Benefice Bulletin 8 February 2015

Our Mission Statement 2015
We vow to be: a people of Worship
a people of Fellowship
a people of Community
Sunday 8th February 2015
2nd before Lent
St. John the Baptist
Mount Bures
St. Andrew
Pray for those working in the Benefice - on the farms, in the businesses,
the pubs and Village Store, that their work may be successful. Also, for
those who feel the cold this winter, that we can help them. We pray for
all marriages, and for the 7 couples marrying in our Churches in 2015.
St. Peter & St. Paul
Little Horkesley
Today’s Readings (to follow in your pew bible)
Wormingford 08:00, Mount Bures 09:15 & Little Horkesley 11:00
Colossians 1:15-20 & John 1:1-14
Wormingford 11:00
Deuteronomy 8:1-10 & Matthew 6:25-end
Little Horkesley 18:30
Genesis 2:4b-end & John 1:1-14
A memorable verse from…
John 1
Through him all things were made
Without him nothing was made that has been made.
Next Sunday, 15th February
February Prayer Diary
09:15 – Family Communion, Mount Bures
11:00 – Family Communion, Wormingford
11:00 – Morning Service, Little Horkesley
18:30 – Evening Service & Communion, Lt. Horkesley
Pray for all who suffer as the result of war and terrorist activity, and that
the work of security agencies may be fully effective. For areas suffering
from inclement winter weather, especially those who need to travel.
The Church:
Pray for the many countries where Christians are persecuted. Pray also
that there may be vocations to ordained and Lay ministries, increasing
the number of local leaders.
Thank God for answers to prayer:
That, from our January Prayer diary - for increasing success in combating
the Ebola Virus; that our Church finances are solvent; and the Faculty for
the Wormingford Facilities Project has been granted.
The Lent Course will take place on Mondays from 23rd February
- pick up a leaflet in Church.
John’s letter to the Benefice for February is now available for you to read
on your websites (see below), under the ‘Vicar’s Letter’ tab.
7-14 February 2015 is Marriage Week. The aim of the week is to celebrate
the diversity and vibrancy of marriage as the heart of family life, and for
us to cherish those whom we love.
More Online – visit