BHUTANESE STUDENTS’ ABILITY TO APPLY THE CONCEPTS OF LIGHT REFLECTION AND REFRACTION TO THE SITUATIONS RELATED TO A FISH TANK Sushmika Tamang1,*, Suchai Nopparatjamjomras2, 3,# Thasaneeya R. Nopparatjamjomras2,# 1 MSc. in Science and Technology Education. Institute for Innovative Learning, Mahidol University. Thailand 2 Institute for Innovative Learning, Mahidol University. Thailand 3 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University. Thailand *e-mail:, #e-mail: Abstract This study aims to identify the grade 10 Bhutanese students’ ability to apply the concepts about reflection and refraction of light, and total internal reflection in the situations related to a fish tank. For this purpose, an open-ended questionnaire consisting of 4 real life situations related to a fish tank was created. The questionnaire was piloted with 45 grade 10 Bhutanese students. The responses were used to develop the 8-multiple choice questions on light refraction and reflection named as Light Reflection and Refraction Test (LRRT). The test consists of 2 different situations which are the application of the reflection and refraction of light, and total internal reflection concepts. The content validity of the test was validated by three physics researchers. This test then was administered to 111 grade 10 Bhutanese students from 3 secondary schools in Thimphu, Bhutan. The result showed that most of the students could not apply the related physics concepts to the 2 fish tank situations. In addition, some important and prevalent misconceptions were also revealed by this study. It indicates that students require practical application of the optics concepts if they have to deeply understand the concepts taught and apply in real life situations. Key-Words: Misconceptions, Reflection, Refraction, Total Internal Reflection, Fish Tank Introduction Bhutanese students completing grade 10 have been taught the concepts of light refraction and reflection, and their applications i.e., image formed by a plane mirror, characteristics of the image by simple ray diagram, regular and irregular reflection, image formed by a pair of parallel and perpendicular plane mirrors and simple periscope, refraction of light through a glass block and a triangular prism, qualitative treatment of simple applications with calculation such as real and apparent depth of objects in water, apparent bending of sticks in water, total internal reflection, critical angle and conditions for total internal reflection, twinkling of stars, appearance of the sun, mirage formation, and sparkling of diamond. Therefore, the students are expected to be able to apply these concepts in different optical phenomena that occur around them. With the objective of checking the students’ ability to apply the concepts of optics, researchers have developed a relevant test called Light Reflection and Refraction Test (LRRT). Surprisingly, the students’ responses to this test showed that most of them could not apply the relevant optics concepts to the situations related to a fish tank. Moreover, our research findings indicated that students had misconceptions about how light propagates through different media, how the objects are seen due to reflection and how the colors of different objects are perceived. There are other similar research findings in other countries about students’ misconceptions in optics (1-9). Moreover, a significant finding of many research studies is that the students' ideas of the world are often formed before any formal instruction and are often quite different from scientifically accepted ideas (9-10). Furthermore, it has been observed that teaching students without clearing their misconceptions significantly reduce their understanding which further lessens their ability to function effectively in applying the concepts learnt (10). The poor performance of the students in the test might be because of the fact that the assessment of students’ learning in Bhutan is mainly summative in the form of examination; the assessment questions at the end of each chapter in physics text books of grades 9 and 10 (11-12) and the questions framed in the exams, predominantly focus on factual recall with minimum assessment of skills and scientific values. Hence, the science learning in these grades is mostly about learning facts and figure and does not pose much cognitive challenge to the students. This has been proved in a study conducted for a need assessment of science education in Bhutan in 2008. Firstly, it was found that science students who graduated from grade 12 lacked basic level knowledge and important practical skills. Secondly, it was felt that the curriculum in science did not make full use of the natural resources and examples available in Bhutan (13). Therefore, there is an urgent need to work for improvement of the assessment process. The development of the LRRT might be a small step towards improving the assessment process. Therefore, this paper will present a development of the LRRT and the analysis of students’ response to the test. Methodology The test was implemented on 111 Bhutanese students of grade 10 from three secondary schools in Thimphu which is the capital city of Bhutan. All the students had previously studied the concepts of reflection and refraction of light and total internal reflection in grades 9 and 10. Throughout Bhutan, the physics curriculum and text books are uniform for each grade. The students in the three schools were taught by using traditional approach and hence had no experience of doing hands-on laboratory experiments on these topics. There are so many scenarios going on around the world which is due to light reflection and refraction, and total internal reflection. These scenarios happen every day but they are insignificant to be noticed. One of such scenario is the fish tank scenario. Applications of light reflection and refraction, and total internal reflection that can be observed in a fish tank were considered to develop the multiple item test. However, to generate the distractors, open-ended items were developed initially as Haladyna, Downing and Rodriguez stated that effective items can be created only after exhaustive interviews or through open-ended tests (14). Open-ended items consisting of 4 real life situations related to a fish tank were developed after thorough review of prior research into students’ understanding of light reflection and refraction, and total internal reflection (15-19), Bhutanese curriculum and syllabi (20), and the combined teaching experience of the researchers. These open-ended items were administered on 45 students of grade 10 in Thimphu, Bhutan who had studied the concepts of light reflection and refraction, and total internal reflection. The responses gathered from these students were used to develop the distractors for multiple-choice items taking into consideration the frequency of similar responses. To explore the content validity, the test was reviewed by a team of experts who checked the relevance of the content with respect to the intended test population secondary school students. Their consensus on the correct answer to each item was also taken into account. The experts were in agreement which provided a satisfactory content validation result. Finally, there are 2 situations in the LRRT. The first situation consists of 5 questions which are about the fish tank kept on top of a white paper as shown in Figure 1. For the first 3 questions, the tank is half filled with water. Students have to choose the correct response from the 4 options provided with reasons. Students are asked to give the colors of the 1) base and four walls of the fish tank 2) above and 3) below the water level when viewed from the top. For the last 2 questions, the tank is completely filled. Students have to choose the correct options for the colors of 4) the walls and 5) the base when they observe from vertically above the fish tank in this condition. For the second situation, the three sides wall of the fish tank are covered with yellow colored papers and one side wall is left uncovered. The tank is kept on a blue colored paper and half-filled with water as shown in Figure 2. Unlike the first situation, the second situation consists of only 3 questions. Students have to choose the correct response from the 6 options provided with reasons. The difference in the number of options in the first and second situations is mainly because there was more variety of reasons provided by the students in the second situation of the open-ended test. Although most standard forms of test have spaces for five response choices, there is no conventional rule of test construction theory that requires five choices to be provided (21). Similar to the first situation, in the second situation also, students are asked to give the colors of the 1) base and four walls of the fish tank 2) above and 3) below the water level when viewed from the top. The reason to have two quite similar situations in the LRRT is that the first situation would give students opportunity to apply the concepts of reflection, refraction and total internal reflection while the second situation is given to check the consistency of students’ reasoning in answering the questions in the first situation. One of the criticisms of multiple-choice items is that students giving correct answers do not necessarily mean they have mastered the content (22). In other words, it is possible to answer correctly for many reasons, including guessing. To double check this criticism, two or more items having the same concept application but in different situation has been developed. This helps the educator/teacher to verify whether the particular student have really understood the given concept and have not given the correct answer by guessing. Results The students’ responses to the LRRT are analyzed in 4 parts. The first part is about the difficulty index and item discrimination index of each item. The inconsistency found in students’ response while answering the questions that required the application of the same concept have been analyzed in the second part. The third part presents the students’ misconceptions on the relevant optics concepts. Analysis of students’ responses who used their real life experience instead of optics concepts is presented in the last part. Difficulty index and discrimination index Table 1 presents the difficulty index and item discrimination index of each item. The difficulty indexes for the items range from 0.23 to 0.69. For items 1e, 2b and 2c, having low difficulty indexes might be because students had difficulty to visualize the situations in their mind. Especially, item 2c requires two concepts; light refraction and reflection. These items need to be revised for further studies. However, a good item can sometimes be answered incorrectly by a majority of students because it addresses a particularly deep-rooted misconception or reasoning difficulty that is not easily reversed by instruction (21). The values of all point-biserial discrimination indexes for all items are positive and greater than 0.30 which indicates that the items serve well to discriminate between students with higher and lower levels of knowledge (21). Table 1: Item difficulty and discrimination index of each item in the LRRT Students’ inconsistency in application of same concepts TablesItems 2 and 3 categorize the items1bin accordance to1dthe concepts application required to 1a 1c 1e 2a 2b 2c Difficulty index Item Discrimination index 0.69 0.52 0.32 0.38 0.43 0.37 0.39 0.36 0.24 0.37 0.51 0.52 0.23 0.42 0.25 0.50 Students’ inconsistency in application of same concepts Tables 2 and 3 categorize the items in accordance to the concepts application required to answer the items. These tables show the number of students who gave the correct answers in first and second situations respectively. To be able to reason out what happens in both the situations, students should understand the basic concepts of optics as follows: The reason for seeing any opaque object is that the light rays fall on it and gets reflected into the eyes. When a light ray propagates from air to glass, it gets bent and passes through. When a light ray propagates from water to air at more than the critical angle, it gets totally reflected back in water. This phenomenon is called “total internal reflection”. However, the results shown in Tables 2 and 3 clearly indicate that students had poor ability to apply relevant concepts of optics in the fish tank situations. The overall score in the test was only 38.3%. Table 2: Result of items in the first situation Concept Light reflection Total internal reflection Light refraction Light reflection Total internal reflection Item 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e No. of correct answers (students) 76 36 48 43 27 No. of correct answers (%) 68.5 32.4 43.2 38.7 24.3 Table 3: Result of items in the second situation Concept Item Light reflection Total internal reflection Light refraction and reflection 2a 2b No. of correct answers (students) 56 26 2c 28 No. of correct answers (%) 50.5 23.4 25.2 When the answers of questions in both situations based on same concept were compared, a lot of inconsistency was found. In item 1a, students were asked to give the color of the base of the half-filled transparent tank when viewed from the top; 68.5% of the students gave the correct answer. However, in item 2a where students were asked to give the color of the base of the halffilled tank (wrapped with yellow paper on three side wall as shown in figure 2) when viewed from the top, their score dropped to 50.5%. Similarly item 1d asked students to give the color of the base for completely filled tank which required the same concept as the other two items 1a and 2a; yet the score for this item greatly changed to 38.7%. Only 21 students could give correct answers for all the three questions. The concept required for answering items 1b, 1e and 2b was total internal reflection of light. Students were asked to give the color of the walls below the water level of the tank. The phenomenon can be explained as follows: the rays of light travelling from air to water fall on the base of the container and are reflected back. Some of these reflected light rays fall on the walls below the water level at angle greater than the critical angle, they are then totally reflected giving the color of the walls same as the color of the base. Only 32.4% of the students gave the correct answer for 1b and the result further decreased to 24.3% and 23.4% when they answered for item 1e and 2b respectively. Only 4 students gave the correct answers for all these three questions. Students’ misconceptions The students’ misconceptions can be categorized as follows: 1) misunderstanding about propagation of light; 2) misunderstanding in determining the color of an object. Tables 4 and 5 present the percentage of students having the categorized misconceptions in each item. Table 4: Misunderstanding about propagation of light Misconception about propagation of light 1. Light rays are totally reflected when they travel from air (less dense) to water (more dense). 2. The objects are seen by our eyes only if they lie straight in front of our eyes. Percentage of students showing the misconception in each item Questions for Questions for First Situation Second Situation 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 2a 2b 2c 16.2 23.4 18.9 - - 14.4 12.6 11.7 - 19.8 6.3 - 12.6 - 7.2 7.2 Table 5: Result Misunderstanding in determining the color of an object Table 3: of items in the second situation Percentage No. of correct answersof students showing the misconception Conceptin determiningItem correct answers (%) in No. eachofitem Misconception the color of an (students) object Questions for Light reflection 2a 56 50.5 Questions for First Situation Second Situation Total internal reflection 2b 26 23.4 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 2a 2b 2c Light refraction and 2cthe quantity of 28 25.2 3. Water color changes to blue when reflection 27.0 20.7 water increases. 4. An opaque object becomes colorless when placed 14.4 14.4 6.3 10.8 21.6 over a transparent colorless object. 5. If two different colored papers are observed 14.4 21.6 19.8 through water, we see the mixed color. For the first misconception, some students believed that the surface of the water in the fish tank appear to be silver when viewed from top. They believed that total internal reflection occur at the surface of water when light rays travel from air to water. Some of the students had the idea that they would not be able to see the side walls when viewed from the top as light rays travel in straight line. This response revealed the second misconception. For the third misconception, some students thought that the density of water increases with the increase in quantity of water and thus looks blue in color. The fourth misconception was found when the students were asked the color of the base. Some of them had the notion that the colored base would become colorless when it was seen through colorless and transparent glass and water. For the fifth misconception, students were asked about the color of the base and walls when viewed from the top. They used the color mixing concept as they chose the option which stated “Green because of mixture of blue color and yellow color”. Effect of real life experience Table 6 presents the percentage of students who used their daily life experience to answer some questions. 0.9%, 19.8% and 1.8% of the students did not at all apply the concepts of light reflection to answer item 1a, 1d, and 2a as they opted for the option, “Not visible because the fish tank is deep”. Since rivers in Bhutan look blue in color, some students related this experience to answer items 1d and 1e, for which the water level is increased from half-filled to completely filled tank. Students believed that water color changes to blue because its quantity is increased. These are the clear examples of application of non-scientific real world explanation. Table 6: Percentage of students applying daily life experience to answer the questions Explanation related to daily life experience 1. The base is invisible because the fish tank is deep. 2. Water color changes to blue when the quantity of water increases. Percentage of students who did not apply the optics concepts Second First Situation Situation 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 2a 2b 2c 0.9 19.8 1.8 - - - 27.0 20.7 - - - Discussion and Conclusion Our study clearly indicates that the Bhutanese students have poor ability to apply the optics concepts to explain the situations related to a fish tank even after the formal teaching of these concepts. In addition, students occasionally use their real life experiences which contradict with the scientific explanation to answer the questions. Choosing options like “the base is invisible because the fish tank is deep” and “the base is blue because water color becomes blue when quantity of water increases” precisely proves this finding. We suspect that the students memorize the concepts, laws, formulas and the ray diagrams and wrongly apply in these situations. For instance, students had learnt the concepts of total internal reflection of light but while applying in the fish tank situations some of them applied it in a wrong way as we discussed in the previous section. They thought that light rays travel from air to water and get totally reflected. Also, students learnt about color mixing concept yet they had applied this concept in a wrong way in the second situation. Furthermore, prominent inconsistency in answering items having same concepts also indicates that students lack scientific problem solving skill. This skill is defined as the ability and the consistency to use a concept to solve a set of problems (23). Hence it is very important for the teachers to explain these concepts to students experimentally and also let students do some hands-on-activities wherein students can understand the direction of propagation of light from object to eye. Teachers should also make effort to let students draw ray diagrams for situations that are not mentioned in the textbooks to check whether they have really understood the concepts and have gained ability to apply the concepts in variety of situations. This study showed that students’ prior knowledge and misconceptions need to be carefully considered while teaching the relevant optics concepts. It also implies an urgent need to work for improvement of assessment process by developing similar tests in other topics of physics. 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