Diversity Economic Development Inclusiveness

Vendor Diversity Program (VDP)
Program Description
Corizon has a company-wide commitment to promote the growth and development of qualified
small, minority, women, and
disadvantaged owned businesses. This
program is developed to promote and
foster inclusiveness, diversity and
economic development, as well as
provide on-going evaluation to ensure
that businesses are provided equal
opportunities in contracting and
procurement activities.
As Corizon strives to conduct business
in a fair and equitable manner, we
follow local and state laws and adhere
to regulations of the states in which we
operate. Corizon is dedicated to
providing diverse businesses the opportunity to participate in all areas of procurement, including
vendor, provider and supplier activities.
Corizon has over 33 years of history; working with local and small business, as well as an annual
spend of over $55 million with minority, women and small businesses across the country. Our
efforts are designed to create and increase business opportunities for all by promoting job
development, neighborhood stabilization, and economic growth in the geographical areas where
Corizon conducts business.
The Corizon program applies to all firms or institutions regardless of the business owner's race,
color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin,
disability, age, or status as a special disabled veteran or other veteran. The Corizon program
complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws, including those dealing with the use of
women-owned and minority-owned businesses.
Vendor Identification and Selection
Corizon’s process of identifying small, minority, women or disadvantaged businesses begins
with a vendor identification process. Vendors are identified through referrals from our national
partners the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) and National Minority
Supplier Development Council (NMSDC). In addition, Corizon accepts self-referrals from
correctional vendor tradeshows and conferences, including the National Conference for
Corrections Health Care (NCCHC) and the American Corrections Association (ACA). Corizon
also receives vendor information through its website, www.corizonhealth.com, where potential
vendors are encouraged to provide contact information for inclusion in Corizon’s vendor
Once identified each vendor organization is then carefully reviewed for the quality of services
provided and vetted for business history and procurement qualifications.
Vendors are initially contacted to inquire of their desire and/or capacity to provide the services
required by the Client. Vendors will also be asked to provide clarification of all services they
provide. Corizon may also request pricing information for the services they provide. If the
vendors meet the criteria needed by Corizon and our Client, the vendor will then be added to our
Vendor Diversity Tracking Tool.
During the selection process, Corizon is careful to rigorously document vendor identification,
communication activity and final selection information. This information is kept on record on the
Vendor Diversity Tracking Tool to enable Corizon’s continuous transparency and improvement
of its Vendor Diversity Program.
The Vendor Diversity Tracking Tool contains vendor contact information and communications
between Corizon and vendor. This tracking tool is also used to document the type of certification
and name of the certifying agencies. The tracking tool is used in concert with the RFP and RFP
rebid process for each client. It is a communication tool between the Operations team, Provider
Operations and Business Development.
Vendors are confirmed for local or state certifications and verified as current and in good
standing. If a vendor is not certified with city, or state procurement offices, this does not prohibit
them from participating in the Corizon plan. However, vendors may be requested to complete
the appropriate certification process in order to participate with.
Subcontractor Diversity Requirements
While Corizon affords equal opportunity to qualified small, minority, women, and disadvantaged
owned businesses, Corizon also recognizes there are instances where our subcontracting needs
may not be satisfactorily met by a vendor within these categories. A non-small, minority,
women, or disadvantaged owned businesses may be contracted to fill those needs.
In these instances, Corizon will use best efforts and influence to “flow down” vendor diversity.
Corizon will encourage where applicable, our non-diverse vendors to seek out and utilize small,
minority, women, and disadvantaged owned businesses for any subcontracting opportunities the
contract Corizon awards to them may afford.
Program Specifics
The goal of Corizon’s Vendor Diversity Program is to provide a sustainable competitive
advantage to Corizon in the areas of productivity, cost, quality and flexibility to ensure growth.
Corizon plans to win new and renewing business with its Vendor Diversity Program as one of its
win themes.
The qualities Corizon seeks from its vendors:
Quality – We set high standards of performance for ourselves and the services we deliver.
We expect the same from our vendors, in areas such as quality, responsiveness, service
commitments and transparency. These standards are detailed in the vendor contract
Customer Focus – We seek companies that are committed to the same or better customer
service goals and objectives.
Cost Savings – We seek vendors who continually focus on ways to help us lower our
costs through savings in all areas.
Innovative Business Solutions – We want companies to join our team who are willing to
work toward continuous improvement and more efficient products and services.
Technology – We look favorably on companies who take advantage of technology to
maintain a competitive edge and improve their responsiveness.
Corizon is seeking to identify and recruit small, women-owned and minority-owned businesses
who deliver products and services in the following areas:
Laboratory services
Dialysis services
Medical services
Dental services
Pharmacy services
Medical and dental supplies
Office supplies
Oxygen supplies
Medical and Bio-hazardous waste removal
Mobile radiology, mammography, ECG and EKG services
Printing and promotional items vendors
Shipping vendors
Medical reference books
Free standing radiology supplies and services
IT Services
Re-entry, social services program compliments
Medical transport services
Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy
Interpretation and Language Services
Other health care related services
Profile of ideal vendor qualifications:
1. Strong well defined products and services that match the needs of Corizon and its clients
Competitive, industry based pricing for services
Strong commitment/capabilities in business development
Business classifications for small business, women-owned, or minority-owned business
Solid business practices
Ability to consistently deliver goods and/or services to Corizon’s entities and Client
facilities, wherein Corizon conducts business
7. Past performance track record
Premium Vendor Characteristics:
Specific interests and/or previous experience in correctional healthcare
Geographic presence
Mobility and ability to scale, or expand
Strong past performance
Industry recognized awards and recognition
Monitoring and Compliance
Corizon is committed to building strong program commitment. The foundation of our program
depends upon teamwork between Corizon employees and its vendors to help ensure program
success for all Corizon stakeholders.
Corizon measures its success based on client satisfaction and our ability to create value.
Corizon’s customers monitor our vendor diversity performance and some have contractual
requirements to this end that are measured on an ongoing and periodic nature.
Corizon works closely with its vendors, ensuring the contractual relationship specifies the
requirement of maintaining their credentials and certification status. Corizon regularly verifies
vendor certification status and will address any failure to maintain certification, including
possible termination of its relationship with the vendor.
Corizon has implemented a tracking process to determine when our vendors are approaching
their certification expiration dates. This process will ensure that Corizon notifies vendors of the
impending expiration and determines the intent to ensure ongoing certification. If a vendor does
not wish to recertify, then Corizon will immediately begin to identify replacement vendors. This
process will ensure Corizon’s compliance with program standards and client expectations.
Monthly Report Verification and Distribution
Corizon receives monthly reporting from each Site Account Managers. These reports will
demonstrate the utilization and dollars spent for each vendor as a part of the overall client
This monthly utilization information will help monitor compliance with contract expectations
and participation levels. The reports are initiated in our Finance department and are then
distributed to Provider Operations for review and then finally dissemination to the client. In
addition to client reporting, a client diversity report is produced by Provider Operations and
submitted monthly to the Chief-Level Team for routine compliance review.
The Provider Operations Department is available and ready to provide assistance with any
questions you may have. For more information, please email us at