opportunities for follow up will arise. Pray too for ongoing inspiration for the Good News paper production team (see Summer 2014 Outreach magazine. 25. OUK HQ Pray for Peter & Patsy Jackson (council members), Trevor & Jean Dickerson having a training day today. 26. John McCarthy – Felixstowe, Suffolk John has involvement with three churches in Colchester, Felixstowe and Ipswich. Using a ‘long table’ format for coffee mornings, with a 5 min Gospel talk, he has seen numbers of people coming in on invitation. Pray there will be a response in their hearts to the Gospel. 27. OUK Web site Praise God for the healthy number of hits on our website. The prayer page has been one of the most visited pages on the site. Pray for John Goodway as he maintains the site. 28. Samuel Braga Tavares Deptford Samuel asks for prayer for a ‘Go’ School for evangelism, commencing in November. 29. OUK Support Pray and give thanks for those who support the work of OUK by giving generously. 30. Brian Savory – Stamford Remember Brian in prayer as he recovers from his shoulder operation last month. 31. New Christians Praise God for those individuals who have come to know Christ as Saviour and Lord this past month through the ministry of Outreach UK evangelists, and for the hundreds who will have been spoken to about our Saviour Thank you for remembering the work of Outreach UK in your prayers this month. When a believing person prays, great things happen. Jas 5:16 (NCV) For updated details of each of the evangelists, visit our website: www.outreachuk.com/evangelists Email: info@outreachuk.org Tele: 0300 123 1990 This prayer letter can be obtained from stevepiggott@gmail.com Prayer News from Outreach UK October 2014 1. Fran Bostock – Gislingham, Suffolk Pray for neighbourhood visiting in Diss tomorrow, particularly as JWs have dropped a booklet about the Trinity to every house in the town. 2. Robin McEwen – Hemel Hempstead Pray for an Alpha course starting today at the Tudor Arms, Watford, that many would attend and be touched by the Holy Spirit. Robin has contact with many JWs. Pray for wisdom in dealing with them that the Holy Spirit would open their eyes and hearts. 3. Equip Lincolnshire Pray for Trevor Dickerson manning an OUK stand at the Expo at Lincolnshire showground tomorrow and presenting a seminar entitled ‘Growing your church through community outreach’ 4. John & Avril Goodway Uckfield John leading a second training day today at All Saints, Danehill. Prayers also requested for the 3 main churches the Goodways are now working with – Chailey Free Ch, Union Ch, Heathfield & Lindfield E.F. Ch. For guidance as they seek to encourage. 5. Simon Terry – Wigston, Leicester Simon is sending a letter he has prepared to elders of churches in the Leicester area offering help to connect the life of the church with the work of community outreach. Pray that the response will be such that he will have a busy Autumn as he seeks to draw members together to pray and reach out to needy individuals on the four estates 6. Bruce Stevens - Reading Bruce asks prayer for ‘Oasis’, a church based evangelistic outreach he is involved with in central Reading, providing food, prayer, friendship and opportunity to present the gospel message. Pray for continuing team unity, guidance, strengthening, protection and inspiration in message preparation. 7 Evangelists’ Conference Remember Trevor and other evangelists attending the conference at All Souls, London, that the day may be encouraging and stimulating. 8. John Green – Hitcham, Suffolk John works alongside Rattlesden Baptist church and asks for prayer for development of evangelism work, for personal Bible Studies conducted, and for a Christianity Explored course starting this month. Please pray for John’s wife, Julia, who has been very ill. 9. Outreach UK – Office Pray for Jean Dickerson in her vital administrative role at Wilmington 10. Calix Furus – Clevedon, Somerset Calix writes: Please pray for a young guy I shared the Gospel with. He considers himself to be an atheist, but he listened very well to the Gospel, took a tract and a Bible. Pray that God would soften his heart. 11. Finance Praise God that our financial needs have been met through another month. 12. Yvette Hammond - Ipswich Pray for outreach work using the Good News Paper that Yvette undertakes with two churches in the town. 13. Evangelists for Wales Pray for Douglas Roberts, Associate evangelist in South Wales and that the Lord would raise up others to serve Him in one to one evangelism in Wales. 14. Outreach Vision Pray for our church leaders – to grasp the vision of reaching the lost through community Outreach. 15. Mark Perkins – Exeter Mark says: I have many not yet Christian contacts, accumulated over the years. Wisdom needed to discern which of these contacts to spend time with and how, and for God supplied power as to what I say to them. 16. Val Upton – Lindfield, W Sussex Val will be cooking a meal & giving a nutritional talk and recipe tomorrow at Lindfield E.F. Church for a group of older folk. Pray God will give opportunities to talk to individuals about Him. 17. Training Day, Chiddingfold, Surrey Please remember Derek Clark and Trevor in prayer as they conduct the training at the Baptist church tomorrow. 18. Fran Bostock - Suffolk Fran writes: Today we have an Open Air stand in the Market Square in Diss, Norfolk with the theme ‘Alternative Halloween’. Aim is to get to know the community and share the good news of Jesus. Much prayer needed. 19. New Associate Evangelists Pray for those who are thinking of applying to join the Associate team. 20. Tim Hunt – Bournemouth Tim writes: Please pray for N, a Turkish Muslim I have given a Bible to in his own language. He has come to church once. 21 Duncan Hunter – Manchester City Centre Ministries, have asked Duncan to lead a Christianity Explored Course for them starting at the end of October and at the same time train a future course leader. This ministry is an outreach to the homeless & prostitutes in Manchester City Centre via a mobile soup kitchen and open air service. Prayer vital. 22. Robin McEwen – Hemel Hempstead Pray for contacts Robin makes at Sandown Bakery – that the conversations may bear fruit. 23. Jeff Taylor - Accrington Jeff has recently joined us as an Associate Evangelist – a welcome addition to the team in the north. Please remember Jeff in prayer as he develops his work and witness for the Lord. 24. Literature distribution Each month, hundreds of Good News papers and other gospel literature is given out. Pray that, as they are read, the Holy Spirit will ‘open blind eyes’, and that