Course Outline 2014-2015 Department: Course Title: Course Code: Course Type: Prerequisite: Credit Value: Hours: Language Department Core French FSF2D1 Ministry Guidelines: The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10, French as a Second Language Core, Extended and Immersion 2000 Academic Grade 9 Core French /Academic or Applied* 1.0 110 hrs Course Description: This course enables students to increase their knowledge of the French language, furtherdevelop their language skills, and deepen their understanding and appreciation of francophoneculture.Thematic readings will serve as stepping stones to oral and written activities. Exploring a variety of themes, students will develop and begin to apply critical thinking skills discussion, in their analysis and interpretation of texts, and in their own writing. Attendance and daily participation in class activities are vital Daily review of the structures taught in class is very important to succeeding in a language class Students must bring all necessary work materials to class daily Department Head: Instructors: Resources: Mr. Gelder Mr. Weare Express 10e/Nouvellesfrontières OBJECTIVES To review and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in French. To increase cultural awareness of the francophone culture and of a multicultural society To help students develop and solidify their learning skills as they apply to all subjects To help students develop communication and literacy skills To reinforce positive attitudes and behaviours towards learning, others and self LEARNING ACTIVITIES Written, aural (listening) and oral (reading / speaking) exercises Listening and reading comprehension exercises Oral presentations – individual / partner / group Compositions based on units / themes being studied Projects based on units / themes being studied Oral participation in French – individual / partner / group ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION ACTIVITIES SUMMARY Written quizzes, tests and assignments 70 % of the final mark will be based on term work as follows: Listening and reading quizzes, tests and Understanding: assignments Reading 20% Oral presentations / discussions Listening 20% Aural /oral participation Speaking: Projects based on units / themes studied Spoken production 20% in class Spoken interaction 20% Assessment activities Writing 20% Student – teacher conferences Final examination based on the course 30 % of the final mark will be based on summative content evaluation consisting of two* components completed towards the end of the course: a)a culminating activity - 15% b) a formal examination - 15% *Both parts must be completed. ABSENCES / LATE ASSIGNMENTS When an absence is legitimate and explained, the student is expected to complete and /or submit missed assignments and tests on the day he / she returns to class. Students should make an appointment with the course teacher to discuss any extenuating circumstances. Please note that students should not expect extra help or extended deadlines for work / classes missed due to any vacations. If the absence is unexplained, extra time will not be allowed for completion of assignments and the student might have forfeited the opportunity to write a missed test. It is expected that students submit their assignments / projects on time. Where students have provided a legitimate reason for a late submission, students must make an appointment with the course teacher to negotiate a second deadline. Late work will not be accepted after a final deadline. Students should discuss any concerns with the course teacher ahead of test dates / assignment deadlines. EXPECTATIONS Students will attend class daily * arrive to class on time – i.e. before class starts bring all materials necessary for class (texts, notebook, pen, pencil, etc.) behave respectfully towards classmates, teachers and self demonstrate respect for school/classmates’/teachers’/own property keep complete, legible notes organized by date and topic in a binder complete class work, assignments and homework by assigned due dates be responsible for their own learning by actively participating in all learning activities to the best of their ability ask for / accept help when necessary complete all assessment and evaluation activities participate in French on a daily basis Please also refer to the Student Handbook on school policies regarding attendance, behaviour, etc. Students have responsibilities with respect to their learning, which increase as they advance through elementary and secondary school. Students who are willing to make the effort required and who are able to apply themselves will soon learn that there is a direct relationship between achievement and hard work. Students are also encouraged to pursue opportunities outside the classroom to extend and enrich their skills in French. The ability to communicate in French should be viewed as a valuable skill that enhances and reinforces overall communicative ability, and provides an advantage for university/college applications and in the job market. LANGUAGE STRUCTURES/VOCABULARY PREPARATION Students should recognize and use most language structures/vocabulary taught by the end of the FSF1D course. Review work is crucial for success in a language class: Review of the most important language structures will take place in class at the beginning of the course - students are expected to complete any assigned / additional review exercises for homework. Answer sheets will be available for work not taken up in class. LANGUAGE STRUCTURES New language structures will be taught and reviewed in class. Your success will depend on your participation in French class and daily review done at home. VOCABULARY New vocabulary will be introduced frequently through reading and discussions. You must spend some time at home memorizing / practicing the new vocabulary to be able to retain / use it. Reading is an excellent way to build and solidify new / additional vocabulary structures. Students are expected to complete all homework assignments.