husband is 00:00:33:05:00:00:20:50:00 : 0320 00 00 00 C1N03 having an affair & she is not upset. 00:00:25:02:00:00:20:00:00 : 0325 00 00 00 C1N03 The wife? 00:00:20:00:00:00:23:03:00 : 0320 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes. 00:00:23:02:00:00:22:03:00 : 0323 00 00 00 C1N03 I said it's impossible. 00:00:22:02:00:00:20:00:00 : 0322 00 00 00 C1N03 Any kids? 00:00:20:02:00:00:22:02:00 : 0320 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes. 00:00:22:00:00:00:20:53:00 : 0322 00 00 00 C1N03 They now have 2 kids. 00:00:20:00:00:05:00:00:00 : 0320 00 00 00 C1N03 How can she not get hurt? 00:05:00:50:00:05:02:00:00 : 0320 00 00 00 C1N03 Then she told me the story. 00:05:02:05:00:05:03:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 A year after marriage: 00:05:03:05:00:05:00:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 she had an affair with a man. 00:05:00:02:00:05:02:02:00 : 0305 00 00 00 C1N03 The wife? 00:05:02:00:00:05:00:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes. 00:05:00:00:00:05:55:00:00 : 0303 00 00 00 C1N03 After marriage? 00:05:55:05:00:05:53:02:00 : 0302 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes, after marriage. 00:05:53:00:00:05:50:50:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 Then, one day, when saying goodbye 00:05:50:53:00:05:00:00:00 : 0302 00 00 00 C1N03 in a friendly way outside her house 00:05:00:00:00:05:02:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 the Disciplinary Forces sees them 00:05:02:00:00:05:00:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 and arrests them. 00:05:30:00:00:05:30:00:00 : 0320 00 00 00 C1N03 Sorry... Maryam, the wife, Amir... 00:05:30:03:00:05:32:53:00 : 0320 00 00 00 C1N03 before marriage... 00:05:30:00:00:05:30:05:00 : 0325 00 00 00 C1N03 No, after marriage. 00:05:30:00:00:05:20:05:00 : 0320 00 00 00 C1N03 After marriage. 00:05:20:00:00:05:25:05:00 : 0323 00 00 00 C1N03 In front of the house. 00:05:25:53:00:05:22:50:00 : 0322 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes. She and her lover got arrested. 00:05:22:50:00:05:20:53:00 : 0320 00 00 00 C1N03 The marital home? 00:05:20:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0322 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes, her house & her husband's. 00:00:00:00:00:00:02:00:00 : 0320 00 00 00 C1N03 Ok. Amir arrives home at 1 a.m: 00:00:02:50:00:00:02:00:00 : 0320 00 00 00 C1N03 finds the house empty, calls Leila. 00:00:02:50:00:00:00:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 She cries and tells him everything. 00:00:00:00:00:00:02:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 He goes to the Disciplinary Forces: 00:00:02:05:00:00:02:02:00 : 0305 00 00 00 C1N03 Amir says- She is my wife. 00:00:02:00:00:00:55:02:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 They said we caught them kissing. 00:00:55:00:00:00:53:50:00 : 0303 00 00 00 C1N03 He says- ok, he is my friend. 00:00:53:55:00:00:50:03:00 : 0302 00 00 00 C1N03 The Officers say where is your pride? 00:00:50:02:00:00:50:03:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 He insists- He is my friend. 00:00:50:02:00:00:00:03:00 : 0302 00 00 00 C1N03 Was he his friend? 00:00:00:02:00:00:02:02:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 No, he acts to release his wife. 00:00:00:00:00:00:30:03:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 The next day at Court: 00:00:30:02:00:00:30:50:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 he gets up & kisses the other man& 00:00:30:55:00:00:30:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 gets them out. 00:00:30:02:00:00:20:03:00 : 0305 00 00 00 C1N03 After leaving he beats the man. 00:00:20:02:00:00:22:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 So, he had some honour! 00:00:20:05:00:03:00:00:00 : 0303 00 00 00 C1N03 At home Maryam cries and says: 00:03:00:05:00:03:00:50:00 : 0302 00 00 00 C1N03 "You never noticed me: 00:03:00:53:00:03:02:05:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 I have a mole on my neck: 00:03:02:00:00:03:00:50:00 : 0302 00 00 00 C1N03 you don't know anything about love: 00:03:00:55:00:03:00:02:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 you return home late" and so on. 00:03:00:00:00:03:50:00:00 : 0300 00 00 00 C1N03 So, his fault she has a boyfriend. 00:03:50:05:00:03:50:02:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes, and he accepts that. 00:03:50:00:00:03:52:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 And the man forgives her. 00:03:52:03:00:03:52:00:00 : 0205 00 00 00 C1N03 Stupid idiot. 00:03:52:03:00:03:50:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Then, out of fear the woman... 00:03:50:00:00:03:00:00:00 : 0203 00 00 00 C1N03 The man forgives her!? 00:03:00:50:00:03:00:05:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 The man forgives her! 00:03:00:00:00:03:00:05:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 An affair because he comes home late. 00:03:00:00:00:03:30:00:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 I don't know. 00:03:30:05:00:03:33:50:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Then out of fear she has 2 kids. 00:03:32:53:00:03:20:53:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Now that the man has a pretty mistress: 00:03:23:00:00:03:20:50:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 he has made sure she finds out: 00:03:20:50:00:03:20:05:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 and she is not upset at all. 00:03:20:00:00:02:00:02:00 : 0205 00 00 00 C1N03 When was the woman unfaithful? 00:02:00:50:00:02:00:03:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 3, 4 years ago. 00:02:02:00:00:02:00:03:00 : 0203 00 00 00 C1N03 The man has just done it. 00:02:00:02:00:02:00:00:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 Not sure how recent. 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 To take his revenge. 00:02:05:03:00:02:00:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 I don't know. 00:02:00:00:00:02:02:03:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 This is revenge. 00:02:00:00:00:02:50:00:00 : 0250 00 00 00 C1N03 It is impossible that the man... 00:02:50:00:00:02:50:02:00 : 0250 00 00 00 C1N03 Not a natural life. 00:02:50:00:00:02:52:50:00 : 0255 00 00 00 C1N03 Not a question of natural. 00:02:52:50:00:02:50:00:00 : 0250 00 00 00 C1N03 He has done it and Maryam says it's ok? 00:02:50:03:00:02:50:50:00 : 0253 00 00 00 C1N03 No! 00:02:50:55:00:02:00:00:00 : 0252 00 00 00 C1N03 She says 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:00:00 : 0250 00 00 00 C1N03 Maybe... 00:02:00:00:00:02:03:00:00 : 0252 00 00 00 C1N03 Tit for tat! 00:02:03:02:00:02:02:00:00 : 0250 00 00 00 C1N03 No, listen. 00:02:02:00:00:02:00:02:00 : 0250 00 00 00 C1N03 Maryam says she made a mistake: 00:02:00:00:00:02:30:03:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 so she can understand his mistake. 00:02:32:00:00:02:22:02:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Why did the man do this now? 00:02:22:00:00:02:20:00:00 : 0205 00 00 00 C1N03 Anger and revenge, without a doubt. 00:02:20:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 The thoughts keep popping up: 00:00:00:03:00:00:02:02:00 : 0203 00 00 00 C1N03 how could he live with that? 00:00:02:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 He must have been mad. 00:00:00:50:00:00:05:02:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Can't judge like that. 00:00:05:00:00:00:00:02:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 Sure we can. 00:00:00:00:00:00:03:03:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Can't judge. 00:00:03:02:00:00:50:02:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Once it becomes a game it goes bad. 00:00:50:00:00:00:55:00:00 : 0230 00 00 00 C1N03 We can't judge it. 00:00:55:03:00:00:52:05:00 : 0230 00 00 00 C1N03 Why not? Look what's happened. 00:00:52:00:00:00:50:50:00 : 0235 00 00 00 C1N03 We don't know what happened. 00:00:50:55:00:00:50:02:00 : 0230 00 00 00 C1N03 Well, he has gone and done it. 00:00:50:00:00:00:00:03:00 : 0233 00 00 00 C1N03 We don't know the details. 00:00:00:02:00:00:00:00:00 : 0232 00 00 00 C1N03 To forgive, means to forgive. 00:00:00:00:00:00:05:00:00 : 0230 00 00 00 C1N03 Could he forgive? 00:00:05:03:00:00:02:50:00 : 0232 00 00 00 C1N03 We don't know what he was fearing. 00:00:02:50:00:00:00:50:00 : 0230 00 00 00 C1N03 Sure we don't. 00:00:00:55:00:00:00:05:00 : 0230 00 00 00 C1N03 Or what she fears. 00:00:00:00:00:00:30:02:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 But she did it once and he did too. 00:00:30:00:00:00:30:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 We know that. 00:00:30:00:00:00:30:50:00 : 0225 00 00 00 C1N03 Maryam did it, Amir did it. 00:00:33:50:00:00:30:50:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 This is not life. 00:00:32:00:00:00:20:00:00 : 0223 00 00 00 C1N03 Leila said, Maryam's father had said: 00:00:20:00:00:00:20:05:00 : 0222 00 00 00 C1N03 "you go, and return in white" 00:00:20:00:00:02:00:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 marriage till death- no divorce! 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:05:00 : 0222 00 00 00 C1N03 She can't return to her parents. 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:02:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 It was finished from the start: 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 before the kids were born. 00:02:00:03:00:02:50:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 It's time for revenge now. 00:02:52:05:00:02:50:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes, but we have to see 00:02:50:00:00:02:00:03:00 : 0205 00 00 00 C1N03 how insecure she feels. 00:02:02:03:00:02:00:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Where can she go after divorce? 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:55:00 : 0203 00 00 00 C1N03 She has to leave. 00:02:00:50:00:02:30:05:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 Where to? 00:02:30:00:00:02:35:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 They should never have married: 00:02:35:03:00:02:32:55:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 they should get a divorce now. 00:02:32:50:00:02:32:50:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Where can she go to? 00:02:32:50:00:02:30:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 I don't know! 00:02:30:03:00:02:20:02:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 To her father's home? 00:02:20:00:00:02:22:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 Her problem. She is responsible. 00:02:22:00:00:00:05:00:00 : 0225 00 00 00 C1N03 Her dad won't take her in. 00:00:05:05:00:00:05:50:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 Why not? 00:00:05:50:00:00:00:55:00 : 0223 00 00 00 C1N03 Her mother won't either: 00:00:00:50:00:00:02:05:00 : 0222 00 00 00 C1N03 parents don't nowadays. 00:00:02:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 If no one accepts her, her father will. 00:00:00:50:00:00:03:00:00 : 0222 00 00 00 C1N03 Divorce- biggest problem for families. 00:00:03:00:00:00:00:02:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 Defeat... misery. She also says 00:00:00:50:00:00:50:05:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 she can love 2 at the same time. 00:00:50:00:00:00:00:02:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 In love with two people? 00:00:02:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes. 00:00:30:55:00:00:32:00:00 : 0205 00 00 00 C1N03 Like men that have two wives. 00:00:32:02:00:00:20:50:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 They love two people too. 00:00:25:00:00:00:20:00:00 : 0203 00 00 00 C1N03 Not natural. 00:00:20:00:00:00:00:50:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 These games and all is ruined: 00:00:00:53:00:00:00:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 whether it's the wife or the husband. 00:00:00:03:00:00:03:00:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 Human beings want to be exclusive. 00:00:03:50:00:00:00:50:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Not own, but be for each other. 00:00:50:00:00:00:52:05:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 We make promises. This filth. 00:00:50:03:00:00:00:03:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Can't one love two persons? 00:00:00:00:00:00:03:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Two at the same time? 00:00:03:00:00:00:02:00:00 : 0205 00 00 00 C1N03 You can love several children. 00:00:02:50:00:00:33:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 But to love one, and another? 00:00:33:00:00:00:30:00:00 : 0203 00 00 00 C1N03 Impossible. Can't be love. 00:00:30:03:00:00:22:00:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 It's affairs with 2,3,4 persons. 00:00:20:05:00:00:20:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 What are you saying? 00:30:00:50:00:30:00:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 I don't know. 00:30:00:00:00:30:03:03:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 And you chatted one hour about this!? 00:30:03:02:00:30:02:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Love. What is love? 00:30:00:00:00:30:50:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Is love their infidelities? 00:30:50:00:00:30:53:50:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C1N03 Is that love? 00:30:53:53:00:30:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 You chatted about this rubbish. 00:30:02:00:00:30:02:02:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C1N03 It's filth. 00:30:02:00:00:30:30:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 Unfaithfulness... exists? 00:30:30:00:00:30:35:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Unfaithfulness is filth. 00:30:35:00:00:30:33:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 Their relationship is over. 00:30:33:05:00:30:20:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 So, go get a divorce. 00:30:20:00:00:30:25:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Ok. They have a marriage contract. 00:30:25:55:00:30:22:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 But they want to stay together. 00:30:22:00:00:30:00:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Ok. It's like a 'Green Certificate:' 00:30:00:02:00:30:02:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C1N03 2 kids, paid their dues to society: 00:30:02:00:00:30:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 live respectable, neat lives: 00:30:00:00:00:30:02:50:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C1N03 and each with a lover. 00:30:02:55:00:30:50:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 Is this intellectualism, modernism? 00:30:00:00:00:30:02:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Natural life- a man, a woman. 00:30:00:00:00:30:35:02:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 Do you understand me? 00:30:32:02:00:30:25:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 It's over, but there is a contract. 00:30:20:00:00:30:22:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Fine, it's over, get a divorce. 00:30:22:02:00:30:20:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C1N03 Listen. 00:30:20:00:00:35:00:50:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C1N03 Ok. Go on. 00:35:00:53:00:35:03:00:00 : 0055 00 00 00 C1N03 It is over, but out of habit 00:35:03:02:00:35:02:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C1N03 they can't part company: 00:35:02:00:00:35:00:00:00 : 0053 00 00 00 C1N03 just can't live apart. 00:35:00:02:00:35:00:00:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C1N03 Excellent... excellent. 00:35:00:00:00:35:02:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C1N03 And they miss something within. 00:35:02:53:00:35:02:00:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C1N03 So they find lovers? 00:35:02:00:00:35:55:50:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C1N03 An excitement, something childish... 00:35:55:53:00:35:52:50:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C1N03 ... what should they do? 00:35:52:55:00:35:50:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Drop dead. They can drop dead. 00:35:00:50:00:35:03:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 I don't understand these things. 00:35:03:00:00:35:00:03:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C1N03 Do you? 00:35:02:00:00:35:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Maybe they are scared to get a divorce? 00:35:00:00:00:35:30:55:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C1N03 Are you scared? 00:35:23:55:00:35:20:05:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 I have a tummy ache, I don't know why. 00:35:20:00:00:35:20:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Perhaps you are hungry. 00:35:20:50:00:30:00:02:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 Perhaps. 00:30:05:00:00:30:03:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Shall we order? 00:30:03:03:00:30:02:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 I want spaghetti with sauce. 00:30:02:00:00:30:00:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C1N03 Waiter! 00:30:02:02:00:30:00:03:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C1N03 Spaghetti with sauce. 00:30:00:02:00:30:00:50:00 : 0035 00 00 00 C1N03 I want a light meal. 00:30:00:53:00:30:00:03:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C1N03 Shall we share? 00:30:00:02:00:30:02:00:00 : 0033 00 00 00 C1N03 Ok. One spaghetti with sauce, please. 00:30:02:00:00:30:00:00:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C1N03 Sorry we don't have it today. 00:30:00:00:00:30:00:02:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C1N03 You don't? 00:30:00:00:00:30:50:00:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C1N03 Ok, No. 6 chicken penne with sauce. 00:30:50:02:00:30:55:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C1N03 Ok. 00:30:55:50:00:30:53:50:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C1N03 A non-alcoholic beer please. 00:30:53:53:00:30:50:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 Regular or lemon? 00:30:52:02:00:30:50:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 Regular or lemon? 00:30:50:00:00:30:00:03:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C1N03 I am not a beer man. 00:30:00:02:00:30:05:50:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 Lemon, please. 00:30:03:00:00:30:00:53:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C1N03 I want a salad. 00:30:02:00:00:30:30:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C1N03 Lettuce, tomato, cheese salad? 00:30:30:02:00:30:33:02:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 A green salad, please 00:30:30:03:00:30:30:05:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C1N03 and a coke: 00:30:30:00:00:30:20:05:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 and bread and butter- Anything else? 00:30:20:00:00:30:23:50:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 No, thanks. 00:30:22:50:00:30:20:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Please bring the drinks now. 00:30:20:00:00:33:00:50:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C1N03 Thank you. 00:33:00:02:00:33:05:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 How are you doing? 00:33:05:02:00:33:00:55:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C1N03 Great. 00:33:00:50:00:33:03:03:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 Are you well? 00:33:03:02:00:33:02:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Great. 00:33:00:00:00:33:00:02:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 And you? Apart from your tummy? 00:33:00:00:00:33:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Once I eat I'll feel better. 00:33:00:03:00:33:02:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Rainy yesterday. 00:33:02:50:00:33:02:03:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 Beautiful sun today. 00:33:02:02:00:33:00:50:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 I was in Ushan, it was snowing. 00:33:00:55:00:33:55:00:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C1N03 When it rains here, it snows there. 00:33:55:00:00:33:55:50:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 It was wonderful. 00:33:55:50:00:33:50:55:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes, it was. 00:33:53:00:00:33:52:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C1N03 Then, we had a beautiful rainbow. 00:33:52:50:00:33:05:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 So pretty. 00:33:05:02:00:33:02:53:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C1N03 I wrote a poem about it. 00:33:02:00:00:33:00:55:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 You didn't see the rainbow? 00:33:00:50:00:33:00:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 No. 00:33:00:50:00:33:30:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 It was snowing there. 00:33:33:00:00:33:30:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Were Saeed and eveybody Ok? 00:33:30:00:00:33:23:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes, we lunched, and enjoyed the sun. 00:33:22:50:00:33:22:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Before it snowed. 00:33:22:00:00:33:20:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes, before it snowed. 00:33:20:00:00:32:05:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 Very relaxing. 00:32:00:00:00:32:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 I watched the rainbow yesterday. 00:32:03:03:00:32:02:02:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 Reminded me of my childhood. 00:32:00:00:00:32:52:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 My grandmother had a funny story. 00:32:50:00:00:32:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 A new restaurant across the street. 00:32:00:55:00:32:05:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 What was the story? 00:32:05:00:00:32:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 New restau...?... Sma...? Smag... 00:32:00:00:00:32:30:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C1N03 Spaghetti. 00:32:30:02:00:32:32:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Spaghetti... Spaghetti. 00:32:32:00:00:32:22:05:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C1N03 My grandmother would say- 00:32:22:00:00:30:00:05:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 "if a girl goes & pees next to a 00:30:00:00:00:30:00:55:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 rainbow, she'd become a boy. 00:30:00:50:00:30:02:55:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 If a boy pees next to a rainbow: 00:30:02:50:00:30:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 he'd become a girl". 00:30:00:00:00:30:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 This was one of her tales. 00:30:00:05:00:30:02:03:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Thanks. 00:30:00:55:00:30:50:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 My dream was to 00:30:50:05:00:30:53:53:00 : 0205 00 00 00 C1N03 pee next to a rainbow. 00:30:52:00:00:30:50:05:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 For what? 00:30:50:00:00:30:52:53:00 : 0203 00 00 00 C1N03 To become a boy. 00:30:50:00:00:30:50:02:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 You wanted to become a boy? 00:30:50:00:00:30:03:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes, you see the second child 00:30:03:03:00:30:02:05:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 was my sister: 00:30:02:00:00:30:30:03:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 and my father really wanted a son. 00:30:30:02:00:30:32:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Thanks. 00:30:30:02:00:30:32:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Your coke? 00:30:32:00:00:30:30:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes. 00:30:30:03:00:30:20:02:00 : 0205 00 00 00 C1N03 He wanted the 'perfect pair:' 00:30:20:00:00:30:20:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 he really wanted a son: 00:32:00:00:00:32:00:00:00 : 0203 00 00 00 C1N03 and there was friction with my mum. 00:32:00:02:00:32:00:00:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 My grandmother loved boys. She'd say- 00:32:00:03:00:32:00:03:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 a snake is better than a baby girl! 00:32:00:02:00:32:00:00:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 Can you believe it! 00:32:00:00:00:32:00:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 No kidding: 00:32:00:00:00:32:55:02:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 a snake is better than a baby girl. 00:32:55:00:00:32:52:05:00 : 0250 00 00 00 C1N03 She'd pray for a van full of boys: 00:32:52:00:00:32:50:50:00 : 0250 00 00 00 C1N03 to take her granddaughters away! 00:32:00:02:00:32:00:00:00 : 0255 00 00 00 C1N03 I felt responsible for my family. 00:32:00:50:00:32:30:00:00 : 0250 00 00 00 C1N03 So I always took my little sister 00:32:30:00:00:32:32:00:00 : 0253 00 00 00 C1N03 to the rainbow to pee. 00:32:32:02:00:32:20:55:00 : 0252 00 00 00 C1N03 Whenever there was a rainbow: 00:32:20:50:00:32:25:02:00 : 0250 00 00 00 C1N03 she didn't want to pee and 00:32:25:00:00:32:22:03:00 : 0252 00 00 00 C1N03 when she did, there was no rainbow. 00:32:22:02:00:32:20:50:00 : 0250 00 00 00 C1N03 And you never reach a rainbow. 00:32:20:50:00:32:20:00:00 : 0250 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes, you don't! 00:32:20:02:00:30:00:50:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Later I fell in love with a boy, Arash. 00:30:00:53:00:30:00:53:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 I used to play games with him: 00:30:00:50:00:30:50:00:00 : 0205 00 00 00 C1N03 I named myself Arash... 00:30:05:02:00:30:02:03:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Finally I accepted I am a girl, and 00:30:02:02:00:30:30:00:00 : 0203 00 00 00 C1N03 my sister is a girl and won't change. 00:30:30:00:00:30:33:00:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 When you were a kid: 00:30:33:50:00:30:32:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 surely you wanted to change 00:30:32:00:00:30:30:00:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 to the opposite sex. 00:30:30:00:00:30:30:55:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Weren't you curious? 00:30:30:50:00:30:20:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes, I used to wonder. 00:30:20:00:00:30:23:02:00 : 0230 00 00 00 C1N03 I didn't have a sister either. 00:30:23:00:00:30:20:55:00 : 0230 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes, you didn't have a sister. 00:30:20:50:00:30:00:00:00 : 0235 00 00 00 C1N03 Up to 1, mum dressed me like a girl. 00:30:00:02:00:30:00:00:00 : 0230 00 00 00 C1N03 You're joking... 00:30:00:02:00:30:05:00:00 : 0233 00 00 00 C1N03 Really- she wanted me to be a girl. 00:30:05:03:00:30:03:00:00 : 0232 00 00 00 C1N03 How funny! 00:30:03:00:00:30:00:02:00 : 0230 00 00 00 C1N03 Pink dresses- so I have been told. 00:30:00:00:00:30:00:02:00 : 0232 00 00 00 C1N03 How funny! 00:30:00:00:00:30:00:00:00 : 0230 00 00 00 C1N03 Those with a daughter want a son: 00:30:00:00:00:30:00:02:00 : 0230 00 00 00 C1N03 those with a son want a daughter. 00:30:00:00:00:30:03:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 The first child was a boy: 00:30:03:05:00:30:02:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 she wanted the second to be a girl. 00:30:02:00:00:30:50:03:00 : 0225 00 00 00 C1N03 Some mums grow their sons' hair long. 00:30:50:02:00:30:50:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 I have pictures like that. 00:30:50:00:00:30:50:50:00 : 0223 00 00 00 C1N03 You're kidding! 00:30:52:00:00:30:50:02:00 : 0222 00 00 00 C1N03 I was 10. I hated it. 00:30:50:00:00:30:50:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 It upset you? 00:30:50:05:00:30:00:50:00 : 0222 00 00 00 C1N03 Embarrassed me! 00:30:00:53:00:30:00:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 My friends never saw the pictures. 00:30:02:00:00:30:00:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 Funny. 00:30:00:02:00:30:30:02:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Are you comfortable? 00:30:30:00:00:30:35:02:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Excellent. 00:30:30:53:00:30:30:05:00 : 0205 00 00 00 C1N03 What would you do as a man? 00:30:30:00:00:30:20:05:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 What would have been different? 00:30:20:00:00:30:20:02:00 : 0203 00 00 00 C1N03 If I were a man? 00:30:20:00:00:30:25:03:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes. 00:30:20:05:00:30:22:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 The games? 00:30:22:50:00:20:00:00:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 Boys' games are different. 00:20:00:50:00:20:05:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Up to a stage: 00:20:05:03:00:20:02:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 boys & girls play the same games. 00:20:02:02:00:20:00:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 At 11 or 12 things change. 00:20:00:03:00:20:02:02:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 8 or 9 you may play the aunt game. 00:20:02:00:00:20:50:55:00 : 0225 00 00 00 C1N03 Things change; games, feelings. 00:20:05:05:00:20:00:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 New types of differences 00:20:00:03:00:20:00:02:00 : 0223 00 00 00 C1N03 everything changes... 00:20:00:00:00:20:35:50:00 : 0222 00 00 00 C1N03 girls play different games to women. 00:20:30:03:00:20:33:02:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 It's different. 00:20:33:00:00:20:32:00:00 : 0222 00 00 00 C1N03 If I were a man- How I would feel? 00:20:32:03:00:20:30:02:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes. 00:20:30:00:00:20:20:00:00 : 0220 00 00 00 C1N03 What would you do as a woman? 00:20:20:05:00:20:23:03:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 As a grown up, not a kid. 00:20:20:02:00:20:20:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Honestly. If I were a woman? 00:20:20:00:00:20:00:00:00 : 0205 00 00 00 C1N03 I can feel it. 00:20:00:55:00:20:02:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 I'd go with all the good looking men. 00:20:00:00:00:20:02:00:00 : 0203 00 00 00 C1N03 All of them? 00:20:02:00:00:20:00:00:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 All the good looking ones. 00:20:00:03:00:20:05:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes. All the good looking ones. 00:20:02:05:00:20:00:02:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 Very strange. 00:20:02:00:00:20:50:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 No wonder you are so possesive! 00:20:50:05:00:20:50:02:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Not me, but all men... 00:20:50:00:00:20:53:50:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 ... they would do the same. 00:20:50:00:00:20:52:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Are you sure? 00:20:52:02:00:20:50:02:00 : 0205 00 00 00 C1N03 Absolutely. 00:20:50:00:00:20:00:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 A male friend said- as a woman: 00:20:00:03:00:20:03:00:00 : 0203 00 00 00 C1N03 he wouldn't go with any man. 00:20:03:05:00:20:00:50:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 He wanted to fool you! 00:20:00:00:00:20:30:55:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 To say... 00:20:30:02:00:20:33:02:00 : 0202 00 00 00 C1N03 Lust doesn't rule over him. 00:20:32:00:00:20:20:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 You would really go with all the men? 00:20:20:05:00:20:22:00:00 : 0200 00 00 00 C1N03 Ok. Not all, but those I fancied. 00:20:20:00:00:20:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Strange. 00:20:20:00:00:25:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Thanks. 00:25:00:50:00:25:05:02:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C1N03 Thank you. 00:25:05:00:00:25:02:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 The spaghetti is not ready yet? 00:25:02:02:00:25:00:03:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes. 00:25:00:02:00:25:02:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 It takes time. 00:25:02:05:00:25:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Thanks. 00:25:00:02:00:25:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 Lets start. 00:25:02:00:00:25:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 But as a woman this would not be so- 00:25:00:00:00:25:50:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 because women don't fool around... 00:25:50:02:00:25:50:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 ... we men wish otherwise. 00:25:00:00:00:25:03:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 What would you do as a man? 00:25:03:00:00:25:02:02:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C1N03 I don't know. 00:25:02:00:00:25:30:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 No wonder you are so sensitive. 00:25:30:00:00:25:35:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C1N03 You think if you were a woman: 00:25:35:00:00:25:33:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 you'd be free to do so many things. 00:25:33:02:00:25:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 So you think women do all of that. 00:25:20:50:00:25:20:03:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 Yes. 00:25:23:50:00:25:20:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 No wonder. 00:25:20:02:00:25:20:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 This may be one of the reasons 00:25:20:55:00:20:05:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C1N03 I think women think as I do. 00:20:05:50:00:20:00:55:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C1N03 When I love someone it's different. 00:20:00:03:00:20:00:55:00 : 0055 00 00 00 C1N03 You are just saying that. 00:20:00:50:00:20:05:50:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C1N03 No, I am not. 00:20:05:50:00:20:03:00:00 : 0053 00 00 00 C1N03 You are. 00:20:00:55:00:20:50:02:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C1N03 If I were a man... 00:20:03:02:00:20:02:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C1N03 If you were a man, what? 00:20:35:00:00:20:32:00:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C1N03 I am thinking... If I were a man... 00:20:23:00:00:20:22:02:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C1N03 Give me a tissue please. 00:23:00:53:00:23:02:03:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C1N03 If I were a man... 00:23:00:03:00:23:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Don't be shy! 00:23:05:02:00:23:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Why do you think I am being shy? 00:23:00:53:00:23:00:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C1N03 Because- as a man you'd go with all... 00:23:00:00:00:23:00:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Shall I wipe it? 00:23:00:02:00:23:50:02:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C1N03 No, I'll do it myself. 00:23:55:00:00:23:50:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 There's a spot you missed... Yes. 00:23:50:03:00:23:52:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 How do you know? It's not so. 00:23:50:02:00:23:50:55:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C1N03 If I were a man... 00:23:00:00:00:23:30:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 I'd go with all the handsome men. 00:23:30:02:00:23:32:55:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 Why not now that you are a woman? 00:23:32:50:00:23:30:02:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C1N03 It's different. 00:23:30:00:00:23:20:03:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C1N03 It's the woman that chooses. 00:23:20:02:00:23:25:05:00 : 0035 00 00 00 C1N03 No. 00:23:25:00:00:23:23:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C1N03 We men are standing in line, ready. 00:23:23:02:00:23:20:02:00 : 0033 00 00 00 C1N03 I am proud to be a woman. 00:23:20:00:00:22:00:00:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C1N03 Why want it when you are a man: 00:22:00:03:00:22:00:50:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C1N03 but not when you are a woman? 00:22:00:53:00:22:00:02:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C1N03 I am glad I am a woman and 00:22:00:00:00:22:00:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C1N03 have set limits for myself. 00:22:00:00:00:22:02:03:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C1N03 Women are limited and men free. 00:22:00:05:00:22:00:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 If I were a man- 00:22:00:00:00:22:50:50:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 I'd go with all the women... 00:22:50:50:00:22:50:00:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C1N03 I am glad I can't do so . 00:22:50:00:00:22:50:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 Going with everyone can't be nice. 00:22:52:02:00:22:00:00:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C1N03 It is not a nice feeling. 00:22:00:00:00:22:02:05:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C1N03 Not everything is physical... 00:22:02:02:00:22:30:03:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 I'll tell you a funny thing... 00:22:30:05:00:22:32:02:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C1N03 In the sauna, a woman said- 00:22:32:00:00:22:20:03:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 2-3 not so respectable ladies: 00:22:20:00:00:22:22:55:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C1N03 one said that her grandmother had said: 00:22:22:50:00:20:00:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C1N03 "if a girl sleeps with men up to 00:20:00:00:00:20:03:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 the number of her fingers and toes: 00:20:03:00:00:20:00:03:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 that is 20 fingers, with 20 different men: 00:20:00:02:00:20:03:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 she is not a whore, over 20- a whore". 00:20:03:05:00:20:00:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Funny, No? 00:20:02:00:00:20:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I hadn't heard this... 00:20:00:00:00:20:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Neither had I. 00:20:00:53:00:20:50:02:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Interesting. 00:20:50:00:00:20:53:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Then I thought that 20 is so many! 00:20:00:00:00:20:35:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Moving at last. 00:20:22:00:00:20:22:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 What are you reading? 00:22:00:03:00:22:02:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 The Games of Eric Berne. 00:22:02:00:00:22:02:03:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C2N03 Any good? 00:22:03:00:00:22:02:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Is it a good book? 00:22:02:00:00:22:02:00:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C2N03 Very much. 00:22:02:03:00:22:00:03:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 What is it about? 00:22:00:00:00:22:53:02:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 The games we all play: 00:22:50:00:00:22:50:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 how relationships are all games. 00:22:00:02:00:22:00:53:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 An alcoholic would go to his psychiatrist: 00:22:30:00:00:22:35:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 swearing at himself. 00:22:35:02:00:22:33:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 The shrink would listen silently. 00:22:33:55:00:22:32:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Then in a group session 00:22:32:00:00:22:30:03:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 he would tell everyone that his 00:22:30:02:00:22:23:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 shrink had taught him the swearing. 00:22:23:00:00:22:23:50:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Very funny! 00:22:23:50:00:22:22:05:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 That the shrink had swore at him! 00:22:20:00:00:20:00:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 The main problem of addicts 00:20:00:02:00:20:05:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 is not their alcoholism, it's because 00:20:05:00:00:20:02:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 they blame those tormenting them. 00:20:02:00:00:20:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 All games are escape routes. 00:20:00:53:00:20:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 We blame others for our problems. 00:20:00:03:00:20:03:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. 00:20:00:00:00:20:00:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 No snow here. 00:20:50:02:00:20:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I have a stomach ache. 00:20:00:00:00:20:05:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 The lunch wasn't good. 00:20:05:03:00:20:03:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 No, it wasn't. 00:20:00:03:00:20:00:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Wasn't bad, just too rich. 00:20:00:00:00:20:00:03:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 What did you have? 00:20:00:02:00:20:30:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Chicken- tasty, but I've indigestion. 00:20:30:00:00:20:22:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 It talks about habits & addictions: 00:20:20:55:00:20:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I forgot to tell you... 00:20:00:55:00:20:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Maryam & Shahriyar came to our house. 00:20:00:00:00:20:00:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Who is Shahriyar? 00:20:55:00:00:20:50:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Who is Shahriyar? 00:20:50:00:00:20:05:02:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Shahriyar is Maryam's friend. 00:20:05:00:00:20:03:50:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 They met on the ski slopes. 00:20:02:02:00:20:02:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 What's his family name? 00:20:00:03:00:20:30:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Maryam's family name? 00:20:30:02:00:20:35:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Shahriyar's. 00:20:35:02:00:20:32:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 How should I know? 00:20:32:00:00:20:30:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 How can you invite them? 00:20:30:55:00:20:25:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 When I am not home, I don't even 00:20:25:00:00:20:22:50:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 know his name. I am talking to you. 00:20:22:53:00:20:20:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 What? 00:20:22:00:00:20:20:02:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 How can you invite them home: 00:20:20:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 when I am away, when... 00:00:00:03:00:00:03:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I called Maryam, I wasn't feeling well. 00:00:03:02:00:00:02:50:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 The man is a stranger. 00:00:02:50:00:00:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I invited Maryam, and 10 minutes later: 00:00:00:05:00:00:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 she calls- she will be coming with him. 00:00:00:00:00:00:02:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 I said fine. 00:00:02:00:00:00:55:02:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 They came and she introduced us. 00:00:55:00:00:00:53:53:00 : 0055 00 00 00 C2N03 Had tea, coffee and chatted. 00:00:52:00:00:00:50:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 Then they left. 00:00:50:00:00:00:50:55:00 : 0053 00 00 00 C2N03 It's not the first time. 00:00:50:50:00:00:00:00:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C2N03 Whenever I go away: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 people come to our house. Parties... 00:00:00:00:00:00:03:00:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C2N03 -Mind your language. 00:00:03:50:00:00:02:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 -I am. 00:00:02:02:00:00:00:05:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 Whenever I go away someone visits... 00:00:00:00:00:00:30:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Maryam with what- is- his- name? 00:00:30:03:00:00:30:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Shahriyar. 00:00:32:05:00:00:23:50:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Ticket guy? You know I am sensitive. 00:00:23:53:00:00:20:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Their first visit, I got to be there. 00:00:22:00:00:00:20:03:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 You and your sensitivities. 00:00:20:02:00:00:05:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 She says she is coming with Shahriyar: 00:00:05:50:00:00:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I can't say: 00:00:00:55:00:00:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Maryam No! Bijan is away 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 so you can't come either. 00:00:00:03:00:00:05:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Don't talk like that. 00:00:03:05:00:00:03:50:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 It's a joke. 00:00:03:53:00:00:02:55:00 : 0035 00 00 00 C2N03 Don't talk like that... 00:00:02:00:00:00:00:02:00 : 0033 00 00 00 C2N03 I am not a child! 00:00:00:55:00:00:55:53:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 No, tell them it is not suitable. 00:00:50:00:00:00:52:00:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C2N03 But I wanted to see Maryam. 00:00:52:00:00:00:52:53:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 See her, but alone! 00:00:50:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 But I can't say: 00:00:00:03:00:00:00:50:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 You can't come with Shahriyar. 00:00:00:53:00:00:00:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Say when Bijan is back we'll meet. 00:00:00:00:00:00:30:00:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C2N03 I felt lonely. 00:00:30:50:00:00:35:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 You don't get it do you? 00:00:35:03:00:00:30:00:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C2N03 What do you mean? 00:00:30:05:00:00:33:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 You don't get it. 00:00:33:03:00:00:32:03:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 What are you talking about? 00:00:32:02:00:00:30:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 Your husband wants a simple thing. 00:00:30:03:00:00:32:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 What do you mean? 00:00:32:00:00:00:25:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 First visit- I have got to be there. 00:00:25:05:00:00:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 But you don't get it. 00:00:20:50:00:00:23:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 You are away. 00:00:23:02:00:00:22:05:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 You don't get it. 00:00:22:00:00:00:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 You are on a trip... 00:00:20:00:00:00:20:50:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. 00:00:20:55:00:00:22:55:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I am alone at home... 00:00:22:50:00:00:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 So?... 00:00:20:00:00:00:20:50:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I have the right to choose. 00:00:20:50:00:05:05:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 See your family, sister. 00:05:05:00:00:05:03:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I don't want to see my sister. 00:05:03:53:00:05:00:55:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Ok, see your friends. 00:05:00:50:00:05:00:03:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Maybe I want to see Maryam. 00:05:00:02:00:05:00:00:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C2N03 Look. First visit of her boyfriend: 00:05:00:05:00:05:02:02:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 I have to be there. That's all. 00:05:02:00:00:05:00:02:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C2N03 You are bullying me! 00:05:00:00:00:05:02:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 No one is bullying you. 00:05:02:02:00:05:00:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 This is respect, friendship. 00:05:00:03:00:05:50:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 What does respect mean? 00:05:50:50:00:05:50:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Ok, you go away & I invite 4 women? 00:05:50:00:00:05:53:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 This is irrelevant... 00:05:53:03:00:05:52:55:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 - very relevant. 00:05:52:50:00:05:50:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 - Irrelevant. 00:05:50:53:00:05:00:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 A man I don't know in my house! 00:05:00:00:00:05:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 What do you mean? 00:05:00:00:00:05:03:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 If I visited his house- he'd be happy? 00:05:03:05:00:05:02:55:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Mind how you talk: 00:05:02:50:00:05:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I didn't invite 4 men. 00:05:00:55:00:05:00:03:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 You mind how you talk. 00:05:00:02:00:05:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 No you, you mind how you talk. 00:05:00:50:00:05:30:55:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Listen. 00:05:30:50:00:05:33:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I invited her & she came with him. 00:05:33:00:00:05:32:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I couldn't tell her not to come! 00:05:32:00:00:05:30:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Thanks! Thank you! 00:05:30:00:00:05:32:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Talk properly. 00:05:32:00:00:05:30:03:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Thank you! 00:05:30:02:00:05:20:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 You make me sick. 00:05:20:00:00:05:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I have just arrived. 00:05:20:02:00:05:20:02:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I am telling you- you make me sick. 00:05:20:00:00:05:23:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 This is a never ending story! 00:05:23:00:00:05:22:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Shut up! 00:05:22:00:00:05:20:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 This is a never ending story! 00:05:20:00:00:05:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 It's the least I can ask! 00:05:20:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 That when you go on a trip I have to... 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 It's the least I can ask: 00:00:00:50:00:00:00:05:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 you have so much freedom! 00:00:00:00:00:00:03:03:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. So when you go away... 00:00:03:02:00:00:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I sit at home with my mum and sister. 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 You are talking bullshit. 00:00:00:02:00:00:05:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I said just the first visit 00:00:05:00:00:00:02:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 of the man I have got be present. 00:00:02:00:00:00:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 -If I had seen him just once it was ok. 00:00:00:53:00:00:50:55:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 What difference? 00:00:50:50:00:00:50:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 A lot! 00:00:50:00:00:00:55:02:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 The first time is different! 00:00:55:00:00:00:52:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Lower... lower your voice! 00:00:52:00:00:00:52:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 There are people in other carriages. 00:00:52:00:00:00:50:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Lower your voice! 00:00:50:00:00:00:50:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 You stop being loud. 00:00:50:00:00:00:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I am not loud. 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:53:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 You are. 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:55:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 No, I am not. 00:00:00:50:00:00:00:00:00 : 0055 00 00 00 C2N03 My tone is loud. 00:00:00:02:00:00:03:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 Mine is loud too. 00:00:03:02:00:00:00:05:00 : 0053 00 00 00 C2N03 When I talk, people think I shout. 00:00:00:00:00:00:30:02:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C2N03 I am not talking loudly. 00:00:32:02:00:00:32:03:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 The feeling and motive is important. 00:00:32:02:00:00:30:02:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C2N03 What feeling and motive? 00:00:30:00:00:00:30:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 Listen... 00:00:30:02:00:00:20:50:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 What feeling and motive? 00:00:20:55:00:00:25:55:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Listen... 00:00:20:50:00:00:22:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 You make me sick of being a woman. 00:00:22:00:00:03:00:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 As though all men are zooming on me. 00:03:00:05:00:03:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Are they? 00:03:05:03:00:03:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 No, they aren't. 00:03:00:00:00:03:03:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 You make me feel this way! 00:03:03:02:00:03:02:05:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I do!? 00:03:02:00:00:03:02:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Your behavior makes you this way. 00:03:00:00:00:03:00:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 It's like only you can protect me: 00:03:00:00:00:03:00:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 and if you are away 00:03:00:50:00:03:00:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 I can't take care of myself: 00:03:00:00:00:03:55:00:00 : 0035 00 00 00 C2N03 women can visit- not their boyfriends! 00:03:55:03:00:03:53:50:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 She came with her boyfriend. 00:03:53:53:00:03:50:00:00 : 0033 00 00 00 C2N03 We have traditions. 00:03:50:00:00:03:50:05:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C2N03 To hell with the traditions. 00:03:00:00:00:03:00:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 Ok for Maryam to visit with him? 00:03:00:00:00:03:02:00:00 : 0032 00 00 00 C2N03 Problem with Maryam? 00:03:02:03:00:03:02:50:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 Shahriyar is the problem, not Maryam. 00:03:02:50:00:03:00:55:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 No problem with Maryam? 00:03:00:50:00:03:30:02:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 -No, no problem with Maryam. 00:03:30:50:00:03:35:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 -No problem with Maryam? 00:03:35:00:00:03:30:53:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C2N03 -No, no problem with Maryam. 00:03:33:00:00:03:33:53:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 -Ok, no problem. 00:03:32:00:00:03:32:55:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C2N03 -No problem with Maryam? 00:03:32:50:00:03:32:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 -No problem her sleeping with me, no? 00:03:32:00:00:03:30:03:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 What? 00:03:30:02:00:03:20:00:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 Ok for her to sleep with me!? 00:03:20:00:00:03:20:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 She can visit and stay over. 00:03:20:02:00:03:20:02:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Ok if we sleep together?! Maryam? 00:03:20:00:00:03:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 -No problem... 00:03:20:02:00:02:05:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 We slept together... Maryam and I. 00:02:00:00:00:02:03:55:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Slept? 00:02:03:50:00:02:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 No. Maryam and I... together... nice? 00:02:00:00:00:02:02:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 What do you mean? 00:02:02:00:00:02:02:50:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 What? 00:02:02:50:00:02:02:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 What do you mean? 00:02:02:00:00:02:50:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Just that- I hate being a woman! 00:02:50:03:00:02:53:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Nice, huh? 00:02:52:50:00:02:50:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I felt it. 00:02:50:50:00:02:50:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 With Maryam? 00:02:50:00:00:02:50:55:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 With another woman... 00:02:50:50:00:02:00:55:00 : 0025 00 00 00 C2N03 You slept- together- in bed!? 00:02:03:55:00:02:02:53:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. 00:02:00:02:00:02:02:00:00 : 0023 00 00 00 C2N03 It was very good. 00:02:02:00:00:02:30:05:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 Know why? I felt powerful. 00:02:30:02:00:02:30:00:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 All my life I have surrendered. 00:02:30:03:00:02:33:50:00 : 0022 00 00 00 C2N03 Now I want to play the power game. 00:02:33:50:00:02:32:05:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 So you cut your hair, wear trousers... 00:02:32:00:00:02:30:02:00 : 0020 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes... yes. 00:02:30:00:00:02:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Surrendered for too long. Sick of it. 00:02:20:00:00:02:23:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Idiot. 00:02:20:50:00:00:00:50:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Idiot. 00:00:00:53:00:00:00:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 -No problem. 00:00:05:00:00:00:03:02:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 -No problem. 00:00:02:00:00:00:02:02:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I am the idiot? 00:00:02:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 No, I am the idiot? 00:00:00:05:00:00:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 My fault- you slept with Maryam? 00:00:00:03:00:00:05:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes, I slept with her. 00:00:05:00:00:00:00:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 It's my fault? 00:00:00:02:00:00:02:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I slept with her and it's your fault. 00:00:00:00:00:00:50:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 You slept with her... damn you. 00:00:50:00:00:00:55:50:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Lunatic!... Fool! 00:00:55:50:00:00:50:53:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I'll show you who is the lunatic. 00:00:53:00:00:00:53:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Shut up! 00:00:50:02:00:00:50:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 I'll show you... 00:00:50:02:00:00:50:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Take this in your hand. 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Now, please- get- out- of- here. 00:02:02:05:00:02:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I really enjoyed it, honestly. 00:02:00:00:00:02:00:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 What? 00:02:00:00:00:02:03:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Great past few days. 00:02:02:50:00:02:00:02:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I feel light: 00:02:00:00:00:02:52:02:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 experienced some feelings that 00:02:52:00:00:02:50:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 I never knew existed. 00:02:50:05:00:02:00:03:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 It's like a refinement, no? 00:02:00:02:00:02:03:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes, very much, exceptional. 00:02:30:00:00:02:35:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Did you have similar feelings too? 00:02:35:50:00:02:33:00:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Sure I did. 00:02:33:02:00:02:30:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 When you act the different parts 00:02:30:00:00:02:20:00:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 from within you, I believe at 00:02:20:03:00:02:20:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 that moment you are those people. 00:02:20:02:00:02:20:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Move to the other side. 00:02:20:05:00:00:00:00:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes the waves are... 00:00:00:02:00:00:05:05:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes, choppy. 00:00:00:02:00:00:02:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 When you act, you play 00:00:02:00:00:00:00:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 different parts of yourself. 00:00:00:03:00:00:00:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 That's correct. 00:00:00:00:00:00:05:02:00 : 0055 00 00 00 C2N03 Different you's that are inside you: 00:00:05:00:00:00:03:03:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 different Manias. 00:00:03:02:00:00:00:03:00 : 0053 00 00 00 C2N03 It is enjoyable... frees your mind. 00:00:00:02:00:00:50:00:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. 00:00:50:05:00:00:53:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 Move to that side. 00:00:50:00:00:00:50:00:00 : 0052 00 00 00 C2N03 I mix up which way. 00:00:50:05:00:00:50:50:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes, you are right. 00:00:50:53:00:00:00:00:00 : 0050 00 00 00 C2N03 This way... take it this way. 00:00:00:02:00:00:05:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Look, go that way. 00:00:05:00:00:00:02:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 You see there, where it's crowded. 00:00:30:02:00:00:32:02:00 : 0005 00 00 00 C2N03 Let's stop here. 00:00:32:00:00:00:30:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes, it's calm here. 00:00:30:00:00:00:30:05:00 : 0003 00 00 00 C2N03 Shall I kill the engine? 00:00:30:00:00:00:30:05:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 Shut the engine? 00:00:30:00:00:00:25:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 The Neutral gear, is this... 00:00:20:50:00:00:23:50:00 : 0002 00 00 00 C2N03 ...and it is shut. 00:00:20:05:00:00:20:50:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Hope I can start it again. 00:00:20:50:00:00:00:00:00 : 0000 00 00 00 C2N03 Yes. 00:00:02:50:00:00:00:53:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 Plastic on the water... a bottle. 00:00:50:00:00:00:50:00:00 : 0030 00 00 00 C2N03 I thought it was a duck or a bird. 0-:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- : 0035 0-:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- : 0030 0-:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- : 0033 0-:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- : 0032 0-:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- : 0030 0-:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- : 0032 0-:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- : 0030 0-:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- : 0030 0-:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- : 0020 0-:--:--:--:--:--:--:--:-- : 0020