Cell Organelle Assignment

Cell Organelle Assignment
After seeing the slide show on the various diseases and disorders that can occur in humans due to malfunctioning
organelles, it is now time to find out a little more detail. This assignment is a chance to introduce the various
organelles that exist inside a cell while at the same time allowing for the creation of some connections between the
organelles with the disorders that you saw. This is a one period assignment.
 You will need to research the organelle and the disease using the prompts provided for you and a computer.
 You will hand in this paper for a grade.
My/Our organelle is ______________________ and the disease is __________________________________.
Part 1: The Organelle
1. What is an organelle?
What is/are the function(s) of the organelle that I am researching?
3. What does this organelle look like (draw in the box to the right)
Part 2: The Disease
1. What are the symptoms of the disease?
Organelle: ________________________
How does your organelle relate to the disease?
3. How does the function of the organelle relate to the symptoms of the disease? (Because the organelle can’t … it
causes the cell to … which causes the symptom…)
Are there any treatments or cures for the disease? If so, how does the treatment/cure work?
Alzheimer’s disease and the golgi apparatus
Meckel- Gruber syndrome and centrioles
Hailey Hailey disease and golgi
Diamond- blackfan Anemia and ribosomes
Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome and ribosomes
Cistic fibrosis and the ER/ cell membrane
ER stress
Hyaline membrane disease and the cell membrane
Fabry Disease, Tay Sachs, Gouchers , Pompe and lysosomes
Barth Disease and the mitochondria
Luft disease and the mitochondria
Sickle cell anemia and the cytoskeleton
Duchenne MD and cytoskeleton
Nuclear envelope- Emery-Dryfuss, MD, Progeria
Nucleolus- Treacher Collins syndrome, Survival Motor neuron spinal muscular atrophy
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