6th Grade Accelerated Social Studies Teacher's Name: Kim

6th Grade Accelerated Social Studies
Teacher’s Name: Kim Brandenburg
School Telephone Number: 497-8770 ext. 2
E-mail: kim.brandenburg@montgomery.kyschools.us
Teacher webpage located via the Montgomery County School website
Welcome to 6th Grade Accelerated Social Studies! This year, we will be studying Geography, Early
Humans, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome,
and The Middle Ages.
You are in an accelerated social studies class. Therefore we will not only be reviewing 6 th grade
content (Geography) but also moving on into 7th grade content (The Ancient World)
Textbooks Used: History Alive! The Ancient World and History Alive! The Medieval World and
Beyond. Both books also have accompanying workbooks that you will be permitted to complete
activities and write in.
We will do a variety of activities in Accelerated Social Studies this year. We will read, reinforce
map skills, create flip books, do simulations and act-it-outs, compose and act out plays, and a large
variety of other projects and products while learning about the ancient world.
Daily Required Materials: Textbook, binder, agenda book, folder and composition notebook (both
kept in class), additional notebook/loose-leaf paper, and pencil.
Daily Procedure: ABC’s
A = Agenda. Students will write the daily learning target in their agenda books, along with “hw” if
they have homework or “no hw” if they do not have homework.
B = Bellringers. Students will answer multiple choice questions on clickers over previous material to
begin each class.
C = Class Activities. Students will receive direction and instruction about the day’s class.
Method of Grade Calculation: Grades will be determined by averaging together all assignments
each grading period. Class assignments may include common unit assessments, weekly formative
assessments (quizzes), tests, projects, group work, bellringers, homework, and classwork. Daily
participation grades will also be given. (All daily participation grades will be included as one grade in
Infinite Campus at the end of the week. Participation grades may be based on coming to class with
needed materials, attitude, work ethic/effort, behavior, etc.)
Make-up Work Policy: Students that are absent shall make arrangements for make-up work the
first day back to school after an absence. It is your (the student’s) responsibility to ask for/get
the make-up work. Students will have the number of days missed plus one to make up the work.
Homework Note: Most homework the students have will be class work that the student does not
finish during the allotted class time. Occasionally homework will be given to students and they will
not have time to work on it during class. Projects may be assigned from time to time that the
students may work on during class and need to finish at home. Other projects may need to be
completed from start to finish at home.
Classroom Rules: 1. Follow adult directions. 2. Keep hands, feet, objects, and disrespectful
comments/actions to yourself. 3. Do assigned task. 4. Stay in assigned area.
Consequences: KYCID Policy of McNabb Middle School
Major Infraction: Call ASP teacher or school administrator.
Minor Infraction: 1st offense: Student and teacher conference to review expected behavior.
2nd offense: Before school/after school/lunch detention
3rd offense: Parent contact (phone conversation, email, meeting, etc.)
4th offense: office referral
New minor infractions start over each 9 weeks.
Rewards: Teacher helper, Happy Grams, verbal praise, whole-class rewards for class earning the
most marbles in the jar each 9 weeks, school-wide rewards.
This is an accelerated class and it will be challenging, but hopefully rewarding for most all students.
(cut here)
I have read and understand the syllabus for Mrs. Brandenburg’s accelerated social studies class for
the 2011-2012 school year.
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Home Phone: ______________________
Cell Phone: __________________________
May I call you at work? ___________
If so, Work Phone: ___________________
E-Mail of Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________________
Medical Issues/Other Concerns You Would Like Me To Be Aware Of: