Honors Geometry ~ Mrs. Hane How to be successful in Mrs. Hane’s Geometry Class Attend class every day. The most valuable part of the whole learning experience is the classroom instruction. You can make up missed work, but you can never make up the missed learning experience. Study every day. Review your notes everyday for at least 5 days and you will commit them to your long-term memory more effectively. Don’t simply stare at the pages of your notes or textbook. Make note cards, do practice problems, and try to make connections between the different concepts. Good students are good listeners. Listen attentively in class and learning will come easier. Don’t let yourself be distracted by your cell phone or assignments for other classes. These things will cause you to miss out on some of that valuable classroom instruction. Ask your teacher questions and participate in class. Ask for clarification of things you don’t understand. By speaking in class you are likely to remember the information. You learn and recall about 70% of what you discuss with others. Do all of your homework. Everyday. You need to practice math as you would practice a sport or music. If you put the time into practice you will be successful. You will not learn everything you need to unless you practice. If you need help outside of class time, go to the Math Tutoring in Room 156. Math teachers are available to help you during every period every day. You can also use websites such as www.khanacademy.com to help you learn the concepts. Take responsibility for your learning by doing all you can to learn the concepts correctly. Carefully read and follow directions. Many problems can be fixed easily by just following directions. Stay organized from day one. Keep all of your notes and assignments for this class in their own binder. Write down all assignments and upcoming tests or quizzes in a planner. Include not only deadlines and assignments, but your other activities also. Don’t forget to plan to study daily. Study for tests. In this class you should study for tests and quizzes by studying your notes and practicing problems. Go back and fix mistakes you made on problems you’ve already done. By fixing your mistakes you will learn from them, and you will be less likely to make the mistake again. Complete the Chapter Review Worksheet. It is the twin of the Chapter Test. You can, and must, study for Geometry. What Mrs. Hane expects of you: Bring required materials for class every day. They include: Pencils o o o Notebooks will not be collected, however notebook quizzes will be given after every chapter. You will be permitted to use your notebook, and you are not allowed to use anyone else’s notes for the quiz. This is cheating and will result in a zero for both the student using someone else’s notes and the student allowing someone else to use their notes for a notebook quiz. If you are absent for any class time, get the notes you missed because you are still responsible for them. Scientific calculator (TI-30X) o o o Using pen on assignments will result in half credit for the assignment. 1½ + inch 3-ring binder with loose notebook paper Certain assignments will be impossible to complete without a calculator. Graphing calculators are permitted in class but not on tests. TI-84 calculators are required beginning with your Algebra 2 course. Assignments o o o o o Homework will be collected and graded randomly. You must show all work to receive full credit for classwork and homework. If a homework assignment is not turned in on time, you will receive half-credit if you turn it in up to one day late. You will not receive credit for any homework assignment that is turned in more than one day after the due date. In-class assignments will not be accepted late. You are responsible for all missed work and material covered when you are absent from class. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed while you were absent from class. Follow Classroom Rules. They include: 1. Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. Pencils must be sharpened and necessary materials out when class begins. Tardiness disrupts the class and is unacceptable. You are responsible for signing the tardy sheet when you are late. 2. Hall passes will be permitted on an emergency basis. You must ask permission to use the pass, sign the sign-out sheet, & sign back in upon returning. Use the restroom and go to your locker between classes. 3. No sleeping or working on outside assignments during class time. 4. Respect and be polite to all people. Absolutely no swearing, teasing or fighting will be tolerated. 5. Respect other people’s property. Keep the room neat and clean, return all borrowed materials, and always get permission before using another person’s materials. 6. Cell phones and electronic devises are not permitted in this classroom at any time unless special permission is given. Students that use an electronic devise without permission will have the devise confiscated and will be referred to the office. Consequences for breaking rules: Consequences for tardies: 1st Offense: Verbal warning 1st – 3rd Tardies: sign the tardy sheet 2nd Offense: Held after class for one on one conversation 4th Tardy: sign tardy sheet and 3rd Offense: 10 minute after school detention 10 minute after school detention 4th Offense: Removal from class and sent to office 5 or more Tardies: sign tardy sheet and Severe Clause: Automatic removal from class and sent to office office referral *I will hold students after class and/or call home whenever necessary. How your grade is determined: Grades are based on a point system and the 80/20 system. Academic Achievement (AA) assessments are worth 80% of your 9-week grade, and Academic Practice (AP) assignments are worth 20% of your 9-week grade. TESTS: given after every chapter. (AA) SECTION QUIZZES: given after each section (AP) MULTI-SECTION QUIZZES: given at least once per chapter. (AA) VOCABULARY QUIZZES: given at least once per chapter. (AA) NOTEBOOK QUIZZES: given after every chapter. You may use YOUR notes only. Take good notes! (AA) HOMEWORK/CLASSWORK: given daily. Collected & graded randomly for quality & completion, not correctness. SHOW ALL WORK if you expect to earn full credit! (AP) *Other assignments may be added with point values to be announced. Retesting Policy: There will be a maximum of 2 retests allowed during the school year. Retesting will be offered for Chapter Tests only. In order to be eligible for taking a retest, you must complete a Chapter Review assignment that will be due when you retake the test. All test retakes must be taken within 2 weeks of the day that graded tests have been returned to the class. If you retake the test, the grade that you earn on the retake will replace your original test grade. What you can expect of Mrs. Hane: I know it is important for your learning process for your teacher to be present every day. I will always make every effort to be in class every day. We have limited time together, so I will use our time as effectively as possible. I won’t spend time one things that are not important to your education. Your education is my number one priority. As standards and testing changes in education it is my job to make sure I am preparing you for success. I will stay current on all of the changes as they occur and make any changes in curriculum that will help you to succeed. Whether your plans are to go to a 2 or 4-year college or university or if you are planning on going into the workforce after high school, it is my job to prepare you for success. I need to help you become college and career ready. Statistics show that students that earn a 21 or higher on the ACT have the best chances of being successful in their chosen path after high school. With that in mind, I will prepare you to take and perform well on the ACT. I became a teacher because I love helping students discover and learn. It is my job to help you become a better problem solver and independent thinker. I’m not here to help you earn a grade or to just get the right answer on a problem. It’s my job to facilitate learning and give you every learning opportunity that I can. But no matter how much I want success for you, I can’t learn for you. It is your job to learn and apply your knowledge to be successful. Honors Geometry Syllabus: McDougal Littell Geometry Textbook All students will be assigned a textbook at the beginning of the year. Keep it in a safe place at home or in your locker. Keep it as a reference. I will let you know ahead of time if you need to bring it to class. Our textbook is also online. Go to classzone.com, select the 2007 edition of the Geometry textbook. The ACTIVATION CODE that you must enter is 5164366-20. (ISBN #: 9780618756506). Chapters & Sections to be explored this school year: Chapter 1: Essentials of Geometry 1.1 Points, Lines and Planes, 1.2 Segments and Congruence, 1.3 Midpoint and Distance, 1.4 Measure and Classify Angles, 1.7 Angle Pair Relationships, 1.6 Classify Polygons, 1.8 Find Perimeter, Circumference and Area Constructions Chapter 2: Reasoning and Proof 2.1 Inductive Reasoning, 2.2 Conditional Statements, 2.3 Deductive Reasoning, 2.4 Postulates and Diagrams, 2.5 Properties from Algebra, 2.6 Prove Statements about Segments and Angles, 2.7 Prove Angle Pair Relationships Chapter 3: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 3.1 Pairs of Lines and Angles, 3.2 Parallel Lines and Transversals, 3.3 Prove Lines are Parallel, 3.4 Slopes of Lines, 3.5 Write and Graph Equations of Lines, 3.6 Theorems about Perpendicular Lines Chapter 4: Congruent Triangles 4.1 Triangle Sum Properties, 4.2 Congruence and Triangles, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 Proving Triangles Congruent, 4.6 Use Congruent Triangles, 4.7 Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles, 4.8 Congruent Transformations Chapter 5: Relationships within Triangles 5.1 Midsegment Theorem and Coordinate Proof, 5.2 Perpendicular Bisectors, 5.3 Angle Bisectors, 5.4 Medians and Altitudes, 5.5 Inequalities in a Triangle Chapter 6: Similarity 6.1 Ratios, Proportions, and Geometric Mean, 6.2 Use Proportions to Solve Geometry Problems, 6.3 Similar Polygons, 6.4, 6.5 Proving Triangles Similar, 6.6 Proportionality Theorems, 6.7 Dilations Chapter 7: Right Triangles and Trigonometry 7.1 Pythagorean Theorem, 7.2 Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem, 7.3 Similar Right Triangles, 7.4 Special Right Triangles, 7.5, 7.6 Sine, Cosine and Tangent Ratios, 7.7 Solve Right Triangles Chapter 8: Quadrilaterals 8.1 Find Angle Measures in Polygons, 8.2 Properties of Parallelograms, 8.3 Show that a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram, 8.4 Rhombuses, Rectangles and Squares, 8.5 Trapezoids and Kites, 8.6 Special Quadrilaterals Chapter 10: Circles 10.1: Properties of Tangents, 10.2 Arc Measures, 10.3 Properties of Chords, 10.4 Inscribed Angles and Polygons, 10.5 Other Angle Relationships in Circles, 10.6 Find Segment Lengths in Circles, 10.7 Write and Graph Equations of Circles Chapter 11: Length and Area 11.1 Areas of Triangles and Parallelograms, 11.2 Areas of Trapezoids, Rhombuses and Kites, 11.3 Perimeter and Area of Similar Figures, 11.4 Circumference and Arc Length, 11.5 Areas of Circle and Sectors, 11.6 Areas of Regular Polygons Chapter 12: Surface Area and Volume 12.1 Solids, 12.2 Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders, 12.3 Surface Area of Pyramids and Cones, 12.4 Volume of Prisms and Cylinders, 12.5 Volume of Pyramids and Cones, 12.6 Surface Area and Volume of Spheres