IS 141Q 8th Grade Living Environment Name: ________________________ Ms. Somma “Cells Alive!” Project The cell is a dynamic, 3 dimensional unit that is the basis of all living things. Although cells differ in shape and size; all cells share many similar organelles and characteristics. The interior of a cell is a very active place where organic molecules are being synthesized and destroyed, transported to where they are needed, and function in specific ways to keep cells alive. Pictures can provide a better understanding of cell function, but they fail to bring the cells “alive!” In this project, it is your task to show how cells are unique and dynamic worlds in themselves, with 3-dimensional shapes. You must accomplish this individually by doing independent research on cell organelles and function, and you will bring together what you have learned by: 1) Creating a 3-dimesional model of a plant/animal cell, OR 2) Creating a thematic cell “magazine” or “newspaper” based on the organelles of the cell. A. 3-D Model (Plant or Animal) Criteria: Three-dimensional (drawings will NOT be accepted) Identification key of the organelles Any type of materials may be used, as long as it is NOT perishable B. Thematic Cell Magazine or Booklet You will use the knowledge that you have gained from your research to produce a thematic cell magazine, booklet or newspaper. The project should be informative, well organized, artistic, and most importantly, IMAGINATIVE. For each of the essential cell organelles, write creative articles or news stories based on the function and/or structure of the organelle. BE CREATIVE! Plant Cell Organelles 1. Cell Wall 2. Cell Membrane 3. Large, Central Vacuole 4. Chloroplast 5. Nucleus 6. Nucleolus 7. DNA 8. Nuclear Envelope 9. Ribosome 10. Smooth E.R. 11. Rough E.R. 12. Vesicles 13. Golgi bodies 14. Mitochondria 15. Cytoplasm Animal Cell Organelles 1. Nucleus 2. Nucleolus 3. DNA 4. Lysosome 5. Ribosome 6. Smooth E.R. 7. Rough E.R. 8. Vesicles 9. Small vacuoles 10. Cell Membrane 11. Mitochondria 12. Golgi bodies 13. Cytoplasm 14. Nuclear envelope CHECK LIST IS 141Q 8th Grade Living Environment Name: ________________________ Ms. Somma “Cells Alive!” Project Rubric A rubric is a set of criteria used to evaluate the quality of an assignment. Rubrics are extremely useful since they outline the expectations you are expected to meet and allow student performance to be graded accurately and fairly. Look over the rubric before you turn in your completed project to make sure that you are meeting the requirements of each category and have included all the required organelles! Exceeding CATEGORY Standards: 25 Points Creative and unique materials were selected and Construction creatively modified & Use of in ways that made Materials them even better. Creative and unique materials were selected and there was an attempt at creative modification to make them even better. Approaching Standards: 15 Points Appropriate materials were selected and organelles’ structure and function were somewhat represented. Each organelle is a characteristic size and shape that represents the organelle’s Organelles structure and Size & Shape function. 1-2 organelles are designed inappropriately or may have disproportionate shapes. OR 1-2 organelles may be missing from model or booklet. 3-6 organelles are designed inappropriately or may have disproportionate shapes. OR 3-6 organelles are missing from the model or booklet. Student gave a detailed presentation of the organelles represented in Presentation their booklet and on their model. Students are able to explain why they chose the materials used. Good presentation that displays the student researched the correct structure and function of the organelles researched. Poor presentation skills, however student mentioned a few functions of the organelle. Poor reasons for choosing materials. Meeting Standards: 20 Points TOTAL POINTS: _______________ / 75 Below standards: 10 Points Inappropriate materials were selected and contributed to a product that did not represent structure and function of organelles. Construction appears careless or haphazard. Many details need refinement for a strong or attractive product. More then 7 organelles are missing or shown with incorrect structure and functions. Poor presentation, research was poorly done and no reason is given for materials chosen.