Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014
2014- 2015 Ninth Grade World
History Course
Academic A Level
Accelerated Level
Ms. Kim Barben
Billy Joel’s Original “We Didn’t Start
the Fire”
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTQ6bSe
• “We Didn’t Start the Fire” video four minutes
and 51 seconds
Little Background on Ms. Barben
• This is my 21st year teaching high school Social
• I have taught predominantly ninth and tenth
graders in that time.
• I attended Millersville University as an
undergraduate and St. Joseph’s University as a
graduate student.
• I specialized in European History and in Reading.
Impact of the Class
Lessons Learned
Don’t Believe The Hype About My
Letter from Former Student
Hello Ms. Barben,
In the past few weeks, I was thinking a lot about the world history course that I took with you back in
high school. And I've been trying to find the time to write you just to let you know. I think a lot of it has
to do with the start of my internship. A funny thing happened and I sort of ended up in an education
intern position at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum. It's been my job to read about common cores
and understand secondary education across the US for history and language arts. Therefore, while I'm
busy researching I keep thinking about the world history class thinking about how that was the only time
I ever sat down in a history class to talk about human rights. I cannot remember if we covered the
Holocaust or not. I want to say we briefly learned about WWII, but I do remember discussions of the
Armenian Genocide. In the three weeks I've been at my internship so far, I've learned a lot about lesson
plans and the struggle of involving certain parts of history. I thought it was interesting because even with
my mom as a teacher, I never really thought of how challenging that was and we covered so much
information in your class including the huge research paper.
Anyhow, in all of that mess, I just wanted to say that I was thinking of your class and wanted you to
know that I still reflect on it even without the internship circumstances. I honestly wish I took the
chance to take more world history classes in university. The reason to why I did not is a long story
though. It'll still be a college regret of mine, which is kind of funny.
One more thing, if there's ever a chance, I would love to catch up if that's possible.
Have a nice day. Thank you,
Letter from Former Student
Hey Ms. Barben!
I'm sorry for taking so long to get in touch with you. I want to
say thank you for all the help you've given me in high school.
You prepared me for college and the real world more than
anybody else ever did, and I can't thank you enough for that.
The recommendation letter you wrote for me was absolutely
spectacular and it probably got me in to at least half of the
colleges and universities that I applied to, so thank you again for
that. You are one of the best teachers I've ever had, including all
twelve years of schooling and college. I hope your year is going
well and that you're doing great!
Letter from a Former Student
Hey Ms. Barben!
I have officially completed my first week of school at Temple! I absolutely
LOVE it here and can't picture myself anywhere else. I can't thank you enough for
writing my letter of recommendation and the amount of time, dedication and
concern you showed throughout my college process. I still can picture myself sitting
in your class sophomore year and I am stunned at how quickly time flies by. In
addition to being thankful for my letter of rec, I can't express to you how grateful I
am that you have taught me how to talk to the text. As I get bombarded with
readings for each of my classes, I look around at my classmates who stress out
about the amount of reading and information they have to retain and I know that
by using talking to the text I will have no problem dissecting and retaining the
information! I just wanted to say hi and let you know how useful your methods are
and how much they have benefitted me over the past couple years. I hope all is
well in the valley and I'll be sure to stop in and visit on vacations!
You’re the best!
Letter from a Former Student
Dear Ms. Barben,
I hope all is going well for you so far this year and your new
students. I am writing to you to let you know how useful your course has
been for me this year even though I had class with you three years ago. I
have saved several papers from your class that is allowing me to write essays
much easier and keep myself organized here at your alma mater. As much as I
hated the notebook checks when I was in your class, I decided to do your
numbering method to keep organized and low and behold i had a pop up
notebook check in one of my classes. Of course I got 100 percent on it
because it is a flawless method. I'm not sure if the curriculum is still the same
as when I was a sophomore and SS was an elective, but if it is please talk to
those who are considering dropping and have them reconsider it. It will not
doubt help them in the future!
Sincerely your former student,
Letter from a Former Student
Hey Ms. Barben,
I just thought I would thank you and let you know that
your class my sophomore year helped me pass my college
history midterm. I had to write a bunch of essays, one on
Henry VIII and I was able to remember more that you
taught me than my professor did. THANK YOU SOOOOO
MUCH!!!!! Your class has helped me more than you
-Natasha Z.
Letter from a Former Student
Hi Miss Barben,
It has been way too long since I have last talked to you. I just started school at UNC
Wilmington after taking a year off to work at Disney. Today, I was reviewing a paper I had to
write for English class, looking for grammatical errors, and working on my transitions. At first,
it was a little difficult, but once I got the ball rolling I was having no trouble at all transitioning
and connecting one thought to another. I owe a large part of that skill to the teachers at Great
Valley, but especially to you. I had no idea how prepared I was for college until I got here. So
many students are complaining about papers, and are having trouble writing, but you taught
us the skills we need to succeed.
This is the second paper I have written this semester. I went in during my teacher's office
hours once for this paper, and once for the paper before. I asked her to review and edit my
work, along with give me feedback about my writing. She said I was only one of three
students that had utilized her office hours, and of the three, I was the only one who had asked
her for help twice. I owe you a huge thank you for encouraging and teaching me to ask for
help. Basically, I just want you to know that your hard work and dedication to all of us
students doesn't go unnoticed. Your class was hard, but it was worth it. Thank you for caring
about me, and for challenging me to do my best. I hope all is well and that I will see you the
next time I am home.
Letter from a Former Student’s Parent
Hello Mrs. Barben,
I wanted to drop you a note to let you know that Kenna starts classes at
Alfred University on Monday. We moved her in on the 21st and she
really seems to fit in nicely. Her dorm room is very small, as dorm
rooms are, but she has made the most of every inch. She is very excited
and seems to be embracing the whole experience as a grand adventure.
I would like to thank you for all you have done for Kenna in her high
school career and in her college applications. We appreciate it more
than you will ever know. Your students are lucky to have you on their
Letter from a Former Student’s Parent
Miss Barben,
I just wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you for taking all the extra time it
takes to keep us informed as parents. Your e-mails are helpful and help bridge the
gap between Skyward and our often silent teenagers. As with Daniel, I know Kyle will
come away from your class with greater knowledge than history. He will know how
to budget and prioritize his time, make long term projects manageable, plan for the
unexpected, be organized, nurture his creative side and function in the real world
with deadlines. Thank you for the extra time you give our children. Often as an
educator you go unappreciated so I hope you take this as a "warm fuzzy" and a
heartfelt thank you.
Enjoy your holiday and have a Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy New Year.
The Sheridans,
Gary, Kathy, Brian, Daniel and Kyle
Little Background on the Course
• Mr. Morabito and I are team teaching the
Accelerated and Academic A classes.
• We will be using the same lessons and materials for
the course.
• Given that the course covers recent events and
countries in the present, the textbook is not used
for most of the units.
• Instead we will be using current articles, websites,
and film clips to examine the different regions.
• Online Textbook Information:
• Website: www.glencoe.com/ose
• Student Log In Access Code Number:
Course Description
• This course is designed to allow Great Valley
students to examine world cultures through
geographic, political, economic, religious, and
historical lenses.
• It is to provide students with the knowledge to be
an active American citizen by building their
knowledge of the global community of the twentyfirst century.
First Semester:
Age of Enlightenment and Its Impact: In this
introduction unit, we will be examining a time
period from European History that laid the
foundations for democracy and human rights.
The themes from this unit will be tied into the
following units within specific lessons whether in
a Collins writing prompt, group activity, or short
answer test question.
Middle East and North Africa: A study of the
world religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam,
the history of the region with an emphasis on the
modern world from the 1800s to the present,
political and physical geography of the region, the
cultural institutions of the regions, and an
emphasis on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, Iraq,
Iran, Afghanistan, the Arab Spring and its lasting
impact on Syria, and Egypt.
Africa: A study of the history of the region with
an emphasis on the arrival of the Europeans from
the 1500s to the present, political and physical
geography of the region, the development and
end of Apartheid in South Africa, the
environmental crisis of famine, civil war and
genocide with a focus on Darfur and Rwanda, and
other current event issues like child labor, blood
diamonds, and health epidemics, and genocides.
Second Semester:
Africa Continued
South Asia-India and Pakistan: A study of the
world religions of Hinduism, Sikkhism, Buddhism,
and Islam, the history of the region with an
emphasis on the modern world with the arrival of
the Europeans in the 1700s to the present,
political and physical geography of the region, the
cultural institutions of the region, and an
emphasis on environmental issues like
overpopulation, flooding, earthquakes, the
hostile relationship between Pakistan and India
and the issues of nuclear weapons, and the
growing role of India in the world’s economy.
East Asia---China and Japan: A study of the world
religions and philosophies of Confucianism,
Daoism, Legalism, and Shintoism, the history of
the region with an emphasis on the modern world
with the arrival of the Europeans in the 1700s to
the present, a focus on the Communist Revolution
and development of Communism within China, a
focus on Post-War Japan, political and physical
geography of the region, and current events and
issues with an emphasis on environmental and
human rights issues.
• There are a number of grades for each marking period. The grades are weighted
by the type of assessment. The school’s grade scale is used for determining
letter grades in my class. They will consist of:
• Required Authentic Course Assessments--- These are Common Formative and
Summative Assessments done within the Academic A and Accelerated Levels like
common objective test questions, short answer/essay questions, group projects,
individual propaganda posters, etc…
• Interactive Notebooks---There will be one per unit. Each notebook will contain
all class notes, handouts, readings, class work, graded homework, and extra
credit. Each notebook will be collected at the end of each unit on the last test
• Homework--– There is usually a daily homework assignment each night that takes about a half hour.
It may be reading and taking notes, working on your part of a group project, or a
Formative/Summative Assessment.
– The homework assignments will usually be different and based upon levelappropriate skills and supplemental readings.
– The weekly homework assignments will be the homework for MULTIPLE nights. This
is chunked into manageable parts for the students to follow and do in steps.
– It also means that you should not procrastinate and put off the assignment until the
night before it is due.
– All homework is to be typed, spell-checked, and grammar-checked.
Individual Projects
Group Projects---There is usually a group project every three weeks falling on the block scheduling
Unit Tests---Students are given a unit study guide on the first day of each unit. What students
specifically need to know for the tests is identified under each lesson. Both levels may complete the
study guides to earn bonus points added to their test score. However, Academic A students may also
use their completed study guides on the tests themselves. Students are also usually given three
weeks’ notice of the upcoming tests. The writing portions of the unit tests are usually take home and
part of the homework process.
Weighting of Types of Assessments:
As part of the district initiatives, each department in the high school is to have a standardized
weighting of grades for each course by level. Each course is also to have Common Formative and
Summative Assessments for each level.
Academic A Level Weighting:
– Formative Assessments: 40%
– Summative Assessments: 50%
– Class Participation/Other: 10%
Accelerated Level Weighting:
– Formative Assessments: 40%
– Summative Assessments: 50%
– Class Participation/Other: 10%
Grade Sheets
• You will be given the assessment grade sheet when
the homework or project is assigned.
• It is to be attached to your completed work when it is
submitted to be graded.
• Please keep in mind that the grading of each
assessment and the recording of the grades on the
Internet database will usually take between one to
two weeks, depending upon the assessment and how
many classes were collected.
• If you lose the grade sheet, you are responsible for
downloading a copy from Ms. Barben’s teacher page
prior to the collection date.
Late Work Policy
• Late work will be accepted, but not at full credit.
• If the homework or project is something that is collected is late,
it will be 10% off for each school day late.
• It will be accepted up to FIVE school days late, and after that, it
is too late to turn in the assignment for partial credit. This
means if the assignment is perfect, the highest score you can
earn is a 50%.
• If you miss school for an approved vacation, the school policy
will be enforced. All work assigned during your absences is to be
completed while gone and submitted when you return to school.
Otherwise, it will be considered late.
• If you miss class for sports or any other school-related activity,
you must turn in any of the work due that day before you leave
or it will be considered late.
• If the homework is one that is done in the notebook, it is usually
a reading and note-taking assignment. This is a one-shot chance
at points, because we usually go over the notes the next day.
Ms. Barben will record the points in Skyward with comments.
Extra Credit
• At the end of each unit study guide, there is
an Extra Credit Section with two to three
different activities that can be done in the
notebook for the unit.
• The extra credit is due when the notebook is
• You will not be allowed to turn in last minute
extra credit to pull up your marking period
Interactive Notebooks
Everyone is required to have a separate
notebook for Eastern World History. And
this notebook is to be brought to class
every day. Your notebook will be a
summary of your efforts and
participation in this class.
You are expected to keep your notebook
neat, dated, and in chronological order.
It is not to be organized into sections.
You are responsible for getting and
making up any work, notes, and tests
missed due to illness, fieldtrips, early
dismissals, or band/chorus rehearsals. I
will not chase after you to make them
up. There are class folders in the front of
the room with the work you missed
labeled and waiting for you.
You may revise any of the Quiet
Questions or notes in the notebook.
And I will grade the revised version, but
you must keep the original in the
notebook attached to the revision.
• Your notebook will contain in
chronological order:
• Daily Lesson Plans
• All Class Work
• All Class Notes
• All Class Handouts and Readings---Many of the class readings you will
have to download from Ms. Barben’s
teacher page due to budgetary issues
that have limited the amount of
copying teachers can do.
• All Returned Graded Assessments
• Extra Credit
Materials Required For Class
• On Ms. Barben’s Teacher Page, there will be uploaded all the resources you need
for the class as we move through each unit.
• A Three Ring Binder for Each Unit---The binders must have at least 1-inch rings,
but preferably 2 inch rings. You should get at LEAST THREE to cover one
semester and then reuse them.
• Colored Pencils—to be kept at home for labeling of maps, propaganda posters,
political cartoons, etc…
• Colored Pens----Black, Blue, Red, Green, Orange, Pink, and Purple for note-taking
and labeling of maps
• Markers—to be kept at home for propaganda posters, political cartoons, group
projects, etc…
• Glue—to be kept at home for propaganda posters, political cartoons, group
projects, etc…
• Lined, Blank, and Construction Paper—to be kept at home
• A Writing Utensil
• Please bring in a box of tissues. If everyone brings in a box of tissues, we will be
stocked for the year.
Classroom Rules
Follow directions.
Be in your seat when the bell rings.
Be on task.
Raise your hand and wait to be called on.
Come to class prepared—no trips to your
Go to the bathroom during passing time.
If you come in before the bell, check in
with me, and get out your homework for
collection, you may go to the bathroom
and come in after the bell has rung
without being marked late.
Be respectful of others.
Take responsibility for your actions.
You may eat and drink in class, but you
are responsible for all clean up.
– Do not share, unless you have enough to
share with the entire class. If
eating/drinking becomes disruptive or a
trash problem, this privilege will be
Approved Foods and Beverages:
----Breakfast Sandwiches
----Granola Bars
No candy, cupcakes, chips, soda, or
other forms of junk food are permitted.
I received special permission to allow
my students to eat nutritional foods in
my class to help them focus on their
school work.
Lateness to Class/Attendance
• For each day you are in class on time, you earn 2
points a day. This will count as a grade for the
marking period.
• Every time you are late, you will lose 2 points a
day. This can add up and have a significant impact
on your grade.
• After your third class lateness, you will serve a
teacher’s detention before or after school. After
this, you will be written up for school detentions.
Extra Help
• I am available for extra help before school every day from 6:45 AM to 7:25 AM.
This is the best time to come in for me to check the progress of your homework,
help you organize your notebooks, help with the research paper, or if you are
having questions about the content.
• I am also available for extra help during my duty, which is Period Two in the
Writing Center. I am also available during both 8th Period Options.
• Afterschool extra help sessions are limited by the teacher meetings we have to
attend after school for faculty meetings, department meeting, professional
learning groups, IEP meetings, etc…So if you want to come afterschool for extra
help, please see me ahead of time to make sure I am available.
• I also have upper classmen service club students who work with me and are
available for extra help or guidance with any homework assignments, projects,
or the research paper process. All of my student aides are former students who
have a strong understanding of my expectations. And if you have a free period
when I also have a student aide available, you can come to my room for extra
help from them as well.
Updated 2012 “We Didn’t Start the
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYK9Cl5lRU
• “We Didn’t Start the Fire 1990-2012” edition
four minutes and 29 seconds
History Helps Us Understand
• You cannot understand people if you do not
understand their past
• You cannot understand our community if you
do not know how it came to be
• You cannot understand our nation without
• You cannot understand our world if you do
not understand history