Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Copyright: © State of New South Wales through the Department of Justice 2015. You may freely deal with this work for any purpose, other than profit. ISBN: 978-1-922257-29-1 (online docx) Disclaimer: This document has been prepared by the Department for general information purposes. Translating and Interpreting Service If you need an interpreter, ring 131 450 and ask the operator to ring 02 8688 6654 For alternative formats (audio tape, electronic or Braille versions) of this document call 02 8688 6654 Email: Phone: Fax: TTY: diversityservices@justice.nsw.gov.au 02 8688 6654 02 8688 9626 02 8688 7733 for people who have a speech or hearing impairment Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 2 of 31 Table of Contents 1. Secretary’s message ........................................................................................................... 4 2. Guiding principles ................................................................................................................ 5 3. Policy and legislative context ............................................................................................... 6 4. The Department of Justice and people with a disability ...................................................... 7 5. Consultation process ........................................................................................................... 8 6. Disability Inclusion Action Plan ............................................................................................ 9 6.1. Outcome 1 – Attitudes and behaviours 6.2. Outcome 2 – Liveable communities 13 6.3. Outcome 3 – Employment 15 6.4. Outcome 4 – Systems and processes 24 9 7. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting ................................................................................. 29 8. Appendices ........................................................................................................................ 30 8.1. Disability principles 30 8.2. Contributing divisions, branches and units of the department 31 Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 3 of 31 1. Secretary’s message I am pleased to present the Department of Justice’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan 20152018. Section 12 of the Disability Inclusion Act 2014 (NSW) requires each public authority to develop a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP). This DIAP was developed to outline the steps the Department will take to ensure people with disability are able to access the Department’s services and fully participate in the community. This DIAP supports the general principles of disability inclusion, as well as the approach to inclusion contained in the NSW Disability Inclusion Plan. The Department recognises the important rights that people with disability have, including the right to participate in society, access information, be able to live free from violence and have their diverse needs respected. All staff of the Department have a responsibility to support and promote inclusion of people with disability. The Department is involved in other areas of work affecting people with disability, including addressing the overrepresentation of people with cognitive and/or mental health impairments in the criminal justice system, In 2016, the Department will develop a new Disability Justice Strategy, that builds on our work creating more inclusive mainstream services, and works towards improving access to justice for people with disability. The strategies in this DIAP have been developed in consultation with people with disability, their advocates and our staff with disability. This collaboration has provided a clear direction for our work, and we look forward to making our mainstream services truly inclusive of people with disability. Andrew Cappie-Wood Secretary NSW Department of Justice Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 4 of 31 2. Guiding principles The Department’s guiding principles commit us to work towards: Providing mainstream services in an inclusive manner Supporting and promoting the principles of flexible service delivery Training our staff to understand the impacts of attitudinal barriers in the provision of inclusive services Ensuring that people with disability are aware of and can effectively access information in accessible formats about the Department’s services Building all new and renovated environments to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwth) Access to Premises Standards Consulting people with disability in the development of inclusive policies, programs and services Being an employer of choice for people with disability, where their skills and experiences are valued Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 5 of 31 3. Policy and legislative context This Plan reflects the Department’s implementation of the principles of disability inclusion, in the context of the following legislation and policy frameworks: UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Disability Inclusion Act 2014 (NSW) Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) Government Sector Employment Act 2013 (NSW) Victims Rights and Support Act 2013 (NSW) Department of Justice Strategic Plan National Disability Strategy NSW Disability Inclusion Plan National Disability Insurance Scheme reform Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 6 of 31 4. The Department of Justice and people with a disability The Department of Justice delivers legal, court and supervision services to the people of NSW. It does this by managing courts and justice services, implementing programs to reduce crime and reoffending, managing custodial and community-based correctional centres and programs, protecting rights and community standards and advising on law reform and legal matters. In 2015, the Department had a full-time equivalent workforce of over 11,000. The Department is made up of ten divisions: Arts & Culture Corrective Services NSW Courts and Tribunal Services Finance Justice Strategy & Policy Juvenile Justice Liquor, Gaming & Emergency Management NSW Trustee & Guardian Office of the Secretary Organisational Performance and Operations The Department works within the diverse community of NSW. In the 2012 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers, 18.5% of the population identified as having a disability. 1 This means that approximately one in five people who come into contact with the NSW Justice system will have a disability. There is significant evidence that people with disability are overrepresented in the criminal justice system, as victims of crime and offenders. There are certain areas of the Department that have large numbers of clients with disability (NSW Trustee & Guardian and Public Guardian), or that have specialist support available for people with disability (Corrective Services and Juvenile Justice). In 2014, 6.6% of the Department’s staff identified as having a disability.2 1 Available at the Australian Bureau of Statistics website: http://www.abs.gov.au 2 Department of Police and Justice 2013-2014 Annual Report Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 7 of 31 5. Consultation process The Department held a community consultation on 30 September 2015, which brought together people with disability and organisations from the disability sector, to seek their feedback on priorities for the DIAP. A separate consultation at Self Advocacy Sydney was held on 2 October 2015, to ensure the voices of people with intellectual disability were heard. Board members of Self Advocacy Sydney provided strong feedback in the focus areas of attitudes and behaviours and systems and processes. The Department’s Staff with Disability Network were consulted on 28 August 2015, and provided valuable feedback on improving the outcomes for employees with disability. The following priorities were identified from the consultation, and have been incorporated into the actions within the plan: Improved training for staff Improved accessibility of buildings Removing barriers to employment Providing accessible information Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 8 of 31 6. Disability Inclusion Action Plan 6.1. Outcome 1 – Attitudes and behaviours Aim and expected outcome Increased awareness among Department of Justice staff of disability issues Improved service provision to people with disability Understanding across the Department of the importance of inclusion Target population Staff of the Department People with disability Resources Courts and Tribunal Services operational training Diversity Services – Flexible Service Delivery training Strategic Human Resources – Leadership and Capability Development CS/JJ training LawAccess training Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 9 of 31 DIAP Outcome 1 – Attitudes and behaviours No. Action Key Performance Indicators Responsibility 1.1 Court Services staff complete ‘Disability & Flexible Service Delivery’ e-learning module every twelve months 100% of staff complete training annually Court Services 1.2 Work with Courts and Tribunal Services operational training to include the following topics in the Court Staff and Client Service Skills training: using the infrared hearing assistance kits understanding of using Auslan interpreters service provision to clients who are blind or who have a vision impairment Updated Court staff and Client Service Skills Training 1.3 All Registrars and Senior Registrars have an achievement plan that includes a key performance indicator related to engagement with local disability groups 1.4 Communications on accessing AccessLink are prepared and presented to all Court Services staff 1.5 Conduct disability awareness training for staff working with offenders in community Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 30 June 2016 then annually Court Services June 2016 Court Services June 2016 Information is presented to Registrars via a telecommunications presentation Registrars present information on AccessLink to all staff Court Services June 2016 Number of staff trained Number of courses run Corrective Services Ongoing NSW 100% of Registrar and Senior Registrar Achievement plans include an accountability to: 1. Engage with Disability Advocacy/Service groups in their communities 2. Invite Disability Advocacy/Service groups to Court User Forums 3. Develop a Disability Inclusion Action plan for their location Plans and progress are reported quarterly in the standard business reports Timeframe Page 10 of 31 DIAP Outcome 1 – Attitudes and behaviours No. Action Key Performance Indicators Responsibility Timeframe Diversity Services/ Strategic Human Resources June 2016 and custody 1.6 Promote a culture of disability inclusion within the Department Promotion of the benefits of disability inclusion to Managers 1.7 Continue to provide Disability Awareness and Flexible Service Delivery training programs to all areas of the Department Diversity Services Disability Awareness and Flexible Service Delivery training is available and accessed across the Department 1.8 Develop new training modules for staff on issues for people with a cognitive and/or mental health impairment, including: recognising a cognitive and/or mental health impairment communication the impacts of trauma New modules developed Diversity Services December 2016 1.9 Conduct ‘Working with people with disability’ training for staff working with children and young people in the community and custody Number of people trained Number of courses run Juvenile Justice Ongoing 1.10 Induction of new frontline staff in the Legal Information Group and Legal Advice Group of LawAccess NSW will include: The social model of disability Flexible service delivery Effective communication with people with a cognitive impairment How to make and receive a call using the National Relay Service 100% of new Legal Information Group and Legal Advice Group staff trained LawAccess NSW Ongoing 1.11 Members of the Legal Information Group and Legal Advice Group to undertake enhanced disability awareness training and refresher training thereafter that will 90% of Legal Information Group and Legal Advice Group trained LawAccess NSW Enhanced disability awareness training by 30 Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 11 of 31 Ongoing DIAP Outcome 1 – Attitudes and behaviours No. Action Key Performance Indicators Responsibility include: The social model of disability Flexible service delivery How to make and receive a call using the National Relay Service 1.12 Frontline staff and management complete Flexible Service Delivery training Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Timeframe December 2016; Refresher training in each year of 2017 and 2018 80% of Births, Deaths & Marriages staff complete Flexible Service Delivery training Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages Page 12 of 31 December 2016 6.2. Outcome 2 – Liveable communities Aim and expected outcome Increased awareness of the importance of inclusion People with disability have equitable access to buildings and facilities Target population Staff of the Department People with disability Resources Asset Management Services funding DIAP Outcome 2 – Liveable communities No. Action Key Performance Indicators Responsibility Timeframe 2.1 Remain informed in relation to the developing Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) ‘Access to Premises’ Standards and respond accordingly in our building specifications New facilities comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and the Disability Discrimination Act as far as possible. 2.2 Innovative solutions will be considered where heritage issues are potentially in conflict with access requirements, with an eye to addressing the access issues within the spirit of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) while maintaining the heritage listed elements of the building Asset Management Ongoing New facilities comply with the Building Services Code of Australia (BCA) and the Disability Discrimination Act as far as possible Priorities for access improvements of existing buildings are identified and integrated into the Asset Management Services’ Access Improvement Program Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Asset Management Ongoing Services Page 13 of 31 DIAP Outcome 2 – Liveable communities No. Action Key Performance Indicators 2.3 Roll out access improvements to jury facilities where jurors regularly sit, as funding permits Accessible jury facilities will be provided Asset Management December 2018 at all trial courts where juries regularly sit Services Provide a list of accessible services and Asset Management Ongoing Services facilities by March 2018 2.4 Disability infrastructure planning will be identifiable within the Department's Total Asset Management (TAM) plan Disability infrastructure planning is reflected in Total Asset Management (TAM) plans Asset Management Ongoing Services 2.5 Reinforce the importance of business continuity plans providing adequate accommodation and services for the ongoing needs of persons with a disability recognising that these are temporary arrangements and that alternative working arrangements including work from home may be required in the short term Business Continuity Plans will be reviewed annually to ensure they address issues for people with disability Asset Management Ongoing Services 2.6 Registrars develop and include disability inclusion action plans in their annual business plans 100% of Registrar’s annual business plans include disability inclusion action plans for the location Court Services The Department's Access Audits of leased premises will be included within the Asset Management access provision workplans Responsibility 2.7 Registrars consult with Asset Management Branch and Diversity Services in building refurbishments to consider disability access requirements for courts 100% of all court refurbishments include Court Services consultation with AMS & Diversity Services 2.8 While waiting for physical modifications to buildings and facilities, managers will develop and implement alternative service provision procedures within Flexible Service Delivery principles Alternative service provision provided where necessary Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Managers Page 14 of 31 Timeframe June 2016 Ongoing Ongoing 6.3. Outcome 3 – Employment Aim and expected outcome Increased number of people with disability recruited across all divisions of the Department Increased representation of staff with disability within the Department An inclusive workplace that supports and values the contributions of staff with disability Target population Staff of the department People with disability Resources Strategic Human Resources expertise and support DIAP Outcome 3 - Employment No. Strategy Action Key Performance Indicators Responsibility Timeframe Focus Area A: Attraction and recruitment 3.1 Embed disability Incorporate disability employment employment targets targets and strategies into all and strategies into business plans workforce planning and business planning processes Develop disability employment metrics and analytics to identify under-performing areas within the Department and develop appropriate recruitment strategies to address any identified Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Business plans and workforce Senior Executives planning processes include disability employment targets and strategies June 2016 Disability employment metrics Strategic Human Resources and analytics are developed January 2016 Page 15 of 31 DIAP Outcome 3 - Employment No. Strategy Action Key Performance Indicators Responsibility Timeframe Provide quarterly reports to the Secretary, heads of divisions and all business centre managers showing disability employment representation against performance targets (by division/branch/business unit) to monitor progress Quarterly disability employment reports are provided Strategic Human Resources Quarterly Improve the accuracy of disability employment statistics by developing methods which encourage new staff to disclose disability when completing the Workforce Diversity Data Collection Survey Strategic Human Increase in number of new staff completing the Workforce Resources Diversity Data Collection Survey Complete the review of current recruitment processes, selection materials and access points available to job applicants with disability to ensure that they support inclusion and are nondiscriminatory Review of recruitment processes and selection materials is completed and any recommendations are implemented imbalances 3.2 Promote the Department as an inclusive organisation and an 'employer of choice' for people with disability Develop appropriate disability statements to be used in job advertisements encouraging people with disability to apply for roles. Provide clear information on how to request a reasonable adjustment during the selection process Develop and publish appropriate Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Ongoing Strategic Human Resources January 2016 Strategic Human Disability employment statements and information on Resources reasonable adjustments are developed and used in job advertisements January 2016 Appropriate content is Page 16 of 31 Strategic Human March 2016 DIAP Outcome 3 - Employment No. 3.3 Strategy Ensure recruitment processes are fair and accessible and do not disadvantage people with disability Action Key Performance Indicators Responsibility Timeframe content across different media which promotes disability inclusion and encourages people with disability to apply for roles e.g. Department of Justice career internet page, careers brochures and other promotional collateral produced and published Resources/ Strategic Communications Develop relationships with Disability Employment Service (DES) providers and other external disability organisations to promote awareness of employment opportunities at the Department Relationships with DES providers are established Strategic Human Resources/ Hiring Managers Court Services review recruitment strategies to encourage people with disability to apply for positions Percentage of employees with Court Services a disability targets are met Complete the review of recruitment processes to identify what support is currently available for people with disability and identify any remaining barriers or gaps Review of recruitment processes is completed and recommendations are implemented Strategic Human Resources January 2016 All job advertisements, information packs, online application systems and recruitment assessments are made accessible to people with disability Strategic Human Resources January 2016 Ensure all job advertisements, online application systems and recruitment assessments are accessible to people with disability. Monitor and analyse the impact of new methods of recruitment assessments on the application Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Application rates and success Strategic Human rates are included in disability Resources employment metrics and Page 17 of 31 Ongoing Ongoing Quarterly DIAP Outcome 3 - Employment No. Strategy Action Key Performance Indicators and success rates for people with disability 3.4 Develop new employment pathways for people with disability Responsibility Timeframe analysed quarterly Develop and promote practical resources and information to recruiters, hiring managers and selection panel members about best practice for attracting and employing people with disability including providing reasonable adjustments during the selection process Practical resources and guidelines are developed and disseminated to recruiters, hiring managers and panel members Strategic Human Resources/ Hiring Managers March 2016 Develop and integrate disability awareness into hiring manager training courses delivered to staff involved in recruitment aimed at building confidence in recruiting people with disability Disability awareness is included in hiring manager training courses Strategic Human Resources March 2016 Ensure role descriptions are based on the inherent requirements of a job and do not inadvertently discriminate against people with disability Role descriptions are created in conjunction with trained job design experts in Human Resources to ensure they do not disadvantage people with disability Strategic Human Resources/ All Managers Ongoing Develop and implement programs that support employment pathways for young people with disability such as school-based traineeships, work placement programs and internships Number of traineeships, internships and work experience placements offered Strategic Human Resources/ All Managers Ongoing Review and identify opportunities for targeted recruitment initiatives for people with disability, including Number of targeted roles Strategic Human Resources/ All Managers Ongoing Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 18 of 31 DIAP Outcome 3 - Employment No. Strategy Action Key Performance Indicators Responsibility Timeframe Approval and implementation of pilot program Strategic Human Resources June 2016 Partnerships with DES providers are established Strategic Human Resources/ All Managers Ongoing Promote membership of the Department’s Staff with Disabilities Network to new and existing staff Number of staff participating in Strategic Human Resources/ the Staff with Disabilities Network activities and events All Managers Ongoing Promote awareness and participation in events that recognise International Day for People with a Disability and organise events that recognise other days of significance Events to recognise International Day for People with Disability and other significant days are organised Strategic Human Resources/ Strategic Communications/ Diversity Services Ongoing Engage and encourage members of the Staff with Disabilities Network to participate at crosssector disability forums, conferences, working groups and external disability networks Staff with disability participate in external forums, conferences and networks Strategic Human Resources Ongoing Reasonable Adjustment Guidelines are promoted and Strategic Human Resources/ January 2016 entry points at various salary levels Develop a business case and seek approval for funding for a flagship initiative: e.g. a 3-year Pilot Program for the Employment of People with Disability Develop strategic partnerships with Disability Employment Service (DES) providers to utilise their expertise in sourcing and recruiting people with disability Focus Area B: Retention and career development 3.5 3.6 Create a more inclusive and supportive workplace for staff with disability Promote reasonable Develop an effective adjustment communications strategy to Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 19 of 31 DIAP Outcome 3 - Employment No. 3.7 Strategy Action information to all staff and managers and ensure appropriate reasonable adjustments are provided to staff with disability promote the new Reasonable Adjustment Guidelines to ensure that all managers and staff are made aware of their rights and responsibilities and how to apply and obtain reasonable adjustments at work implemented Strategic Communications Ensure all managers and staff are made aware of the procedures for applying for funding for reasonable adjustments through JobAccess and other programs. Funding sources for reasonable adjustments are communicated to managers and staff on a regular basis through various mediums Strategic Human Resources Ongoing Ensure all staff with disability have access to workplace assessments where appropriate Staff advised of availability of workplace assessments Strategic Human Resources Ongoing Provide capability and career development opportunities for staff with disability Key Performance Indicators Responsibility Timeframe Ensure staff with disability have access to appropriate reasonable adjustments to participate in training programs i.e. staff are notified that adjustments are available in enrolment advice and requests met on needs basis All training programs offer reasonable adjustments Strategic Human Resources Ongoing Ensure that all staff with disability utilise the 'myPerfomance' framework to identify career and capability development opportunities All staff with disability have performance management and development plans Strategic Human Resources/ All staff December 2017 Encourage staff with disability to participate in both internal and external management and leadership programs Number of staff with disability participating in leadership programs Strategic Human Resources/ All managers Ongoing Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 20 of 31 DIAP Outcome 3 - Employment No. Strategy Action Key Performance Indicators 3.8 Provide effective ways for staff with disability to influence and contribute to decision making Ensure Staff with Disabilities Network members are represented at the Department's Equity and Diversity Alliance meetings so that the views of the network are represented 3.9 Ensure organisational restructures and change do not disproportionately affect staff with disability Responsibility Timeframe Strategic Human Ongoing Members of the network attend all Equity and Diversity Resources/ Staff with Disability Alliance meetings Network Encourage and facilitate Staff with Disabilities Network members to contribute to the review and development of departmental policies and guidelines Staff with Disabilities Network members review and provide feedback on departmental policies, guidelines and procedures Strategic Human Ongoing Resources/ Staff with Disability Network Provide opportunities for Staff with Disabilities Network members to participate in corporate planning days Number of network members participating at corporate planning days Strategic Human Ongoing Resources/ Staff with Disability Network Ensure all Change Management Plans for Organisational Change take into account the impact on staff with disability, and additional support services are provided to these staff during transition to new structures or redeployment where necessary (as required in Sections 10 and 11 of the DPC Directive D2011_014 Agency Change Management Guidelines) Change Management Plans include provisions relating to the impact on staff with disability Additional support services are provided where required Senior Executives/ Ongoing All Managers Existing staff induction and operational training programs are reviewed and updated where appropriate Strategic Human Resources Focus Area C: Inclusive and supportive workplace 3.10 Promote a culture of inclusion within the Department that supports staff with Review and update disability awareness training components of existing staff induction and operational training programs Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 21 of 31 March 2016 DIAP Outcome 3 - Employment No. Strategy Action Key Performance Indicators disability and highlights best employment practices Research and develop an appropriate disability inclusion/awareness training framework available to all staff within the Department e.g. a disability awareness e-learning course supported by face-to-face training where required Responsibility Disability inclusion/awareness Strategic Human Resources/ training is developed and Diversity Services implemented Timeframe June 2016 Continue to enhance and promote the HR workforce diversity intranet site as the primary resource for disability information for managers and staff The HR workforce diversity intranet site is promoted to staff Number of visits to workforce diversity disability intranet pages Strategic Human Resources Ongoing Communicate good news stories demonstrating good practice in disability employment within the Department and externally to DES providers and other disability organisations. Good news stories and case studies are shared internally and externally Strategic Human Resources/ Strategic Communications Ongoing Recognise the achievements of staff who have demonstrated excellence in disability employment in the Department's Diversity and Accessibility Excellence Award Accessibility and Diversity Excellence Award presented annually Strategic Human Resources/ All Managers Annually 3.11 Promote access to a Communicate availability of range of appropriate flexible working arrangements to flexible working all managers and staff arrangements Flexible working arrangement policies and procedures are available to all staff and managers Strategic Human Resources/ All Managers Ongoing Analyse and report on information obtained from the Workforce Survey information is collated and analysed from different Strategic Human Resources June 2016 3.12 Improve disability employment Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 22 of 31 DIAP Outcome 3 - Employment No. Strategy Action information from quantitative and qualitative data sources Diversity Data Collection Survey, Exit Survey and People Matter Survey to identify and address disability employment issues 3.13 Ensure all human resources policies, guidelines and employment practices support disability inclusion Key Performance Indicators Responsibility Timeframe Strategic Human Resources June 2016 sources Research and develop an appropriate on-line survey to collect information from staff with disability about their experiences in the workplace, existing barriers and ideas for improvements A new survey is developed and information is collected and analysed Re-survey all staff for their workforce diversity information to capture any changes in health circumstances and acquired disability Staff are re-surveyed annually Strategic Human Resources Annually Review and develop human resources frameworks, policies, guidelines and practices that support disability inclusion and do not disadvantage people with disability Strategic Human Disability inclusion is considered in the development Resources of all human resources policies, guidelines and practices Ongoing Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 23 of 31 6.4. Outcome 4 – Systems and processes Aim and expected outcome Improved accessibility of the Department’s services Accessible information for members of the public on the department’s buildings and services Improved accessibility of software applications and interfaces Target population Staff of the Department People with disability Resources Diversity Services expertise Strategic Communications expertise Information & Technology resources DIAP Outcome 4 – Systems and processes No. Action Key Performance Indicators Responsibility Timeframe 4.1 Consider disability inclusion issues as part of business planning for each Division, Branch and Unit Business planning includes consideration of disability inclusion issues Senior Executives Ongoing 4.2 Include information about accessibility in Community Justice Centres (CJC) venue policy Accessibility information reflected in CJC venue policy Alternative Dispute Resolution Directorate/ Community Justice Centres December 2016 Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 24 of 31 DIAP Outcome 4 – Systems and processes No. Action Key Performance Indicators 4.3 Include mediator capacity to provide inclusive services in mediator engagement criteria Inclusion indicators reflected in mediator Alternative Dispute Resolution engagement criteria Directorate/ Community Justice Centres December 2016 4.4 Include information and guidance to CJC staff and mediators about providing accessible services, including the use of support people Information reflected in the revised mediator manual and revised intake manual Alternative Dispute Resolution Directorate/ Community Justice Centres December 2017 4.5 Include information on Court Services website about disability access to all court locations Access to disability access information is available on the internet for all court sites Information is updated regularly Court Services June 2018 AccessLink site is maintained and regularly updated AccessLink site is promoted to staff of the Department Diversity Services Ongoing 4.6 Promote and demonstrate AccessLink, the Department’s Intranet Good Practice Guide on reasonable adjustments for people with disability Responsibility Timeframe 4.7 The design and selection of software applications and interfaces will meet access requirements, including WCAG 2.0 Level AA standards, for people with disability, both staff and clients 100% of websites meeting WCAG 2.0 Level AA standards Information & Technology/ Strategic Communications Ongoing 4.8 Develop information and offer staff training as required to ensure use and maintenance of adaptive equipment for service provision access (such as infra-red systems) and in the workplace, as it is introduced into the Department Information developed and training delivered Information & Technology Annually 4.9 The protected witness audio-visual equipment program will include infrared 100% of people requesting access to hearing loop equipment have access Information & Technology As per roll out Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 25 of 31 DIAP Outcome 4 – Systems and processes No. Action Key Performance Indicators Responsibility Timeframe Service enhancement opportunities implemented where possible LawAccess NSW Annually systems for people with hearing impairments 4.10 Continue to obtain feedback and identify opportunities to enhance access to service through consultation with the Justice Disability Advisory Council and take steps to deliver service enhancement opportunities 4.11 Any Client Satisfaction Survey undertaken by LawAccess NSW will include survey questions to identify customers with disability and their level of customer satisfaction Any actions required to increase customer satisfaction of people with disability implemented where possible LawAccess NSW 2016-2018 4.12 Any functional upgrade or replacement of the existing LawAccess NSW Customer Referral Management System (CRM) will include ability to collect data on customers who identify as having a disability and requiring flexible service delivery Where a functional upgrade to CRM occurs, percentage of customers with disability to be established with continuing monitoring LawAccess NSW December 2018 4.13 People with disability will continue to have priority in receiving legal advice from LawAccess NSW Where a functional upgrade to CRM occurs, percentage of customers with disability to be established with continuing monitoring LawAccess NSW Ongoing 4.14 LawAccess NSW will continue to provide flexible service delivery to its customers including people with disability including the provision of legal advice through Internet Relay or Email Where a functional upgrade to CRM occurs, percentage of customers with disability to be established with continuing monitoring LawAccess NSW Ongoing Actions targeting people with disability included in Communications Strategy 2016-2018 LawAccess NSW March 2016 4.15 LawAccess NSW will build upon its Communications Strategy – people with disability 2012-2015 by including people with disability as a target group in its Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 26 of 31 DIAP Outcome 4 – Systems and processes No. Action Key Performance Indicators Responsibility Timeframe Communications Strategy 2016-2018 4.16 Review publicly available material, including websites and factsheets to ensure accessibility Review of publicly available material completed NCAT June 2016 4.17 Explore options for providing flexible service delivery to people with disability attending NCAT Approach for flexible service delivery developed NCAT December 2016 4.18 Ensure ‘Planning Ahead Tools’ website is accessible to people with disability Planning Ahead Tools are accessible Public Guardian NSW Trustee & Guardian Annually 4.19 Continue to make reasonable adjustments for people with disability who are preparing planning ahead documents through NSW Trustee & Guardian NSW Trustee & Number of reasonable adjustments made for people with disability preparing Guardian planning ahead documents Ongoing 4.20 Ensure new and existing internal and external Department websites comply with WCAG 2.0 Level AA standards The Department's websites comply with Strategic Communications the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) to Level AA standard Ongoing 4.21 Provide guidelines for web content authors and developers, which include compliance requirements for WCAG 2.0 Level AA standards Strategic Online resources and tools are maintained for web content authors and Communications developers to ensure compliance with W3C Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0) to Level AA standard, including Accessibility to Digital Communications Policy, Accessibility Handbook, Accessibility Checklist and Accessibility Frequently Asked Questions Ongoing 4.22 Ensure that accessibility requirements are considered when producing print communications Maintain online resources and tools that Strategic Communications enable Department staff to deliver accessible print communications Ongoing Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 27 of 31 DIAP Outcome 4 – Systems and processes No. Action 4.23 Provide advice and support on event management to enable Department staff to host an accessible event Key Performance Indicators Responsibility Timeframe Continue to provide assistance to staff by answering all enquiries about accessibility of print communications Maintain online resources and tools that Strategic Communications enable Department staff to deliver accessible events Continue to provide assistance to staff by answering all enquiries about hosting an accessible event Ongoing 4.24 Review all human resources online documents and web pages to ensure that they comply with minimum accessibility standards or are made available in additional accessible formats All human resources documents comply Strategic Human Resources/ with minimum accessibility standards Strategic Communications Ongoing 4.25 Ensure the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the National Disability Strategy are considered when reviewing, updating or drafting NSW legislation and regulations. All legislative reviews with a significant Strategy & Policy impact on people with disability develop an inclusive consultation strategy Ongoing 4.26 Implement the Victims Services Disability Access Plan 2015-2017 Plan is implemented Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Victims Services Page 28 of 31 December 2018 7. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting The Department will establish the following measures to monitor and evaluate the progress of the DIAP: The Executive Sponsor for disability inclusion issues in the Department is the Deputy Secretary, Justice Strategy & Policy, and the project manager for the DIAP is the Manager Diversity Services. Governance for the DIAP will be coordinated through the DIAP Steering Committee, made up of senior officers from areas of the Department who have contributed actions to the plan. The Justice Disability Advisory Council (JDAC) will provide advice and oversight of the implementation of the DIAP. Contributing areas to the DIAP will provide quarterly reports on progress in implementing their strategies. A consolidated report of progress against the Plan will be published in the Department’s Annual Report, and will be provided to the Disability Council of NSW. In 2018, Diversity Services will lead an evaluation of the DIAP. Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 29 of 31 8. Appendices 8.1. Disability principles 1. People with disability have an inherent right to respect for their worth and dignity as individuals. 2. People with disability have the right to participate in and contribute to social and economic life and should be supported to develop and enhance their skills and experience. 3. People with disability have the right to realise their physical, social, sexual, reproductive, emotional and intellectual capacities. 4. People with disability have the same rights as other members of the community to make decisions that affect their lives (including decisions involving risk) to the full extent of their capacity to do so and to be supported in making those decisions if they want or require support. 5. People with disability have the right to respect for their cultural or linguistic diversity, age, gender, sexual orientation and religious beliefs. 6. The right to privacy and confidentiality for people with disability is to be respected. 7. People with disability have the right to live free from neglect, abuse and exploitation. 8. People with disability have the right to access information in a way that is appropriate for their disability and cultural background, and enables them to make informed choices. 9. People with disability have the same right as other members of the community to pursue complaints. 10. The crucial role of families, carers and other significant persons in the lives of people with disability, and the importance of preserving relationships with families, carers and other significant persons, is to be acknowledged and respected. 11. The needs of children with disability as they mature, and their rights as equal members of the community are to be respected. 12. The changing abilities, strengths, goals and needs of people with disability as they age are to be respected.3 3 Section 4, Disability Inclusion Act 2014 (NSW). Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 30 of 31 8.2. Contributing divisions, branches and units of the department Alternative Dispute Resolution Directorate /Community Justice Centres Asset Management Services Corrective Services NSW Court Services Diversity Services Information & Technology Juvenile Justice LawAccess NSW NCAT NSW Trustee and Guardian Public Guardian Registry of Births, Deaths & Marriages Strategic Communications Strategic Human Resources Strategy & Policy Victims Services Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2015-18 Page 31 of 31